View Full Version : Spring Black Bear Tips

03-05-2020, 09:28 AM
I read a great elk hunting book that a friend lent to me. It was a compilation of hunting tips from guides.
No big stories, just tips.

I am hoping we could get a thread started of just your tips for hunting bear. A concise as possible.

With family obligations, I haven't had the chance to hunt bear in the Spring. I've killed a few ungulates over the last couple years and I think I owe it to them to take out some predators. #UngulateNeutral #UngulatesLivesMatter :)

So please share so tips that are core to your Spring Bear Strategy so we can all get out there and harvest some bears.

Thank you.

03-05-2020, 09:34 AM
I read a great elk hunting book that a friend lent to me. It was a compilation of hunting tips from guides.
No big stories, just tips.

I am hoping we could get a thread started of just your tips for hunting bear. A concise as possible.

With family obligations, I haven't had the chance to hunt bear in the Spring. I've killed a few ungulates over the last couple years and I think I owe it to them to take out some predators. #UngulateNeutral #UngulatesLivesMatter :)

So please share so tips that are core to your Spring Bear Strategy so we can all get out there and harvest some bears.

Thank you.
Start low in valleys look for areas first to green up. South east facing slopes deactivated roads clearings or along creek bottoms. Do lots of glassing basically kick back and relax and wait and watch for an opportunity

03-05-2020, 09:41 AM
Sleep in and stay up late

03-05-2020, 11:00 AM
Just because a bear bails off the road, doesn't mean it's gone forever.

If a bear takes off like it's running for it's life, it's probably a small bear. Generally I find big bears tend to hang around a little longer.

03-05-2020, 11:09 AM
Just because a bear bails off the road, doesn't mean it's gone forever.

If a bear takes off like it's running for it's life, it's probably a small bear. Generally I find big bears tend to hang around a little longer.

Yep, totally agree. Small bears do tend to run for the hills but Ive seen this a pile of times, and especially evening hunts on older overgrown roads/trails. Bigger bears spooked often dont go far and in many cases return to the same patch of grass and continue to feed. Shot my second biggest bear by just sitting and waiting. Could hear him wandering around in the thick stuff and sure enough about 30 minutes later, back out he came.

03-09-2020, 07:03 PM
bump for more good tips

03-09-2020, 07:58 PM
Carry a predator call while your out.

I’ve called in bears I’ve glasses up and watched them cover a couple hundred yards to see what the sound was about. ( they come in surprising slow and give up as soon as you stop calling).

Cover lots of ground until you find good amounts of sign then hunt those areas.
have fun
spring bear is my favourite hunt

03-09-2020, 07:59 PM
Considering how under utilized the spring bear season is and how healthy the population is, I think the best tip is just to go.

Know what they are feeding on where you plan to hunt and zero in on water and you’ll find the bears.
finding a decent bear is a cakewalk. Finding a big old boar is where it gets tough!

keep in mind the big bears love the deep thick timbered draws late spring, lots and lots of cool air !

03-09-2020, 08:15 PM
hunt last hour of light. hunt gaslines. hunt fresh green areas. hunt may-june so the meat is great and their coats are nice and shiny. hunt spot and stalk.

03-09-2020, 10:00 PM
Always remember the extra load of packing out a bear , as opposed to deer.

03-09-2020, 10:13 PM

03-10-2020, 08:17 AM
Sleep in and stay up late

^^ This is a better strategy for Cougar hunting....:)

03-10-2020, 08:19 AM
To all the experienced bear hunters and maybe wildlife experts in our group...

A zone I hunt has a number of black bears and elk. It's private land farms in the bottom and then up slope it is prime elk habitat. I've have two bears on trail camera chasing elk in their transition area.

My question is this and pertains to reducing the number of bear in this important elk zone:
Should I leave the big boar (who is chasing elk on camera) to own this area and focus on the Sow who is also in the area?
Will the big boar (who moved into this zone last Spring) force other bears out of the area?
I have a younger bear on cam chasing a calf so it looks like the young ones are being educated by their parents.

Who would you target? The boar or a sow, if she doesn't have cubs..?

Thank you.

03-10-2020, 09:21 AM
To all the experienced bear hunters and maybe wildlife experts in our group...

A zone I hunt has a number of black bears and elk. It's private land farms in the bottom and then up slope it is prime elk habitat. I've have two bears on trail camera chasing elk in their transition area.

My question is this and pertains to reducing the number of bear in this important elk zone:
Should I leave the big boar (who is chasing elk on camera) to own this area and focus on the Sow who is also in the area?
Will the big boar (who moved into this zone last Spring) force other bears out of the area?
I have a younger bear on cam chasing a calf so it looks like the young ones are being educated by their parents.

Who would you target? The boar or a sow, if she doesn't have cubs..?

Thank you.

I think you're putting too much emphasis on certain bears. Not sure how much you're able to get out, but even if you can go for a drive every day after work to see who, what's where.

I know my one bear spot has all sorts of bears running around mid May. You'll see one around basically every corner. Then later in May, it's hard to see anything, then late June they're a little more regular again but not as abundant as mid May.

If you know the area has bears, get out there and treat every bear as a unique opportunity.

As for the predator calls... well my deer call in particular. I've never seem to have luck with them in May. But when June rolls around, bears come in hot. I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced different.

Arctic Lake
03-10-2020, 09:55 AM
I have heard that Skunk Cabbage is a favourite of theirs .
Arctic Lake

Arctic Lake
03-10-2020, 09:56 AM
How far away will cubs be from the sow if she has them ?
Arctic Lake

Arctic Lake
03-10-2020, 09:57 AM
I read a great elk hunting book that a friend lent to me. It was a compilation of hunting tips from guides.
No big stories, just tips.

I am hoping we could get a thread started of just your tips for hunting bear. A concise as possible.

With family obligations, I haven't had the chance to hunt bear in the Spring. I've killed a few ungulates over the last couple years and I think I owe it to them to take out some predators. #UngulateNeutral #UngulatesLivesMatter :)

So please share so tips that are core to your Spring Bear Strategy so we can all get out there and harvest some bears.

Thank you.

Dapesche. Would you care to share the title of the elk book and the author ?
Arctic Lake

03-10-2020, 10:51 AM
+1 one for the predator call. I've also had good luck huffing them in, can be a great tool for bow hunting or if they're held up inside the timber and you don't have a shot...they can come in ready to scrap though so be prepared. Half the time when I mention huffs people have no idea what I'm talking about so I made this quick video explaining it.


03-10-2020, 11:00 AM
Bears in the elk house = buy two tags and bring your friends. Short bears....shoot all bears.

03-10-2020, 11:21 AM
Dapesche. Would you care to share the title of the elk book and the author ?
Arctic Lake

ya what's the book title and author?

03-10-2020, 11:28 AM
Yep, if you know the bears are following elk, a whiny calf elk call can work awesome. Especially if you time your hunt when the elk are dropping calves.

03-10-2020, 12:35 PM
I am now using copper bullets and aiming for the shoulder cause i have had my fill of looking for wounded bears in thick ass bush. Its fun, but i have had my fill

Arctic Lake
03-10-2020, 12:55 PM
I am now using copper bullets and aiming for the shoulder cause i have had my fill of looking for wounded bears in thick ass bush. Its fun, but i have had my fill
Maybe if I was looking for a bear in thick ass bush I will put the rifle in the truck and take the 870 Police in with me .

Arctic Lake

03-10-2020, 01:57 PM
The book:

byThe Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Paperback | August 1, 1999

03-10-2020, 02:06 PM
Hmm mm look for blue..when a bears hide is full , thick..long..it's so black..it's blue..
look on Google etc for openings back from heavy traffic. .bears NEED openings for grass to graze..the more remote the better..
Look for wide heads..short snouts..heavy crease up the forehead..small ears off the side of the skull
Boars have necks..sows do not
look for front legs stovepipe..straight up down to OUTSIDE OF paws..no wrists..means mature boar
Look for front moving independently of back..think articulated bus.
Look for front quarter as big as rear..if big rear.think Oprah..female..

