View Full Version : I passed on a spike.. am I an idiot?

10-02-2019, 10:08 AM
Hello Hunting BC Forum!

First, I'm 42 and I'm a new hunter. 2019 is my 3rd season with deer tags, but really this is only my 2nd season actually hunting. I spent allot of time last season putting miles on the truck and in my boots. I learned allot, covered allot of area, but didn't even get close to finding a "shooter buck". I was beginning to wonder if bucks actually existed.

Fast forward to this season, 1st day out (near Hope, BC), I run into this spike buck on the side of the road. (any buck is legal) At first I thought he was a she as I didn't see antlers from a distance. It wasn't until we drove up on him that we saw the spikes. About 15 feet away from the truck, he just sat there, chewing his grass, looking at us without a care in the world.

I snapped a few pictures and asked my buddy (also a rookie) if I should shoot him. He said "i don't know, your call". Let's see what happens when I get out of the truck. I got out of the truck, loaded the mag, chambered a round, brought the rifle up and put the cross hairs right on spot. All this time, nothing bothered this little guy, not even the truck door slamming shut (rookie), he just sat there eating his grass and looking right at me.

I don't know if it's inexperience or what, but I waffled back and forth for what felt like an eternity, to shoot or not to shoot. Do I kill this young buck for my first deer? I just couldn't do it. I felt like he was too young, I couldn't pull the trigger. It would have been sooo easy, right beside the road, 15 foot shot, easiest kill ever. Eventually the deer left and I went back to the truck wondering what had just happened.

Instantly I regretted the decision to not take him. My buddy who I was with also a new hunter, he wasn't much help. That decision has tormented me ever since. (this happened 2 wees ago) Did I do the right thing? Or am I an idiot for not taking him?

I'm hoping my decision to let the young buck pass will come back to me in the form of good hunter karma.

I'm going to continue looking for his bigger brothers. Hopefully I can report back here with a new story with a different ending soon.


Here is a picture of the spike I passed on.. what would you have done?


10-02-2019, 10:16 AM
If you weren't ready to pull the trigger then you made the right decision. I've had many seasons of passing on legal bucks and then eating my tag later. Just make sure you take advantage of the tag still in your pocket and get out there

10-02-2019, 10:20 AM
Nope nothing wrong with that at all. Legal is legal but let your own ethics guide you.

10-02-2019, 10:22 AM
Ultimately like your partner said its your call.. If you felt he was too young that's a noble thought and I can respect it. When I first started hunting I was willing to take any legal animal, now I find myself passing up a significant number of four points looking for a mature older age class buck. As for the regret its normal especially early in ones hunting career. The question of was it the right decision, well that has some other factors, if you have a lot of time and resources to hunt a lot more then absolutely. If you are looking for meat in the freezer and short on time well then maybe you should have taken the deer.

Hunting is more than just shooting a deer, I would say you were successful in putting yourself in the spots to learn and build that experience. You found an area that holds deer. All in all that is successful. Just put all that information together, get out there and find something you wont have to think twice about. Good luck in the rest of your season

10-02-2019, 10:29 AM
Chosing what to or what not to shoot is your call. I would say allot of new hunters are anxious to shoot their first animal and this can result in rushing. Chosing to pass tells me you have good self control and a real intetest in doing it right. Good for you.

Having said that, nothing wrong with pulling the trigger on a spike, they taste great!

10-02-2019, 10:36 AM
I think you made a good call, everyone has their own idea of what they are looking to shoot for whatever reason they decide. Myself, I would not feel good about shooting a young buck standing beside the road like that. Also, a yearling buck like him is small compared to a more mature buck, you would get way more meat from a bigger buck.

10-02-2019, 10:36 AM
Gotta feel good about what you're doing out there.

10-02-2019, 10:43 AM
the "right" decision is the decision you make for yourself. Good karhma youll probably knock down a cranker now lol

10-02-2019, 10:49 AM
Would you take this buck on November 30th?
Do you want to eat the animal ?

Then yes you should of. That deer would be great eating.

