View Full Version : using a diaphragm elk call

10-04-2007, 09:01 AM
I'm heading out for elk next week, first time for elk, and so I bought a diaphragm elk call, but I'm having some trouble getting the right sounds to come out. can someone run me through how to use it properly and any little tricks i might be missing? thnks in advance

10-04-2007, 09:07 AM
Unfortunately there is no little tricks. Only time and practice will help.
I've been using one for over 2 years and I'm still fine tuning each sound.
I'd steer clear of the diaphram and go with a slide call or hootchie mama kind of deal.
I find the new ones arent really "broken in" for days, and that's after you're good with one.
Good luck on your trip!

10-04-2007, 09:10 AM
it's a hard concept to explain- before season I keep one in my car and practice all the time (my wife doesn't exactly enjoy me calling in the house) I only use a diaphragm to cow call, and find the single ried the easiest to use. Primos makes a call with a little orange piece that is easy too- i'll try and add the pic. Buy a couple "Primos the truth" hunting videos and listen to them call- they are very good. I called a 6 point into my dad with a diaphragm this year- the pics are in the gallery. Hope this helps.
https://shop.primos.com/images/CATEGORY/icon/17.jpg (https://shop.primos.com/c-17-mouth-calls.aspx)

10-04-2007, 09:15 AM
Blacktail stalker has a great point if you're just learning- hoochie mamma works and is simple to use- you can't vary the sound or sweet-talk with it, but you won't sound like a dying rabbit either. I've also done well using a hyper-hot. Another to never forget is don't EVER call when a bull is in sight unless you are already blown or just trying to stop him. Bulls can pinpoint exactly where a sound comes from- when he sees there's no elk, he'll slowly walk away.

10-04-2007, 09:16 AM
I have one with just a little flap on the top and find it very easy to use. I also tried one of those orange things the other day and it found it's way into the fire. I couldn't make a good sound out of it to save a coyotes life. Try different diaphrams and keep at it and eventually you should catch on.

10-04-2007, 09:17 AM
That's another point, there are lots of diaphrams on the market.
As you can see diggerpax likes the primos, but I hate the primos, they dont fit my mouth properly, esp the new ones with the plastic. I prefer the Wayne Clarlton or Bugling Bull Game calls, as well as a couple others.
Diaphrams are as personal as a pair of boots.

10-04-2007, 09:48 AM
I find that most are too big for me (make me go blech!!! and gag) so I trim mine down with a pair of scissors, just til they are the size of the main plastic rib, then I start practicing Aug 1 of each year)....

I am not overly impressed with the hoochie mama, I find it makes the herds get vocal, but head the other direction, never had them come to the hoocie...

10-04-2007, 12:39 PM
practice is key, and getting the call to fit your mouth right

nothing sounds as good as a diaphragm call though!

10-04-2007, 10:05 PM
thanks for the info, i guess i'll just practice until next week and if I don't have it mastered by then I'l just let the other guys call that i'm going with. do you guys think that the elk will still respond to some sweet cow calls?

10-04-2007, 10:11 PM
I'm not sure how the rut is up where you are, but in Wyo I wouldn't expect any super hot action, but you may get them to talk a little. I'd locate and sneak in right now.

10-16-2007, 05:53 PM
I have nothing but good luck with the hoochie mama ... 3 settings .... the longest is a great rendition of heat call .... I also have a rocky call medium bugul with the external diaphram (monarch) .... way better for me than the mouth diaphram as I too am a gagger ... I talk back and forth with myself ...then the odd time i will throw a small bugle in ... will get the bigger bull in for sure ...but you must study how elk talk to one another .... Rockys puts out an instructional CD that is excellent.

By the way ... Will Primos payed Rocky Jacobson alot of money to put the Primos name on Rockys calls and diaphrams

If you wanna learn to call elk ... http://www.buglingbull.com/ and look at the audio/video .... the full of Bull series is awesome
... Of course if you not all that serious .... then dont ...

Click the link