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View Full Version : Once again. slaughter in no shooting zones.

chilcotin hillbilly
10-24-2019, 08:01 PM
Every year around this time the local FN show up daily killing mostly does inside the no shooting zones, trespassing on private land, and generally doing what ever the hell they want.

I have caught these people red handed, confronted them and sent them packing, videoed the trespassers and told the rancher.
the rancher is scared to push the issued doesn't feel anything would ever happen to them anyways.

I have emailed our local CO's and will wait for their response.

The small group of poachers reflex badly on the rest of the band members. I am sick of this type of behaviour happening in my back yard.

I am little wound up and hope one of them get out of their trucks one of these days to throw down, it might make me feel better.


10-24-2019, 08:05 PM
History shows people have to die for change to happen. I wouldnt hold your breath until people are really ready to see change.

Bugle M In
10-24-2019, 08:13 PM
Every year around this time the local FN show up daily killing mostly does inside the no shooting zones, trespassing on private land, and generally doing what ever the hell they want.

I have caught these people red handed, confronted them and sent them packing, videoed the trespassers and told the rancher.
the rancher is scared to push the issued doesn't feel anything would ever happen to them anyways.

I have emailed our local CO's and will wait for their response.

Stewards of the land my ass, not only are they on their way to destroying my lively hood but show no regard for safety laws. We won't even get into the ethics of shooting of truck loads of does.

I am little wound up and hope one of them get out of their trucks one of these days to throw down, it might make me feel better.


You will get the same answer I did back when I reported Pit Lamping and shots fired up around Peter Hope Lak out of Merritt at mid night.
First when I described the truck (as I had seen them during the day already before), they quickly knew something and immediately said
"are they FN" (already knowing my answer was apparent).
When I answered "Yes"....they said "not doing anything".

That was like 1987 or so......nothing has changed.
Well, actually, it has....it's gotten worse!

10-25-2019, 06:50 AM
Ironically, when the numbers hit rock bottom, we as responsible hunters will be the ones further limited or shut down.

Until both parties are on the same page( we are worlds apart) then it will only go down hill from here.

Although youd feel better having a conversation with them, they could turn it around and say you are interfering with a legal hunt. Our best bet is to observe, report and get pictures out there of the waste and reckless and swing the public's perception.

10-25-2019, 07:04 AM
The blame lies with the policies of our government, not the first Nations. Nothing will change until that does and we all see how hard the pendulum is swinging right now. Best of luck seeing any meaningful change anytime soon.

10-25-2019, 07:33 AM
Maybe someone needs to set up an information blockade in that area to point out the problems and highlight what needs to be addressed.
Blockades and peaceful protest seem to be in vogue these days

Big Lew
10-25-2019, 07:39 AM
What's troubling about some of the Indigenous indiscriminately going into an area and killing
everything and anything which devastates the breeding stock for many years is that there's
absolutely none of them needing the meat because of a matter of basic survival in this day and
age. Their community leaders keep touting that they're sensitive to nature and only take from
it what they need yet they seemingly allow a few members to wantonly wipe out entire areas in
order to sell the meat outside of their community. They're not the only one's though...I was
instrumental in exposing a large poaching ring that were doing the same thing east of Stave Lake.
None were Indigenous, some were Caucasian and others were Asian. They killed does and fawns
during the summer in order to sell the meat to stores and restaurants in Richmond.
Although the RCMP phoned me to tell me the success and extent of their investigation, I never
heard what the courts did about the whole affair, nor was I asked to go to court.

10-25-2019, 07:48 AM
Every year around this time the local FN show up daily killing mostly does inside the no shooting zones, trespassing on private land, and generally doing what ever the hell they want.

I have caught these people red handed, confronted them and sent them packing, videoed the trespassers and told the rancher.
the rancher is scared to push the issued doesn't feel anything would ever happen to them anyways.

I have emailed our local CO's and will wait for their response.

Stewards of the land my ass, not only are they on their way to destroying my lively hood but show no regard for safety laws. We won't even get into the ethics of shooting of truck loads of does.

I am little wound up and hope one of them get out of their trucks one of these days to throw down, it might make me feel better.


Sometimes one needs to help them out of the truck...………….

10-25-2019, 08:32 AM
I wonder if next time anyone sees something like this they bring it up to the chiefs of that first Nations band. Get a response and go public with it. I am really interested to see what the hereditary chiefs have to say about their band members doing things like that. Probably nothing will come out of it but they have a system of government within the band and perhaps pressure on the top could change things?

