View Full Version : Harrison West To Pemberton

Would Rather Be Fishing
12-16-2019, 04:56 PM
Planning on trying the drive from Harrison West to Pemberton. On the map I see there are basically two FSR following the river on both sides. Any recommendation on which one is better? Around what month in spring does that route start being drivable? And how long does that drive usually take?

Many thanks in advance!

12-16-2019, 05:10 PM
East will not take you to pemberton. It turns east and does not go through north past the end of the lake.

West goes along the lake, along lillooet river and into pemby.

However .... there was a washout at the 55km mark last year that, as far as I'm aware, was not repaired. It washed the bridge away, and a section of the road about 1km up was in very bad shape.

I passed through around Easter in my jeep, but I would not even for 1 second even contemplate attempting in my F150.

Granted, as more people go through the milder the washout tends to get with people stacking rocks, etc, but unless you have a capable vehicle I just want you to be prepared to turn around.

Good luck. Fun drive. Done it many times over the years.

12-16-2019, 05:17 PM
Just confirmed with a contact that was up more recently ..... bridge has been replaced sometime in aug/sept. Road is quite rough from there to about 70k mark, but with 4x4 you should be fine.

Good luck!!

12-16-2019, 05:17 PM
West is a 100 miles of gravel road. For the most part it is easily driveable. There would be maybe one area where 4x4 would be nice but doable in 2 wheel drive. We lost a camper jack when we drove it 10 years ago. Only took me a bit over two hours to drive it on my motorcycle. When I did that it was a day trip from Surrey and came back on the highway. The east side road comes out near Boston bar but heard they decommissioned the road and its overgrown to nearly impassable.

12-16-2019, 05:24 PM
I was up there during end of June and the bridge was still being replaced...don't know if it's still up.

Need to have 4x4 coming up the bridge

12-16-2019, 05:31 PM
Bridge is all good. Very rough after the bridge. Drove that route at least 10 times since August for work

12-16-2019, 07:38 PM
West is a 100 miles of gravel road. For the most part it is easily driveable. There would be maybe one area where 4x4 would be nice but doable in 2 wheel drive. We lost a camper jack when we drove it 10 years ago. Only took me a bit over two hours to drive it on my motorcycle. When I did that it was a day trip from Surrey and came back on the highway. The east side road comes out near Boston bar but heard they decommissioned the road and its overgrown to nearly impassable.

Yeah, you're a little outdated there bud.
That road changes from season to season, let alone after 10 years.

walks with deer
12-16-2019, 07:46 PM
lol good trip.. make a dsy of it...soak in the hotsprings..dont leave your vehicle to unattended...as a young man raised in mission living in squamish it was my prefered route home after sunday dinner at the parents.
plus always a adventure. highly recomend 10 ply tires with 10 ply walls in good shape.and two spares...shale is a bitch.

12-16-2019, 08:06 PM
East side goes to the Nahatlatch then Boston Bar via the Kookiipii, did i spell that right?
Been a long time, anyone done that this summer / fall.

12-16-2019, 08:17 PM
If you're going to drive it in the spring, be prepared to go around a corner and come across a sh*t ton of snow on the road. Not passable unless you have a helicopter in the truck bed. I haven't driven it for over 15 years, but I'm sure it's still the same in that regard.
As already correctly stated.....road and conditions vary from year to year.
And yes, west side only access to Port Douglas/Pemberton.

12-16-2019, 09:48 PM
If you're going to drive it in the spring, be prepared to go around a corner and come across a sh*t ton of snow on the road. Not passable unless you have a helicopter in the truck bed. I haven't driven it for over 15 years, but I'm sure it's still the same in that regard.
As already correctly stated.....road and conditions vary from year to year.
And yes, west side only access to Port Douglas/Pemberton.

I did it around easter, and Yes, even then the parts of the road in the shade had 1 foot of snow still!

From north end of lake toward Pemby it's plowed fairly regularly as there are people who live/work there. From the tip of the lake south .... not so much.

12-16-2019, 10:33 PM
Lets see if this works...... This is the video of the washout AFTER the bridge. Bridge out was easy, you drop down to the creek and cross through the creek. The washout after was way worse


12-16-2019, 10:34 PM
I used to drive that area somewhat regularly. The last time I drove it a couple years back... Pemberton to tsetspa on In-chuck fsr then down Harrison west to Chilliwack. The roughest spot was just after tsetspa on Harrison west. I’ve driven on the other side of Lillooet lake as well where you take a bridge to cross back onto the in-chuck (not sure I’m) That side was definitely slower then taking the In-chuck the whole way. Saw a wolf on that side though

12-16-2019, 10:40 PM
embedding a video is apparently beyond my computer skills

Would Rather Be Fishing
12-17-2019, 09:00 AM
Thanks everyone. Around what time you figure is it “usually” reasonable to attempt? April/May too early?

Would Rather Be Fishing
12-17-2019, 09:04 AM
Wohoooo good job driving that looks like fun! Can’t tell if your jeep is raised or not?

