View Full Version : Ist Time Bison Draw

06-29-2019, 11:13 PM
After 30 years finally have a Bison Draw for early 7-57B hunt. I've just found this board and joined but being a newbie would not consider asking for advice however once my hunt is done I'll be happy to share my experience. I do have one question for succesful bison hunters. Is the organ meat good?

06-29-2019, 11:25 PM
Hmmmm congradulations. ..still waiting for my first bison hunt
Good luck

Ride Red
06-30-2019, 05:17 AM
After 30 years finally have a Bison Draw for early 7-57B hunt. I've just found this board and joined but being a newbie would not consider asking for advice however once my hunt is done I'll be happy to share my experience. I do have one question for succesful bison hunters. Is the organ meat good?

I’m not an organ guy; just not my thing, but the meat is excellent. Where are you going in from. What are your draw dates? Lots of good info on here.

Model 70
06-30-2019, 06:48 AM
Bison organ meat- just like grass-fed beef but better.

06-30-2019, 11:37 AM
We never took the organ meat but if you are into that, I think it would be excellent. You won't be disappointed in their overall meat. Very lean and tasty! It is a hunt of a lifetime. I look at my mount every day and smile. Still can picture the hunt as it went down. Best of luck to you! Get back off the roads, into the hills and watch out for Grizzlies.

06-30-2019, 01:30 PM
Nice work on the draw! We will be there in the same area mid October, second time around! Not necessarily an easy hunt though so don't expect them to be running around in large herds to be picked off. Few things that irritated me on that hunt; the outfitter in that area can be a pain and seems to herd some animals into his own area with his plane and feed, hunters tear down boundary signs all the time, leading to more aggravation so pay attention to your maps. I saw 2 bison loaded in a truck that had been shot hours before and hauled miles and neither had been gutted!! 3 older men completely drunk after presumably celebrating their kills! Also, it really burns my rump to see people leaving plastic bottles and beer cans anywhere, especially high up in pristine wilderness. Anyway, gather all the info you can on bison, including some great videos on youtube from the Yukon govt as well as the Montana govt on field dressing, shot placement, etc. you really want to watch those! It's a terrific area though and you'll obviously want to have tags for everything that's open there as you'll likely see each species. Best of luck!!

06-30-2019, 07:49 PM
Nice work on the draw! We will be there in the same area mid October, second time around! Not necessarily an easy hunt though so don't expect them to be running around in large herds to be picked off. Few things that irritated me on that hunt; the outfitter in that area can be a pain and seems to herd some animals into his own area with his plane and feed, hunters tear down boundary signs all the time, leading to more aggravation so pay attention to your maps. I saw 2 bison loaded in a truck that had been shot hours before and hauled miles and neither had been gutted!! 3 older men completely drunk after presumably celebrating their kills! Also, it really burns my rump to see people leaving plastic bottles and beer cans anywhere, especially high up in pristine wilderness. Anyway, gather all the info you can on bison, including some great videos on youtube from the Yukon govt as well as the Montana govt on field dressing, shot placement, etc. you really want to watch those! It's a terrific area though and you'll obviously want to have tags for everything that's open there as you'll likely see each species. Best of luck!!

Very good point about shot placement. Their vitals are lower than you would think so research that out for a good, ethical kill shot.

06-30-2019, 07:58 PM
Awh, that was supposed to be my Buffalo - Pilgrim.

It should be nice to experience the Bison hunt. Congrats.

07-01-2019, 12:33 PM
organ meat is excellent, the area is beautiful, the outfitter is very helpful if you stay at their cabins...been there twice on bison hunts, both times successful, both trips were incredible in their own ways. best of luck!

07-02-2019, 10:35 AM
Congrats on your draw. What are the dates for your hunt? I had a December draw a few years ago, so PM me if you'd like some additional info. The advice on the vitals being lower than expected is good advice. You may want to consider staying at Sikanni River Outfitters' lodge or cabins, assuming they are still offering those to residents. Mike Hammett passed away, so not sure if Dixie is trying to sell or still running the outfit. Snowmobiles will allow you to access more country than quads assuming there is snow. Be prepared for very cold weather, especially re getting your vehicle started at the end of the hunt! There's a steep hill on the access road in, so take chains if you want to be able to get back out. Good luck.

07-10-2019, 09:42 PM
Congrats on your draw. What are the dates for your hunt? I had a December draw a few years ago, so PM me if you'd like some additional info. The advice on the vitals being lower than expected is good advice. You may want to consider staying at Sikanni River Outfitters' lodge or cabins, assuming they are still offering those to residents. Mike Hammett passed away, so not sure if Dixie is trying to sell or still running the outfit. Snowmobiles will allow you to access more country than quads assuming there is snow. Be prepared for very cold weather, especially re getting your vehicle started at the end of the hunt! There's a steep hill on the access road in, so take chains if you want to be able to get back out. Good luck.

Take what bcmulie says about the chains seriously. That hill is bad, you WILL need chains. And dont think 2 will do either. Bring 4

07-10-2019, 10:49 PM
2012 when I was drawn for bison we went in by Lilly lake. I forgot tire chains....we had a big storm roll in and it snowed over 12” in 8-10hrs. We had a big hill with a hard left about 1/3rd of the way up and a hard right near the top. It’s a good thing no one was coming down....I used every inch of that hill, both ditches and every last rpm the old cummins had to get that truck and quad trailer to the top.

08-15-2019, 10:49 AM
I had a successful hunt there last year, dates were dec 6th-20th. Any questions feel free to msg me.