I've been fish guiding for a long time. I often here I'll keep that one on the last day but not today.
Often the fish they keep is smaller or they just don't get that last one.

If your worried about horns at this point in your hunting career you just might be in this for the wrong reasons.


10-02-2019, 10:56 AM
Last year was the first year I had a chance to pas sup on legal deer. 10 minutes into the first day of hunting a nice 3 year 2 point walks out into the clearing only 100 yards away. I had the cross hairs right on the boiler, and decided not to take him. It just too early into the hunt and I didnt feel like I deserved it yet. I let him continue on his way and then did not see another animal for 7 days. Going through my head was the quote Steve Rinella had said " Never pass up on the first day of a hunt what you would be willing to shoot on the last day" and I was beating myself up over it. I was very lucky to have a much larger deer walk into range 7 days later and harvested. As I get more experienced, I look less at the size of the antlers and more at the size of the body.

10-02-2019, 11:08 AM
I agree with what the fellas said, another thing to think about is getting one under your belt gives you experience dressing it out, skinning, butchering. But on another hand if I was a rookie hunter and I drove up on a buck like that it would be nice to have the meat but you'd maybe not have the feeling of hard work paid off like if you found the same buck after climbing up and down mountains all season long and felt the feeling of reward and hard work paid off no matter size. My first buck was small as well, a first year forky, but I had worked so hard in the mountains and researching and finally I found him at the end of my second season I shot him. And I'm glad I did even though I wouldn't shoot a buck that small now as my hunting skills have grown

10-02-2019, 11:10 AM
I think you did the right thing. Personally I enjoy the pursuit of game more than the need to put meat in the freezer. That was just too easy. I remember the first deer I shot in Clinton that I tracked for a while in light snow. The rush was amazing when I took the opportunity to finally take the shot.

10-02-2019, 11:12 AM
Before my son was old enough to hunt I worried more about filling the freezer, than antlers, so I would kill the first legal bull. I haven’t taken any really big antlered animals but I have taken more than my fair share of average/smaller bulls/bucks. Now I let my son take what he wants and I pass up a lot of opportunities.
After 20yrs+ of hunting I still question letting animals walk away.

I don’t think anyone can honestly say that they’ve never questioned letting an animal walk away. Everyone has their own reasons for pulling the trigger or letting an animal walk away, It’s your choice.....don’t beat your self up over letting a young buck walk away.

10-02-2019, 11:13 AM
it would all come down to how much time I have to hunt and how much meat i had left in the freezer...awwww who the hell am i kidding i would not have hesitated he would be hanging on my meat pole.... young mule deer spikes are way tastier than a big rutting buck imho. It never hurts to get ready for a shot when you see does or a small buck but wait for a bigger one to show before you run out of time on the young guy (which can be a long time as you noticed)

10-02-2019, 11:13 AM
One more thing, try to make up your mind exactly what you want or don't want before you head out so there's no second guessing and regret

10-02-2019, 12:32 PM
Well, in Hope you are allowed 2 bucks. I would take the first buck I see and then be picky afterwards. but I have shot many deer and like an easy one now for the freezer if it presents itself. The 'right' deer for you will show up and you will pull the trigger when you are ready. Good luck and keep at it!

10-02-2019, 12:42 PM
Ultimately it's up to you, but if you have some grand vision of your first deer being a monster 5x5 or something you'll probably end up disappointed.

Personal opinion: I don't care what anyone says, the younger ones are by far the best for eating.

10-02-2019, 12:52 PM
Ive let a lot of spikes and deuces walk. I've shot quite a few too including my first. Its not a big deal which way you go especially early in the season. As long as you're ready for a lot of second guessing and face palming should you end the season deerless. haha. He's too young to be a loner so you know where there's some deer now at the very least. And yes yearlings are quite clueless that's why most of them don't make it to adulthood.

