View Full Version : Where is everyone’s moose pictures ?

Arctic Lake
10-07-2019, 09:13 PM
Geez thought I would see some great moose pictures being posted by now .
Hope you guys post some up soon !
Arctic Lake

10-07-2019, 09:21 PM
My cousin and I filmed a nice bull this weekend. I’ll see if I can post it

10-07-2019, 10:09 PM
Just got back from moose hunting couple days ago, heading out for a week of deer hunting tommorrow... will post up story/pics after I get back home! :wink:

10-08-2019, 01:04 AM
Tagged out a couple weeks ago on leh. Used my grandmothers old pre 64 .375 h&h, with a stock I built myself. Was a pretty special hunt.


10-08-2019, 03:59 AM
Our Late September Bull.

https://i.postimg.cc/pXmJCkSq/23-C0793-E-8662-4-FB0-A6-DD-7-C6-E82-CFDBC4.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

geo guy
10-08-2019, 08:44 AM
I got a really nice one a couple weeks back on a fly in for my first moose. If I can figure out how to post embedded images I'll do a little write up.

Arctic Lake
10-08-2019, 08:57 AM
Now that's a good start ! stories to accompany pictures are even better ! No LEH moose for my buddy and I so it's great to see pictures of others success ! Imugur is a great way to post up pictures on HBC . There is information in the Pictures Forum how to do go about it . If I can do it anyone can !
Arctic Lake

10-08-2019, 09:38 AM
My buddy and I saw 13 moose yesterday (no, not the same one 13 times). Reg 3, GOS for me so no shooters. We drove up to one bull, maybe 40yds away. He didn't care we were there at all. Nose to the ground, circling around, back and forth, sniffing where a cow must have been. We saw some wolf tracks, so that may account for the concentration in the area.

geo guy
10-08-2019, 09:40 AM
Figured out how to post the images kept getting file size errors. Anyways here is my first moose. http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=7610&stc=1

First two days of the hunt we were limited to the tent as it was raining and snowing pretty heavy. On the end of day two it cleared up a bit and we hiked down to the end of the lake where we had heard a cow calling. Partner let out a couple cow calls and an cow came out to see what was going on. It was getting dark so we headed back to camp. Next day rain all morning more time in the tent around 3pm I walked out to the lake and looked towards where we saw the cow. I can see a large white spot by a tree that looks out of place with my bare eyes. This is about 3-4km away from camp. Watching it it begins to move and a second spot appears next to it. BULL! and a big bull, I grab my binocs and get a better look. Hes big, because of the distance and lake edge I can only see his antler no body or head. We quickly grab our rifles and packs and head off despite the rain.

As we close the distance we dip out of sight of him but we know where hes going and why. When we get to within 1000yrds we can still see he is there but close to the timber. When we get to about 500yrds hes disappeared on us. But now there is a small bull in front of us about 200yrds out. There is no way I can shoot a small bull on day 3 of a 12 day hunt after seeing a monster so close. As we continue to sneak up the little bull disappears as well and there is no sign of the big guy. We watch where the big bull was for a couple hours and let out a couple grunts to see if we can entice him to come out again, thinking that maybe he was chasing the little bull away. No luck no sign of him. We head back to camp thinking about whether or not we took the best approach on getting to the big bull and if we should have shot the little one for good meat.

Next day we plan to get an early start and head to where we just saw the big guy the night before. Wake up to snow and get a late start. Dont get to the spot until about 10am. We watch for about 15 minutes before we start to get a bit cold and impatient. I decide to let out a cow call. The big bull comes running out of the timber. We can see his paddles moving through the short trees. then he stops at the edge of them we can clearly see his head and antlers but the rest of him is still in the trees. hes at about 260yrds. He stands there for about 2 mins just looking for where the call came from. I want to take the shot but know I cant because I cant see body. He then turns around and start heading back into the bush. I asked myself if I blew my chance on him. I quickly let out a second call and he turns back around and starts running into the buck brush but is still behind one tree. He stops again and starts looking around again obscured, behind the only tree in a sea of buck brush. He then takes a couple more steps and stops. Hes now 240 yrds out with the front half exposed quatering me. This is it, the shot I had been waiting for. Line up and shoot, partner is ready to shoot as well dont want him getting in the lake. I squeeze and boom. He disappears, my partner is annoyed cause he didnt even get to shoot. The bull just dropped didnt move an inch. He described it like the shots you see on TV where they just fold up and go down instantly.

