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View Full Version : Scent control vs scent masking/playing the wind...or both

07-25-2019, 11:04 PM
Hi Everyone,

I was listing to a podcast where two very success hunters in the US were debating how to avoid being scented by a deer. One hunter, a proponent of hunting saddles, does not play the wind or scent mask at all. He has a very strict regime of keeps his scent off his scentlok hunting clothes. He washes them with scentless soap, places them in bins, etc. The other, a big tree stand hunter, swears by scent masking and playing the wind. He uses the scent away type sprays and constantly checks the wind. So for those of you that successful "feet on the ground" hunters, what do you do? Maybe you do both? This is the beginning of "feet on the ground hunting" for me, be it still hunting or blind, so I thought I would see what you are doing.

07-26-2019, 02:06 AM
No matter how well you wash yourself or your clothes, be it with "scentless soap" or the latest scent killer in a bottle, if your scent is carried by the wind to the nostrils of a deer, it will smell you.

Keep the wind in your face or travel faster than the breeze.

Height on a hot day such as up a tree can help as your scent rises.

07-26-2019, 07:50 AM
No matter how well you wash yourself or your clothes, be it with "scentless soap" or the latest scent killer in a bottle, if your scent is carried by the wind to the nostrils of a deer, it will smell you.

Keep the wind in your face or travel faster than the breeze.

Height on a hot day such as up a tree can help as your scent rises.

Exactly, this whole “scentless” idea is such a gimmick.

“Oh damn I didn’t get to shoot a deer because I forgot my dirt smelling lip chap and mouthwash”

07-26-2019, 07:54 AM
Watch the wind. Any of the scent eliminating stuff is a waste of money. You don’t need two ozonics machines strapped to the tree and a gallon of snake oil dumped over your body to shoot a deer.

07-26-2019, 07:56 AM
No matter how well you wash yourself or your clothes, be it with "scentless soap" or the latest scent killer in a bottle, if your scent is carried by the wind to the nostrils of a deer, it will smell you.

Keep the wind in your face or travel faster than the breeze.

Height on a hot day such as up a tree can help as your scent rises.

Hold your breath the entire hunt, don’t fart, don’t burp, don’t sweat and maybe you’ll have a chance

07-26-2019, 08:09 AM
I think if you are walking wind is king. I imagine that in a tree stand, reducing your scent, combined with being elevated and more diffusion, might reduce the alarm level in deer. They’ll still smell you know matter how ‘scentless’ your clothes are. I think, totally can’t prove it, that they work on scent density. Low density is a ‘keep your ears up boys, there’s a dude in the wind’. As scent density grows - a wise buck will calmly move away from you. High density and they vacate the area quickly. There is a saying in water quality treatment - dilution is the solution. As you get more mixing, parts per million (ppm) drop and things become less detectable. I’m sure deer work on scent gradients where higher ppm trigger greater responses (based on the deer experience). If you can decrease scent you can decrease the amount of dilution needed (mixing by air). I still thing the amount of dilution needed is too great to walk with the wind and not push deer. You might reduce the distance required to diluted your scent so in open areas scent control would help but not in the dense areas that I tend to hunt.

Wild one
07-26-2019, 08:48 AM
Putting the wind in your favour is king all the scent control is BS walking or stand. At one time I went crazy scent control for 2 years and my end results were if the wind is wrong you are screwed no matter what.

Been lots of studdies on it even mythbusters tested it with a bloodhound and scent control failed

If you are trying to get the smell off your mistress off you before going home to the wife scent control is worth it but for hunting save your $ and play the wind

Walking Buffalo
07-26-2019, 10:34 AM
Scent control is not just about eliminating or reducing odour.

A favorite hunting location requires stinking up the place to be successful while alone.
Here the Bucks bed in the thickest crud with open space all around.
Impossible to walk through it and have a shot.
Best practice is to get upwind in a good shooting position.
Fart, burp, have a smoke.
Stinks 'em out, catch 'em creeping out the back door....

Don't worry about eliminating your scent, 'cause you can't.