10-25-2019, 09:11 AM
Elders have already made it clear they have no control over their members
One would think peer pressure might work but the i-dont-cares outnumber the concerns

Arctic Lake
10-25-2019, 10:08 AM
Maybe someone needs to set up an information blockade in that area to point out the problems and highlight what needs to be addressed.
Blockades and peaceful protest seem to be in vogue these days

Boxhitch You have an idea there ! Not only there but in areas like Cache Creek, traffic coming from different areas . The Coq . Highway 3 . Have always wondered why we don't do this . Could hand out some information from the CCFR as well . Some very educated , intelligent , talented people on this site . They could make it happen !
Arctic Lake

10-25-2019, 10:41 AM
Sometimes one needs to help them out of the truck...………….
heheheheh...presently cleaning up coffee spewed all over my keyboard

10-25-2019, 03:51 PM
Elders have already made it clear they have no control over their members
One would think peer pressure might work but the i-dont-cares outnumber the concerns
I worked with some native fellas from the lillooet band , one day at work he hands me some elk meat. I ask ,where’d you get that and he replies above lillooet. And I reply I thought you guys weren’t supposed to hunt them. He says , I don’t care I’m an Indian I can get away with anything I want! I didn’t take the elk!! Same with up in terrace bc they put their nets out on Monday go on a bender all week come Friday they pull their nets full of rotten fish and pile them on the beach for the wild dogs they don’t care for at all to eat.

10-25-2019, 06:02 PM
I know a lot of lillooet fn and they disregard the law and do not care at all like above mentioned. They will do what they want. “Whitey needs to buy tags? Hahaha”

10-25-2019, 06:19 PM
Boxhitch You have an idea there ! Not only there but in areas like Cache Creek, traffic coming from different areas . The Coq . Highway 3 . Have always wondered why we don't do this . Could hand out some information from the CCFR as well . Some very educated , intelligent , talented people on this site . They could make it happen !
Arctic Lake

BOXHITCH is a Very Experienced GUY of a FEW ? years and has being thru a FEW roadblocks over the years ! Billy could get it done ! I Elect him to RamRod this Deal ! :tongue: RJ

10-25-2019, 06:27 PM
Every year around this time the local FN show up daily killing mostly does inside the no shooting zones, trespassing on private land, and generally doing what ever the hell they want.

I have caught these people red handed, confronted them and sent them packing, videoed the trespassers and told the rancher.
the rancher is scared to push the issued doesn't feel anything would ever happen to them anyways.

I have emailed our local CO's and will wait for their response.

Stewards of the land my ass, not only are they on their way to destroying my lively hood but show no regard for safety laws. We won't even get into the ethics of shooting of truck loads of does.

I am little wound up and hope one of them get out of their trucks one of these days to throw down, it might make me feel better.


I'm SURE BEARVALLEY would LIKE to share info on what to do with the Indians ! :tongue: He's our KNOW IT ALL indian Specialist :roll: RJ

10-25-2019, 06:55 PM
Every year around this time the local FN show up daily killing mostly does inside the no shooting zones, trespassing on private land, and generally doing what ever the hell they want.

I have caught these people red handed, confronted them and sent them packing, videoed the trespassers and told the rancher.
the rancher is scared to push the issued doesn't feel anything would ever happen to them anyways.

I have emailed our local CO's and will wait for their response.

Stewards of the land my ass, not only are they on their way to destroying my lively hood but show no regard for safety laws. We won't even get into the ethics of shooting of truck loads of does.

I am little wound up and hope one of them get out of their trucks one of these days to throw down, it might make me feel better.


I'm SURE BEARVALLEY would LIKE to share info on what to do with the Indians ! :tongue: He's our KNOW IT ALL indian Specialist :roll: RJ

REMINGTON JIM..... Doug (chilcotin hillbilly) and I have sat down and discussed this issue and others face to face.
Have you?
Putting some effort into working thru these issues is one hell of a lot tougher than flapping your gums on HBC.

I don’t claim to be any form of an “Indian Specialist” as you call it .... but I can probably out class you any day of the week when it comes down to respectfully negotiating an agreement between working partners.

chilcotin hillbilly, do you have anything to say?

