View Full Version : What gets your heart pumping?

10-04-2007, 07:12 AM
Of all the game I've hunted, nothing gets my heart going like a big bull elk. Ever think your heart is pounding so hard an animal could almost hear it? How about your hand shaking so hard that it's hard to get your range finder to lock in? What gives you all the worst buck fever?

10-04-2007, 07:16 AM
I agree, a big bull elk bugling his face off at you at under 40 yards, during bow season...

But also hunting coyotes in full snow camo, using hand calls, having them howl back at you and you know they are a comin'......

10-04-2007, 07:18 AM
A bull elk in the rut stomping and snorting 15' away sure gets my heart racing, specially when you have your 8 yr old son hiding behind you!!!!

10-04-2007, 07:22 AM
Yes bull elk get me going for sure to. Especially the ones that are just out of bow range and making a lot of noise. And you are holding your position and ranging him after every step just hoping he comes into your comfort range. A close second would be bear. I arrowed my bear this year at 5 yards it was unreal adrenilin rush. I can't wait for my grizz draw. That should be a rush.

Mr. Dean
10-04-2007, 08:28 AM
Haven't chased a lot of different species yet.

But when I walked to the edge of a road once, to look down the hill and the Bear I was looking for was feeding in the ditch... literally 6' from my big toe; that made the the ole ticker go thump!

I think it came to a stop.

10-04-2007, 08:40 AM
Anytime I get to shoot something, my heart rate gets pretty high, but it gets the highest probably when bow hunting deer. Gets my heart going so hard when a nice buck is working his way into a shooting lane that it just about knocks me over.

10-04-2007, 08:47 AM
harvesting any animal is an adreniline rush I think for anyone who is in the spirit of hunting - being outdoors and part of this vast beautiful province we live in is a real heart stopper - we have so much elegance and wonderment to see and enjoy that the minute you walk out your suburban lifestyle into the wilderness gets your mind, body and soul into a complete new dimension of what things must have been like before so called civilization took over


10-04-2007, 09:26 AM
I've enjoyed a lot of close encounters with elk, bear and deer. Elk usually come in so fast there is no time to get excited. Even when I'm in tight with them, I stay focused and not excited. Bears, are just bears, nothing to get excited about. Deer, whitetails take so much time to come in, they get me going.

Whitetails and my girlfriend get my heart going.

10-04-2007, 09:34 AM
Bear hunting has been my biggest thrill so far. I have to admit that my heart gets pounding at the sight of any animal I'm persuing though. Nothing beats the adrenalin rush of hunting.

Bow Walker
10-04-2007, 10:32 AM
If you've got a bow in hand and your quarry is within your comfort zone, presenting a good shot, and your heart isn't going thump-ety, thump - you'd better go home and put your feet up.

10-04-2007, 12:13 PM
If you've got a bow in hand and your quarry is within your comfort zone, presenting a good shot, and your heart isn't going thump-ety, thump - you'd better go home and put your feet up. Not so. It is important to control those emotions. At close range the animals can sense anxiety/excitement and they can hear your heart beat. You also have to control your breathing. Shifting from hunter to killer at close range, means staying focused and in control.:razz:

10-04-2007, 05:39 PM
yep ...aint nuttin better than hearing an elk sound off some of that fine rocky mountian music at close range ....

The gobble of a turkey at bow range is comming in a close second tho

10-04-2007, 10:04 PM
Sheep. There is nothing like spotting a ram and stalking within bow range. Have yet to connect on a ram with a bow but have come very close twice and both times when it was over I realized that I had been holding my breath the whole time. One missed shot on a Stone @ 50 yards and a dall that was a quarter inch from being legal @ 26.