View Full Version : Getting fed up with ‘studies’

09-02-2019, 05:00 PM
Case in point( among many)the Cowichan River is so low they have started pumping water over the weir or the river would dry right up...the solution is rediculously simple- raise the dam weir to raise water levels in the winter.....oh no,got to ‘study’ it for 3 more years before they will do anything .Raising the weir is not rocket science, just DO it.yes,I know that the people who have waterfront beach property will see water levels rise in the winter but so what?no one is out on the beach sunbathing in the winter anyway...meanwhile the river is drying up and the salmon will be trying to get upriver soon.Theres so much of this study garbage going on when what we need is ACTION not more ‘studies ‘It’s ALREADY been studied to death..

09-02-2019, 05:05 PM
The weir won't be raised because someone's going to lose four feet of lawn that runs to the waters edge. Fish don't matter.

Ride Red
09-02-2019, 05:31 PM
Welcome to the NDP, study everything but don’t come to any conclusions. Then study it again when the problem reoccurs.

09-02-2019, 07:15 PM
All ‘studies’ end with ‘more study is needed’- why kill the goose that lays the golden egg?

09-02-2019, 07:16 PM
All weirs include a spillway,and that takes care of any concerns about water level.they could and should be raising that weir RIGHT NOW when water levels are down and sort out the legalities later,one way or another they need more water in the lake to keep the river levels up

Bugle M In
09-03-2019, 10:15 AM
All parties do studies, way too many studies.
It's keeps their closes friends "employed".
Trust me, I have seen it and some retired folks in politics "getting work" thru "studies.

I suppose they need them as most folks in politics are lawyers and thus have "no fricking clue" about other stuff such as environmental issues.
The problem is, those stupid F'n lawyers "don't listen to the recommendations"!
That's the real problem.