View Full Version : Stalking blunders......

10-05-2019, 11:18 AM
The last 20 yards are killing me this year!!!!!!

Because of work Ididn't start scouting this year until September 10th.
I found does in a few diffrent spots and decided to concentrate on the 9nes closest to home.

After a few trips out I started to glimpse buck's. Three diffrent ones. A spike 2pt and a 3point.
I'm sure there all brothers but I've yet to see old dad. I would be happy with any of them.

I've had them all between 60 and 70 yards..
But trying to get them to 40 yards has almost been comical.

The blunders have been many.
I've had grouse flush 2 different times and get me busted.
One log I was crawling over break with an unbelievably loud crack.(guess I should lose a few pounds)
I've been busted by does a few times. I didn't even notice one doe until I was 15 yards from her.
Thermals changing at in opertun times. I've never been good at figuring out thermals.
I've had the mist role in and when it roles out ....... gone...
Bad foot placement breaking twigs....

I'm starting to realize that I stalk like a rutting bull elephant .

I'm suprised I haven't blown them out of the area.

I'm having a great time this season so far.

What's your best stalking blunder?

10-05-2019, 09:25 PM
Keep at it...not going slow enough for me...day before yesterday I had beads on a WT but I wasn't comfortable with the long standing shot through branches etc...so yesterday I knew he was in the area so I decided to go slow...well slow wasn't slow enough for a whitetail buck...

10-05-2019, 11:19 PM
I have obtained permission in the last few days to hunt a private wood lot.

So I put 2 cams cams in on Thursday night.

I didn't give them much time but I wanted to look.
So my partner and I went in around 3 PM and pulled the cards.
We headed home to take a look and have a late lunch.

The first camera nothing... The second cam two nice 2 pts bucks. SWEET!!!!

Why I'm excited about the wood lot.

......the gate is only five minutes from the house.
.......I have permission to put up a tree stand
....... Its It's behind a locked gate
........ there is only one other person with permission to hunt there
........ did I say it's only five minutes from the house!!!!!!

We were excited to see the bucks on the cam.
It gave us both a little lift.
After we finished our meals she said "do ya want to head up to the 2700 ft spot"
Well we gotta hurry I said with a smile.
I grabbed the bow and she grabbed a book.

10-06-2019, 12:19 AM
When we have the kids with us it mostly road hunting.
When it just her and I going it's about a 25% chance 5hat she will come and hunt with me.
Most of the time she is happy just to sit 8n the truck and read.
She had grabbed a book , I know what her plan is tonight.

We got up there super late so I was on the rush to get into my spot. First mistake don't RUSH!!!!!

Let's talk about the 2700ft spot for a second. We call it the 27spot.

There is also a 25 spot and a 31 spot. Wonder why the other ones are called 25 and 31.. hummm

The 27spot is public land.
There is a lot of hunting traffic.
Its relatively easy to get to.
If you ever got out of your vehicle you would see ,that there is a absolute pile of deer sign.
I'm hunting a big cut block with different aged forest on every side. The top of the block has 20 to 30 year old trees back stoped by rock bluffs.
I have seen 3 different bucks here
Ìts 25min from the house to where I park my truck and walk in.
The walk is around 1.45km on logging road. I could drive within 100 meters of my spot but it is way better to walk in.

Anyways Im rushing to get in , sit down and glass the lower section of the block.
Damn I hear a vehicle as soon as I sit down.
I'm in full camo mid block with hunters above me. This always makes me a bit nervous.
They stop ... I see movement out of the corner on my eye. 2 bucks... the spike has found a smaller spike buddy.
I have now seen 4 different bucks in this same block!
I don't know if the truck hunters saw the bucks ...
But the bucks definitely saw them.
The hunters and the bucks were both outa there in a hurry .

Hummm busted by a vehicle this time.

No other movement for the rest of the evening hunt.

I'll head to 27 for first light..

Then off to the wood lot to put up a tree stand

Big Lew
10-06-2019, 07:40 AM
Lack of patience has usually foiled things for me...but the last 2 decent bucks I lost out on
were both me and my dog's fault. He is so keyed up about hunting anything he can't contain
himself. If he sees me aim a bow, shotgun, or rifle, he barks with excitement and expectation.
Even if he hears me click a gun's safety off he's ready to go. As I said, twice I saw a nice buck
while driving through logging slashes, and both times I forgot to tape over the truck canopy
windows beforehand. Both times he was quiet until he saw me raise and draw my bow.
An excited dog barking sure puts a buck into high gear, lol!

