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View Full Version : Uses for lynx hide.

12-22-2019, 03:34 PM
What do you guys use your harvested lynx hides for?

12-24-2019, 11:06 AM
I got a full mount done, it's lying down on a few small log/big sticks. I don't have an account on any of the photo websites so it can't post a pic. If you go to Ray Wien's taxidermy Facebook page there is a pic of my lynx. Go into the pic section on there and scroll down past all the cool mounts and eventually you will find my cat. The fur is beautiful and very soft on the winter coats.

12-24-2019, 11:34 AM
I got 1 from a Nice Trapper Dude.
Tanned it myself, it hangs in my man cave along with lots of other Stuff. Claws on ears peaked, its a beauty.