View Full Version : October elk

10-06-2019, 07:16 PM
Hello everyone,

just was wondering what the elk hunting is like during the October full moon? Will bulls be vocal like near the full moon in September? Just interested in others experience during this time of year.

I had a amazing trip in September, with a few good close calls at Some good bulls, but came home empty, I’m gearing up for 4 more days for one last kick at the can this weekend around the full moon. I’m going to avoid the open cow zones and stick to 6pt bulls.

Any advice or past experience would be great! Thanks guys.

I was bugling with a elk for 20 minuites on my last day, had counted 6 , just needed a solid shot that was coming soon enough. Well another hunter heard us from below and came right up in the middle of us with his hoochie mama and blew the bull out.... was disappointing but still one of the best hunts I’ve been on.

Im looking forward to another chance.

Good luck everyone.

10-06-2019, 07:40 PM
I was up in the peace region and the bulls are tight lipped. I had one come into cow calls absolutely silent. Couldn’t get a clean shot on him. He gave me one bugle and that was it. He was a 6x6 and by himself.