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View Full Version : getting rid of skunks

10-09-2007, 09:43 AM
My poor wife got temporarily trapped in our storage shed by a skunk, who has found an opening under the stairs. Now mr. skunk doesn't want to leave. Anybody got any ideas on how to get rid of this thing without a big mess?

10-09-2007, 09:49 AM
oh man is she still trapped?

10-09-2007, 09:52 AM
Mortar? Cannon fire? 500 S&W maybe? a big rat trap might work

10-09-2007, 10:05 AM
I heard moth balls can work?

I had 2 under my shed in my backyard and I ended up letting the garden hose run under it for a while and they left and haven't smelt or see them since!

10-09-2007, 10:15 AM
Ohhh thats almost too funny, where can I get me one of those skunk thingys. But just in case, this stuff works. We have a huge skunk problem here too. Gotta use a small live trap, suitable for skunks, here we can rent them from the tool rental place.

1 Quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
¼ Cup of Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
1 Tsp. Liquid Soap (Dish Detergent)
Mix the above together in a plastic bucket and wash the infected object, be it human, canine, feline, garage, shed, car basement, etc. Make sure you keep the solution away from eyes, nose and mouth. The skunk odour should disappear immediately!
This product is fast – and best of all, it works!

10-09-2007, 01:22 PM
Hopefully your wife is out of the shed by now? Biggest thing with skunks is to go slow and do not threaten or startle them. Remember they can hit the button on your shirt a 12 ft. Given an opertunity to escape they will leave. Once out the door check around your shed for holes where they may be denning. Your lawn may also suffering a beating now as the little guys are out there digging for grubs.
They are fairly easy to live trap and will hit just about anything from hotdogs to fruit cocktail for bait. Under permit we are only allowed to move them a Max of 500m from where they were caught or we have to put them down. Make sure that your trap has solid sides, you trying to move a skunk in an open wire trap is a self correcting problem that you will do only once. Do not use a canvas tarp or sacking for example they will pull it into the trap, This is not a good thing. If you need more info. please feel free to leave a message and I will get right back to you

10-09-2007, 02:03 PM

10-09-2007, 02:04 PM
Run up and grab them by the tail, once in the air they aren't able to spray you (so I heard), but I wouldn't try it!:lol:

10-09-2007, 03:52 PM
Thanks for all your concern, the wife appreciates it...and by the way she did make it out of the storage room intact and still smelling like roses.

Pete, good advice, I am assuming that when in a live trap with solid sides they will try and spray? Won't this odour penetrate the trap and permeate the whole storage area? I have a lot of stuff in there, and need to make sure this thing gets out without contaminating anything.

I have debated trying a close range hit with my .22, the thing lets me get real close and I could put one right in the nerve center. Will this put it down without it spraying??

10-09-2007, 04:52 PM
Anti freeze and chicken haha did me well.....

10-09-2007, 04:53 PM
I thought that they can't spray if they can't lift their tails. That's why they say get a small live animal trap so they can't lift up their tails. My friend rescues abandoned cats at the landfill with live traps and got a skunk a couple times. Trap was too small for him to lift his tail so they didn't get sprayed.
p.s. cat food is spectacular bait for them

10-09-2007, 05:42 PM
Skunks cannot spray directly at you with it's tail down but it can and will let off a nervous "toot" . The spray will basically stick to anything and because it is one of the strongest smells known to man it takes very little to make you smell as well. When the skunk is in the trap and you are going to move it just go slow and easy. Talk to the skunk gently rock the trap and then lift it off the ground. Walk with the open end of the trap facing behind you so that everything is going away from him. When you get to your truck lift him up and in to the back of the box with the open end against the side of the box, try to do this all in one motion. If you are going to release him get to your release site gently remove the trap, set it down and look to see where the Skunk is. you want him with his back to the door. Open the door and place a stick under it to hold it up and Step away from the trap. If he runs out while you are lifting the door DO NOT MOVE and do not look at him because if he is going to spray he will try to get you in the face if you do you may or may not get it. All I can say it looks like apple juice but does to taste like apple or smell like apple juice and if he hits you in the face it really will make your eyes sting, you will be wanting to push your head along the grass just like your dog. At that point in time you will want to go to a previous post regarding the mixture of 1 ltr. of Hydrogen Peroxide, 1/2 cup of Baking soda and 1 Tsp of liquid soap. We have found that the 1/2 cup of Baking soda beefs up the mixture and yes it really works. You have to make sure that you wash it off well with water other wise your black lab or you could have a blond streak.

