View Full Version : Liberal MPs Reject Study of Fishery Closure Impacts in British Columbia

05-28-2019, 01:26 PM
MAY 28, 2019

OTTAWA, ON - Liberal Members of Parliament unanimously voted against a proposed study of socio-economic impacts resulting from the latest round of chinook salmon harvest closures announced by the federal government.

The study motion was presented at the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans by Conservative Blaine Calkins, MP for Red Deer-Lacombe, and was supported by all opposition members. Unfortunately, the Liberal majority on the committee, including British Columbia MP Ken Hardie (Fleetwood-Port Kells), rejected the proposed study.

“Government decisions have a major impact on the lives and livelihoods of Canadians, and the latest round of Pacific salmon closures has already impacted coastal communities and businesses that depend on fisheries,” said MP Calkins following the committee meeting. “As disappointing as it was to see the proposed study defeated by the Liberal committee members, my Conservative colleagues and I will continue to work with people in B.C. directly impacted by another round of reductions and closures.”

The latest rounds of fishing closures and reductions were announced in April by Liberal Fisheries Minister and B.C. MP Jonathan Wilkinson.

“Of course, we see politics in Ottawa, but this was pretty callous,” said Mel Arnold, MP for North Okanagan-Shuswap. “The proposed study would have focused on the impacts being felt by the 8,000 British Columbians who work in and around our public fishery. Apparently, the Trudeau Liberals don’t want anyone asking them questions or hearing what they’re experiencing.”

British Columbia’s public fishery is a world-famous destination for sport fishing and contributes $1.1 billion to the Canadian economy every year. Some 300,000 annual license holders who depend on BC’s public fishery for recreational and subsistence fishing are impacted by the latest closures, as are numerous businesses in the fishing, tourism, transportation, retail and accommodation sectors.

The proposed study motion noted that “since 2016, the public fishery in British Columbia has been damaged by unrelenting reductions of access to fisheries caused by the federal government’s preference to close fisheries rather than support balanced fishery enhancement and habitat restoration to grow fishery populations.” The proposal also sought an assessment of “other measures that could deliver increases in chinook salmon stocks.”

“After years of mismanagement and stone-walling grassroots efforts to restore wild Pacific salmon stocks, this government dealt another blow to Pacific salmon fisheries and the people who depend on them to put food on their family’s tables,” said MP Todd Doherty who represents Cariboo-Prince George. “The Liberals stopped this study because they have the numbers at committee, but I am from B.C. and I know the determination of British Columbians. We will keep fighting to restore salmon stocks and restore access to the public fishery.”

Proposed Study Motion

-the public fishery in British Columbia contributes $1.1 billion to Canada’s economy; and
-the public fishery in British Columbia provides 9,000 jobs while benefiting 300,000 annual license holders, their families and businesses connected to the public fishery’s activities and tourism-related spending; and
-since 2016, the public fishery in British Columbia has been damaged by unrelenting reductions of access to fisheries caused by the federal government’s preference to close fisheries rather than support balanced fishery enhancement and habitat restoration to grow fishery populations,

Mr. Calkins moves that:

-the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans undertake a study of the socio-economic impact of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans’ decisions to close the recreational fishing of chinook salmon to fully understand the impact of this decision on small businesses and coastal communities; and
-as part of its study, the Committee travel to the west coast to meet with those impacted including small businesses that have had to decrease staff numbers due to the reduction of opportunities in the public fishery; and
- as part of its study, the Committee assess other measures that could deliver increases in chinook salmon stocks.

Vote Results

In Favour

MP Blaine Calkins, Conservative, Red Deer-Lacombe, AB
MP Todd Doherty, Conservative, Cariboo-Prince George, BC
MP Mel Arnold, Conservative, North Okanagan-Shuswap, BC
MP Fin Donnelly, New Democratic, Port Moody-Coquitlam, BC


MP Ken Hardie, Liberal, Fleetwood-Port Kells, BC
MP Colin Fraser, Liberal, West Nova, NS
MP Churence Rogers, Liberal, Bonavista-Burin-Trinity, NFL
MP Robert J. Morrissey, Liberal, Egmont, PEI
MP Alaina Lockhart, Liberal, Fundy-Royal, NB

For more information:
Office of Todd Doherty, MP
[P] 613-995-6704 [E] Todd.Doherty.A1@Parl.gc.ca

05-28-2019, 02:05 PM
Just remember this next election...but unless you vote, nothing happens...it’s our ONE and ONLY CHANCE when they have to listen to us ....

