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View Full Version : Ram Down, Special Hunter, Inspiration. Appreciation.

10-17-2019, 02:18 PM
It has taken me a few weeks to digest a recent hunt I helped out on and try and find the words to convey my thoughts and involvement. It will be the hunters story to tell.

HBC member jagermiester reached out to me in august explaining he had a contact that had received one of the highly coveted region 8 sheep draws. We chatted about the hunter and how I could help. I said at the very least I can meet with them, show them where to glass from and what the key areas are to focus on. Further, an introduction to our local game biologists who where great in their support.

I met the hunter, who is a gal, and she was over the moon about the prospect of hunting California Bighorns. Well, turns out she has been fighting cancer having had surgery and chemo so was a little worse for the ware but her attitude and conviction were top shelf despite her weakened condition...my kinda human being.

I declined going in opening week as I have friends that guide in this area and just don’t feel cool with interfering on any hunt or stalk that may be going on. She and her super cool friend were keen about the hunt.

I will admit I really questioned if this girl, that was definitely showing the signs of her cancer battle, could physically handle the country as it is very aggressive with cliffs, constant uphill grinds etc.

They did not get on any legal rams on their first pack in and it was obvious that the initial grind took its toll. BUT she was determined to go again. Once I knew my contacts had their nonresident ram down I felt free to put boots on the ground and help out anyway I could.

A very special man agreed to help out knowing her weakened state brought his horses down and road her up into a known killing spot. The previous hike in was too tough on her.

10-17-2019, 02:47 PM
Oh man I love HBC and it’s members good people through and through. I will be following this thread closely. :-) :-)

10-17-2019, 02:47 PM
I like it..love it..already..

10-17-2019, 03:00 PM
awesome!!! can hardly wait for more.

10-17-2019, 03:24 PM
Tugs at the heart . . . .

10-17-2019, 04:40 PM
True hunters are really good people, help just about anyone.

10-17-2019, 04:43 PM
Excellent ! Cannot wait for More ! Sounds like she's a CHAMP ! :) RJ

10-17-2019, 04:50 PM
More please! Moosin

10-17-2019, 05:36 PM
I wish to mention that she lost her husband to cancer and he was active in wildlife and a frequent contributor here on HBC.

Jesse headed out the next morning with the horses as he had commitments, leaving us to keep snooping around. We covered a lot of ground and glassing the heck out of the known haunts. No rams, very little sign and the reason I was moving about more than one normally would/should. I kept the pace slow when we moved so she wouldn’t get too fatigued...never a complaint, she fought step after step, ridge after ridge, and simply smiled when I asked how she was doing.

I must admit being around a person that is in a tough way that had no quit in her was very inspiring, altering.

Day 2, no sheep and packed out. My sciatic was flared up, one of my mnt toes was leaking pretty good and I could feel it girgling in my boot. Again I would look back at her knowing she is exhausted, “you doing ok” I would ask, “ I’m great she would respond. Knowing how hard this was on her and she fought thru it simply made my aches and pains seem irrelevant. We would regroup and and make plans to head out again in a different area.

10-17-2019, 05:48 PM
Cant wait for the whole story. This is what hunting forums are about..

10-17-2019, 06:03 PM
I have been following this epic hunt pretty closely and am waiting for her story .I have had the pleasure of meeting this young lady and she is a force to be reckoned with .You gents who helped her need a special thanks ! Heart warming story and all the ups and downs of an epic sheep hunt .Sure no quit in that girl .

10-17-2019, 06:09 PM
Ourea, your a straight shooter. Good man.

10-17-2019, 06:16 PM
Thanks Ourea for taking the task on, you did an awesome job. Gals and Guys, this man went an incredible distance and time. Far more than I would have expected.
Dave, I just want to say to you, "You're the man Dude!"

10-17-2019, 06:49 PM
Thanks Ourea....

Reminds me, yet again, why this site, and being on it, is so important.

Awesome thread, and thanks again.


10-17-2019, 07:53 PM
Too many folks bash HBC at times and don’t post on here for some valid reasons. When I look at the glass half full side of things many folks have learned, met, shared, helped. It’s up to every person on here to always try and think of the hunting community, support it, have our bickering but always think of the higher cause which is this sport and lifestyle we collectively love.

