View Full Version : Found a moose, will he there in Noc?

10-13-2019, 12:05 PM
Hey guys,

just headed home from an unsuccessful deer hurt but found myself watching a moose in the same area quite a bit over the few days.

i’m curious, do moose stick around in the same area or is he likely to travel far and wide?

Wild one
10-13-2019, 12:16 PM
Very possible to be traveling this time of year but it never hurts took check that area come Nov

10-13-2019, 12:31 PM
My experience has been they move somewhere around the last week of October. I’ve hunted the late season a few times now and everywhere I see moose in sep oct they’re long gone by nov01. Most people I’ve talked to that have been successful in November ran into groups of bulls where they had more than one to pick from.

10-13-2019, 02:04 PM
Really? That’s Interesting. I might stick a trail camera in that area. His tracks were everywhere, but I thought it was old sign until I saw him. I had visions of a full freezer when I saw him!

thanks for the reply’s. Saw this bull and had to ask as I know little about hunting and nothing about moose hunting!

10-13-2019, 03:12 PM
Might be wise to find a partner or 2 when considering a moose hunt. Certainly can be done solo, but I was in a group with 2 buddies last season & it was still a chore. Split between the 3 of us, the large freezer I got from my folks was almost full!

10-13-2019, 04:06 PM
Hmmm still in rut..come Nov. Find the food..shortest distance to heavy timber..bedding..thats the route and his 2 main areas bedding..feeding.
they are not in that activity..however soon..2 weeks ? The big old bulls will be weary in well doing..and resort to readying for winter survival. .while that small percentage of open cows will be happily serviced by younger bulls eager to enter the big leagues..
As has been suggested absolutely check, however im thinking they are not now in the wintering mode so should not be in wintering area..and they are seperate areas.
The Cariboo has some great wintering areas..one year flying in from Tatla lake nursing station with a stable patient..my pilot informed me to look out below...there below us in the wintering yard were in excess of100 moose. .far from roads close by miles of grub.
Good luck

10-14-2019, 04:14 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. I’m going to throw up some cameras on the trails he is using. Maybe I’ll learn a thing or ten about them in the weeks before November

10-14-2019, 04:22 PM
Hmm good idea on trail cam...lol didnt even cross my mind.
well done.
And good luck