We make our way over to where we think he is and find him, he was dead instantly, nice clean kill no suffering at all. We then proceeded to butcher and pack him back to camp for the next three days. After that we spent the rest of the trip fly fishing and hunting sheep and caribou. Caught a few nice rainbows in the 3-4lb range saw some animals but no shooters.

Bull was really interesting because he has matching folds on each paddle as well as matching hooked brow tines. Measured around 55 inches. Not bad for my first moose.

Bugle M In
10-08-2019, 09:50 AM
Nice stuff guys, congrats.

Arctic Lake
10-08-2019, 12:28 PM
Geo Guy Way to go man, that's a great one ! Your first one too ! YeeHa ! That's a great moose for a novice or seasoned moose hunter !
Arctic Lake

10-08-2019, 04:32 PM
The fronts on that moose are bonkers

10-08-2019, 08:53 PM
Nice work!!!!

10-08-2019, 09:09 PM
17 friends applied for a draw but no one got it. 1 guide outfitter is hunting moose. Maybe he got all the draws.

Arctic Lake
10-08-2019, 09:36 PM
That’s a nice moose as well ! Moose country in the backround Happy Hunter in the boat . Way to go ! Do you have a story to go with the picture ?
Arctic Lake [ QUOTE=fuzzybiscuit;2122038]Our Late September Bull.

https://i.postimg.cc/pXmJCkSq/23-C0793-E-8662-4-FB0-A6-DD-7-C6-E82-CFDBC4.jpg (https://postimages.org/)[/QUOTE]

10-08-2019, 09:40 PM
Awesome pics and stories guys! Thanks for sharing!

Tagged out a couple weeks ago on leh. Used my grandmothers old pre 64 .375 h&h, with a stock I built myself. Was a pretty special hunt.


That rifle looks awesome!

10-08-2019, 09:43 PM
Beautiful Bulls there guys...geo that is a hell of a bull...

10-08-2019, 10:23 PM
Working on it... should have them tomorrow probably.

338 whisper
10-18-2019, 09:06 PM
my first moosehttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=7622&stc=1

10-18-2019, 10:09 PM
This year was my nephews first moose hunting trip. In typical fashion, I got off of nightshift, took a nap for an hour, loaded my gear and went hunting for 6 days. It was a bit of a tough go the first few days, we didn't see too much for fresh sign and nothing seemed to be coming to the call. We ran into several black bears, but no moose. On day 4 I was feeling a little bit guilty about leaving my wife at home so much lately that I called and told her I'd be home early. She replied with 'I'd rather you just stay out there until you get one so you don't have to go out again next days off". So there I was with the blessing to stay out for all of my days off.

Then on day 5 we made a plan where my brother and nephew went one direction and I went the other down to this little pond I found the day before. I started through the bush before first light making a long cow call every 20 mins while I slowly walked to my spot. Once I was on the edge of a bank over looking this nice pond, I hung my day bag on a tree and leaned my rifle against it, timing calls. It was extremely windy that day and I wasn't sure wether I should call into the wind and maybe give my scent up or call against the wind and limit how far it would go. After a quick self assessment I figured if there was a bull nearby he'd be down windish of me and a bit east or west so I decided to call with the wind and hope for the best. After 2-3 hours I was feeling a bit defeated and started losing interest in what I was doing. I started day-dreaming a bit and thinking about things I should be doing at home when I took one step to the right and noticed a black thing behind a tree. And then I moved slightly more to the right and found this bull that snuck up on me to just over 100 yards without me noticing and standing right in the water at the edge of the pond. I went back to grab my bag and rifle off of the tree with plans of laying down for a nice prone shot, but he heard me right away and started staring right at me between 2 trees and a couple branches. He was head on and I was looking slightly downhill at him and I knew it was a bad shot if I were to miss, but I panicked a little bit and fired one off anyways. He turned broadside and was making a move back towards the tress and I fired another one behind the front shoulder, he took a couple more steps and now I'm wondering what's going on with my rifle and I fire the last one in my mag aiming for another lung shot. After the second shot he went down like a ton of bricks and made one head wiggle and that was it.

It was so windy out the boys didn't even hear my shots. I went back to camp and started packing up our cleaning supplies, took the rack off my quad for transport and they still didn't show up. After a short wait I went up the road to the closest spot I figured they went into the bush and fired a couple bear bangers in the air to get their attention. 20 minutes later they showed up and we were negotiating the terrain, trying to get my quad into position to haul the animal out. By 1 a.m. we were back to town with the meat hanging in the garage ready for the butcher. Talk about a long day...