10-06-2019, 09:39 AM
A pile of road hunters in 27 this am. I didn't stay very long.
No bucks
Its getting closer to prime time. People are starting to get out and hunt.
But I have yet to see another vehicle up there mid week.

I agree with Harry and Big Lew ,Patients has to be the hardest thing while hunting.
We live in a fast paced society, most days I'm rushing to get everything accomplished.
Then I step in to the Bush where things need to be slow and calculated.
It's a hard transition.

Dogs are great hunting partners but the sure can mess things up.... lol...

Breakfast and tree stand time!!!!

10-06-2019, 05:35 PM
Tree stand was stolen overnight...
Partner was more choked than me I think
Back up in 27spot the hunt goes on!!!!!

Big Lew
10-06-2019, 06:23 PM
I'm 73 and closing in on 74...I've never seen thievery so bad as it has been the last few years.
It seems so common now to have anything of value taken by others even if it's locked. Their
targets don't even need to have much value as long as they're shiny or different. About a year
ago I placed an old touring bicycle up on a pedestal in a flower garden as it's shrine for faithfully
carrying me all over BC, including around Haida Gwaii, and down to southern California. It wasn't
even in working condition as it previously was out in another garden for 20 years. Someone came
into my fenced yard and spent time unbolting it before stealing it during the night.
It's hard to imagine that only a few are doing it, so it's far more likely that many around us are

10-06-2019, 09:08 PM
Saturday morning I went up to an area that I've been seeing a fair amount of Mule bucks and does w/fawns. Last year the small bucks were with the does but this year the bucks have grown much bigger (assuming they were the same ones from last year) and I've found out they are hanging out together.

So I'm slowly walking the trail and anticipating seeing something as usual just as I crest the little hump of a hill. I just get my eyes above the crest and I see the ass end of a big body mule. I can see the front end because of the three big trees that this deer is right behind. I pull up my binocs to try see something and dang, those aren't branches - tines sticking out from both sides of this tree truck that has to be 26-28" in diameter. Binocs go down, I know I got something good here.

Up goes the rifle, and I'm holding/waiting for this deer to take a step or two so I can poke the vitals at an easy 70 yard chip shot. Well this damn deer is not freakin' moving. Rifle is getting heavy and starting to draw circles. I'm sort of caught because I can't move to the side for a better view without exposing myself further. Slowly, I lower my rifle keeping my eyes glued to my buck and all of a sudden, another buck goes flying by at Mach 1 between me and my buck. Suddenly this bouncing road runner catches my attention and I instinctively raise my rifle on him and as I do that my big buck slowly starts walking off but quartering away from me in such a manner that all I see is antlers, ass and these damn trees.

I know that where that buck walked down drops about 15' in elevation to a narrow plateau level and then drops off straight down into the Abiss. I'm hesitant but figure I might be able to see the second buck if I step up to the top of the crest. I slowly rise to the top of the berm, and I can hear a thumping in my ears. I'm not sure if this is deer bounding away or blood pressure jacked up from my sick feeling over blowing it. Well, turns out it was deer bounding away and I catch the last bounds of three mules booking it down to the chute going into the ravine.

Well now I'm feeling absolutely empty inside, I don't know why but I felt compelled to go see where the big buck went down. I slowly make my way over looking all around, side to side, little late for that. I get to the trees, they're big, so was that buck. :-( I walk down to the plateau and it dawns on me that I'm now stinking up their bedding area. Crap, what am I doing?

So, I have a restless night and at 3:30am the wake up alarm goes off and I get up and head back out there, praying that the bucks will magically be back in the same places and I get a "do over" but no love for me. I get there and the place has a barren feeling. It's cold -5 and going from plus 16 to -5 overnight didn't give me any time to acclimate to the chill and I thought I was going to freeze sitting there for and hour and a half just praying the bucks came back. They won't come back - well maybe they will - I don't know. Next weekend is committed to a hunt in a different region so maybe I'll be back again in two weeks time.

