View Full Version : Christian Valley

09-27-2007, 01:52 PM
I would like to know how the hunting is around the valley. Me and my buddy are gunna make a trip down that way 2morrow morning, go for a day hunt, and would like to know how the hunting is for anything that way. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


09-27-2007, 07:01 PM
Any body know anything??????

09-27-2007, 07:06 PM
you will do fine anywhere up the christian valley,go and explore thats what hunting is all about!!!:razz:

09-27-2007, 07:09 PM
Was there on the first of the month we camped at Damfino creek , took a dink eating bear, too hot for much deer movement but saw more on the rendell creek side . Sorry I cant be more help but am interested in how your trip goes as Im looking to take my 72 year old father somewhere deer hunting next week for 5 or 6 days so let us know how it goes.

09-27-2007, 07:12 PM
Where do you go to get to the Rendall Creek side? I know that when you come into Rock Creek from Osoyoos you turn left and follow the road wayyy up there. Will let you guys know how it goes if we go.

09-27-2007, 09:51 PM
Good luck fella...

09-27-2007, 11:24 PM
Isnt rendell creek private land, I did some work on the power system at rendell creek ranch, that's where i got the whitetail you see in my avatar.

Mckinney Creek Adventures
09-28-2007, 02:42 AM
This is a bit of private land in Rendell Creek, but lots more crown land. Good country in there for Deer and moose. Watch for the odd Grizz. in there. Deer are a bit slow right know but they are starting to move with the cooler weather. Just get off the roads and in some quiet country, and you will find what you are looking for.


09-28-2007, 02:54 AM
This is a bit of private land in Rendell Creek, but lots more crown land. Good country in there for Deer and moose. Watch for the odd Grizz. in there. Deer are a bit slow right know but they are starting to move with the cooler weather. Just get off the roads and in some quiet country, and you will find what you are looking for.


Sounds goood. I actually tyried calling you last night, but after the first ring it said you were temporarily not available.

Mckinney Creek Adventures
09-28-2007, 03:02 AM
Did you get an answer machine? Our phones have been funny lately. Moose are getting hot and heavy here too. I got a two point yesterday morning.


09-28-2007, 08:17 AM
I got a two point yesterday morning.


You know the rules - pictures and a story please! :)

09-28-2007, 08:58 AM
This is a bit of private land in Rendell Creek, but lots more crown land. Good country in there for Deer and moose. Watch for the odd Grizz. in there. Deer are a bit slow right know but they are starting to move with the cooler weather. Just get off the roads and in some quiet country, and you will find what you are looking for.

Only been up to Rendal Creek once and loved it. Didn't really love the grizz at 17 paces thou. My partner went home and ditched his 270 and bought a 338 after that. Is that little restraunt with the gas station still the best place in the world to eat breakfast? YUM

09-28-2007, 11:19 PM
Well, I managed to see lots of whiteys. Saw one decent 4x4 but by the time I got out he was gone. Came home with nothing, but it was awesome country up there. When I got back, me and 4 buddies went huntin, them 3 took off, and me and my buddy sat in a meadow calling for elk with my hoochie, no response, but when we decided to leave about 20-30 minutes later, my buddy got up and I spotted a huge bull making his way towards us. He got to about 100 yards, and I counted 6 point on one side, so I waited till he got broadside after I gave a little chirp, and he was looking right at us, and I let one fly, hit him hard about 8 inches above the bottom of his belly, about 3 inches behind the shoulder, I knew he was hit good cause he hunched up, and his rack hit the dirt, and when he stopped again, I could see blood just pouring out of his left side. Then he turned to run, and I chirped again, he stopped and I fired another, and totally missed. Then he walked about 40 yards, and turned broadside after another chirp, and just as I pulled the trigger, he turned and I nailed him in the ass end, making it very difficult to walk. I waatched himwalk into the trees, we gave him an hour till our buddies got back, and we found an awesome blood trail for the first half, and then it kinda faded and could not find a spec of blood after about 100 yards of thick blood trail. So we decided to wait till morning and we are going to track him down, and find him. He couldnt have went far, but we searched as much as we could till it was too dark to see. Going up first thing in the morning and look for him. I feel like shit, cause we couldnt find him, but we didnt have much time. Im stressin out about it cause in my mind I think he got away, but also, I hit him hard twice and he couldnt go far. Its sorta thick in the bush one way, and the other way its kinda open, where do you guys think he would have headed, thick or thin???? No water around at all, so I dont know? Butttttttttt I learned a VERY big freakin lesson today though, carry more then 3 god damn bullets. I was in a rush, and I didnt think we were gunna split up and I would have let the other guys shoot any legal bulls we saw, but I guess I lucked out. Man I feel like crap, and I gotta blow a shift at work 2morrow to find him, and I almost have a feeling hes gone, but who knows. What do you guys think?