Upon closer inspection I found my first shot through his antler and the second 2 were both double lung shots. The first lung shot would have finished him quite easily if I would have waited a few seconds, but we all know how these things go. Luckily, after I put the first one through his antler he actually took a few steps out of the water, which made it a whole easier to deal with.

I'll post a pic of my brother's early 80s vintage honda trike too. We had that thing loaded right up. Kind of funny to see.

10-18-2019, 10:14 PM

10-18-2019, 10:20 PM
Figured out how to post the images kept getting file size errors. Anyways here is my first moose. http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=7610&stc=1

First two days of the hunt we were limited to the tent as it was raining and snowing pretty heavy. On the end of day two it cleared up a bit and we hiked down to the end of the lake where we had heard a cow calling. Partner let out a couple cow calls and an cow came out to see what was going on. It was getting dark so we headed back to camp. Next day rain all morning more time in the tent around 3pm I walked out to the lake and looked towards where we saw the cow. I can see a large white spot by a tree that looks out of place with my bare eyes. This is about 3-4km away from camp. Watching it it begins to move and a second spot appears next to it. BULL! and a big bull, I grab my binocs and get a better look. Hes big, because of the distance and lake edge I can only see his antler no body or head. We quickly grab our rifles and packs and head off despite the rain.

As we close the distance we dip out of sight of him but we know where hes going and why. When we get to within 1000yrds we can still see he is there but close to the timber. When we get to about 500yrds hes disappeared on us. But now there is a small bull in front of us about 200yrds out. There is no way I can shoot a small bull on day 3 of a 12 day hunt after seeing a monster so close. As we continue to sneak up the little bull disappears as well and there is no sign of the big guy. We watch where the big bull was for a couple hours and let out a couple grunts to see if we can entice him to come out again, thinking that maybe he was chasing the little bull away. No luck no sign of him. We head back to camp thinking about whether or not we took the best approach on getting to the big bull and if we should have shot the little one for good meat.

Next day we plan to get an early start and head to where we just saw the big guy the night before. Wake up to snow and get a late start. Dont get to the spot until about 10am. We watch for about 15 minutes before we start to get a bit cold and impatient. I decide to let out a cow call. The big bull comes running out of the timber. We can see his paddles moving through the short trees. then he stops at the edge of them we can clearly see his head and antlers but the rest of him is still in the trees. hes at about 260yrds. He stands there for about 2 mins just looking for where the call came from. I want to take the shot but know I cant because I cant see body. He then turns around and start heading back into the bush. I asked myself if I blew my chance on him. I quickly let out a second call and he turns back around and starts running into the buck brush but is still behind one tree. He stops again and starts looking around again obscured, behind the only tree in a sea of buck brush. He then takes a couple more steps and stops. Hes now 240 yrds out with the front half exposed quatering me. This is it, the shot I had been waiting for. Line up and shoot, partner is ready to shoot as well dont want him getting in the lake. I squeeze and boom. He disappears, my partner is annoyed cause he didnt even get to shoot. The bull just dropped didnt move an inch. He described it like the shots you see on TV where they just fold up and go down instantly.

We make our way over to where we think he is and find him, he was dead instantly, nice clean kill no suffering at all. We then proceeded to butcher and pack him back to camp for the next three days. After that we spent the rest of the trip fly fishing and hunting sheep and caribou. Caught a few nice rainbows in the 3-4lb range saw some animals but no shooters.

Bull was really interesting because he has matching folds on each paddle as well as matching hooked brow tines. Measured around 55 inches. Not bad for my first moose.
That's a beautiful bull. Especially for your first one!

10-19-2019, 08:06 AM
My first moose. Been on several moose hunts but first time squeezing the trigger on a bull for me. LEH hunt, had two tags but only able to full the one. Was pretty grim for first few days, barely saw a living thing other than grouse. Then started seeing the odd cow. Found this guy with two cows. Only other bull we saw was with a cow and she wouldnt get out of the way, so no shot. Anyway still a good time and good meat for the freezer.

Arctic lake, curious what area your LEH was? Ours was 5-15D. Just wondering if if was just us that was not seeing much....

https://i929.photobucket.com/albums/ad133/RustyRipper/20191009_075302_HDR_zpsvskpkbt3.jpg (http://s929.photobucket.com/user/RustyRipper/media/20191009_075302_HDR_zpsvskpkbt3.jpg.html)

10-19-2019, 08:34 AM

Another Testsa River bull.

