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View Full Version : Lost Walker hound

01-31-2020, 11:38 AM
Goodmorning all, we have a lost female walker hound that was last seen around Champion Lakes turn off road please keep your eyes open she is 3 years old name of Lola thanks two5o two3one nineteen81

01-31-2020, 01:23 PM
Good luck hope you find her safe. There has been one missing in the EK for awhile now, the owner has put up a good reward for there
is thought that it may have been picked up.

01-31-2020, 03:38 PM
I know how it feels and wish you and your Hound Luck and be reunited hopefully very soon !

When my hunting Dog is lost, I always leave a Jacket, Food and Water behind and check every Hour. Always worked out well even with Wolves around. If there is a Road and Traffic it may becomes more problematic as some People pick up a Dog.


01-31-2020, 05:23 PM
I know how it feels and wish you and your Hound Luck and be reunited hopefully very soon !

When my hunting Dog is lost, I always leave a Jacket, Food and Water behind and check every Hour. Always worked out well even with Wolves around. If there is a Road and Traffic it may becomes more problematic as some People pick up a Dog.


My friend lorne did that same thing..next morning there was his dog curled up on his jacket..
Good luck to this lost Dog.and his owners.
when Dougs dogs got waylaid..he and a hunter climbed the mountain at 3 am..in the dark..his dogs had gps collars so he knew exactly where his pooped pooches were hanging out .
Doug loves his 4 legged workmates.