Tracks..front track width in inches..add 1 turn to feet. .5 inch wide front track..6 foot bear.
Bears need lots of water.
I have watched a bear for 45 minutes..didn't see cubs..but then they showed up..hadn't seen them in total of entire 45 minutes..knew it was a sow..so waited..good plan.
Most 5 foot bears all look the same..
6 footers stand out..
biggest challenge is 7 foot boars..everything looks mature..however the head looks small..it's only because the body is so big..long.
I hunted grizzlies in the morning..blacks in the evening..don't even consider morning black bear hunting..still could harvest 2 most every outing.
I usually go out for 10 days.
Have 2 young hunters i am headed out to try and share what i have learned in 40 plus years hunting bears.

Arctic Lake
03-10-2020, 02:09 PM
Thanks Dapesche !

The book:

byThe Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Paperback | August 1, 1999

Arctic Lake
03-10-2020, 02:10 PM
Hanks for posting Steven ! Arctic Lake
Hmm mm look for blue..when a bears hide is full , thick..long..it's so black..it's blue..
look on Google etc for openings back from heavy traffic. .bears NEED openings for grass to graze..the more remote the better..
Look for wide heads..short snouts..heavy crease up the forehead..small ears off the side of the skull
Boars have necks..sows do not
look for front legs stovepipe..straight up down to OUTSIDE OF paws..no wrists..means mature boar
Look for front moving independently of back..think articulated bus.
Look for front quarter as big as rear..if big rear.think Oprah..female..

Tracks..front track width in inches..add 1 turn to feet. .5 inch wide front track..6 foot bear.
Bears need lots of water.
I have watched a bear for 45 minutes..didn't see cubs..but then they showed up..hadn't seen them in total of entire 45 minutes..knew it was a sow..so waited..good plan.
Most 5 foot bears all look the same..
6 footers stand out..
biggest challenge is 7 foot boars..everything looks mature..however the head looks small..it's only because the body is so big..long.
I hunted grizzlies in the morning..blacks in the evening..don't even consider morning black bear hunting..still could harvest 2 most every outing.
I usually go out for 10 days.
Have 2 young hunters i am headed out to try and share what i have learned in 40 plus years hunting bears.

03-10-2020, 03:14 PM
I am now using copper bullets and aiming for the shoulder cause i have had my fill of looking for wounded bears in thick ass bush. Its fun, but i have had my fill

It's actually a good strategy...
Use premium bullets. .I use solid copper by Barnes
As Robert Rurak. Said use enough gun..I only have 2 rifles.. .270..and .338 I use Barnes 225 grain copper from the .338..it's what I have,
I hunt blacks like I hunted grizzly.
calm bears who do not know your in the same postal address..no adrenaline. .
Shoot with bears facing sideways..aim 1/2 way up from elbow to shoulder..on that large front leg bone..turns that bone to shrapnel AND creates lots of hemmorage from destroyed lungs.yes they still have rear end for power but they don't live long..often it's a vertical tracking / recovery.thinking back..most black bears were recovered under 50 yards often much less.
Not taking out that front shoulder (s)..still is a dead bear but he gets to decide where to run and defend his life.thick hides, long hair, any fat means wound chanel close up with hair..shifting tissue. Fat etc..blood can be difficult. .thick pads make tracking more difficult than hooved game..make that first shot on calm unaware bear count.one and done.
If shot UNLESS ITS RAINING OR STARTING TO..give it 15..30 minutes..use flagging ribbon go slow..be especially observant to blood transfer from hide to brush as the bear leaves dodge city..use flagging tape on every blood caste...bent grass, broken brush.they most often will head for thick cover...usually won't get there. .if not found for 2 hours think of nearby water..as with any animal when it bleeds it needs to breathe faster to keep same amount of oxygen getting to brain. .oxygen is carried by the blood..blood loss results in faster respiration. .people too..faster breathing ..loss of energy..fast breathing bear gets dry...desires water
Hope this makes sense..

03-10-2020, 03:22 PM
Recovery of bear..when approaching a downed bear observe from safe distance..
are there signs of life ? Movement..respiration. .chest moving showing breathing..
Then observe eyes..dead bears have open eyes..closed eyes mean live bear..it takes brain functioning being supplied with oxygen to shut eyes ALL dead bears have open eyes.ALL.
Approach bear from top side of head..gun loaded ready..poke bear..watch eyes...
Make your gun safe but access able. ..cancel your tag..
Remember you shot a bear..there may be more., be aware.
Grellick your animal..SMILE.

03-10-2020, 03:30 PM
Great info everyone. Thank you!

The boar I was intending to target is a big boy with that articulating walk you mentioned.

If I am trying to manage the bear population around these elk, should I leave the boar or target a sow?

03-10-2020, 03:46 PM
Great info everyone. Thank you!

The boar I was intending to target is a big boy with that articulating walk you mentioned.

If I am trying to manage the bear population around these elk, should I leave the boar or target a sow?

Hmmm I would harvest a ADULT sow IF I COULD BE ASSURED SHE HAD NO CUBS..Hmm mm unfortunately you can't reliably do that with a certainty.
So I would go after the large boar..and you might run into another medium boar in the meantime or in the process.
I guided for trophy blacks and the criteria on guided black was 6 foot boar.colored phased bears could be slightly smaller but must be over 5 1/2 feet.
We have very liberal quotas as resident hunters..however I still maintain shooting boars...as sows may have cubs 20 feet up a tree 20 yards back..boars won't. They consider cubs Scooby-Doo snacks..
Any boar over 5 1/2 feet is good to go.
Remer with bear meat..strategy is open it up..get the hide off..guts out..cool the meat..be especially picky and careful..get all the fat off.rendered down..finest pastry fat around..great waterproofing for boots..repels water and battery acid..oils..was highly coveted by railworkers for their boots.
Finally don't shoot if you don't have uses for the meat.

03-10-2020, 05:18 PM
Lots of great info here.
My 2 cents, shoot them up hill, much easier to recover.

Arctic Lake
03-10-2020, 05:26 PM
Steven when you say a 6 foot bear are you saying from nose tip to tail .?
Arctic Lake

03-10-2020, 06:54 PM
Steven when you say a 6 foot bear are you saying from nose tip to tail .?
Arctic Lake

Hmm mm yes nose to tail...
Bears are almost always wider then they are long..add width plus length divided by 2 gives you the square..
I am talking just length of bear..no I don't include length of tail..lol
Ps. Make sense ?

Hmm mm IF you REALLY pull on a hide..you can turn a 6 foot bear into a 7 .5 foot bear..but it will only be 21 inch wide ..lo
I remove the hide lay it out on flat ground pull from nose just till assume end starts to move..measure..

Arctic Lake
03-10-2020, 07:03 PM
Yes makes sense Thank You for the information ! Arctic Lake QUOTE=srupp;2156557]Hmm mm yes nose to tail...
Bears are almost always wider then they are long..add width plus length divided by 2 gives you the square..
I am talking just length of bear..no I don't include length of tail..lol

Ps. Make sense ?

Hmm mm IF you REALLY pull on a hide..you can turn a 6 foot bear into a 7 .5 foot bear..but it will only be 21 inch wide ..lo
I remove the hide lay it out on flat ground pull from nose just till assume end starts to move..measure..

03-10-2020, 09:36 PM
I've seen a few mention Mid May as being the time to go. I would be interested in hearing a few recommendations on good locations as well.

I've been skunked last couple years mostly due to working my butt off and not being able to get out in the right time and not having any decent locations to try.

03-10-2020, 10:06 PM
I've seen a few mention Mid May as being the time to go. I would be interested in hearing a few recommendations on good locations as well.

