View Full Version : Sheep / goat LEH - 2019

01-06-2020, 04:44 PM
Maybe it's just my circle of friends, but it seems the reg 3/8 LEH was a tough go for sheep and goat draws.

I know 2 reg 8 sheep (1 posted on here) but I dont think I've seen any reg 3 goats filled out. Anyone got info on what was taken or pics?

What about kamloops ram? Anyone got info on that one?

Thanks! :)

01-06-2020, 05:51 PM
I was lucky enough to tag along on a successful reg 3 LEH Goat hunt this year

01-06-2020, 05:56 PM
Was on a successful Reg 3 goat hunt this fall as well, and know of atleast 2 more.

Know of 6 Reg.3 sheep LEHS that were filled as well.

01-06-2020, 06:11 PM
My reg 3 Goat hunt was a success in my books.

Wicked country wicked experience where these Beasts the colour of Winter make their home.

No we didnt harvest, but spent 3 plus days with 2 Bills one Im pretty sure was over 10 inches. A Dandy. We hoped and waited
for the bigger Bill to get into a shootable spot. Didnt happen. Oh well not going to die trying.

This was also my wifes 1st goat hunt. Boy did she get her eyes opened up to Alpine country. Plus she loved it. Hats off to her.shes hunted Sheep and deer in alpine too, but not the places these two Billys hung out. Ugly ugly steep.

Our issue was with possibly not being able to retrieve the critter or die trying.

Crazy places us flat feet folks are not meant go. Wow.

We hoped we could locate a good billy in a few places weve harvested them before without cashin in your chips trying.

Oh well, life moves on we get older, cant go like we used too, bad knees health lol...... Ya all these things kept me from pulling the trigger but WOW how terrific to spend time with the mountain monarchs.

01-06-2020, 08:51 PM
Was on a successful Reg 3 goat hunt this fall as well, and know of atleast 2 more.

Know of 6 Reg.3 sheep LEHS that were filled as well.

Sweet! Got any more info or pics? I'd love to hear a story of how it went or see pics!

We get pics of GOS rams on here all the time, but I dunno, they might as well come from a different country to me. These "local" sheep really get the heart pounding!!!

01-06-2020, 08:52 PM
I was lucky enough to tag along on a successful reg 3 LEH Goat hunt this year

Awesome!! Good to hear it was a success! Got pics or a story?

01-07-2020, 09:00 AM
There was a massive 11 yr old ram killed at kamloops lake by the holder of the special sheep tag this year

01-07-2020, 09:42 AM

Planned a 4 day hunt for the opener, found this guy August 31st with another billy. Went and located more goats(all nannies).

We weren't able to find the 2 billies opening morning after glassing the entire for a few hours, relocated so we could have abit better view of a few spots and these guys popped out pretty low.

We dropped down and back up the other side, bumped them at about 50 yards. My hunting partner mis understood which goat I said to take, and dropped this guy in his tracks. took a pretty good tumble as well. The other billy was a bit bigger.

I aged him at 3 with 5 2/8" Base and 7 7/8" length. CI had him at 4.

Either way, it was my partners first big game animal and we were both super happy with the result. Always glad when new guys are able to see some success.

In regards to the LEH rams... 2 were 3-17, 3 were kamloops lakes, and another on the fraser. Some I saw through the grapevine a few I saw in person. Also know of 2 Reg. 8 LEH rams.

01-07-2020, 09:50 AM
I have seen the Kamloops Sheep draw. A friend was involved and put it up on facebook hunting sites. Id be surprised if hes not on this site

01-07-2020, 10:19 AM
this thread needs more pics :)

01-07-2020, 11:03 AM
My reg 3 Goat hunt was a success in my books.

Wicked country wicked experience where these Beasts the colour of Winter make their home.

No we didnt harvest, but spent 3 plus days with 2 Bills one Im pretty sure was over 10 inches. A Dandy. We hoped and waited
for the bigger Bill to get into a shootable spot. Didnt happen. Oh well not going to die trying.

This was also my wifes 1st goat hunt. Boy did she get her eyes opened up to Alpine country. Plus she loved it. Hats off to her.shes hunted Sheep and deer in alpine too, but not the places these two Billys hung out. Ugly ugly steep.

Our issue was with possibly not being able to retrieve the critter or die trying.

Crazy places us flat feet folks are not meant go. Wow.

We hoped we could locate a good billy in a few places weve harvested them before without cashin in your chips trying.

Oh well, life moves on we get older, cant go like we used too, bad knees health lol...... Ya all these things kept me from pulling the trigger but WOW how terrific to spend time with the mountain monarchs.
Nice http://juragan.club/assets/13/o.png

01-07-2020, 11:09 AM
I had a reg 3 goat LEH but did not fill. Wasn't gonna shoot a juvenile. In the first 3 days of season I saw 3 billies taken out of that zone. Therefore, I am happy I did not pull the trigger on a young billy.

01-29-2020, 12:13 AM
this one was shot by our member "avidnwoutdoorsman" and sent to me a while back. i forgot to upload it.
Story is, he got this billy out of reg 3 on his first ever goat hunt, on the first ever day!

I will take credit for suggesting he come in from the North and NOT from the South due to access issues. :lol:
Was glad to see him fill it!


01-29-2020, 02:18 AM
Got some mass.

01-30-2020, 11:30 AM
I have always wanted to harvest one from 3-16 but hard to find to go with me on the crazy terrain...there is goats there!

01-30-2020, 11:57 AM
I have always wanted to harvest one from 3-16 but hard to find to go with me on the crazy terrain...there is goats there!

harder to draw a tag than find company. lol.

3-16, 3-33, 3-32, 3-15 .... good goat populations in all!

02-03-2020, 02:38 PM
Thanks for getting the picture up. It was quite the adventure and there was some good fortune in spotting, stocking, and harvesting a goat on the first day in the Unit. Lots and lots of work went into planning the hunt. Did one drive by in the summer evaluating a southerly entry but the best way by far into the unit was from the North....well west. Looking forward to this season. Memory of a lifetime right there. Thank you to the individuals that helped. What I will say is there is little information on that sub-unit, access is tough (5mi and 3000' to take your first step from the truck), and if someone draws that tag I'll be sure to help.

02-03-2020, 05:44 PM
I’d share some pictures but I can’t get it to work for my life

02-03-2020, 10:14 PM
Send me a PM I will help you