Control where your scent goes.

07-26-2019, 10:52 AM
Fishing lures catch more fishermen than fish. Companies make millions selling gimmicks to hunters.

Bugle M In
07-26-2019, 01:56 PM
Lets see, rifles have oils etc on them, if you have taken care of them.
Boots are greased in with all sorts of crap.
So, why worry about the rest.
Best way is to avoid the wind.
Probably why all these hunters that you mention never do well on a day that the wind "swirls"!
But have success on days where wind stays constant in one direction.

Hell, I smoke sadly and has never hindered me.
I even see guys who wear gloves to tie on there flies etc fishing, yet I like mine around the knots and have no issues catching fish.

Wash your clothes however, to save your hunting partners from "falling over" during dinner!!

Big Mac
07-26-2019, 03:46 PM
Well scent is key to success l use moose pee the first thing you get rid of is the blatter well put it in a bottle duck tape the bottle and use little spray bottles and spray your hat and pants one thing all animals we hunt can smell big time l used the bottle of pee for 5 years and there is moose in the freezer because of it

07-26-2019, 09:41 PM
I'm guessing that rain is a great scent killer. Probably the most under rated and best times to hunt. Met a hunter that shot a big whitey while it was raining, wearing an everyday poncho and got really close. The rain not only reduced scent but also masked the sound of him walking through the forest.

07-27-2019, 07:14 AM
Thank you all for the responses. I think that I will do the following. Since most of our hunts involve multiple days and staying at a camp, I will be purchase some plastic totes. When not hunting the exterior clothes go in the totes yo ensure that I do not smell like a camp fire. I may or my not use scent killer spray before heading out. Since I need to wash my hunting clothes I will use scent free detergent and scent free soap for washing up. I don't think the cost difference is that much. Also leaning towards UV blocker but still researching. During hunting I will definitely watch the wind.

If you are interested in seeing the what the saddle hunter mentioned in the OP does, check out this video


Wild one
07-27-2019, 07:36 AM
Don’t waste your money on descenting crap. Campfire is a natural cover scent that has been used by hunters since the days of spears and clubs that actually helps

07-27-2019, 09:44 AM
Heard from a couple of people back east ( Michegan area ), that the deer are starting to avoid the smell of the scent killers, as they are very prevelant during the season out there. If you must use them, there are plenty of cheap recipes for homemade. Or like Wild One says, just use smoke.

07-27-2019, 10:32 AM
Vini,you drank the cool aide. You don,t need to spend money on products to be scent free. just hunt scent smart and watch fewer videos of american hunters being put out by the companies selling all that crap.

07-27-2019, 10:40 AM
These sent control sprays and sticks always say 98-99% scent control, the trouble is the 1-2% that it didn't eliminate. Thats all the game need. A Labrador retriever can tell the difference in different scents to the parts/trillion, and game animals have better snouts. If they can't see you or can't smell you, you stand a good chance.

07-28-2019, 07:42 AM
Vini,you drank the cool aide. You don,t need to spend money on products to be scent free. just hunt scent smart and watch fewer videos of american hunters being put out by the companies selling all that crap.

I would have to disagree on the cool aide. oh yahh!!! (flash back to the 90's) :lol:. We all thought the really cool aide was so great and now I look at the ingredients and just shudder. I digress.... I'm not really spending much more as the major detergent/soap manufactures make scent free products. The cost difference is only a few buck of which I'm okay with and why not. I'm not going to buy hunting promoted brands. I have some scent blocker spray that yes i got suckered into purchasing so I will do my own field testing but probably not going to purchase any more.

Changing from hunting clothes to camp clothes just seems like a good idea. Maybe there is no really scientific data to support this and I can see how smoke could mask your scent. But, if I can reduce all the possible unnatural smells by not exposing the clothing to camp smells like food, gas, whatever else, then I'm willing to spending the extra few buck on totes and an extra few minutes on changing my clothes. I kinda do that now but don't make much effort in placing the hunting clothes in bags or totes. I kinda like getting out of hunting gear at the end of a long days hunt anyway.