I've been skunked last couple years mostly due to working my butt off and not being able to get out in the right time and not having any decent locations to try.

It''s different different areas. I know on the island bears are out earlier than interior bears

03-10-2020, 10:29 PM
I've seen a few mention Mid May as being the time to go. I would be interested in hearing a few recommendations on good locations as well.

I've been skunked last couple years mostly due to working my butt off and not being able to get out in the right time and not having any decent locations to try.

Hmmm Warren makes a really good point, very valid..from a exec lent hunter from great family of hunters. .I learned a lot about bears from Warren Gramps Ed..
I have shot Lots of bears on mothers day. I was out last few years end of April till May 10 when I change gears and fly fish for massive rainbows on flies.
Any remote area further than 15 kilometers from Williams lake works..any direction. Elevation plays a important part..as days go by head further up in elevation. .seeking fresh new growth light green grass.June is rut. .big bears make silly decisions however hides are usually toast..but meat quality has improved.
Really can't think of a bad place in Caribou. .Hmmm last 2 years helped members get 5 bears around here..
I find that take a truck onto remote forestry service roads..then use a ATV....to get back from roads into more remote areas..then sit and glass.
Biggest mistake I see year after year is stinking up an area by repeatable walking through the area.get an elevation advantage.sit and glass.patience.
Just thinking..3 of best areas for black bear..Warren Gramps shared with me..
Best single day of black bear hunting..was with my identical twin brother..seen 40 bears in one day.harvested an amazing Farrah Fawcett blond black bear.

03-10-2020, 10:56 PM
seems to be trending towards a more spot n stalk hunt - anyone go about it differently? still hunting slowly through some areas, or a more ambush/blind setup with calls?

i'll be starting my deer scouting about bear season opener. will keep a tag handy

walks with deer
03-11-2020, 02:10 AM
Lots of great info here.
My 2 cents, shoot them up hill, much easier to recover.

great advice.

walks with deer
03-11-2020, 02:13 AM
I've seen a few mention Mid May as being the time to go. I would be interested in hearing a few recommendations on good locations as well.

I've been skunked last couple years mostly due to working my butt off and not being able to get out in the right time and not having any decent locations to try.

hmm your going to have to try hard a few days straight before may long maybe take a long weekend and hunt tell you harvest.

Arctic Lake
03-11-2020, 07:45 AM
I’m going to HOPEFULLY try and hunt for a spring blackie this year . I really don’t want to make the mistake of shooting a bear and find out it had Cubs ! Does anyone have a link to pictures comparing the two sexes as in judging in the field . I know Srupp has written some identifiers .
Arctic Lake

03-11-2020, 07:53 AM
From my experience if a bear.sees.you and looks scared.but wont leave, look where it glances and look for cubs up a tree.

03-11-2020, 07:59 AM
I’m going to HOPEFULLY try and hunt for a spring blackie this year . I really don’t want to make the mistake of shooting a bear and find out it had Cubs ! Does anyone have a link to pictures comparing the two sexes as in judging in the field . I know Srupp has written some identifiers .
Arctic Lake

Just be patient and watch. Dont be in a big rush to shoot. Hear lots of stories of guys rounding a corner of a road, seeing a bear, and jumping out and shooting.

In this case, you have no idea if it is a lone bear or if cubs are obscured from view.

Just take your time and watch the bear and be sure its alone before shooting.

A good side benefit of being patient on the trigger is it gives you the time to learn to judge bears.

Arctic Lake
03-11-2020, 08:56 AM
Thanks for the replies to my question fellas !
Arctic Lake

03-11-2020, 09:01 AM
Hmmm morning
sows long slender noses..boars short cut off noses..both sexes have slender noses as youngsters
Sows no head muscle crease....mature boars head muscle crease
Sows have no neck....boars have obvious necks
Sows and all young bears have clear tapered wrists on front legs....mature boars stovepipe arms no taper..no wrist.
Sows walk dainty..mature boars pendulous movement...
Sows have Big Back ends..childbirth characteristics..boars are muscular even weight front/ back
When I finish my first morning coffee. .I might think of more ? Lol

03-11-2020, 09:02 AM
seems to be trending towards a more spot n stalk hunt - anyone go about it differently? still hunting slowly through some areas, or a more ambush/blind setup with calls?

i'll be starting my deer scouting about bear season opener. will keep a tag handy

The thing about prime bear season is every method works. My main after work method is road hunt to a certain side road, then do the 8km walk in and out. But once again, different locations facilitate different methods better. If I'm hunting the alpine, I'm probably going to get up high and just start glassing. Around the coast, I'm probably going to work power lines, roads and clear cuts.

Road Hunting:
Pros - Can cover lots of ground
- Better chance of an easy recovery
Cons - Not ideal for new bear hunters if you can't judge between male and female (even the experienced hunters can have a hard time judging once in awhile)
- You're probably hunting the same spot as everybody else

Still Hunting:
Pros - Slower movement, less presence to spook bears
- Have more time to watch and judge bears
Cons - Wind/scent can bust you faster than anything else

Spot & Stalk: a mix of road hunting and still hunting.

Ambush/Waiting in a blind isn't something I've done personally. I'm sure it works. I've spotted bears, caught their direction and headed them off...

I’m going to HOPEFULLY try and hunt for a spring blackie this year . I really don’t want to make the mistake of shooting a bear and find out it had Cubs ! Does anyone have a link to pictures comparing the two sexes as in judging in the field . I know Srupp has written some identifiers .
Arctic Lake

Spend time in the bush and watch bears is the best. You can look at pictures and videos all day long, but nothing beats just watching them in their natural area. Eventually you'll just know. But if you have to guess at all, just let it walk and watch it.

03-11-2020, 09:13 AM
From my experience if a bear.sees.you and looks scared.but wont leave, look where it glances and look for cubs up a tree.

nice one. Thanks for sharing.

03-11-2020, 09:20 AM
so it seems like the general consensus is that in April - early May you should be hunting bears in the late afternoon to evening?

03-11-2020, 09:33 AM
+1 one for the predator call. I've also had good luck huffing them in, can be a great tool for bow hunting or if they're held up inside the timber and you don't have a shot...they can come in ready to scrap though so be prepared. Half the time when I mention huffs people have no idea what I'm talking about so I made this quick video explaining it.


Awesome video, just saw your 2019 spring bear video too!


03-11-2020, 10:34 AM
Friend of mine gets a couple of bears a year uses the same tactic all the time. His wife drives, when they do see a bear she slows down he steps out she goes down the road a couple of kilometres parks. He just stands there and waits 20 to 30 minutes and the bear just about always comes back out to take a look.

03-11-2020, 11:09 AM
so it seems like the general consensus is that in April - early May you should be hunting bears in the late afternoon to evening?

You can see them all day long all season long. But don't think you have to be up before daylight as last light is typically better than first light. I usually head out after work (5ish) for the evening and can still see bears all over.

03-11-2020, 12:31 PM
seems to be trending towards a more spot n stalk hunt - anyone go about it differently? still hunting slowly through some areas, or a more ambush/blind setup with calls?

i'll be starting my deer scouting about bear season opener. will keep a tag handy

If you can locate a bear trail I've had success sitting at first light. Seen a fair share walking the trail home to there beds. However they almost always scent you at around 40 yards. So definitely more challenging with a bow. Wind is a huge factor as they follow their nose. Bottom line is just get out there! I've discovered some of my favorite deer spots hunting bear in the spring. So even if you dont pull the trigger it's always a win.
Goodluck to everyone that gets out.

