View Full Version : New Agreement Gov & FN

07-06-2019, 11:43 AM
Government of Canada enters into Fraser Salmon Collaborative Management Agreement with 76 British Columbia First Nations
From: Fisheries and Oceans Canada (https://www.canada.ca/en/fisheries-oceans.html)

News release
July 5, 2019

Vancouver, British Columbia - There is no relationship more important to the Government of Canada than the one with Indigenous Peoples. Our government is committed to advancing a renewed relationship with Indigenous communities, based on the recognition of rights, respect, cooperation, and partnership. As part of this commitment, we are working to modernize and strengthen nation-to-nation, government-to-government structures, and to support a more collaborative approach to fisheries management by the Government of Canada and Indigenous Peoples.

British Columbia (BC) First Nations along the migratory route of Fraser salmon have a long standing and profound relationship with the Fraser salmon. The conservation and restoration of Fraser salmon today, and for generations to come, is the highest priority when we are making governance and management decisions about this species.

Today, the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, and Darren Haskell, President of the Fraser Salmon Management Council (FSMC), announced the signing of the Fraser Salmon Collaborative Management Agreement between Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the FSMC.

This is a landmark agreement that signals a significant change and opportunity for meaningful and innovative reconciliation work between DFO and Indigenous communities. This creates a joint DFO-FSMC board that will review, and make collaborative decisions on operational fisheries issues, to be outlined in their annual work plan.

The Fraser Salmon Management Council was established by First Nations along the migratory route of Fraser salmon in March 2014, with the adoption of their constitution and bylaws. FSMC currently includes 76 member First Nations representing a majority of British Columbia (BC) First Nations with access to Fraser salmon fisheries. The Fraser Salmon Management Council membership includes First Nations along the migratory route of Fraser salmon, including the Upper, Middle and Lower Fraser and Marine Approach (Vancouver Island) areas.

This is simply the next step in their reallocation without consultation nor compensation AGENDA.
Their end game is to have a full 50% "partner" with FN's, and any that are not are not welcome at the table, period.
This "agreement" effectively gives FN's Tier One Management decision making power equal to that of DFO.
Think about that for a moment.

The end is in sight if we allow these Complete Incompetents to win another election.
Remember in October!

Don't let Sunny Ways become Dummy Stays!


07-06-2019, 12:39 PM
I'm not sure who copy and pastes more, this guy or jassmine.

walks with deer
07-06-2019, 12:51 PM
well i dont like him half the time eitheir but he is showing us how bad canadians are getting shafted..

now i see why the guys so angry he sees how corrupt the country is.

07-06-2019, 12:53 PM
well i dont like him half the time eitheir but he is showing us how bad canadians are getting shafted..

now i see why the guys so angry he sees how corrupt the country is.

Good point. It is good information.

07-06-2019, 01:32 PM
Whats the beef with Nog, he is a good guy always standing up for our hunting and fishing rights.

07-06-2019, 01:41 PM
Well i cant see any good coming of this. Im so glad to have fished that incredible river in its glory days. Its now just a shadow of its former glory. And the future doesn't look bright for it.

07-06-2019, 01:54 PM
Nog is loved

07-06-2019, 02:18 PM
Go ahead and roll over wanderer. Stop waiting for someone to stand up for your rights !!!

07-06-2019, 02:21 PM
Whats the beef with Nog, he is a good guy always standing up for our hunting and fishing rights.
^^^^^^X2 ^^^^^
Nog's on our side for sure .

07-06-2019, 02:25 PM
The Backgrounder which gives the FN's Tier One Management Status: https://frasersalmon.ca/files/2019/05/20190513_FSMC_Community-report-final.pdf

Celebrations have commenced the entire length of our Coast.
All Coastal FN's are dancing with joy. And they are all now demanding an "equal" position at the table.
And this government is poised to hand it to them.

For those having trouble understanding the implications:

DFO has always been THE ONLY Tier One Management Authority. Period.
They just handed 50 % of that over to FN's in all of the Fraser approach lanes.
Translation: NO management decision can be made without their explicit support.
No non-FN's need apply to be at the table - you are already supposedly represented by DFO. :roll:


Today is indeed a landmark day. For all the wrong reasons...


07-06-2019, 02:43 PM
^^^^its disgusting indeed.....we need to get the Conservatives back in power....and whoever has beef with Nog he stands up for our rights so pound sand.....

07-06-2019, 03:42 PM
Pacific salmon will be the buffalo of the future.

07-06-2019, 06:08 PM
^^^^its disgusting indeed.....we need to get the Conservatives back in power....and whoever has beef with Nog he stands up for our rights so pound sand.....