Series of stupid mistakes cost me a big one. I got complacent and let my guard down. Got fixated one one target and didn't scan the area for other deer buddies. I suspect this will keep me awake again tonight. I'll probably need to buy another rifle to help me get over this. :razz: Well that was a good kick in the pants - smarten up Pat. :-P

Conservation through incompetence. :-(

10-06-2019, 10:21 PM
Conservation through incompetence....
I like this!
Although they say deer are not herd animals they're rarely solitary .
You were hit with the extra eyes Pat.
I've had these extra eyes bust me also.
Toss in a wee side of impatiens and the deer are running for the hills.

They say, the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over expecting different results.
Most of us hunters might be insane. We often make the same mistakes repeatedly. Promise ourselves we will do it differently next time.
And guess what happens next time.
We make the same stupid mistakes.
Or maybe that's just me.

10-06-2019, 11:22 PM
27spot was dead tonight.
The condition's were perfect but the deer weren't in the little piece that I was hunting.

The stolen tree stand......grrrrrr

I texted the lot manager and the other hunter with permission. Neither of them were very happy.
They both are calling people on my behalf. Hopeful that it might just show back up but I doubt it.
I didn't see the culprit on either of my cams.
I'm going to put a tree stand right back in there and bolt it down!,,,,,,
I had dropped it off on Saturday between hockey games.(my team was in a tournament) and was going to put it up today.
The little boy was sad when I told him it was taken. He thought if we got another stand we should put it up
IN the yard so it wouldn't get stolen. Lol..
I've picked up a spy point camera.
I don't know if I'm going to put it up and try to see who else is going in the area.

Has any one else used these cameras?

Might try the 25 spot in the am

10-07-2019, 08:26 AM
Conservation through incompetence....
I like this!
Although they say deer are not herd animals they're rarely solitary .
You were hit with the extra eyes Pat.
I've had these extra eyes bust me also.
Toss in a wee side of impatiens and the deer are running for the hills.

They say, the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over expecting different results.
Most of us hunters might be insane. We often make the same mistakes repeatedly. Promise ourselves we will do it differently next time.
And guess what happens next time.
We make the same stupid mistakes.
Or maybe that's just me.

Oh, I'm sure I'll get busted like this again some time. Sure was exciting though. Could have turned out much differently as I was just thinking about the similar scene from Jurassic Park. Well, the day that deer become carnivores is the day I quit hunting. Buck fever and I was focused on one. I just stood there with my mouth open with not a shot to be had. lol.

10-07-2019, 10:42 AM
I don’t do a ton of stalking, but my biggest blunder to date was a stalk I put on a doe and buck that were travelling together and feeding as they went. I could have legally taken either one, but I focused on the buck. They would feed and move up the mountain and I would try to close the gap to 30 yards. Every time I stalked within range he would move to a place where I had no opportunity. I had a few chances to take her, but passed on them because I was focused on the buck. Eventually they both moved out into the open at the base of a bluff. The only problem was a thick screening of brush between me and them. I am crawling on my hands and knees to get up to a hole in the brush where I could get a shot off. Just as I am getting up to my shooting lane I snap a twig under one knee. A minor little thunderous snap that echoes through the woods. The buck instantly heads for thick cover. The doe holds. I hold in the shooting lane knowing she will cross that line to get into the same cover. I was expecting she would walk or saunter right into my path. I still had a chance, but she stots... it saved her life. Great hunt, one twig at the very wrong place and time was the difference between getting a shot or going home empty handed.

10-07-2019, 11:23 PM
It's amazing how noisy deer are, and yet we break one twig . GONE!!!!!

I didn't hunt this am ..
I went and rounded up another tree stand.
Purchased some chain and locks...
This one will be put up and locked.
Hopeful that the chain and locks will be enough to keep the thieves at bay.

I went out for a short hunt this afternoon.
It was foggy as a Sunday morning in my 20's.
I was wondering the low side of the block and.....

I see the two small spike bucks . There 87 yards away...
Fog roles back in and gone!
Fer #%$@ sakes!!!!!

I told myself no rifle until the second week of November.
I hope I don't crack!!!!!

Wild one
10-08-2019, 04:38 AM
Xbow one of the best ways to deter tree stand theft is take the bottom 4ft of steps/ladder with you when you leave. This is a bit of a pain with screw in steps but easy with climbing sticks.

10-08-2019, 09:25 PM
Xbow one of the best ways to deter tree stand theft is take the bottom 4ft of steps/ladder with you when you leave. This is a bit of a pain with screw in steps but easy with climbing sticks.

Wild one I have to agree with you.
But now I have it chained up like fort Knox's...lol..
With my sky point cam on it.
3 chains 3 locks...