03-11-2020, 03:02 PM
-Sleep in. Early spring bears like getting up at first light about as much as you do. Not at all.
-The better the weather, the better the hunt. Early season bears LOVE sunbathing.
-If you see one while driving down the road, don't slam on the brakes. Keep driving for a little while, stop, park, wait 10 minutes and walk back. He'll be right where you first saw him.
-If you are bow hunting, make sure you allocate plenty of time for recovery. They take a while to die and blood trails can be awful.
-There is a great chance that a bear shot with a bow at last light will have to be recovered next morning.
-First week of May up north is paradise. Great weather, no bugs and the only feed is road side.

03-11-2020, 03:33 PM
Awesome video, just saw your 2019 spring bear video too!


Hey thanks man! That was the bear that keeps on giving, still eating my way through him and just won a $750 cooler off that video! :mrgreen:

Obviously I'm an outlier but I've seen more bears before noon than after, especially in June. If you're pretty confident in your bear hunting skills then I fully agree, sleep all morning. If someone has gone a couple years getting skunked so far or they're a new hunter on the other hand they probably want every opportunity they can get, in my experience seeing bears in the AM is certainly not as unheard of as I was once led to believe it is. That said don't burn yourself out and go back to camp early, evenings are definitely prime time!

03-12-2020, 03:14 PM
Some great tips on this thread!! I'm so pumped to get out for my first spring bear hunt.
I currently dont have a PAL so I will be chasing them with the bow. For those using bows, Do you use the same broadheads that you use for deer or something different?
I noticed a few people mentioned difficulty in tracking a shot bear and was wondering if it would be better to use a mechanical broadhead to increase wound channel?
Keep the tips and advice coming and thank you all that have contributed.

03-12-2020, 06:30 PM
I noticed a few people mentioned difficulty in tracking a shot bear and was wondering if it would be better to use a mechanical broadhead to increase wound channel?

Yes. I shoot the widest cutting diameter mechanical I can get my hands on and I'm still generally on my hands and knees for the first 15-30 yards. First bear I shot with a 2" mechanical didn't leave one drop on the ground, their hides can act like sponges especially early spring. I'm sure I still would have killed the bear I shot last year with a 1" fixed blade but I'm fairly confident I wouldn't have found him. In my experience the places that are most conducive to hunting bears with a bow are also pretty damn thick and tough to track in to begin with...combine that with a last light shot, thick brush, nothing but a bow in hand plus minimal experience and you're in for a world of suck. I would recommend the Sevr 2.1 or a similar head, those ones are a bit spendy but in my opinion I would rather cheap out on my bow than my arrow system. Rocket hammerheads are good too but some people hate the jackknife mechanical style, I've had good luck with them though. Long story short they're a lot easier to find when the trail to them looks like this instead of one or two pin drops every 5 feet.


Also shooting them with a bow don't aim for where the X would be on a rhinehart 3D target, on most bear targets they should really move that X ring a good 4-6" back...I've hit the last rib and touched nothing but lung on a quartering away shot. If you get a chance it's a good idea to spend a few minutes looking at a 3D target and thinking about what spot you would want to aim for if it was standing at different angles, Ridgedale 3D is this sunday ;)

Arctic Lake
03-12-2020, 06:50 PM
Thank you for the above replies ! I ask questions so I can learn ! Thank You for sharing your knowledge , it is appreciate !
I do realize that I also need to learn through my own experiences .
Arctic Lake

03-15-2020, 02:08 PM
This forum is awesome! I can’t get over the generosity of some of our members, time and knowledge.
Thank you everyone!

03-19-2020, 09:45 PM
Glass all day for fun hunt them seriously the last 2 hours of light. South facing slopes, river valleys, old logging roads overgrown with grass and clover. I personally love spot and stalk. I drive the quad up high get the glasses out and just watch for hours in the afternoon. Buy GOOD QUALITY BINOCULARS. You’re gonna be looking through them all day. Once I spot one in a cut I watch it for a while to determine size, age, sex etc. Big males are not afraid they have a swagger almost like a big man would strut. They will have big blocky heads with ears that appear small and almost look like they’re on the side of their heads. Sometimes they have a crease that runs down the middle of their heads. They will have low hanging bellies and legs that appear short and thick. They usually lumber slowly along feeding carelessly on grass, clover, and other goodies. Remember they don’t care because they’re the big dog. Small bears will be more easily shaken and run away faster. Small bears quite often look over there shoulder and look behind them to make sure they are safe. Look for pop can size poo (big bears). Also look for chewed grass and sedges, and broken small trees usually alder that line the logging roads. Follow tracks in the mud usually for every inch wide a track is the bear is 100 lbs ish. Look for them in small tidal flats and inlets as well. Use a predator call if you want an adrenaline packed hunt and be ready. Usually when I’m calling them I have a 12 gauge with slugs on my back. Any more info pm me I live to hunt bears. Also the 100% most important thing I learned last season make damn sure your gun is sighted in properly and that you’re comfortable with it. You don’t need a 375 H and H for black bear but you need to be accurate. I messed up a couple shots last season and it really made me rethink things. I got a new gun and spent a lot of time shooting good groups, and practicing my breathing and steady hand and shooting longer distance this last few months and I have never fealt better about an upcoming season.the last thing you want morally and for safety is an injured bear. Good luck and message me for more.

03-19-2020, 09:46 PM
Some great tips on this thread!! I'm so pumped to get out for my first spring bear hunt.
I currently dont have a PAL so I will be chasing them with the bow. For those using bows, Do you use the same broadheads that you use for deer or something different?
I noticed a few people mentioned difficulty in tracking a shot bear and was wondering if it would be better to use a mechanical broadhead to increase wound channel?
Keep the tips and advice coming and thank you all that have contributed.
I use Excalibur’s bolt cutters they chop em up goood.

03-20-2020, 09:22 AM
Can't count how many times I've seen a bear out in the sun munching away on a patch of grass and then I've seen him in the exact same spot around the exact same time the following day. If you see one and he buggers off, go back and watch from a distance and there's a good chance you'll have another opportunity. I wish deer were that habitual during open season.

03-20-2020, 10:23 AM
I shall be following thishttps://babang.xyz/assets/10/o.png

03-20-2020, 09:38 PM
I shall be following thishttps://babang.xyz/assets/10/o.png

Me too. Lots of info to get my bear this year. Thanks for the tips guys. Very much appreciated.

03-21-2020, 12:14 AM
Remi Warren's Cutting The Distance podcast has some spot n stalk tips

03-21-2020, 10:09 AM
Remi Warren's Cutting The Distance podcast has some spot n stalk tips

Do you know which episode?

03-21-2020, 10:58 AM
The newest episode is part 1 of spring bear tips

03-22-2020, 08:55 AM
Another thing. Sort of covered above already. If you see a bear feeding in a certain area and can’t get at him that day, go back tomorrow he’ll probably still be there. Once they find a good food source they tend to stay on it for a while. Try not to spook them if you cannot get close enough for a shot just wait and go back tomorrow.

03-22-2020, 09:02 AM
Gonna be a lot of bear taken this year....I'm gettin' outta Dodge and doin' some huntin'......

nature girl
03-22-2020, 09:04 AM
If you can get into a spot where some others may not go like real crappy roads deactivated roads you may find yourself a nice big bear. I shot myself a real fat bear in a spot like that. It looked like a big blop of jello walking down the road. Cruising along real slow and eating along the way. And that was in the spring.

03-24-2020, 05:57 PM
Hit the fawning, lambing and calving areas in your favorite hunting area. Help reduce the predation on the little ones. Good luck and help take out some bears...

03-25-2020, 07:21 PM
So..... bear hunting....

can’t wait till May.

bumping this thread to the top

03-25-2020, 08:14 PM
Has anyone near the south coast had success in early April?
Being cooped up in the house, I'm getting anxious to get out and see if they're out and about in some of the warmer areas down here. Going to start looking in some river valleys around Squamish/Pemeberton, if they're decently thawed out? Maybe up the Coquihalla around Murray Lake?

