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View Full Version : 3 more sleeps

10-03-2007, 10:36 PM
Okay,gears packed and ready to go.My #2 hunting partner and I leave to Valemont this Saturday.Unfortunatly #1 hunting partner being my 19 year old daughter can't make it this year,11 days away from my 6 month old grandson is just not feasible right now,although she has convinced my not so hunting inclined wife to take her for a few day outings.Know don't get me wrong,my wife loves wild game but the idea of early mornings hiking through the bush doesn't appeal to her.The bush may never be the same:razz: Anyhow,from the 6th to 9th we hunt elk,bear and deer then from the 10th on we have cow/calf draws.I will post results when we get back and maybe have a good story from the daughter as well.Thanks for those who gave me a little insight for this region.Cheers and happy hunting!

10-04-2007, 03:35 PM
Best of luck to you.


10-04-2007, 07:07 PM
Have Fun & Happy Hunting:cool: