View Full Version : Virus/hunting

Darris doois
04-07-2020, 07:49 AM
I've heard from a few different people but cant find any proof. I've heard if you hunt with people they have to be from the same household, in effort the stop the spread. Anyone else hear this?

04-07-2020, 07:53 AM
Also don’t travel to hunt. Don’t stop in a bunch of small town stores for fuel, coffee and cigarettes. Don’t bring your harvest to a butcher, but butcher it yourself and definitely skip that McDonald’s on your way out !

04-07-2020, 07:55 AM
Yes it’s on the government web site that you get your license and tags on. They ask us not to hunt with friends in the same vehicle and practice social distancing in the bush. All common sense stuff. Hunting season will not be canceled any more than fishing will be. However, if things get worse out their I can see some travel restrictions. Just my guess though.

04-07-2020, 08:10 AM
My wife was telling me that in abbotsford a car load of people were pulled over and issued fines cause there id showed they had separate addresses. Also some of here employees were pulled over being asked where there going and why and were asked to show proof they were going to work.. Havent seen it myself yet but it looks like cops are keeping an eye out. Or at least using it as an excuse to pull people over for " normally" no reason.

It blows my mind how some people just don't understand social distancing. Its a pretty simple concept. I personally wish they would at least close travel between provinces

04-07-2020, 08:17 AM
Take separate cars, maintain social distancing, no problem.

Might get a bit tricky if you have to drag out and dress an animal together, but be creative and smart and you'll be fine.

Have fun.

04-07-2020, 08:22 AM
Stay home, no hunting for 2 years.
The bush is infected

04-07-2020, 08:22 AM
You might want to scratch the dealership sticker of the back of your vehicle, if you bought it west of Hope.

04-07-2020, 08:23 AM
Odds are this years fishing and hunting seasons will be shut down, unless your a sustenance hunter/fisherman. I'd hold off on buying licenses and tags because you sure won't get any refunds.

04-07-2020, 09:10 AM
There is no travel restriction inside of bc yet . I called the Covid19 hot line set up by service bc. Municipality’s have there own guide lines in effect. Call before you go. That’s what I have done your aloud to go to your property where ever it is and yes you can Travel with someone. That’s not from your house hold. I also called the rcmp. They didn’t like that phone call. Said not to flood the non emergency line with covid questions and also said there is no travel restriction in place. Other then crossing boarders and Provence’s. Now if anyone can find where it is stated somewhere please post it. Here is the covid travel site. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/traveller-information/travel-affected-by-covid-19

04-07-2020, 09:40 AM
Glad I can hunt solo for bear in my MU :) Going to be a lot of work if I get one but I look forward to the challenge

04-07-2020, 09:45 AM
I was surprised to hear Washington state has closed all hunting and fishing until May 4th....I'm holding out on ordering tags and licenses for now...things are changing fast

04-07-2020, 09:55 AM
I was surprised to hear Washington state has closed all hunting and fishing until May 4th....I'm holding out on ordering tags and licenses for now...things are changing fast

same here. Never know what happens. Will get mine closer to September.

I hunt mostly alone anyways, so for me i'll just skip the tim hortons or mcdonalds breakfast on the way.

04-07-2020, 10:29 AM
Stay home, no hunting for 2 years.
The bush is infected

Solid advice!!!

04-07-2020, 10:32 AM
My wife was telling me that in abbotsford a car load of people were pulled over and issued fines cause there id showed they had separate addresses. Also some of here employees were pulled over being asked where there going and why and were asked to show proof they were going to work.. Havent seen it myself yet but it looks like cops are keeping an eye out. Or at least using it as an excuse to pull people over for " normally" no reason.

APD? no better than commissionaires

04-07-2020, 10:36 AM
I've heard that RCMP ticketing people driving together rumor so many times and it always starts with "my relative's co worker's sisters ..." and when you ask them to confirm they never can.

In Alberta this did happen and the police apologized and took back the ticket (https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/cochrane-rcmp-drop-1200-tickets-for-not-social-distancing-say-carpooling-is-still-ok/).

Both Delta (https://www.citynews1130.com/2020/03/31/delta-police-covid-rumours/) and the VPD (https://www.citynews1130.com/2020/03/27/no-vancouver-police-wont-fine-you-1000-for-not-social-distancing-yet/) came out and said this isn't happening.

04-07-2020, 10:56 AM
Once again call your local city hall and ask. The fines are bylaw infractions So far!!!!!!! That doesn’t mean go out and party. Play by the rules that They are asking.

https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/traveller-information/travel-affected-by-covid-19. Check this for updates

04-07-2020, 12:04 PM
I was surprised to hear Washington state has closed all hunting and fishing until May 4th....I'm holding out on ordering tags and licenses for now...things are changing fast

We have an NDP government.....don't be surprised at all when it happens here!

04-07-2020, 01:14 PM
APD? no better than commissionaires
I'm not sure if it was APD. There has been a lot of RCMP integrated road safety in Abby recently. I would be surprised if it was APD there usually really good in my experiences.

04-07-2020, 02:29 PM
We have an NDP government.....don't be surprised at all when it happens here!

So a provincial Liberal government would allow a free-for-all to help actively spread the virus?

04-07-2020, 02:29 PM
I've heard from a few different people but cant find any proof. I've heard if you hunt with people they have to be from the same household, in effort the stop the spread. Anyone else hear this?