10-02-2019, 01:11 PM
I passed on two spike bucks during my first year of hunting. Much like you, I was hesitant, and then later was strangely filled with regret for not getting my first buck. It wasn't until the last day of my hunting season that I finally came across a two-point and pulled the trigger, only a few minutes later to realize in horror how far I really was from my vehicle. I had to drag him solo just over 4km in pissing rain, and after that, I decided that my first buck of the season would always be one to fill the freezer. When an easy opportunity presents itself, it's a gift I'm thankful for. We all have to start somewhere.

Life is full of lessons, it wasn't a mistake on your part - when you're ready you're ready. Now get back out there, I'm sure you'll come across your first buck this season.

Wild one
10-02-2019, 02:22 PM
Like everyone else said there is no right or wrong choice passing on a legal buck it is a matter of personal goals

10-02-2019, 02:36 PM
My first deer was a spike buck ... on the last day of the season so I was quite motivated to get meat in the fridge. Lol

last year I passed on a spike early in the season. I saw him bedding for about 10 minutes. I got very close above him about 15ft away until it smelled me and took off. It was a good feeling passing on the buck and have the confidence of finding a bigger game. I got a bigger buck a couple of weeks later.

Keep on hunting and don’t forget to post the pictures of the four pointer!

10-02-2019, 03:04 PM
Blacktail near Hope? Been trying to get a scope on one for 7 years. Well over 200 hunting days put in and have probably burned more calories than there are in 5 deer. I would have shot it :)

But that is just me and my rationalization.

You did what your gut told you. I wouldn't argue with that. Good on you!

Wild one
10-02-2019, 03:28 PM
Blacktail near Hope? Been trying to get a scope on one for 7 years. Well over 200 hunting days put in and have probably burned more calories than there are in 5 deer. I would have shot it :)

But that is just me and my rationalization.

You did what your gut told you. I wouldn't argue with that. Good on you!

Your working way too hard :lol:

10-02-2019, 03:35 PM
You will question the decision until you actually clip your first tag. I would agree with everyone else here, that you will know when it's the right time and follow you gut (ethics). Personally, I would've taken the deer as spikes are great eating and that is all I am after...antlers mean nothing to me. Everyone has there logic and just follow your own. If it's legal and you want to harvest the animal, do it; if you want to pass, hopefully karma works out and you get another shot at one. Good luck!

10-02-2019, 04:35 PM
I’d shoot a spike on the first or last day of the season, I don’t eat antlers, I wouldn’t turn down a nice 4x4 but I don’t go out with huge expectations either, the first deer I shot was a 5x5 whitetail but that doesn’t mean I only want to shoot big bucks now.

10-02-2019, 04:50 PM
Sounds like we got a trophy hunter

Just kidding... sort of, but that's a different discussion.

Nothing wrong with letting things walk. The Latvian Eagle of Meateater says, don't pass up on the first day with what you would be happy to have on the last day. However that kind of thinking has lead someone I know to pull the trigger and then regret his decision right after.

You're all good dude, just means you get to hunt some more.

10-02-2019, 04:55 PM
That animal would have netted you 45 to 55 pounds of meat. My spike netted me just under 50 pounds. Boneless except for the ribs. That's the only buck I have seen since Sept 10th. He hangs out in the same spot all the time, hint, hint.

10-02-2019, 05:02 PM
Don't sweat it. You gonna starve to death if you don't shoot that buck? It's up to you, if it wasn't right, it wasn't right. Go find another, that's the fun of hunting anyways!! I've let small bucks walk like that, not because I was looking for bigger, but it was early in the season, and I was elk hunting, not deer hunting! Moosin

The Hermit
10-02-2019, 05:18 PM
Just for me, having shot deer like on the side of the road and there is nothing wrong per se about road hunting, but my experience has been that it is WAY WAY MORE SATISFYING taking any legal animal when I've walked stalked crawled into position way-back off the road. I hope you get a chance on one after you have hiked in... I'm sure you will feel better about it.

10-02-2019, 05:31 PM
Depends on what you want out of hunting
.. to me its meat, not antlers.. if you killed that spike you woukd have 70 lbs of tender sweet meat.. if you wait for a bigger one you may get more, but maybe not as delicious..

I always shoot the first buck i see.... bird in the hand theory.. spike tastes better than tag soup...

