View Full Version : Salmon pie

12-05-2019, 09:49 PM
We had some pink salmon filets in the freezer I wanted to use up so decided to make a salmon pie...first made some pastry and left it to chill in the fridge ,then I lightly poached the salmon filets in water with some lemon juice,removed and broke up in chunks removing any skin or bones.Diced up some potatoes and added the water from poaching the salmon.Added a chopped onion,celery, sweet Thai pepper ,chopped frozen spinach ,frozen peas ,and mushrooms.I added a can of mushroom soup with half a can of milk and flour to thicken.Added some mayo ,mustard ,salt and pepper and some grated cheddar. Boiled that lightly ,then stirred in the salmon chunks,and took off the stove to cool,then I filled the pie shell ,put on the top and baked it until the pie was bubbling and the crust browned up( about an hour) makes a fine meal and a change from the usual salmon recipes.we served it with asparagus and cheese sauce .Glass of wine is optional but recommended....

12-05-2019, 10:19 PM
My buddy's step mom made us salmon pie last summer. I was a little hesitant at first. But God damn! Drizzle a little honey on there. Over!

12-05-2019, 11:21 PM
Great recipe! Fancy quiche loraine version!

12-06-2019, 08:31 AM
The trouble is I get stuck in a rut and get used to just baking or broiling salmon and this provided a nice change.I still like fresh barbequed salmon but if you have salmon in the freezer you want to use up,try something diferent.I made two, had one for supper and froze the other but I”m not sure how the potatoes are going to do.I think a lot of these old recipes ( this was Irish) came from using cheaper cuts and making fish or meat ‘stretch’ to feed a family

12-10-2019, 07:56 PM
The one thing I was concerned with was freezing the salmon pie because it had cubed potatoes in it ,and we had the frozen salmon pie last night and it was fine..I always try to make multiples of any dish because it’s no more work to make two( or more)rather than one