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View Full Version : bad luck in ft. nelson

10-03-2007, 08:51 AM
just came back from the great literally white north. we only had good weather for the first day of hunting. the only way to hunt in the area we were in was to cruise the winter roads and cut lines on our quads the bush is thicker than the hair on a dogs back. Dad and I would come back out of a area and find moose tracks over our tracks, over and over again.

There is tons of fresh sighn every where but we only saw one bull not legal.

Then we desided to get out of the mud and hunt the river for a while we went 30 kms up river and started to drift back calling every once in awhile. Thats went the rains came we toughed it out for awhile but it didn't look it was going to stop. heading back to the boat launch the fuel pump on my jet boat crapped out and we went the last 18 km with dad pumping the primer bulb all the way. on the way back to camp the rain turned to snow and more snow. All night we had trees crashing down around us. we woke up to 20 inches of wet heavy snow and had to cut up about ten trees just to get out of camp.

our luck didn't improve any over the next couple days seeing no moose I headed for home. Just to ad insult to injury a huge legal bull crossed the alaska highway right in front of me at prophet river camp:evil:

10-03-2007, 09:20 AM
OUCH that hurts! Too bad about the trip. It's tough to see the legal ones on your way home - either on the road in your case, or standing in someone's front yard. Are you going out again?

10-03-2007, 10:06 AM
At least you got into some nice country, being up there. Gotta take the good with the bad. The next one will be good.
After all, its why they call it hunting and not killing right!
Better luck next time