10-25-2019, 07:36 PM
REMINGTON JIM..... Doug (chilcotin hillbilly) and I have sat down and discussed this issue and others face to face.
Have you?
Putting some effort into working thru these issues is one hell of a lot tougher than flapping your gums on HBC.

I don’t claim to be any form of an “Indian Specialist” as you call it .... but I can probably out class you any day of the week when it comes down to respectfully negotiating an agreement between working partners.

chilcotin hillbilly, do you have anything to say?

I am going to speak out of turn here Mikey. Doug and several other stakeholders are basically being run out of their homes and businesses over a land claim that should never have been awarded. It will be interesting in a few years time what your thoughts about up north are. One of you Tahitian elders has already been quoted saying another area in the northwest that is now for sale at 3.5 mill will not bring over $600,000 when they decide to buy.

Be careful of your backside when it comes to the screwing we are all going to get should the bleeding heart lefties keep playing Santy Claus to the Indians.

10-25-2019, 07:40 PM
REMINGTON JIM..... Doug (chilcotin hillbilly) and I have sat down and discussed this issue and others face to face.
Have you?
Putting some effort into working thru these issues is one hell of a lot tougher than flapping your gums on HBC.

I don’t claim to be any form of an “Indian Specialist” as you call it .... but I can probably out class you any day of the week when it comes down to respectfully negotiating an agreement between working partners.

chilcotin hillbilly, do you have anything to say?
You just bust your balls and hustle down to lend your power of persuasion to intercede on Chilcotin Hillbilly's behalf. Report back to us on Monday.

10-25-2019, 08:12 PM
[QUOTE=bearvalley;2126963]REMINGTON JIM..... Doug (chilcotin hillbilly) and I have sat down and discussed this issue and others face to face.
Have you?
Putting some effort into working thru these issues is one hell of a lot tougher than flapping your gums on HBC.

I don’t claim to be any form of an “Indian Specialist” as you call it .... but I can probably out class you any day of the week when it comes down to respectfully negotiating an agreement between working partners.

Mikey I have NO interest in sittiing down and chatting with the Indians - as FAR as I'm concerned MOST are BUNCH of THUG's and LAW breakers ! ESPECIALLY the Chilcotin natives ! There Racist and There Entiltleist Freeloaders ! - So you just Keep defending them -thats your Ajenda ! Mine is MUCH different ! RJ

10-25-2019, 08:14 PM
I am going to speak out of turn here Mikey. Doug and several other stakeholders are basically being run out of their homes and businesses over a land claim that should never have been awarded. It will be interesting in a few years time what your thoughts about up north are. One of you Tahitian elders has already been quoted saying another area in the northwest that is now for sale at 3.5 mill will not bring over $600,000 when they decide to buy.

Be careful of your backside when it comes to the screwing we are all going to get should the bleeding heart lefties keep playing Santy Claus to the Indians.

Davey, I’m fully aware of what’s gone on with Doug and the land title issue where his guide area is ....that said Doug and I have also discussed what’s gone on up north with the Tahltans.
We both agree on the fact that the working agreement between GO’s and the Tahltan Nation has created the one area where it is worth owning an outfitting business.
Others are starting to get this concept.

On the Tahltan elders comment about buying a $3.5 million outfit for 600K.... gossip runs and flows like diahrea.
There are 2 guide outfits for sale in that region for approximately the dollars you’re talking....the Tahltans have first right of refusal if a sale agreement is drafted between willing buyer/willing seller.
Outfitters that are members of the TGOA are the ones who granted this right to the TCG.
Guide territories have sold while this condition has been in place....the Tahltans have not purchased them and the price was not affected.

As part of the working MOU between GO’s and the Tahltans....hunting, trapping and guide outfitting is being enshrined into their land plans.
When/If they have title land granted that is to continue.

Dave, a lot can be done when parties can sit at a table and negotiate.
The difference is that up north we as individuals did our own dealings and cut government out of the picture.
The fault in the Chilcotin and I’ve said the same to Doug and others that are guide outfitter reps is that they are trusting government to do their deals.

Government doesn’t give a shit about you or me.

10-25-2019, 08:17 PM
Mikey I have NO interest in sittiing down and chatting with the Indians - as FAR as I'm concerned MOST are BUNCH of THUG's and LAW breakers ! ESPECIALLY the Chilcotin natives ! There Racist and There Entiltleist Freeloaders ! - So you just Keep defending them -thats your Ajenda ! Mine is MUCH different ! RJ

Have another beer RJ and you’ll make even more sense!