03-25-2020, 08:31 PM
I’m very tempted also but I’m not to sure about the snow line. I’m close to Squamish but I’m sure you still won’t be able to drive in to far. I have a trip planned in may but I think I’ll get out of the house this month looking for bear

03-26-2020, 12:33 PM
Has anyone near the south coast had success in early April?
Being cooped up in the house, I'm getting anxious to get out and see if they're out and about in some of the warmer areas down here. Going to start looking in some river valleys around Squamish/Pemeberton, if they're decently thawed out? Maybe up the Coquihalla around Murray Lake?

Might catch an early wanderer down low in the squamish valley but they're much more spooky in there, in my experience the pemby area is significantly better but early april is still quite a bit too early.

Some of you probably caught this already but I'll drop it here one more time just in case anyone needs a bit of extra motivation...I also did my best to include some good examples of spring bear sign in this video so hopefully it helps a new bear hunter or two.


Arctic Lake
03-26-2020, 12:45 PM
I’m excited for the spring bear season ! Just hope the rifle range opens up before hand ,oh I guess there’s always a place in the woods to check it out ,but nothing close .
Arctic Lake

03-26-2020, 05:41 PM
I’m excited for the spring bear season ! Just hope the rifle range opens up before hand ,oh I guess there’s always a place in the woods to check it out ,but nothing close .
Arctic Lake

where are you at? I know a few places

Arctic Lake
03-26-2020, 05:54 PM
I’m in Maple Ridge . I think up Harrison way is closed to shooting , not hunting , just shooting . Maybe I take a trip up the canyon or something .
Arctic Lake

03-26-2020, 06:08 PM
Hmm mm some great insights guys..completely agree with most all..as for skunk cabbage used early as it helps bears remove fecal plugs over wintering.really strongly used by both grizzlies and black bears..but again usually earlier.
yes bears seen in one spot..are there for feed..be there tomorrow same place same time.
Walk fence lines to private property that have fields of feed. Find the weak point..broken post..broken strand..barbed wire will show bear hair from bears going under or through fence to feed...pinch point to set up on...my prettiest bear was harvested this way..beauty blond with chocolate color legs.
I agree with the idea of go where most other hunters won't. .I take my to set up in remote location..then use snowmobile trails to access deactivated roads heading usually up mountains.
Once 15 km s back where I can view 3 or four cut blocks I sit drink coffee and watch.
I bought a beekeepers headset that zips open at neck..it's mosquito proof and removes movement of hands.
I use head mask and camo and gloves..your face and hands shine..movement is easily seen from considerable distance.
One of our members was M no bears..helped him couple years ago become M 1 bear then M 2 bears..next year helped him become M 3 bears....then M 4 bears..lol
IF situation allows I have a couple of hunters I'm hoping to mentor in May before fly fishing starts in earnest.

03-26-2020, 06:20 PM
I’m in Maple Ridge . I think up Harrison way is closed to shooting , not hunting , just shooting . Maybe I take a trip up the canyon or something .
Arctic Lake

Oh ok Nvm I’m on Vancouver island

03-26-2020, 06:32 PM
Hmmm smell will ruin a stalk or spotting...you can't fool a bears nose better than a blood hound...
some noises are tolerated..there is lots of noise in the woods..
Movement will also bust you..sitting still in camo has allowed me to get really close to incoming bears..
Use a tree or brush behind you to break up your sillouet,
grass grows first in cut blocks, along remote Rd, fields..cut blocks ..the residual tree stumps act as a heat sink...soak up sun and radiate heat into the evening...results snow opening..grass grows around those vertices stumps..grass is good.
Any place the sun can hit the ground will melt the snow..grow grass...attract bears...
Meandering creeks in the open the extra moisture attracts grass growth..bear heaven.
The more remote..the less human interference. ..the better..now add grass...you have a bear spot..the bigger the opening the better but even better is down a old logging road...the small logging landings..golden.
Artic Lake your email is full bud.

Skunk cabbage and the other is fiddle heads ..both are used early in spring by bears to remove fecal plugs.

Arctic Lake
03-26-2020, 07:07 PM
Thanks Steven will empty tomorrow morning !
Arctic Lake

03-26-2020, 07:17 PM
but even better is down a old logging road...the small logging landings..golden.

This,^^^^^^^ I run all the old overgrown trails I can find on my quad looking for just such spots. They type of roads that are overgrown with alders you need to plow over and through that look like a jungle to most. You will know real fast when you hit the jackpot. A
Sheltered clearing, lots if feed, water and escape everywhere. Being adjacent to or on a steep hillside that catches the afternoon sun is a bonus. And not being able to spot it from distance or easily walk to drive in will keep most hunters out.

Back out and slip in slow and quiet in the evening

03-26-2020, 07:31 PM
This,^^^^^^^ I run all the old overgrown trails I can find on my quad looking for just such spots. You will know real fast when you hit the jackpot. Sheltered, lots if feed, water and escape everywhere. Being adjacent to or on a steep hillside that catches the afternoon sun is a bonus. And not being able to spot it from distance or easily walk to drive in will keep most hunters out.

Back out and slip in slow and quiet in the evening

Ron..you made me chuckle. .I have one such spot..17 km from my travel trailer...just a small old logging landing 30 yards off a secondary old logging road...your description twiggy immediately. Guaranteed bears.guaranteed.period.
I sent 2 hunters into this spot last May, knowing and telling them there WAS a great bear. 7 footer in there..first evening out comes punkenhead.....slob..unfortunately they missed....bringing up rule number 1....site in your rifle prior to every hunt.

Not many 7 footers left that Matt hasn't dropped....lol
Artic Lake. .just wanted a phone number..4 decades of bear hunting..lol too much to type.

03-26-2020, 08:30 PM
Ron..you made me chuckle. .I have one such spot..17 km from my travel trailer...just a small old logging landing 30 yards off a secondary old logging road...your description twiggy immediately. Guaranteed bears.guaranteed.period.
I sent 2 hunters into this spot last May, knowing and telling them there WAS a great bear. 7 footer in there..first evening out comes punkenhead.....slob..unfortunately they missed....bringing up rule number 1....site in your rifle prior to every hunt.

Not many 7 footers left that Matt hasn't dropped....lol
Artic Lake. .just wanted a phone number..4 decades of bear hunting..lol too much to type.

nightmares .. nightmares..

03-26-2020, 08:39 PM
Hmmm without the ones that got away the ones you harvest wouldn't mean quite as much....I still wince with my misses..and those nightmares.

Huntingtyler123 hope you are well.

03-26-2020, 08:48 PM
Hmmm without the ones that got away the ones you harvest wouldn't mean quite as much....I still wince with my misses..and those nightmares.

Huntingtyler123 hope you are well.

yes for sure,
all good down here Steven, thank you. I hope everything is good up in your neck of the woods also. Staying happy and healthy

03-26-2020, 08:54 PM
yes for sure,
all good down here Steven, thank you. I hope everything is good up in your neck of the woods also. Staying happy and healthy

Hmmm does this particular post jive with what you experienced last spring ?
I can't Remember if you met the hunter known as M 4 bear..?
Glad you are happy healthy...

03-26-2020, 09:28 PM
Hmmm does this particular post jive with what you experienced last spring ?
I can't Remember if you met the hunter known as M 4 bear..?
Glad you are happy healthy...

ya James and I met him last spring. We where camped by him originally. Really excited for this spring. Work won’t be in the way of things this time with work being shut down and everything.

03-27-2020, 12:16 PM
... Not many 7 footers left that Matt hasn't dropped....lol

Recently learned of another that should top seven feet.
Will be verifying when he gets up and about.
But no interest in taking him until late fall.
Love the bear grease and taste of pudgy fall bears...

Cheers & Best of Luck this spring my Friend!

