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View Full Version : wood duck questions

10-11-2007, 09:33 PM
Hi all, i mainly read all the great info on the website now i thought i would ask a question. I was wondering if the wood ducks in our area hang around for winter if it is mild enough or are they gone pretty early. and was also wondering if kent and agassiz areas are the highest populations.

10-11-2007, 09:42 PM
Not too sure on the most populated areas, more often then not you have to find a good flooded woody area. Normally in the last couple years the ones we have on our property leave about 1-2 weeks before the season opens. For some reason this year they have stuck around this long so we've shot two so far both are going to be mounted. I was just down at our woody spot and didn't see anymore, theres about a dozen of them so either they weren't there or they'd left.

10-13-2007, 10:52 PM
We see a lot of wood ducks in Rosedale in the camp river slough. They seem to be there most of the winter. There is no shooting there but they are nice to see anyway. There are a lot of nest boxes in this area that were placed to help the woody population.