10-02-2019, 05:53 PM
I have never passed on the first buck i see and have no regrets

10-02-2019, 05:54 PM
your buddy was right, it's your call, only you should decide when and what to pull the trigger on

only other thing I can say, is I have a friend that was also a new hunter and he was a bit hesitant to kill a big game animal, he wanted to hunt, no issues shooting grouse and rabbits, but when it came time to squeeze on big game....well....a few moose had a very lucky day that week.....slight strain on the friendship hahaha

I think the first kill is different for everybody, mixed emotions, maybe a bit of remorse is natural....not saying that's the case here, but perhaps something to consider

10-02-2019, 06:01 PM
last year I actually went the other way...I had 3 WT deer quartering away walking by me in a line (during buck only season)....The first was the biggest but it was only a doe ….a huge doe..... the second was the smallest of the three and the second one I checked out for antlers (small 3x2) the 3rd was about as big as the doe and lots of wood but kind of turned towards me making a harder shot so I quickly turned back to the little buck and took him... [IMG] http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=35869&title=buck18skinned&cat=500 (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=35869&title=buck18skinned&cat=500)[/ IMG]

10-02-2019, 08:11 PM
At the same point in my hunting career that you are, yes, I would have shot.
Now I don't shoot spikes with my rifle, although if I have my bow they are in danger! I feel I've shot enough spikes, but...late in the season, with an empty freezer, that could change.
Ultimately, it's your ethics, it's your decision, and it's you that needs to sleep that night. You are supposed to consider these things. Taking a life isn't something to be taken lightly.

Hugh Mann
10-02-2019, 08:31 PM
My first deer three years ago was very similar, a young buck, two point standing about 75 meters from the road give or take. I wasn't even out hunting for deer that day, but I had my rifle with me just in case. Just stood there as I loaded up and shot him dead. The feeling of dropping my first deer hugely outweighed any regret for shooting a small deer. Still no regrets to this day.

Would I shoot the same deer in the same situation today? Probably not, no.

That being said, as many people here, and your friend said, it's your call. If you didn't immediately know that was your deer, then it wasn't your deer. Maybe you'll get skunked, or maybe you'll tag a monster in a couple days.

10-02-2019, 10:09 PM
He would be in my freezer right now......

10-02-2019, 10:10 PM
If you don't need the meat that bad then I wouldn't worry about it...for me, if I haven't shot anything in the season, the first legal animal unless it's small, goes down...I use all the meat for me and my family..

10-03-2019, 02:14 AM
I have no issue with taking young bucks and have certainly taken my share. Having said that, there have been a few that seemed "too tame" or easy to make me feel right about the kill, so I held out. If you are going to be able to continue getting out, it's good you held out for something that will feel better for you. If you are on limited time to get out, it may have been better to have taken what you could have.

Who knows, you could have spared the life of a buck that you see in future years (or the guy behind you may have whacked him, but we won't talk about that, lol)!

10-03-2019, 08:02 AM
Lots of great comments in this thread. I’m in the same boat as the OP in regards to being a deer newbie. I’ve been a bird hunter for a long time, but have yet to take a deer. I’m heading out in a few days for a “ get my first deer” trip. I know I would be very conflicted on shooting that one too, but in the end, I hunt only for the meat, and quality time outdoors, so I think I would have taken the shot. My first turkey was “too easy”, but I put in a LOT of time and miles before getting that easy shot. That bird was TASTY!

if you’ve just finished your CORE, walk out to your truck, and a legal deer is standing in the back of it, that is too easy. Otherwise, if you’ve put the time in, take the gifts when they come your way.

10-03-2019, 08:23 AM
Certainly take a spike or even a doe if legal if you've never shot a deer. Get some blood on your hands sort of speak. You'll probably learn that spikes are pretty small and aren't worth it for the amount of meat you get, unless your cutting your wife's or kids tags. I leave them hoping some kid or newbie gets a chance at one.

10-03-2019, 08:34 AM
Your working way too hard :lol:

LOL tell me the secrets to LML blacktail man.