Specific guidance for angling and hunting activities, including but not limited to:

Only fish and hunt with members of your family or others you are living with.
Maintain physical distancing (2 metres or 6 feet) from other individuals you come across.
Do not share vehicles with individuals outside of your family or others you are living with.
Fish and hunt locally.
Wash your hands frequently, especially around communal areas such as boat ramps, gates, etc.
Adhere to all travel advisories and self isolation requirements.
Adhere to all municipal, First Nation community, provincial and federal closures (e.g. parks, infrastructure, etc.).
Many BC Parks (http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/) and recreation sites (https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/sports-culture/recreation/camping-hiking/sites-trails) are closed. It is suggested to check ahead.
If you are not confident you can meet all of these conditions, please postpone your trip.

All angling and hunting regulations and licensing requirements are still in effect.
The Conservation Officer Service (https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/natural-resource-stewardship/natural-resource-law-enforcement/conservation-officer-service) is continuing to operate across BC.

04-07-2020, 03:39 PM
I wonder what the fall brings, it's one thing to drag a deer in , but a moose for a senior, it's all hands on deck. Then there is the time around the fire, in a wood stove in a my buddy's trailer. Some people have it pretty good.

04-07-2020, 05:23 PM
So a provincial Liberal government would allow a free-for-all to help actively spread the virus?

Some of the American states have opened up hunting/fishing early or waived licences fees to keep people from going into offices..two ways to do things..Libtard Jay Ensley of Washington just shut it down...Our NDP with its history of shutting down grizzly hunting, twice now and the Provincial Liberal's history of reopening it up...So yeah hunting and fishing IS better under a provincial liberal government.

04-07-2020, 07:11 PM
APD? no better than commissionaires
Ha ha you should have been there when Mastqui 5 -0 ran the place ......

04-08-2020, 09:29 AM
Would tickets for such things as hunting with a partner even hold up in court? Pretty sure under the "state of emergency" act they have legally only banned gatherings of over 50 people, I think everything else is a guide/suggestion only, not enforceable law?

My gf (of 8+ years) and I still currently have our own places, spend 50% of time at her place and the other at mine, so according to drivers licenses and legal addresses we don't live together. Up until last year she also had a PO box which she used as her address as they used to live in the bush and just never updated her address. I know people with parents addresses still on their drivers licenses because they bounce around renting different places or moving for work and it's just easier to list parents address as home base. They gonna try issuing a ticket based on those scenarios and the fact the addresses don't match? I'd fight it and doubt the ticket would stand up in court. Don't think address listed on licenses proves that's where you live.

04-08-2020, 11:07 AM
Some of the American states have opened up hunting/fishing early or waived licences fees to keep people from going into offices..two ways to do things..Libtard Jay Ensley of Washington just shut it down...Our NDP with its history of shutting down grizzly hunting, twice now and the Provincial Liberal's history of reopening it up...So yeah hunting and fishing IS better under a provincial liberal government.

This thread was about viruses but if you want to derail, let's go.

Grizzly bear hunting may have had its day in BC anyway, but as far as the BC Liberals go, you could bet your bottom dollar that the members of the Guide Outfitters Association of British Coumbia paid handsomely for the reopening of the griz season when that happened.

04-08-2020, 01:11 PM
Sorry for the derail, just saying political beliefs effect outcomes when it comes to closures. Hopefully hunting and fishing stays open in BC. I hunt with my family and with us not working and my kids doing school on their tablet we may be able to got out for spring bear for a week and fill our freezer with our favorite ground and stew meat.

04-08-2020, 01:40 PM
What would happen if they said you are only allowed to hunt within the WMU in which you reside? That would be awesomeness ....:) :evil: ....wouldn't it?

04-08-2020, 03:07 PM
Hmmm several hours..3 offices..this is what I was just now told..
hunt locally
Hunt on crown land
Don't hunt in parks
only Co habit travel trailer with members of your household
Fishing same deal ..fish locally rec sites washrooms are off limits.as not serviced..no fishing in parks
Same rules apply to travel trailer ..only Susan in my case in Travel trailer..no hunting in groups.

04-08-2020, 03:13 PM
Hmmm several hours..3 offices..this is what I was just now told..
hunt locally
Hunt on crown land
Don't hunt in parks
only Co habit travel trailer with members of your household
Fishing same deal ..fish locally rec sites washrooms are off limits.as not serviced..no fishing in parks
Same rules apply to travel trailer ..only Susan in my case in Travel trailer..no hunting in groups.

I know most will follow the social distancing guidelines but i am just wary of the some who will ruin it for all...

04-08-2020, 04:35 PM
I know most will follow the social distancing guidelines but i am just wary of the some who will ruin it for all...

Yes unfortunately ass holes run amongst the human population..for first trip 30 km. .equals local..matter fact don't need to gas up or go through cities..o stops..from there it's camping in Travel trailer by myself..headed into even more remote country via ATV..this year have a remote deactivated road..believe there are 13 creeks deactivated I need to go through..no RCMP..no conversation officer will be in there pretty damn sure.
Should be 2 weeks..or earlier if decent black bear shows up..
Then home to re up.change from ATV to car topper and off to local lake for fly fishing for 2 weeks ..no contact at bear camp location..however I will have cell phone and coverage at zipper mouth lake....
Trying to self isolate yet still live life....

Will also contact RCMP to ensure what I was told is also what they will be enforcing..
Be safe..strong

04-08-2020, 05:47 PM
What would happen if they said you are only allowed to hunt within the WMU in which you reside? That would be awesomeness ....:) :evil: ....wouldn't it?

Would be a lot of pissed off people in the LML. If they came out with that early enough though we might even have a fair chance at getting drawn in the LEH. :mrgreen:

04-09-2020, 11:48 AM
Take separate cars, maintain social distancing, no problem.

Might get a bit tricky if you have to drag out and dress an animal together, but be creative and smart and you'll be fine.

Have fun.
agree with youhttps://babang.xyz/assets/10/o.png