Lets see if this works...... This is the video of the washout AFTER the bridge. Bridge out was easy, you drop down to the creek and cross through the creek. The washout after was way worse


Would Rather Be Fishing
12-17-2019, 09:07 AM
lol good trip.. make a dsy of it...soak in the hotsprings..dont leave your vehicle to unattended...as a young man raised in mission living in squamish it was my prefered route home after sunday dinner at the parents.
plus always a adventure. highly recomend 10 ply tires with 10 ply walls in good shape.and two spares...shale is a bitch.

hot-springs? There are hot springs? Where??? That might get the mrs motivated to join me :-)

12-17-2019, 09:17 AM
hot-springs? There are hot springs? Where??? That might get the mrs motivated to join me :-)

sloquet hot springs

12-17-2019, 09:40 AM
Wohoooo good job driving that looks like fun! Can’t tell if your jeep is raised or not?

it had just a 2" lift and 31" tires.
But it had locked diffs front and back.

It served me well for many years.

12-17-2019, 09:42 AM
Thanks everyone. Around what time you figure is it “usually” reasonable to attempt? April/May too early?

it depends on the snow that year. every year is a bit different. May is usually a safe bet in the last few years that we havent gotten the usual snow dumps.
Sloquet hot springs are nice/

Are you going up there to fish? There's decent fishing to be had up that way.

Would Rather Be Fishing
12-17-2019, 10:16 AM
No specific reason other than I wanted to drive the routes Harrison Pemberton and Harrison Boston Bar for years now and never got the time to do it. Thought of opportunistically looking for spring bear and future deer scouting areas as well while i am around, maybe camp out a night with my son, playing it by ear.

That said, NOW this thread gives me ideas :-) Fishing, hot springs... this is shaping up to be a weekend trip! Appreciate all the feedback. Any ideas for fishing spots are appreciated.

it depends on the snow that year. every year is a bit different. May is usually a safe bet in the last few years that we havent gotten the usual snow dumps.
Sloquet hot springs are nice/

Are you going up there to fish? There's decent fishing to be had up that way.

12-17-2019, 10:21 AM
If you make it through you will be passing by a second hot springs on the way to pemberton. Skookumchuk or t'sek hot springs. Hope this link works.

https://www.google.com/search?q=pemberton+area+hotaprings&oq=pemberton+area+hotaprings&aqs=chrome..69i57.5971j0j7&client=ms-android-motorola-rev2&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_f:rln,rc_ludocids:2987370363 368719062,ru_gwp:0%252C7,ru_lqi:ChpwZW1iZXJ0b24gYX JlYSBob3Qgc3ByaW5nc0iCpsFGWjoKEGFyZWEgaG90IHNwcmlu Z3MQARACEAMYABgCGAMiGnBlbWJlcnRvbiBhcmVhIGhvdCBzcH Jpbmdz,ru_phdesc:2X0JyDR5bVM

Once you make it through to the north end of harrison lake the road is bumpy but easily passible through to pemberton. Its maintained periodically.

I have never been through from harrison but have been down from pemberton to the north end of the lake several times.


12-17-2019, 10:29 AM
Been to both hot springs up Harrison west and up the east side too, great place to visit,
later summer early fall probably easiest time to do it,
Ya Skookumchuk very easy to get to.

12-17-2019, 10:37 AM
Do it when you can, with slow down in forestry, roads won't be repaired or maintained as regularly as in the past. Years back , we took a tent trailer down after coming in from the north. I rate road by what gear I have to drive in, it was 1st and 2nd, then. It would have been quicker going through Pemberton . In '18 we went 40KM in from the Nahatlatch side.

12-17-2019, 12:28 PM
No specific reason other than I wanted to drive the routes Harrison Pemberton and Harrison Boston Bar for years now and never got the time to do it. Thought of opportunistically looking for spring bear and future deer scouting areas as well while i am around, maybe camp out a night with my son, playing it by ear.

That said, NOW this thread gives me ideas :-) Fishing, hot springs... this is shaping up to be a weekend trip! Appreciate all the feedback. Any ideas for fishing spots are appreciated.

Good fishing on Sloquet creek for resident dollies. Access isn't the easiest. you'll have to work for it.
If you time it right, just before the freshet there is good sea-run cutthroat fishing on the lillooet where the sloquet empties into the lillooet river. It's a nice area.
Freshet will hit probably late May, if i remember correctly. Best if you go before that.

last time i was there we did not time it right. it was too early (early April). I still managed a nice 17" resident rainbow.

12-17-2019, 12:33 PM
embedding a video is apparently beyond my computer skills

Apparently not...great vid man

Would Rather Be Fishing
12-17-2019, 12:53 PM
I'll definitely check that out, thanks for the tip!