I do agree that I will need work more on my hunting skills. Or at least be more diligent. As I may or may not have stated, this year, I'm going to focus more on "feet on the ground" hunting. To minimize mistakes I have been watching many a hunting videos. I'm a big believer that education is king and also that you need to be conscious of the source of your information. If I did not believe in this then I would not be on this site.Yes american hunting shows are, for the most part, useless in learning anything and very product heavy but I'm only watch these "shows" to see big animals being taken from a stand where game is guaranteed to pass. Not really the case for us up here in the Great White North. However, there is a lot of great information on YouTube. I've learned a lot of great stuff this year like how to read topography, how to ready the land/vegetation and how to go into a hunt more prepared that just going out and winging it. okay enough babbling....

I do really appreciate all of the members feedback and please keep posting..

I'm kinda surprised no one really commented on hunting in the rain. It sucks for us hunters but as I understand it, can be very fruitfull

07-28-2019, 07:59 AM
I would have to disagree on the cool aide. oh yahh!!! (flash back to the 90's) :lol:. We all thought the really cool aide was so great and now I look at the ingredients and just shudder. I digress....

Actually, “drinking the Kool-Aid” refers to a little event in the late 1970s. You may be too young to remember it...


I tried scent scent blockers and scenting my “spot” with doe in estrus last whitetail season. I won’t bother this year. I saw no more deer than usual, and most of my gear now reeks of fake deer piss. Watching the wind will yield better and way less stinky results!

Wild one
07-28-2019, 08:05 AM
You have clearly made your choice with scent control outside of wasting a little time and money your not hurting yourself lol

In time and with experience you will slowly learn what is a gimmick and what is not when it comes to hunting. The true factor in success in hunting is knowledge about the animals you hunt, the area your hunting, and the habitat that species prefers. You don’t buy this and it’s not sold in a store but it will cost you time and money to learn

Investing in gaining knowledge and improving your skills as a hunter would be a lot more useful in my opinion but hey it’s your money and hunt

07-28-2019, 10:15 AM
Its gimmick in my opinion at least for rifle hunting. Play the wind, move slow let your eyes and ears do the work. I could see getting a little more serious about it with bow hunting or in a ground blind.

07-28-2019, 10:48 AM
You have clearly made your choice with scent control outside of wasting a little time and money your not hurting yourself lol

In time and with experience you will slowly learn what is a gimmick and what is not when it comes to hunting. The true factor in success in hunting is knowledge about the animals you hunt, the area your hunting, and the habitat that species prefers. You don’t buy this and it’s not sold in a store but it will cost you time and money to learn

Investing in gaining knowledge and improving your skills as a hunter would be a lot more useful in my opinion but hey it’s your money and hunt

This is solid information. I’m guilty of trying a few products in my day, but nothing beats time in the woods. Period.

07-28-2019, 10:58 AM
You have clearly made your choice with scent control outside of wasting a little time and money your not hurting yourself lol

In time and with experience you will slowly learn what is a gimmick and what is not when it comes to hunting. The true factor in success in hunting is knowledge about the animals you hunt, the area your hunting, and the habitat that species prefers. You don’t buy this and it’s not sold in a store but it will cost you time and money to learn

Investing in gaining knowledge and improving your skills as a hunter would be a lot more useful in my opinion but hey it’s your money and hunt

This is valuable information that a lot of hunters both new and experienced should pay attention to.

I cringe every time I hear the word "luck" used in reference to harvesting an animal.

07-30-2019, 07:18 PM
Actually, “drinking the Kool-Aid” refers to a little event in the late 1970s. You may be too young to remember it...


I tried scent scent blockers and scenting my “spot” with doe in estrus last whitetail season. I won’t bother this year. I saw no more deer than usual, and most of my gear now reeks of fake deer piss. Watching the wind will yield better and way less stinky results!

Actually I know of the event but was too young to actually remember it. Didn't know that the phrase was the reference though.