I went In this am and put it up.
I hunted it in the PM.
Only thing that I saw moving was the wood lot manager....lol
He stop to say hello. This was the first time we had talked face to face.
Great guy.... He has been checking the area twice daily after I told him about the theft.

I am seeing two small bucks on the cameras no does,
but I consistently see does and bucks comming from this area when driving home at night.
I will do a little more scouting after the morning hunt.
Hopefully figger out their main travel routes.

10-09-2019, 07:41 AM
It's a chilly morning here in the stand....
The only thing that has been keeping me entertained are the stellar Jay's.
A base layer will be in order for the next sit....

10-09-2019, 09:01 PM
I did a bit of scouting after my sit..
I m definitely on a secondary trail.
The stand will need to be moved...

Work in the am grrrrrrr!

10-11-2019, 05:50 AM
Heading out with a buddy this am.... of course he is late.....grrrrr.. I do have a bunch of photos to share.

But I cant get them to up load from imgur.... keeps giving me an error... it says there to big...
Anyone else have this problem?

Wild one
10-11-2019, 05:56 AM
Late for hunting is a sin and 20 lashes

Between the I don’t care too much about taking pics or sharing and the pain in posting pics I gave up trying to post any on this forum

10-11-2019, 08:44 AM
Heading out with a buddy this am.... of course he is late.....grrrrr.. I do have a bunch of photos to share.

But I cant get them to up load from imgur.... keeps giving me an error... it says there to big...
Anyone else have this problem?
try resizing them. Under the column on the right where you select bbc code, there is a box to select size. Large Thumbnail works

Big Lew
10-11-2019, 09:29 AM
As I mentioned earlier, patience, patience patience...when I first started bow hunting I came upon
2 big bucks feeding on a knoll in the center of a select logging slash. They didn't seem to know I
was close by so I watched and waited until they had made their way over the top to the other side.
I then mentally flipped a coin as to which side they would head for and then hurried over to that
base side. I waited for what seemed to be a long time but they didn't appear so I began slowly
heading toward the backside middle of the knob. Yup, right away I spooked the first what turned
out to be a dandy 4 point that had been heading right toward me had I waited. Figuring the gig was
up, I walked out into the open to make my way back and spooked the other one as well. Had I been
more patient I would have had both of them walk right into my lap so to speak.

10-11-2019, 01:25 PM
We hiked up into 27spot this am...
We just got in before daylight.
Wind was right. Although we were a bit late I still felt good.
I left him and went another 200 meters to my watch.
The plan was to sit and glass till 8:30.

It was a great morning. But the animal movement seemd nonexistent .
We put a few km on our feet with the same result.
Were heading back at 3:30 nap time!!!!!!

10-11-2019, 10:41 PM
Late for hunting is a sin and 20 lashes

Between the I don’t care too much about taking pics or sharing and the pain in posting pics I gave up trying to post any on this forum

I like to take pictures for the family... They like to see the animals...
Posting on this forum is ridiculously hard. With all the technology today it makes me wonder why it isn't easier.

10-11-2019, 10:42 PM
try resizing them. Under the column on the right where you select bbc code, there is a box to select size. Large Thumbnail works

I'm using a Samsung tablet .

I can't seem to find a way to resize anything.

10-11-2019, 10:44 PM
As I mentioned earlier, patience, patience patience...when I first started bow hunting I came upon
2 big bucks feeding on a knoll in the center of a select logging slash. They didn't seem to know I
was close by so I watched and waited until they had made their way over the top to the other side.
I then mentally flipped a coin as to which side they would head for and then hurried over to that
base side. I waited for what seemed to be a long time but they didn't appear so I began slowly
heading toward the backside middle of the knob. Yup, right away I spooked the first what turned
out to be a dandy 4 point that had been heading right toward me had I waited. Figuring the gig was
up, I walked out into the open to make my way back and spooked the other one as well. Had I been
more patient I would have had both of them walk right into my lap so to speak.

I hear ya Big Lew

Patients is a virtue.

10-11-2019, 11:09 PM
This afternoon was much the same as the morning, very quiet.
I headed to the top south end of the block my buddy bottom north.
I tried a bit of rattling. I have never had any luck with rattling but try it a few times a season.
I see deer in this block often. The last time I was here I had seen a spike in the fog.
So as the afternoon rolled on I was wondering why they seemed to be gone.
It has gotten colder....
The vegetation in the block is dying...
Maybe they have gone nocturnal...
Its funny what goes threw your head as your sitting in the Bush.
As I'm walking out I text my buddy to just hike to the road and I'll pick you up.