10-09-2007, 07:39 PM
You could try splashing some ammonia or bleach around the area (not both at the same time though). This has worked to keep raccoons and bears away from where I keep my garbage.

10-09-2007, 09:01 PM
I have debated trying a close range hit with my .22, the thing lets me get real close and I could put one right in the nerve center. Will this put it down without it spraying??[/quote]

No, it will spray until it's empty and stink up the yard something horrible.

The make pipe or box type traps for skunks, once inside they cannot lift their tail and spray. My neigbhor used one very successfully this summer. He took the captured skunks out in the bush and released them. You might get the loan of a trap from the CO or someone around the neigborhood might have one.

10-10-2007, 05:39 AM
in most instances shooting is not an option as the skunks are often in an urban area where you may not be allowed to discharge a firearm either due to safety concerns or municiple bylaws.

10-10-2007, 12:22 PM
Pete can correct me if I'm wrong here, but I don't believe you are allowed to transport live wildlife without a special permit.

If it were my shop, I would first attemp to find where the skunk is gaining entrance and then put some food out away from the building at night and close up the hole while Mr. Skunk is away. A live trap would be plan B, as anytime you handle a skunk you run a risk of detonation:eek:. A tub of water, big enough to submerge the live trap is a better option than shooting it, if you don't like strong perfume. Plan Z is a lung shot from a safe distance(much less risk of spraying than a CNS hit), but this depends on your shop and where you reside.

Gook luck, and glad I'm not you.:lol:


10-10-2007, 12:53 PM
Anti freeze and chicken haha did me well.....
No animal deserves death by antfreeze!

10-10-2007, 08:55 PM
you are perfectly correct. You do need a permit to transport and relocate wildlife. with all of the potential trouble that could happen sometimes it is a good thing to actually hire an ADC Trapper.
PS Good luck trapping this season.

10-10-2007, 09:06 PM
Bore a hole in the floor of the shed. When you think the skunk is home pour a cupful of pure ammonia down the hole (use a funnel and put a cloth over your face. Pour and run.)Worked for a skunk under our boathouse. Laugh if you wish. P.S. Pure white vinegar works well to remove skunk spray from a pet. It's also cheap and not messy. Although you smell like pickles for awhile LoL

10-10-2007, 09:07 PM
Anti freeze and chicken haha did me well.....
That comment is not funny. If you have ever seen an animal that has ingested anti freeze you would never make a comment like that. It is a horrific way for anything to die.

10-10-2007, 11:00 PM
We learned this for getting skunk and dead salmon smell from the fur of our dog. Deodoroc carpet cleaner! Can get it at Revy. Comes in a shaker and is the texture of sand/gravel. We (or should I say I as my wife won't have anything to do with it when HER DOG gets into the crap) put dufus in the tub, sprinkle lots of deodorock into the fur, massage, let it sit for a while, then shampoo.

Works for us,


10-11-2007, 04:54 AM
I have trapped many skunks in a live trap and they can and do spray while in a Havahart skunk trap.

10-11-2007, 08:32 AM
I have trapped many skunks in a live trap and they can and do spray while in a Havahart skunk trap.

No fooling!!!!!! you can tell when I have had a bad day because all I am wearing is my hat and my seat belt. Living proof that the greatest form of birth control over 40 is nudity.