Good fishing on Sloquet creek for resident dollies. Access isn't the easiest. you'll have to work for it.
If you time it right, just before the freshet there is good sea-run cutthroat fishing on the lillooet where the sloquet empties into the lillooet river. It's a nice area.
Freshet will hit probably late May, if i remember correctly. Best if you go before that.

last time i was there we did not time it right. it was too early (early April). I still managed a nice 17" resident rainbow.

Would Rather Be Fishing
12-17-2019, 01:24 PM
Holy moly I just watched some fishing videos of this river on Youtube, this looks beautiful! DEFINITELY going to check this out!

Anyone know how crowded the campsite usually get around May? Anyone know if the river access/fishing is better done around the campsite or lower down closer to the Lillooet? Google maps shows some very nice looking river banks....

12-17-2019, 01:37 PM
Holy moly I just watched some fishing videos of this river on Youtube, this looks beautiful! DEFINITELY going to check this out!

Anyone know how crowded the campsite usually get around May? Anyone know if the river access/fishing is better done around the campsite or lower down closer to the Lillooet? Google maps shows some very nice looking river banks....

sloquet gets VERY busy. But if you're lucky you'll be in a warm tub drinking beer with hot college chicks skinny dipping around you.
There might be some naked dudes, too, but usually mostly chicks. Spring break, man!

Would Rather Be Fishing
12-17-2019, 01:45 PM
You are selling this VERY well!

sloquet gets VERY busy. But if you're lucky you'll be in a warm tub drinking beer with hot college chicks skinny dipping around you.
There might be some naked dudes, too, but usually mostly chicks. Spring break, man!

12-17-2019, 01:57 PM
sloquet gets VERY busy. But if you're lucky you'll be in a warm tub drinking beer with hot college chicks skinny dipping around you.
There might be some naked dudes, too, but usually mostly chicks. Spring break, man!
LMAO. Went for the day last year with my wife, and 2 college aged hotties got in the pool beside us and started making out. I had to close my eyes and picture Rosie O'Donnel in my mind's eye so I could stand up and get out of the pool.

12-17-2019, 02:03 PM
LMAO. Went for the day last year with my wife, and 2 college aged hotties got in the pool beside us and started making out. I had to close my eyes and picture Rosie O'Donnel in my mind's eye so I could stand up and get out of the pool.

watch it turn into an HBC old geezer sausage fest now come April/May

12-17-2019, 02:07 PM
if someone has a snowmobile, you can go up there over the winter. you'll probably be all alone and the place will be awesome!!!

12-17-2019, 02:10 PM
HEY!!! I Resemble that remark!

12-17-2019, 03:02 PM
hot-springs? There are hot springs? Where??? That might get the mrs motivated to join me :-)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOsV-H4OOa8 When we camped it was by donation. I believe the Tretheway family owns and maintains the site by donation. We camped alongside the river and it was NOISY. Not people but rushing water.

http://huntingbc.ca/forum/images/shades_of_green/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Edzzed http://huntingbc.ca/forum/images/shades_of_green/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?p=2139039#post2139039)
West is a 100 miles of gravel road. For the most part it is easily driveable. There would be maybe one area where 4x4 would be nice but doable in 2 wheel drive. We lost a camper jack when we drove it 10 years ago. Only took me a bit over two hours to drive it on my motorcycle. When I did that it was a day trip from Surrey and came back on the highway. The east side road comes out near Boston bar but heard they decommissioned the road and its overgrown to nearly impassable.

Yeah, you're a little outdated there bud.
That road changes from season to season, let alone after 10 years.I am sure it does. I probably should have put in how long ago it was when I rode the motorcycle up there.

12-17-2019, 03:56 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOsV-H4OOa8 When we camped it was by donation. I believe the Tretheway family owns and maintains the site by donation. We camped alongside the river and it was NOISY. Not people but rushing water.

http://huntingbc.ca/forum/images/shades_of_green/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Edzzed http://huntingbc.ca/forum/images/shades_of_green/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?p=2139039#post2139039)
West is a 100 miles of gravel road. For the most part it is easily driveable. There would be maybe one area where 4x4 would be nice but doable in 2 wheel drive. We lost a camper jack when we drove it 10 years ago. Only took me a bit over two hours to drive it on my motorcycle. When I did that it was a day trip from Surrey and came back on the highway. The east side road comes out near Boston bar but heard they decommissioned the road and its overgrown to nearly impassable.

I am sure it does. I probably should have put in how long ago it was when I rode the motorcycle up there.

One of the last times i was up at St agnes wells/skookumchuck hotsprings, The trethewey (SP?) family had already been forced to sell it to the government who in turn are holding it in trust until negotiations are complete and it will then be owned by natives. that was current info about 5 years ago...i spoke to the japanese fellow who was contracted to help develope it similar to meagar Cr hotsprings...he was frustrated that he was stopped from doing any major changes by local users and natives alike who wanted the hotsprings to retain the rustic character. due to the fee they charge. it kinda helps keep some of the crazies away but still be prepared to find a bit of litter and possibly some broken glass after pretty much any weekend especially a long weekend