I'm just about to where my buddy is waiting.....
I can see him in the headlights and .....
A big bodied deer goes racing across the road between us.

Well at least there still here I think to myself....

Hopefully I'll see that deer in the morning..

10-13-2019, 07:47 AM
I spent most of yesterday morning exploring the private wood lot.
My tree stand was still there which was nice. Its approximately 1000 acres.
I have been set up on the south east corner of the property. The south west corner seems to have a little bit better sign.
So the trail cams have been moved..

The only thing that died yesterday was a Turkey and various bottles of wine ,beer and whiskey!
My alarm went off at 5am this morning and I promptly shut it off....

Happy Thanksgiving

10-13-2019, 08:48 AM

Hummm ......
Only way I can get pics up here....
I don't know if I can resize on a Samsung galaxy 9 tablet.... ( if someone knows how on a Samsung Galaxy 9 tablet tell me).

Anyways check this guy out.
He was comming out of a corn field on Oct 2nd...
He neck was swelling...
Beautiful high island rack.
It was completely healed over and he was walking like it still was there

It was kinda crazy...

10-13-2019, 09:46 AM

Second tree stand chained up


Found this on the way down from 31 spot
It wasn't there on the way up.
My vehicle was over 2km away... I never did see the where this person was parked


27 spot spike.....

10-14-2019, 08:55 PM
I shook off the hangover and Turkey cobwebs yesterday ...
Pulled down the tree stand and placed it close to the new spot.(chained it up to a tree)
Bounced deer on the way in. I didn't get a look at them... the bracken fern is brown but still towering over my head..
Its a cotton wood swamp. Most of the cotton wood has been cut down and ceader trees have been planted...

Went back today to put the stand up...
Had a hell of a time.
I've got it up on an little knob which I expect was an old growth cedar stump.
It has a 12" spruce growing out of it....
Had to call in some reinforcements for help.
With all the racket we scared at least one more deer out.
I'm not far from there beds... lots of fresh sign..
Fingers crossed they come back...
I'll leave it for a few days and check the cameras.
The sky point camera is pointed at the stand the other 2 are on the trails,
I have the stand between to trails..

Back to 27 spot in the am.

10-16-2019, 07:24 AM
27 spot is in transition... the lush cut block is now brown and barren. The deer are now feeding and bedding in the 25ft trees. Its thick and hard to hunt.

I was up there at 6;20 yesterday .. nothing but 2 other hunters. Older fellows... I had never seen anyone crap on the middle of the road... I read about it here... then saw it yesterday... kinda gross!!!!!

I'm getting a little frustrated..
But that's black tail hunting...

10-16-2019, 08:22 AM
Today is return day..... Browning rain gear horrible.... rocky boots horrible.....

10-16-2019, 10:28 AM
These guys definitely help to pass the time some days..
Trying the crappy tire huntshield boots... probably will be returning them them....

10-16-2019, 10:40 AM
These guys definitely help to pass the time some days..
Trying the crappy tire huntshield boots... probably will be returning them them....

I tried a couple pairs of the huntsheild boots, found they are notorious for losing chunks of the bottom grips. You get a year to return for exchange, which is what I did in Sep, and upgraded to the more expensive huntdsheild hunting boot, just under $200. Took it out for one hike and same issue, little chunks taken out of the Vibram sole. Returned and asked for full refund, which they obliged, then went to Atmosphere (sister company to CT) and bought Solomon 4D hiking boots on sale, just over 200, regularly 280+tax. I wear them with gaiters and they are AWESOME. No chunks or nicks in the sole, even after some good bushwacking. Super comfortable, and quick break in. I'll eventually upgrade to Crispi's or something when I'm ready to burn $500 on boots, but probably not for a few years.