I know you know a thing or two... but you don't even live here now. Might as well PM me a honey hole :)

I think this is going to be a repeat of last year for me. There are lots of does on our cams, but mostly with fawns. Only difference is some of the fawns are 1.5 year olds this year so maybe they will get the boot and those does will bring in some bucks. Or they might just disappear completely in a couple weeks, and all I will see on the cams is the odd buck nose to the ground cruising through.

10-03-2019, 08:43 AM
Certainly take a spike or even a doe if legal if you've never shot a deer. You'll probably learn that spikes are pretty small and aren't worth it for the amount of meat you get.

I look at it this way... 45-50 lbs of meat is better than 0 lbs of meat. Once you get one in the freezer, then you can be more selective.

10-03-2019, 09:18 AM
Your buddy could have helped you more by saying "shoot it." Meat in the freezer is always a great feeling.

10-03-2019, 10:00 AM
Your buddy could have helped you more by saying "shoot it." Meat in the freezer is always a great feeling.

The little guy in my head would have been chirping me to shoot it. You can take 2 so taking a little one right on the road would make me somewhat happy.

Good on you for holding out - I would have taken him. The young ones taste the best and given my diminished physical abilities, I'll take a smaller one near the road rather than a bigger one that requires 3 km of packing.

Remember, it's never a bad thing for the animal if you choose not to pull the trigger.

10-03-2019, 11:38 AM
I passed a 4 point 4ish year old buck this week because the shot was very poor, right up the backside. If you're not feeling it, don't shoot.

That being said, you're allowed 2 mule/bt in region two. Nothing wrong with a grocery buck for the freezer.

10-03-2019, 06:40 PM
I passed a 4 point 4ish year old buck this week because the shot was very poor, right up the backside. If you're not feeling it, don't shoot.

Thats a good reason to not shoot.

10-03-2019, 06:44 PM
I personally will never question another hunter's decision on whether or not to pull the trigger. A buddy of mine who is a new hunter passed on a buck ( would have been his first ) 2 years ago because it was in a bit of grass and he couldn't see the vitals. He wasn't sure if it was doable and while I personally would have taken the shot, I would never tell him he was wrong to pass it up from being unsure. Different scenario than yours of course but whatever the reason for passing the decision lies with the person with their finger on the trigger and nobody else. I will say from personal experience the local coastal blacktails are the best eating deer I've ever had, and that includes Kootenay and interior whitetails which are also really good but not in the same class as these blacktails.

10-04-2019, 09:21 AM
Old friend who hunts/traps gave me the best advice. Theres alot of animals in the bush but you cant eat horns..... if your hunting for food. At the same time, ive not pulled the trigger before on a younger buck but i already had meat
in the cooler.

10-04-2019, 09:26 AM
No meat in the freezer , first legal animal goes down. I won’t shoot a spike mule deer, would sure shoot a spike blacktail because you can shoot 2

Wild one
10-04-2019, 09:50 AM
LOL tell me the secrets to LML blacktail man.

I know you know a thing or two... but you don't even live here now. Might as well PM me a honey hole :)

I think this is going to be a repeat of last year for me. There are lots of does on our cams, but mostly with fawns. Only difference is some of the fawns are 1.5 year olds this year so maybe they will get the boot and those does will bring in some bucks. Or they might just disappear completely in a couple weeks, and all I will see on the cams is the odd buck nose to the ground cruising through.

But what fun would that be :lol:

You are targeting areas/style of habitat I never figured out but I have a friend who is a BT’s nightmare in that style of habitat so it does not mean your on the wrong track.

Myself and a few others targeted the stupid overlooked small pocket low elevation BT populations. This involves lots of research, scouting, access issues and often restrictions on weapons you can use but found it well worth it. If you are up for dedicating yourself to a completely different style of BT hunting I can give you advice by PM.

10-04-2019, 10:28 AM
Holy crap.. Your experience is almost word for word identical to mine haha and I did the same thing! Kinda weird, check it out: http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?141558-New-Hunters-Paths-To-Success

But I can assure you, speaking from experience that you did the right thing in the sense that you didn't feel right about it so you didn't pull the trigger. Nothing would have been wrong with shooting it, it would have been great tasting but you went with your gut and that's great!