10-17-2019, 08:27 PM
^^^^amen, and look forward to the rest of the thread...good on ya Dave...

10-17-2019, 08:41 PM
Looking forward to following along on this one that is forsure........

10-17-2019, 09:12 PM
Here we go, getting this Forum back on track

10-17-2019, 09:17 PM
Awesome story!
I'm having my own fight with cancer and looks like I'm winning.
For next year I am planning a goat hunt with a new friend.
Can't wait!

10-17-2019, 11:47 PM
My next outing with this incredible person found us accessing from a different location and looking at new ground. One of my inside traders hinted that this area will hold few but well hidden rams that go into hiding once the pressure comes.

Some of the permit holders brought as many as 6 spotters/scouters to assist them which put rams into hiding. This is certainly not a complaint on my behalf as I hope everyone had success but made rams tougher to find. We grinded it out on our initial push thru this area. Sign was skinny at best but invested a very long day poking the cracks.

Despite no sightings we hit it again the next day as we did find a little fresh track and a few very well protected/hidden beds. My plan was to grid this area out and snoop every hidie hole in there....nodda. Halfway thru the day I had no confidence making any more effort there....uphill we went. Our gal was becoming more committed with her focus and perseverance. I don’t wish to speak for her but her initial white complexion and meek appearance was looking better and better, healthier, more stamina, more and more drive.

I’ve been around the block and then some, have had the privilege of calling some amazing people I’ve met thru business and pro sports as friends. Pay checks and notoriety do not make a person, Ive learned that it’s all about character and people that have a dialed compass and value system, an honest and open heart.

10-18-2019, 12:10 AM
We started our afternoon sitting on a higher ridge glassing up the hillside. I must admit I was starting to feel a bit of pressure as there was nothing more I wanted than to see her kill a ram.

Many a sheep hunter knows the monotony of glassing, glassing, glassing...

Well, glassing paid dividends. I saw sheep and my heart raced a bit....FINALLY...RAMS!!!!

Boogidy boogidy boogidy.

8 rams about 2 km away and one was a definite desired customer. Lovely ram and definitely the man of the group. We glassed the shit out of the terrain and the best way to access without getting busted. Game the F on!

10-18-2019, 12:14 AM
Sweet keep going, some of us are still awake lol :-)

10-18-2019, 12:31 AM
The hike was brisk, this incredible gal was becoming a mountain machine. I figured 2 hrs to get close...she burned the climb up in an hour! We were poised and in position sitting on a handsome band of rams at 327 yards. Sad part was we could not push much closer without the prospect of getting busted. She got to watch rams buttin heads, rams just doing what they do. Waiting game now. My hope was they would head back downhill to where we first spotted them. If that would play out she would have a well prepared shot perhaps at 175 yards.

10-18-2019, 12:47 AM
As I continue to digest my time with this amazing person I keep trying to frame the experience in a way that cements it in my head. I learned from a friend, mentor, and elk hunting partner.....he shared with me how he would always take a lengthy pause from a big moment in life. He taught me to freeze frame memories accurately by taking pause.

Weatherby Fan
10-18-2019, 12:49 AM
Wow this is awesome, HBC at its finest, you guys are the best for taking the time to help this wonderful gal out.
I have a lump in my throat reading this..........

10-18-2019, 12:56 AM

The team.
Her friend was the real deal, guide, competent and total hunting machine

338win mag
10-18-2019, 04:56 AM
Outstanding read, thanks Ourea.

Ride Red
10-18-2019, 06:47 AM
Wow, one hell of a story. Great job to all involved.

10-18-2019, 08:17 AM
Boogidy boogidy boogidy.

Love it, great read, can't wait to check for an update later....

Arctic Lake
10-18-2019, 09:56 AM
Hell of a story Ourea ! Amazing lady to keep at it while dealing with her life/ health situation ! All of you involved have stepped up to the plate and hit a home run with bases loaded !
Arctic Lake

10-18-2019, 10:23 AM
Being on rams,finally, was a very good feeling. I could see her enthusiasm and excitement yet she tempered it. She was in control. I was getting to know her better and felt confident she wasn’t going into buck fever mode when killing may happen. Seen more than a few guys come unglued when the reality of squeezing the trigger gets the best of them. Was pretty sure she would be solid.