10-25-2019, 08:18 PM
Been hunting for over 40 years. Have actually never run into a First Nations person that was hunting. Certainly run into a number of non native poachers over the years and reported them all . Seems to me some on here are looking for scape goats for declining wildlife populations . First , get off the roads and out of your trucks and you will find game . Secondly govt has put zero resources into wildlife for decades, while habitat , predators , industry wreak havoc on our wildlife.
Not a fan of anyone who abuses our wildlife, however some of the comments on here are , frankly not worthy of rebuttal when it comes to racism. A number of people both First Nations and others are working together for the benefit of wildlife. Look at region six, KIB in Kamloops amongst others. Bitch and moan from inside your truck all you want, your only spinning your wheels, work with like minded people to get proper funding for wildlife ( not more studies to feed bureaucrats egos) and then differences will be made ( ie predator control/ caribou). Time to move on from race based blame on all sides

10-25-2019, 08:36 PM
Davey, I’m fully aware of what’s gone on with Doug and the land title issue where his guide area is ....that said Doug and I have also discussed what’s gone on up north with the Tahltans.
We both agree on the fact that the working agreement between GO’s and the Tahltan Nation has created the one area where it is worth owning an outfitting business.
Others are starting to get this concept.

On the Tahltan elders comment about buying a $3.5 million outfit for 600K.... gossip runs and flows like diahrea.
There are 2 guide outfits for sale in that region for approximately the dollars you’re talking....the Tahltans have first right of refusal if a sale agreement is drafted between willing buyer/willing seller.
Outfitters that are members of the TGOA are the ones who granted this right to the TCG.
Guide territories have sold while this condition has been in place....the Tahltans have not purchased them and the price was not affected.

As part of the working MOU between GO’s and the Tahltans....hunting, trapping and guide outfitting is being enshrined into their land plans.
When/If they have title land granted that is to continue.

Dave, a lot can be done when parties can sit at a table and negotiate.
The difference is that up north we as individuals did our own dealings and cut government out of the picture.
The fault in the Chilcotin and I’ve said the same to Doug and others that are guide outfitter reps is that they are trusting government to do their deals.

Government doesn’t give a shit about you or me.

I will pass your comment about gossip and diarrhea on to the fellow who told me. You know him and his abilities quite well.

10-25-2019, 08:39 PM
I will pass your comment about gossip and diarrhea on to the fellow who told me. You know him and his abilities quite well.
You don’t need to worry....I’ll phone him myself.

10-25-2019, 08:45 PM
Been hunting for over 40 years. Have actually never run into a First Nations person that was hunting. Certainly run into a number of non native poachers over the years and reported them all . Seems to me some on here are looking for scape goats for declining wildlife populations . First , get off the roads and out of your trucks and you will find game . Secondly govt has put zero resources into wildlife for decades, while habitat , predators , industry wreak havoc on our wildlife.
Not a fan of anyone who abuses our wildlife, however some of the comments on here are , frankly not worthy of rebuttal when it comes to racism. A number of people both First Nations and others are working together for the benefit of wildlife. Look at region six, KIB in Kamloops amongst others. Bitch and moan from inside your truck all you want, your only spinning your wheels, work with like minded people to get proper funding for wildlife ( not more studies to feed bureaucrats egos) and then differences will be made ( ie predator control/ caribou). Time to move on from race based blame on all sides

These days Jim, you have to stay on the roads to see most of the younger natives who are still hunting.

If you have read anything I have ever posted you would know that I feel we are all responsible for the state of our wildlife populations. Many of the native people here support backing off hunting. Enough of the other kind shooting and selling dozens of moose and deer more than make up for those who want some conservation in my local area.

CH's original post has been repeated for several years. There are many Indians here in the Chilcotin that have the opinion that the whole country is theirs, posted or not. Unless those types change their collective frames of mind, we will have a situation such as in Alberta with landowners shooting back. Is it wrong to protect what is ours?

I have never been much on caring what a person's skin colour was but as long as this onesidedness carries on I might get that way.

10-25-2019, 09:05 PM
Davey, I’m fully aware of what’s gone on with Doug and the land title issue where his guide area is ....that said Doug and I have also discussed what’s gone on up north with the Tahltans.
We both agree on the fact that the working agreement between GO’s and the Tahltan Nation has created the one area where it is worth owning an outfitting business.
Others are starting to get this concept.