I regretted it for a long time too but then eventually I learned I had nothing to regret and eventually, I was rewarded with some tremendous success. You will be too!

Don't regret it. Move on, focus on the adventure ahead and you will have a great season!

Best of luck!

10-04-2019, 06:13 PM
in 2016 I only had 2 days to deer hunt and it was one of the 3 times I have been on fancy hunts (combined a hotel get away in Osoyoos with my wife and daughter and a couple of short jaunts to the woods in the morning and evening). This deer was taken half an hour before we were supposed to do our hotel check out. opening day for does....I was on my way back to the truck when I saw him lying down and did not hesitate (even though I probably should have hesitated) when I went up to it I was shocked to see the smallest deer I have ever seen during hunting season but i was happy to have 30 pounds of the most tender meat you could imagine....i put the photo of the little guy in the gallery and will try to put it on this post later...it was not my proudest moment but i was still happy to have some meat [IMG] http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=35871&title=smallest-ever&cat=500 [IMG/]

10-04-2019, 07:14 PM
My first buck i ever shot I past on 22 bucks that year and shot the 23. It’s on the wall and I look at it everyday and glad I waited. That was also my 5 or 6 years of deer hunting before I pulled the trigger. I don’t hunt because I need the meat don’t get me wrong my family and I enjoy it but I love the hunt as much or more than the meat!! You got to be happy with it before you pull the trigger and never regret it if you pass.

10-04-2019, 07:26 PM
I would have passed. I passed on 2 immature WT bucks and a two point mule today. Let them grow. It's good to have goals of a mature buck, makes the hunt that much more exciting and the feeling of accomplishment once you connect is priceless. Good job letting him go, a lot of guys just don't have the self control.

P.S The karma doesnt exist though...I scared up a SHOOTER WT in the afternoon and all I had to shoot at was a BIG dark rack and a fluffy white tail as he bounded away .....and on goes the season!! I feel your pain lol

10-04-2019, 08:48 PM
Good job letting him go, a lot of guys just don't have the self control.

It’s not a self control thing for a lot of people. It’s a choice made by the individual in their own set of circumstances. If the deer is taken legally, and ethically, it’s up to the person with the tag in their pocket, and finger on the trigger to decide if it’s right or wrong for them at this point in their hunting life. If you are looking at your first deer, or are of an age where hiking through a slash to drag out a monster is beyond you, there is nothing wrong with taking an “easy” or young animal.

10-05-2019, 09:23 AM
Welcome to hunting. It is a reflection life. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Some turn out, some don’t. Some we regret and we grind our teeth over, others we are happy we made. I will tell you not to sweat your decision but you will anyway. When you do pull the trigger you will appreciate the animal all the more.

10-05-2019, 09:59 AM
Nothing to be gained from 2nd guessing decisions...was your decision at the time therefore it was the right one for you. Can be many reasons for not shooting...not always about killing and the meat for some. In your case you likely wanted the first one to be more memorable...nothing wrong with that. A few years back I passed on a nice 4-point 180 class buck on last eve of season. If he was smaller would have taken him, but figured would leave him to spread the genetics after seeing so few bucks around that area. Never once reconsidered that decision.... and I like to shoot

elch jager
10-05-2019, 10:15 AM
No regrets! In the moment, it was the right call. End of the season with an empty freezer... different factors, maybe a different decision. Often it is enough to just see them.

Judging by the photo - that was a young buck that identified as a doe. You can tell by the heavy eyeliner and lashes... narrow snout as well. Could have have an issue with the CO later, if checked... you made a good call.