It may be called crappy tire by some (for good reason), but their warranty isn't - it's great :)


10-17-2019, 10:09 PM
I tried a couple pairs of the huntsheild boots, found they are notorious for losing chunks of the bottom grips. You get a year to return for exchange, which is what I did in Sep, and upgraded to the more expensive huntdsheild hunting boot, just under $200. Took it out for one hike and same issue, little chunks taken out of the Vibram sole. Returned and asked for full refund, which they obliged, then went to Atmosphere (sister company to CT) and bought Solomon 4D hiking boots on sale, just over 200, regularly 280+tax. I wear them with gaiters and they are AWESOME. No chunks or nicks in the sole, even after some good bushwacking. Super comfortable, and quick break in. I'll eventually upgrade to Crispi's or something when I'm ready to burn $500 on boots, but probably not for a few

It may be called crappy tire by some (for good reason), but their warranty isn't - it's great :)


I read this to lateJosh....

I ended up grabbing the huntshield boots...
I've got like 6 hours in them the last 2 days.
All valley hunting. The main thing is they haven't leaked so far.
Tomorrow I'm heading up to elevation in the am.
I'll see how the soles hang on..

The last few days I've been on the wood lot and in the back yard..
The new camera placement on the private wood lot has been working out.
I'm seeing three diffrent does and their fawns. But no bucks yet.. the tree stand placement might be a bit off..
So I've put out some apples to lure them in.
Up to 31 spot in the am...

10-22-2019, 12:43 AM
The huntshield boots seem to work fine for me.... My feet are dry,the soles have not fallen apart yet and no blisters....

I went hard these last few days. Lots of rain, fog and wind. Perfect conditions.

Saw plenty of does.

And one small spike. I managed to get within 10 yards of the little fella....

I let him walk... to small

I now have a pine Martin eating the apples I have placed for the deer.
Always thought they were carnivores.... guess not. Lol

November is getting closer!!!!!!!!!!

Wild one
10-22-2019, 05:59 AM
Martin are carnivores but the have a sweet tooth as well and will eat berries/fruits

10-22-2019, 10:51 AM
I picked up some scents today... I'm going to start a scrape line. I'm not sure how black tails react to them.
The lower elevation deer seem to rut a bit earlier in my opinion..... I'll place the scrapes near the cameras.... fingers crossed for a few picks.

Had a raccoon show up at the apples last night.

10-22-2019, 09:15 PM
F#@#8ng scent disaster!!!!!!! My hand smells like it's been up a deer's @ss.... been washing them repeatedly...
I've been using every cleaning agent we have even the kitchen sink...... rubbing my fingers on the stainless steel helps for a bit then the smell comes back...
Going to head down to the shop and try some WD40 next.... I can't believe I forgot to put on rubber gloves....

On a high note... had a doe come threw a shooting lane at the tree stand.
Hopefully a buck will be following her soon.

I'm starting to remember why I stopped using scents.....

10-22-2019, 09:33 PM
Brake cleaner did the trick.

10-25-2019, 02:47 PM
Does does n does...... one thing I basically do, is find does... then just stick with them... this morning had a doe on one of my tree stand cameras at 4:30 am... she didnt have fawns with her... (Most on this camera do) So I went to the back door at daylight. Beautiful morning. It was raining when I got into the truck but by the time I got to the tree stand spot it had cleared. I found the doe by 7:45 watched her at 30 yards for 5 or 6 minutes... she never looked behind her once .so I I figured she was alone... she just picked here and there at the vegetation... great morning....
The hunt goes on....

10-26-2019, 11:03 PM
And then there is bucks. Both cameras had bucks on them last night... the cameras are over a kilometer apart. Kinda crazy.
there were only does and fawns on these two before.
And my third camera that was getting picks of little 2 pointers.... well those 2 have disappeared... humm perhaps things are going to start happening at low elevation....

10-27-2019, 11:13 AM
No action this am at the tree stand. .... I can tell by my sky point I pushed a doe n a small button buck off the apples at 6:38am.. I'm going to have to make my path in a little less noisy...
A big 2point showed his face a 4:30 am.... I have only seen 2 point bucks in this area... Big ones and small ones... Oh well ya can't eat the horns....

On my other cam I had a bear come in and eat all the bait..
A couple questions on bears..

Should I stop baiting it?

Will it keep returning?

Perhaps bait it for a few days and make sure the bait is gone then harvest the animal?
Also is it legal to do this?

10-31-2019, 04:35 PM
Well the bear didn't return.... rut is definitely starting in my area.....damn company 8n town
.. managed to sneak out tonight....

11-02-2019, 12:29 PM
Buck down!!!!!!
Not big but I'm STOKED!!!!!
Work to do!!!!!

11-04-2019, 10:42 PM
Big highs and big lows in the last few days
Let's start with the highs.