Arctic Lake
10-19-2019, 10:55 AM
Bustercluck. Good story and pics ! That old Honda did the trick though !
Arctic Lake

Arctic Lake
10-19-2019, 10:58 AM
Nice first moose RustyRipper. No LEH for me this year that’s why Istrted the thread was getting moose sick from not seeing anyone’s recent successes LOL !
Arctic Lake

Arctic Lake
10-19-2019, 11:00 AM
Dakoda62. Nice moose do you have a story to go with it ?
Arctic Lake

10-19-2019, 12:02 PM
Dakoda62. Nice moose do you have a story to go with it ?
Arctic Lake
I will write one up\

338 whisper
10-19-2019, 02:50 PM
First moose hopefully this pic is better. Called in to 80 yards could see it coming from 200 yards away in the willows grunting and raking the bushes it was hard to see how big he was. At 80 yards he walk out in the open and my dad say "holy $%^&#@ look how big it is". I shot it at 80 yards with my 1885 high wall in 45-70 350gr speer hotcore. one shot down it went nose fist into the ground and the ass end almost come over the front end.http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/DSCN2980.jpghttp://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/DSCN29731.jpg

10-19-2019, 04:10 PM
Nice moose guys.

rustyripper.....what’s the story with the elk ( big bull in the truck ) in your photobucket album???

Arctic Lake
10-19-2019, 08:06 PM
338 whisper ! Man that's a dandy ! What was the width on that rack ?
Arctic Lake

Arctic Lake
10-19-2019, 08:07 PM
This is great guy's .Pictures and stories !
Arctic Lake

10-19-2019, 08:19 PM

Unfortunately not my elk, nor is there an exciting story. Was a pesky bull that had been annoying some lady by hanging out in her back yard and presumably wreaking havoc on her garden/trees and maybe pets while in the rut. She somehow got in contact with the lucky son of a gun who had the draw for this area so he came by and "took care of the problem". Nice bull for sure. Central vancouver island

10-20-2019, 10:42 AM
This was our third trip in with Tetsa River outfitters, Beth and Timber were our hosts this trip. Sadly likely be my partners last trip, (health issues). Doug was hurt prior to us going in, long story, broken hip, night in the bush, helicopter ride, miss the hunting season. We headed into moose camp Oct 3, high water in river and beaver dams, trail was the muddiest it has ever been. arrived in camp early afternoon, unpacked and got ready for the upcoming adventure. If you have read my previous stories of Tetsa you would realize this could be a very easy hunt or difficult. Went for an early morning walk on the 4th, in behind camp, hiked to the snow line, did some glassing, saw 1 large bodied deer mule buck and doe but nothing else. On the 4th I saddled up with Timber along with 4 pack horses to make a trip into the cache camp where they had left some gear from the previous hunt that had to brought out. another 3 1/2 ride nice country but no animals, saw a few cows on our way back to camp late in the afternoon. Next day plan was to walk the rim (moose camp sits in a valley surrounded on 3 sides by high rim rock) saw a shooter bull shortly leaving camp but disappeared over the hill. glassed for about an hr saw a few cows, young bulls, and then the tell tale rifle shot from camp. made our way down to camp and sure enough Stew bagged a nice sized bull 48" spread. Shot him from the front porch of the hunters cabin, deja vue as he did the same on his first trip, although this time not in his under wear. A little difficult dealing with the moose as it died in a small patch of muskeg, but using man and horse power it was dealt with, difficult part was disposing of guts, bones and hide, to close to camp as grizzlies frequent the area, we did have a sow and cub in camp about 2 hours after the kill, Timber's dog put the run on her.
The next day woke up to 5" snow and minus 10c. Sitting in the main cabin just having my first coffee and like a ghost another moose appears in camp. "Bang" walks 20 feet and dies under a game pole. Nothing to this moose hunting thing. 4 moose now that we have shot in camp in 3 trips. 51" bull for me. we ended up with over 1100 lbs of deboned moose. We pulled the pin early, left on 6th day, we had bear tags as there was a monster black bear hanging around, we saw it high on the hill above camp both days dealing with the moose, likely a B.C. book bear, massive head and body. But to far up for this fat guy. Headed back to the highway next day, cold wet trip out, beaver dams were iced over and trail just as muddier or worse as before.

Arctic Lake
10-20-2019, 11:05 AM
^^^^^^^^^. WOW !
Arctic Lake

338 whisper
10-21-2019, 08:13 PM
338 whisper ! Man that's a dandy ! What was the width on that rack ?
Arctic Lake It is only 471/2" wide. It green scores 185" net. gross 194"

Arctic Lake
10-21-2019, 11:18 PM
It is only 471/2" wide. It green scores 185" net. gross 194"
Good stuff !
Arctic Lake

10-22-2019, 11:54 AM
first ever bull moose called in to 25-30 yards