10-05-2019, 10:21 AM
^^^haha....some funny shite there

10-06-2019, 06:50 AM
I shot a spike blacktail my very first day hunting on the first day of hunting season, didnt regret it but thought "wow this easy I guess I'll use my second tag on a big one"...lol...well I couldn't have been more wrong ! Hunted every possible day for the rest of the season and didn't see another single buck till the last day and when I shot that spike I was ten times more excited than the first one ! So I would agree with others in that the harder you work for it the more rewarding it is. Having said that though I certainly didn't regret the first one....the first one was the one I learned how to field dress, skin etc... I love hunting and in my opionion there are no right or wrong reasons whether your looking for meat or a "trophy" for the wall( unless you just like killing to calm the voices in your head..lol) ! Makes no diffrence to the animal, he doesn't want to be shot at all and doesn't give a shit what you do with him after he's dead ! I don't beleive in justification, hunting is a natural thing to do and your reasons are your business....providing its legal. My advice would be get back out there and shoot the next legal one you find, gain some experience, every part of hunting is enjoyable. I love the anticipation of opening day to picking my meat up from the butcher.....also like taking some samples to work and watching all the self proclaimed "anti" hunting types hypocritically gobble it down...very enjoyable !

10-06-2019, 10:39 AM
6 pages on this thread and no response by the starter makes you wonder if this was just a troll.....

10-06-2019, 10:56 AM
6 pages on this thread and no response by the starter makes you wonder if this was just a troll.....

I was kinda thinking the same earlier....

Or he's out looking for another spiker ;) that he won't pass on.

10-07-2019, 09:51 AM
Wow, great responses, thanks everyone, what an awesome community we have here!

I think if I had an experienced hunter with me who simply said "shoot em", I would have done so. I probably won't pass on the next one. I learn something new every time I go out.

I was out this past weekend up Sowaqua, first time up that valley. Beautiful place, lots of deer sign, but didn't find anything to shoot. I found one spot that looked like a well used deer highway, lots of tracks going up and down, I think I'll go back, setup a ground blind there and just sit and wait. I'll continue on my hunting journey and will post an update when I finally have success.


10-07-2019, 10:18 AM
Good of you to come back buckshot glad to hear you're still at it. Just keep a close eye on the weather if venturing out Sowaqua if big rains come that area is very prone to slides. Good luck with your adventures :grin:

10-07-2019, 11:58 AM
My thoughts are you are hunting region 2 BTs, so you are allowed to take 2 and they are very hard to find. Those bucks also don't get massive antlers. You will likely regret not shooting. That could be the only buck you see all season.

10-11-2019, 09:44 PM
...Time will tell... if you will end up with full freezer at the end of season - it was right call....if not...? Just came back from LEH group moose hunt; Shot small 4 point in first hour of first day....also had doubts about pulling the triger.....hell - meat is meat.....After 11 more days of looking for another one that four point was the only thing we ended up with. Bloody hell was I glad I did it.:)

10-12-2019, 08:24 AM
...Time will tell... if you will end up with full freezer at the end of season - it was right call....if not...? Just came back from LEH group moose hunt; Shot small 4 point in first hour of first day....also had doubts about pulling the triger.....hell - meat is meat.....After 11 more days of looking for another one that four point was the only thing we ended up with. Bloody hell was I glad I did it.:)

Congrats on the WT. I figure if you tag out early, you can always hunt grouse and bunnies the rest of your trip...

10-12-2019, 09:49 AM
Congrats on the WT. I figure if you tag out early, you can always hunt grouse and bunnies the rest of your trip...
Thank you. But it was four point moose not WT....:) And yes you are right , There are plenty of other critters to keep you busy besides you main objectives.....

the hopper
10-12-2019, 03:05 PM
The first deer I ever had the opportunity to harvest was a little spiker at 10 yards and I couldn’t pull the trigger lol.
Didn’t see another buck for 2 years despite hiking miles around region 2 haha, needless to say, but the next buck I saw didn’t get a pass.
Good luck out there!

10-12-2019, 07:18 PM
1. Never pass up shooting a legal animal that you would take on the last day of the season.
2. Never look a gift horse in mouth. Dame fortune is not a lady to be scorned.

10-12-2019, 07:29 PM
1. Never pass up shooting a legal animal that you would take on the last day of the season.
2. Never look a gift horse in mouth. Dame fortune is not a lady to be scorned.

two rules to live by.