View Full Version : Are there elk around Donald BC?

08-21-2019, 09:12 AM
I am currently recovering from a stroke and my physio is saying that it’s looking like I have another 1-2 years before I could realistically go on a elk hunt which is my plan for once I’m able to and I’m trying to find areas that wouldn’t have much hunting pressure. I first came across the bull river but then realized most others on this forum have probably heard of it to so I’m wondering if areas around Donald BC hold any elk or it that would be too far north above golden. So if anyone has some intel on if the areas around Donald is home to any elk let me know, would be appreciated.

08-21-2019, 10:40 AM
There are elk around Donald and the Blaeberry valley. There's also a lot of private land and there's certainly hunting pressure in that area. From what I've seen the elk around there are wise to what side of the line to be on come opening day.

Bugle M In
08-21-2019, 12:51 PM
I have often wondered about that area.
Sure is beautiful as you come down out of Rogers Pass towards the Columbia.
The great Jack O'Connors did a fair amount of hunting in there (north of).
To bad they flooded the area and can no longer drive the Big Bend.
Would have been one hell of a scenic drive back in the day.

My understanding is, like many areas right now, that there are elk in there, just more limited than once was.
Same for Blaeberry.
Talking to someone who's family had a GO business in there, that there once was some real crankers in there.
But do hear about the elk being ion private land nowadays, and they "know it".

And being so close to Golden, the locals know it also and where to look.
Can be a bit of a hunting derby as to who gets in there first to pursue them.

But then again, enjoy the experience and the scenery.
Not everyone gets to see and live it.
Just remember that and all is good no matter the outcome.

Good luck if you go.
And hey, share some photos of the area if you do!!!

08-21-2019, 08:27 PM
Well as I said, I still have a few years as it’s looking before my left hand is able to work like it’s supposed to so no hunting for me just yet. Was planning on going to camp for a few nights around kinbasket lake and bring my bugle along to see if I can get some elk exited and talking. If I make the trip up there I’ll definitely post some pictures.


08-21-2019, 09:16 PM
God bless you on the recovery, yes there are elk there, as mentioned they like the farm fields...

08-21-2019, 09:29 PM
Well as I said, I still have a few years as it’s looking before my left hand is able to work like it’s supposed to so no hunting for me just yet. Was planning on going to camp for a few nights around kinbasket lake and bring my bugle along to see if I can get some elk exited and talking. If I make the trip up there I’ll definitely post some pictures.


PM sent...

08-21-2019, 10:42 PM
Sounds like you could use a hand...maybe someone will be able to help out. Sure would be nice if you could get access to some private land.

08-22-2019, 05:35 AM
Well as I said, I still have a few years as it’s looking before my left hand is able to work like it’s supposed to so no hunting for me just yet. Was planning on going to camp for a few nights around kinbasket lake and bring my bugle along to see if I can get some elk exited and talking. If I make the trip up there I’ll definitely post some pictures.

If your going up to the lake have seen them around the cosway and further up past the chatter creek turn off, there was never large numbers of them. There was a story that a bunch went through the ice. There is better areas closer to town
but they will be hunted, if you have access to horses a few spots further back in that area.
Good luck in hunting and your recovery.

09-02-2019, 06:06 PM
I lived and hunted there many years. Yes Elk are out by Donald and if you can get permission up Forde Station Rd..go for it!!! Hint...it's not called "Forde" st road for nothing! I miss it terribly. Good luck on your recovery and your hunt.

09-02-2019, 06:09 PM
Another spot you can check out. Whitetooth Ski Hill access road. Power Line road after first big switchback go left for Elk, right for whitetail.

09-02-2019, 06:10 PM
Up the old big bend hwy you can get elk too..all the way to the causeway..used to be many up there, but the bush is thick.

09-02-2019, 06:11 PM
are you local? sounds like it.

09-03-2019, 11:58 AM
If you're into long drives with very little chance of seeing elk, go up the B road. I'm out there a lot for work and I'm always looking, haven't seen one by the causeway in years, and haven't seen any past the causeway. I saw one up Bush river 3 years ago. You'll do better in fields around Donald/Blae.