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View Full Version : Stupid Buck Down

10-15-2019, 01:18 PM
We lucked out on a group moose draw in 5-01. Didn't luck out in finding a shootable bull despite trying hard. One bull spotted about 30 minutes after legal shooting light and one turbo bull crossed the road about 200 yards in front of us. We tracked it for 2 hours but never saw it again.

I'm somewhat crippled up so I cant do much hiking. I was the designated driver for my 2 partners. I would drop them off and let them do the hiking then I would find an area where I could glass likely hillsides.

So I'm sitting in the truck at the end of a small spur road glassing this good looking valley. I caught a bit of movement in the rear view mirror and low and behold there is a deer walking up the road behind me. As it got closer I saw that it was a decent 3X3 and it's getting closer. I stayed dead still hoping that it would walk past the truck. But no, it walked right up to the truck and just stood there 2 feet away trying to figure out what this thing was. I'm still staying rock still figuring it was going to bolt any second. I'm trying to figure out how to get out of the truck load my rifle and get a shot at it before it's gone.

After a minute or two it just turned around and slowly started walking back in the direction it came from. I gave it about 20 yards, dove out of the truck while loading my clip and chambering a round. It never broke stride or looked behind. I nailed it in the back of the head. Bang, flop. Sorry, no pictures. A 375 H&H head shot does not make a pretty picture.

By the time my partners heard the shot and made it back to the truck it was gutted and ready to load. They were thinking oh great, Lee's shot something 300+ yards out in some hell hole and we're going to have to go get it. I was sitting in the truck, having a smoke and they're looking out on the hillside trying to find what I shot. I pointed backwards and they still couldn't see it. They went around the back of the truck and finally saw it at the tailgate.

10-15-2019, 01:21 PM
Congradulations.! I always said id much rather be lucky than good.you were both..
well done indeed.
oh ya..Bon Appétit. .

10-15-2019, 01:22 PM
:cool: That's the best. :p

Salmon Belly
10-15-2019, 01:41 PM
Enjoyed this story, got a chuckle. Good job. Reminds me of the saying I'm going to shoot the first legal moose that walks into camp... !


10-15-2019, 02:56 PM
Pure awesomeness!

10-15-2019, 03:36 PM
One to make up for all the times the deer outsmarted you. We deserve one, now and then.

10-15-2019, 04:57 PM
Pays to sit and wait, that's what the animals do, nice to get out and not spook it, and then, a "Great shot''

10-15-2019, 07:22 PM
dumb ones taste good too

Ride Red
10-15-2019, 07:33 PM
Nice job and no ruined meat.