View Full Version : Region 2 new hunter

10-30-2019, 04:50 PM
Hey guys new hunter living in region 2 I have spent 10 days out so far this year with no luck mainly been hunting region 3 now I am going to concentrate on region 2 for any buck to maybe increase my odds, I was hopping someone might be able to help a newbie out with a general direction I don’t expect any places maybe just a general area or if someone would like some help on a hunt I’d gladly help out and do the driving and cover gas, sorry if this seems upfront

10-30-2019, 05:28 PM
Try Ruby creek area off of the 7 gets worked pretty hard by truck traffic but if you work the area on foot you will get lucky

10-30-2019, 05:55 PM
Where abouts in region 2 are you?

North van?
Chilli wacky?

10-30-2019, 05:56 PM
Your better of in region 3 or go to Rock Creek for white tails in November

10-30-2019, 05:59 PM
Thanks for the input guys I am living in east Vancouver if that makes a difference

10-30-2019, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the info, when you say work an area by foot I hope I’m doing it right lol I usually park the truck and hike for the day but people I speak to say I’m doing it wrong I should find a spot and sit and wait

Wild one
10-30-2019, 06:34 PM
I am big on ambush style hunting but if you don’t know where to sit it’s not very effective. Hiking/still hunting is effective to learn the area well you hunt. Being a new hunter you are also lacking experience to be able to pick out good habitat in a new area. Get out learn the area, pay attention to sign and look for possible ambush points for the future is what I would do

Region 2 is not easy but if you invest the time and effort to learn pockets it’s good but most give up before they figure it out. If you are willing to fail lots and invest lots of off season scouting it’s worth it and there are lots of guys who are consistently successful doing this

Some do it by out hiking others chasing mountain blacktail from alpine down the mountains and others figure out the overlooked lowland blacktail. Very different hunts but both are about scouting, knowledge of the area, and the movement of the deer in the area

So if you can bounce back from failure, willing to invest time, and endure frustration pick an area and start learning

10-30-2019, 07:31 PM
My wife and I were both successful in reg 3 this year. Ill be heading out to Squamish Reg2 for the first time this Saturday to try and bag a blacktail. I plan on still hunting/hiking my ass off and setting up a couple cams. I have one spot I was told to check out but looking at google earth I think ill have to find my own spot.