09-29-2007, 05:05 AM
hope you found it

09-29-2007, 06:19 AM
Go get it.Sounds like you must of hit some lung and he will not be far,goodluck
do you have a dog to use!!!!

09-29-2007, 07:54 AM
I can't wait,.... I can't wait....Hope you found him...

09-29-2007, 07:54 AM
Post some pics when you get back

Mckinney Creek Adventures
09-29-2007, 09:39 AM
Well, here is the story of the 2 point moose hunt. I have been hunting the moose pretty hard lately, and the night before I got him, I decided to try a different honey hole I have not hit yet this year. So I drive in, usually I walk into this cutblock, but light was running out. I stopped right above this dr "Hole" which is at the bottom of a cutblock. I have seen so many moose here, they are always there this time of year. It is a moose "RED LIGHT" district if you know what I mean. Well anyways, I get out of the truck and let out a bull call as I am walking to the edge, and immediately I hear trees cracking below me. So I creep over to the edge and sure enough, there is an animal standing there looking at me. I glass it, it is a cow. I looked around a bit more and seen the outline of another animal. Thes animals are all standing in thick Jackpine 150 yards down hill. I glassed the next one and I could swear I seen some smallish antlers on it. But just as I am trying to figure out how big, he turned and dissappeared into the darkness of the stand. So at that point, I started working down the bank with with just my rifle. Doors open and stereo is going in the truck. I get around a bit of a point down the back, and there stands daddy! He is right on the edge of the timber looking at me. He is 45 + inches and looking to fight. Well he stood there for a couple of minutes and had a good look at me, I called him a bit to play with him cause I knew that the chase was over on the smaller bull I seen........ He ran off into the darkness of the timber and that was it for me for that night.

This has happened to me a few times in the past here, and I have tried coaxing them out into the open by calling them from above with no luck. SO this time I decided to be back there at first light, park at the edge of the cut and walk in. This time though, I planned on walking into the draw down wind and try to get in behind them. And that is what I did. It was thick and I was making alot of noise that I could not help, so I started cow calling to put anything that was there at ease that it was just another cow coming in. And it worked. I started hearing crashing around up the draw, upwind of me. And so I was starting to sneak and glass above me when something caught my eye my left. It was on the cutline and now I was in the thick stuff. Be damed if it wasnt a moose. So I put the binos on him, thinking its was a cow, untill its head came into a bit of a clearing. HOLY *(&^*(%^ it is a 2x2 moose. So I hunched down for a clear shot and waited. Squeezed one off and that was it. He ran, and dropped about 10 yards from the cutblock edge.

Now it gets intesting cause he is down in the draw 150 yards from the road. I know there is a skid trail there that I can get my atv down to the moose on. So I raced home, got the ATV and the wife and headed out for the recovery. I got down to him and winched him into a tree and lowered him into the box of the ATV, tied him in and proceed up the skid trail and to the road. Just had to winch myself onto the road for fear of flipping over. Was skinning by noon at home.

That is the story.

Now for the pics. I am having troubles there. What is the best way to get those attached. Any suggestions? I am on dial up. THanks


09-29-2007, 08:10 PM
Well, I got my elk out of the bush at about 6pm 2night, he walked 1 km into thick stuff, had to use a ATV to get hiom out. I got lotsa pics, but Im going out 2night so I'll post them 2morrow. Oh and hes a beauty, 7x6, pretty tall and hes wide!!! Im sooo god damn excited!!!!!! First elk too, and hes gettin mounted! :D

09-29-2007, 08:19 PM
hahah right on ! You're going to hell for not posting pictures right away though lol !

10-18-2017, 07:21 PM
hahah right on ! You're going to hell for not posting pictures right away though lol !

So, he's lost in hell at the moment for not posting this?

10-18-2017, 08:26 PM
So, he's lost in hell at the moment for not posting this?

He should be it was 10 years ago ! :roll: :p RJ

10-18-2017, 09:12 PM
Well, I got my elk out of the bush at about 6pm 2night, he walked 1 km into thick stuff, had to use a ATV to get hiom out. I got lotsa pics, but Im going out 2night so I'll post them 2morrow. Oh and hes a beauty, 7x6, pretty tall and hes wide!!! Im sooo god damn excited!!!!!! First elk too, and hes gettin mounted! :D
Can you post a pic of the rack but please don't tell us what it tasted like!:) K