I had late hockey Friday night.
I also had out of town company at the house that was catching a flight home on Saturday.
Needless to say we stayed up late reminiscing about old times.
When I finally hit the hay my clock was saying it's well after 1am. My 5 am alarm was shut off promptly.
Well when I opend my eyes Saturday AM I still had time to make the tree stand so I went for it.
10 min after daylight a doe walked out, following close behind was a nice little 2pt.
He offerd me a shot at 26yards . Clean hit.
I went home had coffee and grabbed the dog.
40 min later went to find him. There was a decent blood trail. He was down 35 yards from where he was shot.

I was happy to cut a tag.
Deer to butcher and people to deliver to the Airport made for a busy day.

Now for the low.....

I was riding this high tonight as I went to my stand.
All was quiet tonight really quiet.
The does did not show up when they usually do. Hummm
I found my self checking my PAL status on line...
Sweet its finally on it's way... Another high...

Then out walks mini spike... And Bihind him was the one!!!

My heart rate climbed....
I adjusted in my stand.
Got my Xbow ready.
He walked into 35yards and turned broadside.
It was now or never.
I took the shot.....
My gawd it hit him high.... F@#k me...
My stomach turned....
Thoughts were whizzing around my head...
I've practised that shot hundreds of times... Fac fac fac...

The arrow didn't pass threw.
I watched him run off with it high on his back..
The angle looked good......
But it was high...
Fac me.

I gave it 16 min and went to look for blood....
With the bad light I couldn't find any...
Fac fac fac..... It was now pitch black in the woods..

I looked for n hour nothing....
I didn't here him bounce when I was looking...

I've come home ...
Not feeling great..
I'll head back at first light fingers crossed.


11-04-2019, 10:46 PM
Big highs and big lows in the last few days
Let's start with the highs.

I had late hockey Friday night.
I also had out of town company at the house that was catching a flight home on Saturday.
Needless to say we stayed up late reminiscing about old times.
When I finally hit the hay my clock was saying it's well after 1am. My 5 am alarm was shut off promptly.
Well when I opend my eyes Saturday AM I still had time to make the tree stand so I went for it.
10 min after daylight a doe walked out, following close behind was a nice little 2pt.
He offerd me a shot at 26yards . Clean hit.
I went home had coffee and grabbed the dog.
40 min later went to find him. There was a decent blood trail. He was down 35 yards from where he was shot.

I was happy to cut a tag.
Deer to butcher and people to deliver to the Airport made for a busy day.

Now for the low.....

I was riding this high tonight as I went to my stand.
All was quiet tonight really quiet.
The does did not show up when they usually do. Hummm
I found my self checking my PAL status on line...
Sweet its finally on it's way... Another high...

Then out walks mini spike... And Bihind him was the one!!!

My heart rate climbed....
I adjusted in my stand.
Got my Xbow ready.
He walked into 35yards and turned broadside.
It was now or never.
I took the shot.....
My gawd it hit him high.... F@#k me...
My stomach turned....
Thoughts were whizzing around my head...
I've practised that shot hundreds of times... Fac fac fac...

The arrow didn't pass threw.
I watched him run off with it high on his back..
The angle looked good......
But it was high...
Fac me.

I gave it 16 min and went to look for blood....
With the bad light I couldn't find any...
Fac fac fac..... It was now pitch black in the woods..

I looked for n hour nothing....
I didn't here him bounce when I was looking...

I've come home ...
Not feeling great..
I'll head back at first light fingers crossed.


if you weren’t so far away and on the island I’d come help look, I know that feeling ! One of my group lost a white tail that we had thought was hit perfectly, lesson learned.

11-04-2019, 11:01 PM
Thanks RyoTHC ...
2 friends of mine have volunteered to help.
We will take the dogs with us also.

Wild one
11-05-2019, 05:33 AM
Congrats on the 2pt and hope all goes well with the other buck

11-05-2019, 08:12 AM
Thanks Wild one. Just waiting on one more budy then we head out.

11-05-2019, 04:18 PM
Deer found!!!!! He was 300 yards or so from where I hit him. My buddy bounced it. He shot and tagged it. I'm very rrelieved.Not as big as I thought but still the biggest I've seen on the cameras.

11-05-2019, 04:25 PM

11-05-2019, 04:33 PM
I shot big buck that I swear had to have walked right in front of my buddy - he loves his phone on a sit.