03-27-2020, 07:38 PM
[QUOTE=IronNoggin;2160842]Recently learned of another that should top seven feet.
Will be verifying when he gets up and about.
But no interest in taking him until late fall.
Love the bear grease and taste of pudgy fall bears...

To be honest I have never actually measured a Bears square is it done from tip of nose to tailbone? I’ve shot a few I know are pretty big but I don’t know how big maybe this year I will start measuring them.

03-28-2020, 12:59 PM
To be honest I have never actually measured a Bears square is it done from tip of nose to tailbone?

Tip of nose to tail. NOT stretched or you're cheating.

Seven feet, seven inch hide on this ol' boy:



03-28-2020, 01:53 PM
Tip of nose to tail. NOT stretched or you're cheating.

Seven feet, seven inch hide on this ol' boy:


Ok sweet I’m going to start doing it. And just to confirm that’s tip of nose to tail base right? Not top of tail

03-29-2020, 08:27 AM
When driving an area. I always run over bear shit. Especially if I know I'm going to be in the area multiple days. Then you can see what''s moving.

03-29-2020, 11:45 AM
When driving an area. I always run over bear shit. Especially if I know I'm going to be in the area multiple days. Then you can see what''s moving.

Smart one.

high and to the right
03-29-2020, 12:09 PM
When driving an area. I always run over bear shit. Especially if I know I'm going to be in the area multiple days. Then you can see what''s moving.

I have always done this up until one hunt when I ran over a nice big pile of griz scat going quite fast on my SXS. The juicy scat sprayed all over the SXS undercarriage and into every crevice with the most putrid smelling crap you could imagine. Obviously eating winter kill and not grass.

03-29-2020, 04:13 PM
When driving an area. I always run over bear shit. Especially if I know I'm going to be in the area multiple days. Then you can see what''s moving.

Lol...THANKS YOU WARREN...your Gramps Ed and I have been doing that for 30 years..
Lol then Ed started putting a bit of toilet paper hanging out of the pile....he said it would either make folks laugh or get really serious really fast..

03-29-2020, 08:16 PM
Well just got another week off so you know where I gonna be Wednesday. I am very proud of my girlfriend we have been dating for a little less than a year and in that time she has gone from never shooting a gun to being more pumped about bear season than I am if that’s possible we will be heading out opening day to try and get her her first bear unless it’s a big one then I’ll take it ��

03-29-2020, 09:36 PM
Well just got another week off so you know where I gonna be Wednesday. I am very proud of my girlfriend we have been dating for a little less than a year and in that time she has gone from never shooting a gun to being more pumped about bear season than I am if that’s possible we will be heading out opening day to try and get her her first bear unless it’s a big one then I’ll take it ��

good luck straight shooting.l

03-30-2020, 12:32 AM
Stay within the regulations. Don't poach.

03-30-2020, 04:41 AM
Stay within the regulations. Don't poach.

WHAT THE HELL ? Pretty strange advice...want to elaborate ?
sheeee eh

03-30-2020, 09:40 AM
Lol...THANKS YOU WARREN...your Gramps Ed and I have been doing that for 30 years..
Lol then Ed started putting a bit of toilet paper hanging out of the pile....he said it would either make folks laugh or get really serious really fast..

Hmmm.... I'm going to start packing extra bells, pieces of shoe laces, empty bear spray canisters and tuck them into bear pooh while walking into salmon holes. Maybe even a collection of broken rod pieces.

03-30-2020, 10:53 AM
Hmmm.... I'm going to start packing extra bells, pieces of shoe laces, empty bear spray canisters and tuck them into bear pooh while walking into salmon holes. Maybe even a collection of broken rod pieces.

Lao. .yah that would make Gramps Ed laugh...it did me..
Your deer arrived back in the neighborhood this morning after 4 weeks..there were 6 booner does and fawns.

04-03-2020, 12:08 PM
Well stuck at home still but has anyone been out yet for bears? I know access is still limited with snow

04-03-2020, 12:52 PM
Hmmm still lots of snow in Horse fly. .really cold too...

04-03-2020, 01:08 PM
Hmmm still lots of snow in Horse fly. .really cold too...

ya we’ve been having hail storms the past two days here on the north shore. Weird weather ..

04-03-2020, 01:18 PM
I went out for a drive/look yesterday - didn't see any bear sign but I also got sidetracked and really enjoyed the afternoon cruising some of my favorite locations. Still too much snow where I went into. Lakes were all frozen over still. Couldn't get to one lake because bozo had the parked in the middle of the road and left it there.

I could have stayed closer to the LML but I figured it would be too busy on the FSR close to home.

I was hoping to see track and scat but not yet. I figured I get out at least once before they do something drastic and shut down the Spring season.

Funny to me was to find Mule Deer right where I left them in November - I thought that was pretty cool.

Lots of fresh new calves on the ground so I spent some time with my "new to me" spotting scope checking around the bushes at the back of the big cattle fences. Fresh calves can draw in the bears.

04-04-2020, 06:31 PM
Rookie Hunter living in Vancouver. Hoping to get my first bear this year using a rifle, looking for suggestions on where to go? If you were me, packed up your vehicle and to start driving X number of hours from my starting point what direction would you go? Any spots that would have the right balance between huntability for a novice and chance of getting a bear. All comments and suggestions welcome.

04-04-2020, 07:28 PM
Rookie Hunter living in Vancouver. Hoping to get my first bear this year using a rifle, looking for suggestions on where to go? If you were me, packed up your vehicle and to start driving X number of hours from my starting point what direction would you go? Any spots that would have the right balance between huntability for a novice and chance of getting a bear. All comments and suggestions welcome.

Did you not get enough advice in this thread where you asked the same question and got replies from the best of the best on HBC?


04-04-2020, 08:37 PM
Hey Bobby
There’s Bears all over the place. Just put some miles on and look for food and bear sign and you’ll most likely find one or two.

04-04-2020, 09:39 PM
found a pretty large swampy skunk cabbage filled area- tons of yellow skunk cabbage flowers popping up. What do you guys think about sneaking in there around mid day and hitting some squeals on my fawn distress call or setting down a bluetooth speaker and playing some sounds?

04-04-2020, 09:42 PM
Bears are everywhere. Find some scat. Then find a vantage point sit and glass. They eventually will show. I’m a big fan of region 2. It’s thick and nasty but the animals are there and in surprisingly decent numbers if you spend the time to look. Find a small creek or stream and still hunt the area. Look for freshly nipped grass and dandelions. Wild strawberries are great in the spring too.

04-04-2020, 09:45 PM
found a pretty large swampy skunk cabbage filled area- tons of yellow skunk cabbage flowers popping up. What do you guys think about sneaking in there around mid day and hitting some squeals on my fawn distress call or setting down a bluetooth speaker and playing some sounds?

Hmm I'm skunk cabbage real estate is wet..not good for bedding area usually..
It's a very specific use.
straight shooting
Once fecal plug is expelled..bears metabolism kicks into overdrive. ..they are now literally starving..find green grass..you found bears.

04-04-2020, 09:45 PM
Skunk cabbage is great. Using any kind of recorded call for bears I’m pretty sure Is illegal. Legal for coyotes and wolves. Also I’d hold off on the fawn in distress call for another month and a bit. But a rabbit call could work.

04-04-2020, 10:01 PM
I've heard somewhere else (probably on another forum on this group) that they're pretty much eating grass when they still have their fecal plug. I haven't seen any sign yet but I'm sure with everything greening up here I'll be bumping into some sign soon. I have a rabbit distress call too. Rayne, thanks for the heads up on the e-caller being illegal for bears.

04-04-2020, 11:04 PM
No worries Golddust. Happy hunting! Things should be green in the next week or two. If you see a bear try the rabbit distress call just don’t be standing in the open. And be alert once you start using that call they can come in fast.