07-30-2019, 07:20 PM
This is valuable information that a lot of hunters both new and experienced should pay attention to.

I cringe every time I hear the word "luck" used in reference to harvesting an animal.

I venture to question much skill in road hunting

07-30-2019, 07:31 PM
You have clearly made your choice with scent control outside of wasting a little time and money your not hurting yourself lol

In time and with experience you will slowly learn what is a gimmick and what is not when it comes to hunting. The true factor in success in hunting is knowledge about the animals you hunt, the area your hunting, and the habitat that species prefers. You don’t buy this and it’s not sold in a store but it will cost you time and money to learn

Investing in gaining knowledge and improving your skills as a hunter would be a lot more useful in my opinion but hey it’s your money and hunt

I agree for the most part. This is why I'm on this site. Helps me look at things from another perspective.

Wild one
07-30-2019, 07:48 PM
I venture to question much skill in road hunting

Not a highly skilled form of hunting but even some road hunters choose the places they go for good reason. Even among those who focus on road hunting there is a reason a portion have a higher success rate. Wondering clueless hiking or driving don’t make a difference and many don’t get this. Lots of guys out there who cover ground on foot and pray as well

I started hunting with the mentality I was in great shape and could afford the best gear been there done that

Wild one
07-30-2019, 07:49 PM
I agree for the most part. This is why I'm on this site. Helps me look at things from another perspective.

Asking about knowledge about a species and tactics is where you will get your most value out of this forum

07-30-2019, 09:17 PM
No matter how well you wash yourself or your clothes, be it with "scentless soap" or the latest scent killer in a bottle, if your scent is carried by the wind to the nostrils of a deer, it will smell you.

Keep the wind in your face or travel faster than the breeze.

Height on a hot day such as up a tree can help as your scent rises.
All good info imo....there is a saying about whitetail bucks for example: you can fool their eyes and their ears, but you will not fool a WT bucks nose..

07-31-2019, 07:22 AM
Actually, “drinking the Kool-Aid” refers to a little event in the late 1970s. You may be too young to remember it...


I tried scent scent blockers and scenting my “spot” with doe in estrus last whitetail season. I won’t bother this year. I saw no more deer than usual, and most of my gear now reeks of fake deer piss. Watching the wind will yield better and way less stinky results!

In an interview with the son of jim Jones, I believe he said it was actually off-brand flavor-aide.

On topic...I use the "scent free" detergents because they dont have the UV brighteners in them, not because of the smell.
What do you guys think about these "hex suits" that nock-on is pumping? Supposed to eliminate your magnetic field or something? Supposedly he's had great success with super spooky axis deer

Bugle M In
07-31-2019, 09:39 AM
In an interview with the son of jim Jones, I believe he said it was actually off-brand flavor-aide.

On topic...I use the "scent free" detergents because they dont have the UV brighteners in them, not because of the smell.
What do you guys think about these "hex suits" that nock-on is pumping? Supposed to eliminate your magnetic field or something? Supposedly he's had great success with super spooky axis deer

As far as UV Brighteners, which was a good point by the way, I use regular Borax Soap or I just wash with "nothing", hot water only or Baking Soda added.

As for scent, there is one thing I was told to try by on old timer.
Cut some pine bows or juniper, throw in a large bag and throw your clothes in there and leave for a few days.

11-06-2019, 04:26 PM
What do you guys think about these "hex suits" that nock-on is pumping? Supposed to eliminate your magnetic field or something? Supposedly he's had great success with super spooky axis deer

Thread is a couple months old now, but this was too funny and I had to look up the marketing wankery for these suits myself to believe anyone was actually saying this.. lol.

Couple things:
-the strength of an electromagnetic field is divided by the square of the distance between the origin of the field and the point at which it is measured. So unless you're trying to kill the deer with an angry hug, it's probably going to notice you in some other way before it notices your electromagnetic field (if they even can? didn't look that up).
-even if you wear the full suit, including balaclava, there's still a big hole in the "faraday cage" in line with your eyeballs. Right behind your eyeballs is your brain, which is the biggest concentration of electrical impulses in your body. So even if you believe everything about these suits, it's not working any time your face is pointed at the animal.
-Even if the suit works 100% as advertised (as you can tell, I doubt that), if you carry any electronic devices (cell/sat phone, GPS, radio, etc) outside of the suit, they have a stronger field than you do. And if you carry them inside the suit, they won't (shouldn't) work while in there.