On the Tahltan elders comment about buying a $3.5 million outfit for 600K.... gossip runs and flows like diahrea.
There are 2 guide outfits for sale in that region for approximately the dollars you’re talking....the Tahltans have first right of refusal if a sale agreement is drafted between willing buyer/willing seller.
Outfitters that are members of the TGOA are the ones who granted this right to the TCG.
Guide territories have sold while this condition has been in place....the Tahltans have not purchased them and the price was not affected.

As part of the working MOU between GO’s and the Tahltans....hunting, trapping and guide outfitting is being enshrined into their land plans.
When/If they have title land granted that is to continue.

Dave, a lot can be done when parties can sit at a table and negotiate.
The difference is that up north we as individuals did our own dealings and cut government out of the picture.
The fault in the Chilcotin and I’ve said the same to Doug and others that are guide outfitter reps is that they are trusting government to do their deals.

Government doesn’t give a shit about you or me.

I also will compare your area situation with those who had leases for their houses to sit on. Only a matter of time before your lease fees go up. They will because they can.

10-25-2019, 09:21 PM
I also will compare your area situation with those who had leases for their houses to sit on. Only a matter of time before your lease fees go up. They will because they can.

I guess in what happens up north you have to look at as the price of doing business.
With several outfitters in our organization being Tahltan members I’m thinking outfitting will last in northwestern BC for a while.
As in the case of any short supply business...demand will dictate price and therefor added costs will factor in.
Kind of like calves and hay Dave.

10-25-2019, 09:35 PM
I get it Dave and also understand you personally have worked with your neighbours for years . My guess is it f it was you talking to your neighbours most things would be solved. Throw govt in the mix with the mid level bureaucrats and some of their raincoats “ conservation” friends and things go sideways . My post was more about townies who really never get out in the Bush or off the roads , trashing first nations( your neighbours) on rumour an innuendo, how many of them actually live off pavement ? I take your experiences as true and hope you can sit face to face with your neighbours and work it out. Sans gov clowns

10-25-2019, 10:19 PM
I get it Dave and also understand you personally have worked with your neighbours for years . My guess is it f it was you talking to your neighbours most things would be solved. Throw govt in the mix with the mid level bureaucrats and some of their raincoats “ conservation” friends and things go sideways . My post was more about townies who really never get out in the Bush or off the roads , trashing first nations( your neighbours) on rumour an innuendo, how many of them actually live off pavement ? I take your experiences as true and hope you can sit face to face with your neighbours and work it out. Sans gov clowns

Might not happen as I'm not prepared to pay anyone more money for what our elected government and bureaucracies charge me to do business. Nor will I turn my nose brown attempting to do so. I do know that all it takes is a change of Band leadership and everything changes. Negotiations here have proven that.

chilcotin hillbilly
10-26-2019, 07:29 AM
Let me see if I can weigh in on this discussion and keep my temper.

There are a couple of things that should be cleared up.

First not every Indian is out there slaughtering does and trespassing. I am working with the Xeni Gwet’in rangers and a council member with the CO service to stop this.

You can't really bitch unless you are willing to help out.

Xeni has written a wildlife law and I am going Monday to their information meeting and supper to help support there law it is a good one. That being said I am hoping to get some eye to eye discussion going in regards to my business.

Mike, FYI Jimmy himself has asked for no more meetings with any of the tenure holders until high level government is in the room.

As far as the Tahltan buying up guide areas, I talked to Chad a month ago and he confirmed they have a long term strategy to own every guide area in their region. The difference with them is they have a longterm plan. He said "every outfitter over the next 20 to 30 years will want to sell out as they retire and we will have first refusal to buy their business at fair market value."
That to me is a great plan and longterm thinking.

That is about all I know right now. Two different issues, senseless slaughter and loosing my ability to do business..

10-26-2019, 07:47 AM
The blame lies with the policies of our government, not the first Nations. Nothing will change until that does and we all see how hard the pendulum is swinging right now. Best of luck seeing any meaningful change anytime soon.

Thats not true....the Gov is the enabler due to Courts decisions and precedents already set....the blame lies squarely on those that exploit it and those within who fail to do anything about it.

10-26-2019, 08:15 AM
Let me see if I can weigh in on this discussion and keep my temper.

There are a couple of things that should be cleared up.