I’ve been around a lot of people, managed a nation sales force, you learn to deal with a lot of strong personalities. What I found interesting with my ongoing hunt with this special gal was I was finding myself learning from her. I am a firm believer that a persons attitude predicts their altitude in life. Down the the home stretch I was soaring/hunting with an eagle for sure. Being around folks that make you want to do better, go that extra mile, leave no rock unturned, find success at almost any cost....I have always admired those that can influence others that way. I have also learned that some of these truly special people don’t realize how special their skill set is in that regard.

10-18-2019, 10:31 AM
We sat on those rams, had her try a few different shooting spots, get the scope on the best ram.... just rehearse the situation so nothing would be new come time. Finally the rams got up. Again, if they fed down this deal would be sealed.

10-18-2019, 05:37 PM
The rams got up....started to feed, not picking a direction. Slowly they committed to heading up...fak.
They fed over the ridge and out of sight, very disappointing but that is hunting plain and simple. I am a very strong believer in not forcing a situation or bouncing animals. We left those rams and headed out knowing there would be another day albeit her tag was going to expire soon.

10-19-2019, 06:59 PM
And ? More please .

10-19-2019, 07:46 PM
This is great stuff. Give me more

10-19-2019, 10:39 PM
Good stuff, look forward to the rest..

10-19-2019, 10:46 PM
Come ON ! I shaking with Anticipation :smile: RJ

10-20-2019, 12:57 AM
We did not kill a ram that night. Walked away after snooping a bit closer once we were confident we couldn’t be seen.
Low impact approach. No opportunity but as sheep hunters know they shouldn’t go far unless bounced.

10-20-2019, 01:08 AM
We hiked out. Was extremely cool to see this person being more and more energized. We saw a band of rams, had a chance, were disciplined in our approach and walked away. She was stoked yet fighting thru obvious adversity. As we both kind of peg leg or limped out ....I’m feeling so cooool knowing that it is only a matter of time. Again, never a complaint, never a I can’t do this, never I’m too weak to go on.

10-20-2019, 01:17 AM
I’m going to leave this thread and let her pick it up from here (Her story to tell in a new thread) she was an inspiration, the tag holder, the successful hunter. I was just a piece in the puzzle and some amazing quality people helped this hunt get closed.

10-20-2019, 01:28 AM
My assessment and reflection of the hunt and hunter....

Think of my previous comment of a mentor of mine saying how to get the best snapshot in your mind of an experience.
He often asked me to summarize an epic day in the field being it looking over a bunch of screaming elk, some dandy mule deer, a grizzly standoff..

If this mentor and incredible man asked me to summarize the hunt in as few of words as possible I know what my answer would be.

10-20-2019, 01:31 AM
My answer would be ....

It was a privilege

10-20-2019, 07:53 AM
Thank you Ourea. You are an inspiration to us all. One of those Very Special hunts and life experiences, we will all remember. Thanks for your over the top effort and kindness. Sharing it all with us, makes it that much better.

10-20-2019, 09:57 AM
Well done Ourea, your a good dude...look forward to the rest on a new thread...

10-20-2019, 11:24 AM
Best thread in memory, for a bunch of different reasons. Thanks Ourea.

10-20-2019, 12:54 PM
Cant wait for the hunter to post her side of the adventure

10-20-2019, 04:45 PM
Excellent Ourea - you did a Great Deed with all your help to Her ! Your a Real Gentleman ! ;-) RJ

10-20-2019, 07:20 PM
Ourea I would like to buy you a beer one day! This is what this site is all about .Good on you ! A great memory and hunting story for all involved .

10-20-2019, 08:38 PM
Credit all goes to the hunter. Again, I was just a part of the overall program. Some great people stepped up. I think everyone involved is walking away a better person for it.