04-04-2020, 11:37 PM
I've heard somewhere else (probably on another forum on this group) that they're pretty much eating grass when they still have their fecal plug. I haven't seen any sign yet but I'm sure with everything greening up here I'll be bumping into some sign soon. I have a rabbit distress call too. Rayne, thanks for the heads up on the e-caller being illegal for bears.

Hmmm skunk cabbage/ Inmature.fiddle heads remove that fecal plug..only so much grass can be consumed before they are packed solid...
Straight shooting

04-05-2020, 06:45 AM
Did you not get enough advice in this thread where you asked the same question and got replies from the best of the best on HBC?


I got some great advice, a smaller amount focused on bear. As this was a bear specific thread I thought that there might some additional knowledge or different hunters clicking here that could help. Just trying to learn

04-05-2020, 08:21 AM
Has anybody seen many areas around the Okanagan where most of the snow is gone? Took a drive over trinity Valley yesterday still quite a bit of snow up there yet.

04-05-2020, 08:32 AM
Has anybody seen many areas around the Okanagan where most of the snow is gone? Took a drive over trinity Valley yesterday still quite a bit of snow up there yet.
Trinity isn’t the first place to melt. Winter is lingering this year but think low elevation south slopes. Riverside of Silver Hills, first bit of Harris, South aspect of South Fork etc.

04-05-2020, 01:10 PM
Vancouver island 2 day hunt saw 3 bears. Mom and 2 cubs so no shooters. We looked high and low we found sign low tracks, nibbled skunk cabbage broken alders etc. Unfortunately we did not manage to connect on any bears.

04-08-2020, 04:01 PM
. I am region 8 kelowna area to be exact. I have been looking for a couple years now and have not seen a real live Bear beside a Grizzly in 8-10.and I have been looking hard.��

04-08-2020, 05:14 PM
. I am region 8 kelowna area to be exact. I have been looking for a couple years now and have not seen a real live Bear beside a Grizzly in 8-10.and I have been looking hard.��

I hope you’re trolling us lol, zone 8 may very well have one of the healthiest bear populations in the entire region ^^

04-08-2020, 05:46 PM
Very important to take your time observing the bear. I have spotted on a couple separate occasions where a cub and sow are together and then all of a sudden the cub climbs a tree, falls asleep and for 45min if you saw that sow you would have no idea she had a cub. Other instances I have spotted a "lone sow" until 20-30 min later one or two cubs appear from tall grass, up a tree or from inside the tree line. Patience is key, DO NOT rush your shot with bears unless you can obviously tell its a big boar. The ability to distinguish between boar and sow in my experience only comes with time actually observing bears in the field. Especially if its your first bear and you are very excited, we all know how hard it is to control the excitement of your first harvest! Watching bears is also very rewarding especially if you do get the chance to see a sow and cubs interacting, the behaviour you will witness is truly special to see in person. Good luck and have fun!

04-12-2020, 04:52 PM
Was out today and spotted a sow with two cubs at the snow line. They didn’t move to far in the hour I observed them. Still no greenery around. It’s getting close though , probably be end of the month before things heat up. It was darn cool with that wind today.

04-12-2020, 05:03 PM
Was out today and spotted a sow with two cubs at the snow line. They didn’t move to far in the hour I observed them. Still no greenery around. It’s getting close though , probably be end of the month before things heat up. It was darn cool with that wind today.

thanks Pauly..Susan and I had to remove our travel trailer from winter storage today..significant difference in snow levels just 25 kilometers from Williams Lake...cold..coming week is supposed to be mid teens...gonna be tough sledding for bears even start of May...

04-12-2020, 05:54 PM
Yeah I’ve lived in the loops my whole life I’ve seen some cold marches before but nothing like this year and April hasn’t been much better. I have a feeling if we get hot fast we’re in trouble with lots of flooding.

04-12-2020, 09:43 PM
Was out yesterday in region 2-19 hiking old logging roads. was good looking bear country but didn’t see any bears or even any sign. did however find a group of about 12 highly elusive region 2 elk

Island Hunter 79
04-14-2020, 03:27 PM
Oh ok Nvm I’m on Vancouver island

Your inbox was full. I tried sending you a PM, LOL

04-14-2020, 04:01 PM
I hope you’re trolling us lol, zone 8 may very well have one of the healthiest bear populations in the entire region ^^
No not trolling just learning is all.. that may be why I don’t see them.I spend most of my time in 8-10 because it’s my back yard.

04-14-2020, 05:39 PM
My wife’s friend hiked mount Boucherie (West Kelowna) with her sister today. On the way down, they turned a corner and came upon a sow with cubs. The sow bluff charged, and then bumped into the sister. The sister was petrified, and it was all my wife’s friend could do to grab her sister and briskly walk down the path with the sow in tow. Thankfully the sow wasn’t interested in anything but driving them from her cubs, have heard horror stories of similar instances. The sister was still petrified, literally scared stiff, once safely back home.

Sounds likes it’s time to get out there :)
For a boar, that is!

04-14-2020, 05:58 PM
did some scouting this weekend. still lots of snow in spots, but most is starting to clear. in the really sunny spots, things are just starting to green up and sprout. I feel like there could be some bears getting active, but i'm going to give it a few more weeks to warm up some. no bear sign, but did run into some kitty cat tracks and a grouse.

i think next time I go out, i will start along the low running major stream, and slowly work along that. seemed a bit more green and sunny down that way from my higher scouting position on the ridge. i saw lots of bear sign last fall, albeit a bit further in. next time!

04-14-2020, 06:40 PM
That would be scary to have one chase you away. How do the animals go in and out of there?

04-14-2020, 09:44 PM
All this bear talk is getting me tempted

Keep doing it lol

04-14-2020, 10:44 PM
I wonder if bear dens ever get covered by an avalanche and bears are suffocated to death. OR doesn't melt until June... July?

04-15-2020, 01:31 PM
That would be scary to have one chase you away. How do the animals go in and out of there?

Not sure but they find their way. I almost got ran over by a mule deer doe downtown Kelowna last fall, it was surreal. I was just walking to my office, was on the Kelowna Community theatre lawn and this doe just runs right by me, frothing at the mouth. I wonder if she fell asleep and then woke up to the bustle of downtown K-town... I think we also had a cougar downtown in recent memory...

04-15-2020, 10:10 PM
If the bear makes the death moan after the shot you know the shot was good.

04-15-2020, 10:36 PM
If the bear makes the death moan after the shot you know the shot was good.

sometimes..but not always. .

04-19-2020, 08:29 PM
So here's one for you.

We busted out for so some much needed fresh air (don't worry, only got out of the car once for gas, hand sanitized before the pump and after)

Figured we needed some much needed fresh air and sunshine after being indoors mostly since December.

Anyway, driving to camp, caddisgirl spotted what looked to be a pretty nice bear... pumpkin head with small looking ears downhill about 30-40 yards from hear side of the jeep.


I've put out a lot of bear tips on here over the years and though I've never shot a bear from the road, I understand the psychology and always say if you spot a gooder, keep driving and walk back,

So what did I do? Stopped on a dime, got out, loaded my rifle and walked out. Bear decides yeah I don't like what is transpiring and dips into the tree line. Sooo, I figured maybe we can still trick him into coming back out. Drove 100 yards, waited 15 mins, walked back (perfect too wind in our face) waited for him to come back out. Nope.

Well, I blew that one. Rookie move LOL. If you see a gooder right off the road, keep driving and walk back.

Good weekend though... conditions still a bit behind where I normally hunt. Grass getting hit but only a sow and cub(s) so far I think.

I did have a group (four) of kids walk up to camp and the hunter of the group "informed" us he has been "hunting here since early April" so they are going to hunt around our camp... no (asking, hey are you hunting here, is anyone else back there hunting) ... that kinda rubbed me the wrong way but I was done for the day so wished them good luck, still gave them a dose of caddisguy bear tips (and how 15 year old girl wearing fuzzy slippers walking through a tick field was probably a bad idea) Probably should have brought up etiquette but will save it for now.