Mike, FYI Jimmy himself has asked for no more meetings with any of the tenure holders until high level government is in the room.

As far as the Tahltan buying up guide areas, I talked to Chad a month ago and he confirmed they have a long term strategy to own every guide area in their region. The difference with them is they have a longterm plan. He said "every outfitter over the next 20 to 30 years will want to sell out as they retire and we will have first refusal to buy their business at fair market value."
That to me is a great plan and longterm thinking.

That is about all I know right now. Two different issues, senseless slaughter and loosing my ability to do business..

You aren’t the only one pissed about this BS.

I can see why Jimmy would no longer want to meet with tenure holders at this time without high level government in the room....that’s who threw both of you under the bus.

As for your talk with Chad...wonderful!
Some of us sat in on writing that plan....and they only have “right of first refusal” IF an offer to purchase comes from a potential purchaser who is not an already existing partner or family member.

Eight outfitters operate under that agreement.....one of those owned by the Iskut Band and a couple others are owned by members of the Tahltan community.
The guide territory that Dave mentioned is NOT under that agreement.

Theres a lot of BS that gets peddled and it sure as hell isnt helping anyone.

10-26-2019, 09:29 AM
I wonder if next time anyone sees something like this they bring it up to the chiefs of that first Nations band. Get a response and go public with it. I am really interested to see what the hereditary chiefs have to say about their band members doing things like that. Probably nothing will come out of it but they have a system of government within the band and perhaps pressure on the top could change things?

Release the video to the media. If it goes on Global, there might be a tiny chance that the COs and band involved are shamed into taking some sort of action. At the very least, it might show the bleeding hearts that re-elected the current bleeding hearts that things are not what they seem...

10-26-2019, 12:00 PM
Been hunting for over 40 years I've been hunting for over 40 years and although I've run into Natives hunting, it hasn't been very often. Perhaps that's because the Natives aren't confined to the dates you and I are and get most of their hunting in prior to the season or after when the snow pushes the game into certain areas. Would you hunt when everyone one else is if you could go before or after? Just a thought Have actually never run into a First Nations person that was hunting. Certainly run into a number of non native poachers over the years and reported them alto Never run into this, but obviously it happens . Seems to me some on here are looking for scape goats for declining wildlife populations.This statement is completely off side. Looking for a scapegoat? I call it looking for information. That's all I want. To see what exactly they are doing in the bush. You will never convince me that banging the table to get that information is scapegoating or racist. In my world, it's called transparency. Which is clearly warranted given the fact the FN are provided "privileged status" in their access to wildlife, which if abused, is a burden only felt by non-FN. It's that hypocrisy that needs to be fixed. First , get off the roads and out of your trucks and you will find game That's not fair and actually quite disingenuous. We've seen reductions in LEH and in access due to complaints by FN. Those are real and tangible....not a "get out of your truck, (it's your fault) and find game". Are you speaking on behalf of the Indian? Secondly govt has put zero resources into wildlife for decades, while habitat , predators , industry wreak havoc on our wildlife Exactly.
Not a fan of anyone who abuses our wildlife, however some of the comments on here are , frankly not worthy of rebuttal when it comes to racis, This is fundamentally a racist problem. The dividing lines are institutionally formatted around race. A number of people both First Nations and others are working together for the benefit of wildlife. Look at region six, KIB in Kamloops amongst others Why don't you post some stuff up about these initiatives. You seem to have some type of personal experience with them. I'd be curious to see them. Bitch and moan from inside your truck all you want, your only spinning your wheels, work with like minded people to get proper funding for wildlife ( not more studies to feed bureaucrats egos) and then differences will be made ( ie predator control/ caribou). Time to move on from race based blame on all sides The only way that will happen is by making the entire process of allotting wildlife transparent.

.................................................. ....................

10-26-2019, 09:42 PM

10-26-2019, 10:56 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3G_msX9iHwg&fbclid=IwAR39ELBNU1sbWqwLxNiPf1u21kfXc0eQ56aUz4VV3 fF5iyzg-TFXsWx6ya8

10-26-2019, 11:53 PM
Just bumping this shite to the top..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oydj5H9C-no

10-27-2019, 12:03 AM

10-27-2019, 12:15 AM
Just a bump to the top... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8R7zjJMIfU

10-27-2019, 12:27 AM

10-27-2019, 12:52 AM

10-27-2019, 06:44 PM
Meanwhile Chinese poachers sit back and giggle that we think the decline in wildlife is FN fault. These scum are bringing truck loads of game meat to Richmond and nobody is stopping them. Throw some game checks up for God's sake. They are doing it year round!