10-20-2019, 09:31 PM
Great story telling Ourea! Good on you to take the time to take this lady out on this hunt. Thanks for sharing with us...
look forward to the rest of her story.

10-20-2019, 10:31 PM
I have it on good authority the hunter in question is trying her best to post photos and the story but is having some issues with posting...

10-20-2019, 11:29 PM
I have it on good authority the hunter in question is trying her best to post photos and the story but is having some issues with posting...

I can guarantee you that everyone will wait, take ur time. I wish to thank u for every moment of this hunt. Gotta admit we had some good belly laughs during our time in the field.....and u killed a great ram without me. You deserved and warranted success based on ur attitude, determination, drive and commitment.

Stone Sheep Steve
10-21-2019, 01:34 AM
Took a 8 month or so hiatus from HBC to rebuild my life and to remove as many stresses and negativity in my life as possible...and this is the first thread that I had the privilege to read.

Renews my faith in this site and makes me reflect on all the positive actions of HBCers over the years.

Outstanding thread. Can’t wait to pick up the story in the next thread.


10-21-2019, 07:59 AM
Wow, didn't see this twist coming. I thought I was excited to hear the story before, but apparently that was only the curiosity portion. Haha.

Take all the time you need, Mrs Gunner, the audience isn't going anywhere. :smile:

Weatherby Fan
10-21-2019, 08:15 AM
Hey Denise if you need me to post some pictures for you no problem just text or email them to me.

10-21-2019, 10:36 AM
Wow, didn't see this twist coming. I thought I was excited to hear the story before, but apparently that was only the curiosity portion. Haha.

Take all the time you need, Mrs Gunner, the audience isn't going anywhere. :smile:

What, you thought there wasn’t more to this story? All I did is tee the real story up for her.

10-21-2019, 10:39 AM
Good to see you back SSS. Your posts are always appreciated.

10-21-2019, 12:05 PM
Ourea you are one class act!!! Good on you for giving your time to someone who could use a break. Mrs Gunner I’m on pins and needles for the conclusion.

10-21-2019, 01:16 PM
Wow, didn't see this twist coming. I thought I was excited to hear the story before, but apparently that was only the curiosity portion. Haha.

Take all the time you need, Mrs Gunner, the audience isn't going anywhere. :smile:

What, you thought there wasn’t more to this story? All I did is tee the real story up for her.
Haha, no, the twist for me was the hunter being Denise. I knew her husband Murray a bit through this site, 24 hr and a visit to discuss hunting binoculars.

My hats off to any/all who took part in helping out Denise.

10-21-2019, 01:29 PM
That's awesome, I had Murray's Minox binocs with me and they were well used !! I just posted the story and Don will be posting the pics. Thanks all, this site did Murray a world of good and I can certainly see why.

10-25-2019, 07:13 PM
Awesome story!
I'm having my own fight with cancer and looks like I'm winning.
For next year I am planning a goat hunt with a new friend.
Can't wait!

I had a mental note to acknowledge and respond to this post....but it slid. Sorry.

Wildcatter, hope you kick the shit out of your cancer.
Wishing you well man!

10-27-2019, 09:55 AM
Great Story, great pics and a Special Ram to be appreciated and admired for years to come.

The coming together by many to make this possible for the Lady Shooter makes this Ram even more special. Sounds like Mrs. Gunner really stepped up, faced her challenges head on, and fulfilled the dream of Hands on Her Ram.......way to go ! Wishing her all the best in her health battle. Your a Warrior!

Congrats To you All !

10-27-2019, 01:26 PM
I had a mental note to acknowledge and respond to this post....but it slid. Sorry.

Wildcatter, hope you kick the shit out of your cancer.
Wishing you well man!

Hey no problem man and thanks, we all have a busy life.
I have every intention to come out on top.

10-27-2019, 02:16 PM
Took a 8 month or so hiatus from HBC to rebuild my life and to remove as many stresses and negativity in my life as possible...and this is the first thread that I had the privilege to read.

Renews my faith in this site and makes me reflect on all the positive actions of HBCers over the years.

Outstanding thread. Can’t wait to pick up the story in the next thread.


Good to see you back...missed your many knowledgable contributions, hunts, photos, etc