View Full Version : Just can’t decide

Wild one
11-16-2019, 10:18 AM
So here is the issue right now all my stands are out in locations. The last two days I decided to try a spot I scouted back in August but decided not to set up. Well there is a nice WT old heavy character buck here and he has slipped by me twice now do to poor visibility on the ground. With a stand I would stand a better chance but still not 100%. This buck won’t score worth a crap but he is old and cool looking

Only stand that does not have good buck sign at this time is because a cougar moved into the area. A week ago this location was my top location so been hoping the cougar moves on

Other spots let’s just say would be stupid to move

Tempted to pull the cougar stand and try for this character buck but if that cat moves on that location is way better. What to do?

Wild one
11-16-2019, 10:19 AM
PS my ass is cold sitting under this tree lol

11-16-2019, 10:25 AM
Kill the Cat......then the old buck.

Wild one
11-16-2019, 10:29 AM
Kill the Cat......then the old buck.

I was actually going to talk to the houndsmen at work but I am not holding my breath on that getting anywhere

11-16-2019, 10:35 AM
Kitty sure destroyed our chances for days and days last year.
Passed on several bucks looking for Mr.Big till the cat moved in.
When scouting the area off season we find all kinds of deer kills. Some we think are cats, bear or winter kill.
When it moved in all daytime activity stopped. Completely.
When im hunting late season from now on Kitty tag in my pocket.

Good luck finding and tagging the ol boy.

Wild one
11-16-2019, 10:42 AM
Been plagued by predators in a few spots this year both wolves and cats caused me to move spots. You are bang on with them going nocturnal and add in minimal movement

11-16-2019, 12:00 PM
Buy another stand for the new location

Wild one
11-16-2019, 06:30 PM
Buy another stand for the new location

you could always buy me one for Christmas :razz:

338win mag
11-17-2019, 08:28 AM
Its tough hunting whitetails if there are cougars around, my whitetail spot has them lurking around all the time now. It used to be they would show up then disappear then cycle back to the area, now they are there always it seems making it poor hunting.
My son saw 3 of them together walking through a swamp....making it really peaceful sitting on the stand, lol.

Wild one
11-17-2019, 09:13 AM
Predators and any other unexpected interruptions can sure mess up a whitetail spot. One of the spots I scouted now has a road being pushed straight through it as well. Being my first season back in this area in years so can’t truly predict the predators here yet but have had some come and go at other locations

I have a good number of quality locations and even without predators in the area I try to spread the pressure I cause even because how the deer react. Basically I have 6 different bucks I know of that I would be happy with so it’s not that this is a must spot. He is definitely unique and worth have in my hunting rotation though.

Checked my cam at the spot with the cougar and there is an increase in deer activity again but not what it was. No pics of a cougar or tracks but I don’t like stomping around my set ups so I could have missed the tracks. No pics of any mature buck either.

11-17-2019, 09:47 AM
you could always buy me one for Christmas :razz:
If you’re good Santa might stuff one down your chimney

Wild one
11-17-2019, 11:05 AM
If you’re good Santa might stuff one down your chimney

probably just get more coal

11-17-2019, 11:40 AM
Do you use any attractant, Molasses, Buck jam etc?

Wild one
11-17-2019, 11:49 AM
Do you use any attractant, Molasses, Buck jam etc?

I am back in Alberta these days all that stuff is a no go here

11-17-2019, 01:24 PM
I've experienced interruptions to my Whitetail Spot as well. Existing Road was reused for Logging, Deer movement slowed.
There are Cougars in the area, unintentionally called one in few years ago.....Bowhunting.....to within 8yards!!!!
Maybe try as suggested.....Fawn Bleets.....kill Cougar, go back to Hunting that Buck!!!