Big Lew
10-27-2019, 07:31 PM
Meanwhile Chinese poachers sit back and giggle that we think the decline in wildlife is FN fault. These scum are bringing truck loads of game meat to Richmond and nobody is stopping them. Throw some game checks up for God's sake. They are doing it year round!

As I posted, I did that when I witnessed wholesale poaching.
If you have any direct knowledge of such activities taking place other than hearsay then please
step up to the plate and report it. If enough people do that rather than not get involved maybe
"These scum won't be bringing truck loads of game meat to Richmond.'

10-28-2019, 09:17 PM

what do music videos have to do with this topic??
am I missing something.

10-28-2019, 10:06 PM
Judging from the time of posts....likely just the booze talking

11-08-2019, 09:40 PM
Judging from the time of posts....likely just the booze talking

Actually, your right. It originally was an attempt to have the Dog respond by using a music video to BTTT. But I was drunk......It is what it is.

11-09-2019, 11:08 AM
I would hope the CO's could enforce the 1/4 mile closure on your road CH?I see you are doing everything in your power to keep your business operational.Stick with it Hillbilly & don't give up.You guys built that business & no one person or group should have the power to take that away from your family.Support you 100% Cheers Mark

11-10-2019, 07:16 AM
what do music videos have to do with this topic??
am I missing something.

Too many wobbly pops maybe? Lol

chilcotin hillbilly
11-10-2019, 11:26 AM
I would hope the CO's could enforce the 1/4 mile closure on your road CH?I see you are doing everything in your power to keep your business operational.Stick with it Hillbilly & don't give up.You guys built that business & no one person or group should have the power to take that away from your family.Support you 100% Cheers Mark

Thanks Mark, one season at a time is what I am working on right now. Just trying to get through this winter cat season.

11-13-2019, 08:00 AM
I agree that the problem is out of hand. I do think that the offenders within each FN group are probably outnumbered by members that would like to see resources managed appropriately. To the best of my knowledge, I'm not aware of any band or nation being able to set laws with real penalties for members that don't follow the wishes (formal or not) of chief and/or council. So each indigenous individual's Aboriginal Right to hunt are enshrined in Sec 35 of the constitution, upheld by court decisions at every turn, but there is no mechanism for enforcement even when FN administrations do decide to work independently or collaboratively to manage wildlife resources better. That seems like the main shortcoming of our current system to me. I'm not sure how that could change. I know many of the ill-educated on this site think "government policies" are to blame, but the only policy relevant here is the Canadian constitution. Constitutional reform is possible, but I imagine no party is going to be willing to stick their neck out far enough to pitch "Constitutional reform for the purposes of better restricting indigenous peoples' ability to access and harvest fish and wildlife". Good luck with that one.

chilcotin hillbilly
11-14-2019, 10:58 AM
I agree that the problem is out of hand. I do think that the offenders within each FN group are probably outnumbered by members that would like to see resources managed appropriately. To the best of my knowledge, I'm not aware of any band or nation being able to set laws with real penalties for members that don't follow the wishes (formal or not) of chief and/or council. So each indigenous individual's Aboriginal Right to hunt are enshrined in Sec 35 of the constitution, upheld by court decisions at every turn, but there is no mechanism for enforcement even when FN administrations do decide to work independently or collaboratively to manage wildlife resources better. That seems like the main shortcoming of our current system to me. I'm not sure how that could change. I know many of the ill-educated on this site think "government policies" are to blame, but the only policy relevant here is the Canadian constitution. Constitutional reform is possible, but I imagine no party is going to be willing to stick their neck out far enough to pitch "Constitutional reform for the purposes of better restricting indigenous peoples' ability to access and harvest fish and wildlife". Good luck with that one.

You're right, the constitution is the problem. Even bands such as the Xeni Gwet’in who are working on wildlife and have gone to the effort of drawing up a wildlife law of their own know the have an enforcement problem. They are discussing different actions and consequences for offenders. There is talk of rifle and vehicle confiscation with community work the way to get those possessions back.
One step at a time for proactive bands that see the value in wildlife, it may take a few generations but some are at least moving in the right direction.