View Full Version : Spooking deer

10-21-2019, 08:28 AM
I have discovered a great little hunting spot- it's easily accessible and has twice now proven to host whitetail activity. This morning I came face to face with what looked like a doe WT, though the sex was hard to determine. She investigated my blind grunt call, and caught sight of me from the side of my blind. We were face to face for what seemed like forever as she tried to figure out what I was. Soon after, she sounded the alarm and bounded off gracefully, joining at least two others who had been hanging back.

I have accidentally scared deer here once before a couple of weeks ago. There are still lots of signs here, and it seems that they will just return. My question for you folk is, at what point should I be concerned about spooking these deer off of this area completely? How tolerant are they to disturbance, and how long should I wait until returning?

I am a new hunter and appreciate your advice. Thanks.

10-21-2019, 10:08 AM
They see, hear and smell predators 24/7, it's part of their life. They can't abandon an area simply because they noticed you.

10-21-2019, 10:18 AM
Last poster is correct, my hunting partner and myself ended up bumping the same trio of white tail FOUR times over 2 weekends and a weeknight before connecting on the biggest one.

watched these same deer feeding while multiple gunshots went off down the valley and they barely lifted their head.

direct thread and they will flee, but doubt they change their pattern much unless you are stomping through their regularly.

Big Lew
10-21-2019, 10:30 AM
Like was said. Non migrating deer always have backup places to bed, rest, or hide
if bumped out of their favourite place, but unless they're disturbed several times
when returning, they are creatures of habit and will stay in their comfortable areas.

10-21-2019, 02:08 PM
Ok, great to know. Thanks all

walks with deer
10-21-2019, 02:38 PM
what i dont shoot on monday i hope to shoot on tuesday.

they dont typically abandon it.espeacially whitetails...see 1 theres 20 more in the trees.