View Full Version : The Gitxsan Flex Their Muscles & Close The Skeena

03-04-2020, 03:06 PM
With spotlight on Indigenous rights, Gitxsan Nation assert control over sport fishing The Gitxsan want the province to stop issuing permits for sport fishing (https://headtopics.com/ca/sport-fishing) , and warn that fishermen will be treated as trespassers within their traditional territory


03-04-2020, 03:45 PM
Good luck I they are not the law, this is not going to end well.

Weatherby Fan
03-04-2020, 04:40 PM
One Land One Law, pretty simple really

03-04-2020, 04:49 PM
I like the one where one group came along and charged the fishermen a fee and another group came along and tried to charge another fee. Didn't end well. Cowboys and Indians here we come.

03-04-2020, 05:36 PM
I guess its time to tell Indians tbey are not welcome in our cities or gowns or on our roads. Or in our shopping malls or our liquor stores. They are not welcome in Canada as they say they are not part of Canada. Actually they only want Canadian money!!! This is bullshit and our govt better get their shit together!!!

03-04-2020, 06:03 PM
Seizing equipment ought to go over well!

03-04-2020, 06:26 PM
Hmm mm old..crippled...but no one tries to steal my fishing equipment. .without defending myself..my property
Guys this is just the tip of the spear..it's going to get nasty FAST.
When breaking the law is met with Billions $$$$ for 164 members..others notice and more lawlessness is close at hand.
Regardless of where you go what you do be prepared for Billy bob. .and his cuzin dumb as a stump wanting to distance you from your Province..your home..your $..and recreation.
Phone your MP, MLA, premier, Indian affairs, ministry of environment demanding OUR rights.
12 phone calls made today.
Don't take no..or no contact to deter your resolve.

03-04-2020, 06:52 PM
There are a heck of lot more cowboys than indians!

03-04-2020, 08:01 PM
“There are a heck of lot more cowboys than indians!“

The problem is there are more Native sympathizers in this province and country than there are cowboys. The masses in the big cities don’t realize what’s coming and what it’s all going to cost.

03-04-2020, 08:25 PM
“There are a heck of lot more cowboys than indians!“

The problem is there are more Native sympathizers in this province and country than there are cowboys. The masses in the big cities don’t realize what’s coming and what it’s all going to cost.

No..that's not accurate..some leaf lickers. .some paid protestors. .one by one taxpayers are getting sick of this shit...out numbers the rest by a long ways.
Folks I know that once leaned towards Indians rights..are downright pissed...each incident. ..fisheries, name changes, land give ways. . $$$$$$
It's coming..and a fair amount of Indians support this new concept..work.

03-04-2020, 08:26 PM
Go ahead. Try and seize my gear. Good f***ing luck.... :mad:

If this keeps going the way it is (sure looks like it will), it's going to get really ugly.

03-04-2020, 08:36 PM
I get some issues need to be resolved. That said "dont push your luck" is what I say. Real easy to be a poacher in BC

03-04-2020, 09:08 PM
One Land One Law, pretty simple really
How many years have we been saying that Ope

03-04-2020, 09:30 PM
Thats pretty funny . Enforcing what law ? Traditional territory? They mean crown land ? .... going to seize equipment?? So basically they are going to rob people ??!! They arent the law an its on crown land .. WOW

03-04-2020, 09:43 PM
The shitty part is that even if we just go fish in protest, you always have to leave your vehicle up on the road. After getting tires slashed, windows broke or trucks burned, people will just stop going.....

03-04-2020, 10:05 PM
The shitty part is that even if we just go fish in protest, you always have to leave your vehicle up on the road. After getting tires slashed, windows broke or trucks burned, people will just stop going.....
No just repay the favour or make sure someone stays behind to watch shit.

03-04-2020, 10:55 PM
This is all gonna wind up in a place where 200,000 people decide what is right for 5,000,000. Who’s gonna be a poacher then?

03-05-2020, 07:32 AM
Theres always video games of fishing, hunting and shooting to fulfill the future.

QUOTE=lovemywinchester;2155371]The shitty part is that even if we just go fish in protest, you always have to leave your vehicle up on the road. After getting tires slashed, windows broke or trucks burned, people will just stop going.....[/QUOTE]

03-05-2020, 07:45 AM
This is going to get interesting....:)

03-05-2020, 07:58 AM
I get some issues need to be resolved. That said "dont push your luck" is what I say. Real easy to be a poacher in BC

Well considering CO salaries come from our license fees in a round about way, the second this happened there wouldn’t even be COs if the natives “ban” sustenance hunting and fishing for Caucasian’s. The RCMP need warrants and judges don’t even like to give them out for heinous crimes... see where I’m going ? Well unless you’re white AND male then your dwelling and food stocks will be up for mandatory inspection by the Rez police monthly to ensure you are purchasing all your food and water from a certified FN owned company.

*edit*. Bcuz they own it. Duh.

03-05-2020, 09:14 AM
I guess its time to tell Indians tbey are not welcome in our cities or gowns or on our roads. Or in our shopping malls or our liquor stores. They are not welcome in Canada as they say they are not part of Canada. Actually they only want Canadian money!!! This is bullshit and our govt better get their shit together!!!

Screw that, you can have the cities.
I want the woods.

03-05-2020, 11:31 AM
Bob Hooton's Take on The Matter: https://steelheadvoices.com/?p=1957

03-05-2020, 09:59 PM
Good news for now.

Important Notice for anglers in the Skeena River
watershed -2019/2020 season
On October 22, 2018 and April 29, 2019, the Gitxsan First Nation issued a press release and
letter to FLNRORD and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada indicating that the
Skeena watershed is closed to recreational fishing for the upcoming 2019 season.
The B.C. government shares the Gitxsan First Nation's interest regarding salmon conservation in
the Skeena River watershed.
Recreational fishing licences for salmon in B.C. are authorized by Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(DFO). The ministry regulates the freshwater fishery, including steelhead, trout and char.
Until further notice, angling licences sold by the Province for freshwater species remain valid.
Any changes or updates will be posted here
Fishery management decisions are made on the best available science, with conservation and
sustainability being the top priority, followed by First Nations' food, social and ceremonial
needs, then recreational opportunities.
Based on the best available science at this point in the season, steelhead, trout and char in the
Skeena watershed can support recreational fishing as per management measures in the
Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis.
Staff from the Province of B.C. are working with the Gitxsan to better understand their
concerns and see what can be done together. For reference, a map of Gitxsan traditional
territory can be found here.
Please respect First Nations rights and perspectives and seek permission before crossing Indian
Reserve lands.

03-06-2020, 07:30 AM
Well here comes some more blockades till the Turd caves in again, maybe he will send the awesome speaking doctor again :(

03-06-2020, 10:17 AM
Always bring along a 12 gauge pump for Bear Defense. Anyone tries to rob me I'll turn them into a sieve.

03-06-2020, 11:13 AM
On October 22, 2018 and April 29, 2019, the Gitxsan First Nation issued a press release and
letter to FLNRORD and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada indicating that the Skeena watershed is closed to recreational fishing for the upcoming 2019 season...

Last year's announcement.
Nothing similar for this year.


03-06-2020, 09:18 PM
Bob Hooten has been at this for a long long time. Fisheries have tanked over his career. Many runs. All over the province. Why now must we pay attention to his words? Why was there no weight behind the words when it mattered? Just out of curiosity.