IMHO, there's plenty of other over-priced gimmicks to choose from. Don't support that one.

If anyone DOES have one of these suits, do me a favor: put it on and boot up a GPS or grab your phone, then pull your head, arms, and GPS/phone completely inside the shirt. Does it still get any signal? If yes, it's not even a Faraday cage!

11-07-2019, 07:15 PM
As far as UV Brighteners, which was a good point by the way, I use regular Borax Soap or I just wash with "nothing", hot water only or Baking Soda added.

As for scent, there is one thing I was told to try by on old timer.
Cut some pine bows or juniper, throw in a large bag and throw your clothes in there and leave for a few days.

Or you could just go back to basic hunting 101 and pay attention to the wind which is what every hardcore who pops a primer from time to time is doing.

11-07-2019, 09:42 PM
You couldn’t pay me to hunt without scent control. I shower with scent free soap,use scent free deodorant and scent free laundry soap paired with fresh earth scent wafers. Just ask the one bear and five deer and the immature moose my dad and I have shot this year. We also rub down with fresh fir or balsam boughs before each hunt. I’m not saying it’s 100% effective but it sure as hell buys some time to get a shot off. Since we started that regime 20 years ago our success went through the roof. I’m no ozonics or hex fan gimmicks are just that!! But taking good precautions definitely make all the difference from a whitetail taking off on a hell bent run or stopping and blowing at me because it’s not 100% certain.. hence enough time for a shot. But I digress

11-09-2019, 08:56 AM
Talk to a dog handler in law enforcement or search and rescue and see their opinion on scent block clothing. This type of clothing was put to the test in a Myth Busters episode and the clothing failed miserably. When you realize what human scent is comprised of, that type of clothing is, at best, a case of ignorance is bliss and a manufacture's motto of "it is a sin to let a sucker keep their money". If you want to test this, dress in your scent block clothing and then have someone keep your dog where your dog can't see you. Dress in your scent block clothing and go for a walk, then radio to the person holding your dog to let it go to try and track you down. I think you will place the scent lock clothing in a closet or wear your scent block clothing but keep constant attention to wind direction.

11-09-2019, 09:49 AM
Thread is a couple months old now, but this was too funny and I had to look up the marketing wankery for these suits myself to believe anyone was actually saying this.. lol.

Couple things:
-the strength of an electromagnetic field is divided by the square of the distance between the origin of the field and the point at which it is measured. So unless you're trying to kill the deer with an angry hug, it's probably going to notice you in some other way before it notices your electromagnetic field (if they even can? didn't look that up).
-even if you wear the full suit, including balaclava, there's still a big hole in the "faraday cage" in line with your eyeballs. Right behind your eyeballs is your brain, which is the biggest concentration of electrical impulses in your body. So even if you believe everything about these suits, it's not working any time your face is pointed at the animal.
-Even if the suit works 100% as advertised (as you can tell, I doubt that), if you carry any electronic devices (cell/sat phone, GPS, radio, etc) outside of the suit, they have a stronger field than you do. And if you carry them inside the suit, they won't (shouldn't) work while in there.

IMHO, there's plenty of other over-priced gimmicks to choose from. Don't support that one.

If anyone DOES have one of these suits, do me a favor: put it on and boot up a GPS or grab your phone, then pull your head, arms, and GPS/phone completely inside the shirt. Does it still get any signal? If yes, it's not even a Faraday cage!

Or you could save a Ave a bunch of money and just wrap yourself in tinfoil. It’s about the same thing. I’m going to dress up like Chevy Chase in the “Spys Like Us” alien scene. I bet I get lots of time to shoot as the deer will be VERY confused!