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View Full Version : Mountain Goat LEH MU 3-33E

BC Predator
08-23-2019, 12:51 PM
Hey all,

Long time lurker, first time poster. As is tradition (or was) here is a pretty corny joke:

A deer hunting asked his Pastor if it was a sin to hunt on Sunday. "From what I hear about your aim," said the Pastor, "It's a sin for you to hunt any time."

Anyway, I was lucky enough to win a mountain goat authorization for 3-33 Zone E this year. I have never hunted goats but I have a plan formulated and some days booked off mid September to get up there chasing some billies. Just curious if anyone has had this draw in the last few years and if so if they have any advice more on places to avoid rather than to head into, like I said I have a plan so it may not change. Hoping to post up a story if all goes alright.

A direct message is more than adequate, I don't need the classic "Just get out there and try it" as that is exactly what I am going to do, but it's nice to hear from some guys with experience if they don't mind sharing their stories or lessons they've learned along the way.

Excited to get out there, the season is just around the corner! Good luck everyone!