Other than that, my report is 3 deer (one WT, 2 BT), 1 bear, a cougar, 1 grouse and 1 beaver, some mountain blue birds, some butterflies. 4 ticks off the clothing but none on the body after thorough peer reviewed inspection. Good to be out!

04-19-2020, 11:40 PM
PG66's bear hunting tips fresh off the press:


04-20-2020, 03:48 PM
So here's one for you.

We busted out for so some much needed fresh air (don't worry, only got out of the car once for gas, hand sanitized before the pump and after)

Figured we needed some much needed fresh air and sunshine after being indoors mostly since December.

Anyway, driving to camp, caddisgirl spotted what looked to be a pretty nice bear... pumpkin head with small looking ears downhill about 30-40 yards from hear side of the jeep.


I've put out a lot of bear tips on here over the years and though I've never shot a bear from the road, I understand the psychology and always say if you spot a gooder, keep driving and walk back,

So what did I do? Stopped on a dime, got out, loaded my rifle and walked out. Bear decides yeah I don't like what is transpiring and dips into the tree line. Sooo, I figured maybe we can still trick him into coming back out. Drove 100 yards, waited 15 mins, walked back (perfect too wind in our face) waited for him to come back out. Nope.

Well, I blew that one. Rookie move LOL. If you see a gooder right off the road, keep driving and walk back.

Good weekend though... conditions still a bit behind where I normally hunt. Grass getting hit but only a sow and cub(s) so far I think.

I did have a group (four) of kids walk up to camp and the hunter of the group "informed" us he has been "hunting here since early April" so they are going to hunt around our camp... no (asking, hey are you hunting here, is anyone else back there hunting) ... that kinda rubbed me the wrong way but I was done for the day so wished them good luck, still gave them a dose of caddisguy bear tips (and how 15 year old girl wearing fuzzy slippers walking through a tick field was probably a bad idea) Probably should have brought up etiquette but will save it for now.

Other than that, my report is 3 deer (one WT, 2 BT), 1 bear, a cougar, 1 grouse and 1 beaver, some mountain blue birds, some butterflies. 4 ticks off the clothing but none on the body after thorough peer reviewed inspection. Good to be out!

What area are you hunting where there's already ticks out?

04-20-2020, 05:38 PM
What area are you hunting where there's already ticks out?

Region 2. In the area I spend a lot of time camping and hunting, I usually start picking up a lot of ticks around March.

It was kinda funny. I have only been out once this year (due to current events and other priorities)

I head out on Friday and stomped around a little bit. No ticks. Hiked around probably 10-15KM by about 3PM. I said to my wife "It's weird I haven't picked up any ticks yet. Maybe they are respecting social distancing? Ooops I probably shouldn't have jinxed it".

Then we're sitting there eating lunch and I see a female deer tick crawling up my leg. Had some fun covering it with gun powder and lighting it up (punishment for not social distancing)

Sunday morning I get up and go to mosey around a little. Looked down at my pants (which I spend about as much time doing as I spend looking for bears) and sure enough I have a little cluster going on... 2 female and 2 male deer ticks all within an inch of each other. Stupid me actually flicked them off killing them. Ugh... not sure why I let them live. I think it was just because I was heading into a good spot for the first time of the day and the wind was starting to swirl around a bit... wanted to cover the next 30 meters pretty quickly so no time to dispatch them

04-20-2020, 05:44 PM
Pro guide or how to hunt on YouTube just put up a how to bear hunt 2020 on YouTube. If you want to hear some of his info on it. Short video with a bunch of tips with spring bear

04-20-2020, 05:46 PM
Region 2. In the area I spend a lot of time camping and hunting, I usually start picking up a lot of ticks around March.

It was kinda funny. I have only been out once this year (due to current events and other priorities)

I head out on Friday and stomped around a little bit. No ticks. Hiked around probably 10-15KM by about 3PM. I said to my wife "It's weird I haven't picked up any ticks yet. Maybe they are respecting social distancing? Ooops I probably shouldn't have jinxed it".

Then we're sitting there eating lunch and I see a female deer tick crawling up my leg. Had some fun covering it with gun powder and lighting it up (punishment for not social distancing)

Sunday morning I get up and go to mosey around a little. Looked down at my pants (which I spend about as much time doing as I spend looking for bears) and sure enough I have a little cluster going on... 2 female and 2 male deer ticks all within an inch of each other. Stupid me actually flicked them off killing them. Ugh... not sure why I let them live. I think it was just because I was heading into a good spot for the first time of the day and the wind was starting to swirl around a bit... wanted to cover the next 30 meters pretty quickly so no time to dispatch them

lots of ticks out this year in region 3-17 (Lillooet) I had a tick on me at least once a day. Was cleaning up one area being “careful” and I had 4 ticks on me that day. Don’t think it was a cold enough winter to kill them off

04-20-2020, 05:53 PM
lots of ticks out this year in region 3-17 (Lillooet) I had a tick on me at least once a day. Was cleaning up one area being “careful” and I had 4 ticks on me that day. Don’t think it was a cold enough winter to kill them off

Perhaps. More south you go, the more ticks there are from my understanding so it is probably temperature related. I have also read that annual tick populations can be estimated by rodent populations, but I actually have no idea how that all correlates. 4 ticks in a weekend where I am covering a lot of ground seems about average (seen worse, seen better) but I've only been out one weekend, so I don't really have much to go on yet.

04-20-2020, 07:06 PM
I got bit by one of those little vermin on Saturday up Harrison. I hate ticks..

04-20-2020, 07:08 PM
I harvested a nice 41/2 year old bear over the weekend still had some fat on him I didn’t see any ticks skinning him out but I sure found them on myself. I left the hide other than evidence of sex. Saving my second tag for September... tons of mule deer on the move and they look like they wintered well. BBQ bear ribs tomorrow

04-20-2020, 07:53 PM
I harvested a nice 41/2 year old bear over the weekend still had some fat on him I didn’t see any ticks skinning him out but I sure found them on myself. I left the hide other than evidence of sex. Saving my second tag for September... tons of mule deer on the move and they look like they wintered well. BBQ bear ribs tomorrow

Do tell more...

04-20-2020, 08:01 PM
I harvested a nice 41/2 year old bear over the weekend still had some fat on him I didn’t see any ticks skinning him out but I sure found them on myself. I left the hide other than evidence of sex. Saving my second tag for September... tons of mule deer on the move and they look like they wintered well. BBQ bear ribs tomorrow

Nice! Congrats!! Unless something has changed recently there's no need for evidence of sex with bears. Any pics?

04-20-2020, 08:09 PM
Not much to tell just went for a drive not expecting anything exciting due to our cold spring.. I always know when things get moving by a stretch of road the bears like to crap on that borders a nice little creek . Drove up no crap anywhere to be seen so I turned around at the snow line and slowly drove back down the hill when I spotted him scratching his back on an old fir tree in a dip that wasn’t visible on the drive up but the drive down gave me a nice up hill advantage. Put her in park set up the bipod waited for him to finish his rub which he did. He proceeded to sit down and I proceeded to settle the crosshairs behind his ear and touched one off. Only 156 yard shot by the time I drove down and walked in he was only 75 yards of the road, grabbed my tarps and laid them out and got to work. Took me about an hour taking my time. I carry a huge cooler full of blocks of ice I make at home with a custom screen inside so I can keep the meat from getting wet. After skinning and quartering I put my hooks in and hang to cool down for an hour while I clean up my gear.
thats about it.

04-20-2020, 08:14 PM
Old deer hunting habit the evidence of sex thing. No pictures, he wasn’t anything to get excited about. If my dad had have been with me I would have for sure just to preserve the memories.