05-28-2019, 02:20 PM
Why would the east coast gives a shit about what goes on the west coast!!! Idiots!!!

05-28-2019, 02:52 PM
Why would the east coast gives a shit about what goes on the west coast!!! Idiots!!!
Because the stupid French idiots in Quebec will have their grubby little mits out demanding money from other provinces.

05-28-2019, 05:15 PM
For those on Facebook, this BC MP cast the deciding vote AGAINST BC:


And is now trying to spin that as a "partisan stunt by the Conservatives".


05-29-2019, 06:13 AM
VOTE VOTE VOTE ...no excuses not to

Ride Red
05-29-2019, 06:26 AM
And our fisheries should be turned over as a provincial entity, not a federal one. Nobody east of Manitoba gives a shit about us until they want their transfer money.

05-29-2019, 02:30 PM
For those on Facebook, this BC MP cast the deciding vote AGAINST BC:


And is now trying to spin that as a "partisan stunt by the Conservatives".

Thus exposing the terrible alliance of Conservatives and New Democrats…��

05-29-2019, 04:17 PM
https://scontent.fyvr4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/61899695_10156107720375880_6630809397645803520_n.j pg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_eui2=AeGU64d0uvMPZEIbb-mhQK_Ivgn3sidqABzU_YhEnlf7EiKX_qyv7xOWCBJT3fJCj-k7OJHQ1hVampnz-wtezLxhx4GHJS3wjoxFbnjo1OApCA&_nc_ht=scontent.fyvr4-1.fna&oh=c27f1c82142b16fbd542c6c87eed39bb&oe=5D9C807C

05-31-2019, 10:04 AM
See that letter to the editor in the Times Colonist showing the ‘endangered’ orcas are actualy right in line with the typical population cycles over the last 60 years...non’crisis ‘of imminent extinction at all.....nor do the ‘sky falling’ people say anything about the NORTHERN resident orca population which is BOOMING.

05-31-2019, 10:24 AM
See that letter to the editor in the Times Colonist showing the ‘endangered’ orcas are actualy right in line with the typical population cycles over the last 60 years...non’crisis ‘of imminent extinction at all.....nor do the ‘sky falling’ people say anything about the NORTHERN resident orca population which is BOOMING.
Post a link for the article.

05-31-2019, 11:17 AM
What this man says in his letter has been well backed by science:

May 30: Fluctuations not a whale crisis

It’s time to stop perpetuating the myth that the population of southern resident killer whales has been “dramatically reduced.”

Whale census data compiled by the Centre for Whale Research shows numbers have been stable for the last 60 years, fluctuating between a low of 66 in 1973 and high of 98 in 1995. The last count, on Jan. 11, 2019, showed 75 members.

The organization has published annual numbers with modelled data from 1960 to 1972 and census data afterward.

That data shows no sign of statistically significant change in the southern resident killer whale population, and doesn’t show any dramatic reduction.

While I agree we should try to support our resident whales, let’s stop creating a fake crisis. There is no crisis.

Richard Lewanski


And once again, there you have it. ENGO's playing fast and rather loose with the truth, and their political lackeys swallowing their drivel hook line and sinker. "Crisis" created and BC fishermen targeted once again by the Sky-Is-Falling LIEberals...


05-31-2019, 05:38 PM
So why has the panic button been pushed and the whole recreational Salmon industry shut down? Why was it done without at least looking at the facts?

05-31-2019, 05:50 PM
Because it's easier for the Libs to shut it down than to get into endless debate, just like the new gun laws they don't give shite what the facts are they want to look to the radicle left that they are doing something positive for the movements that the left cares about. Their trying to buy the Vancouver vote just like the greens and the ndp did with the grizzly hunt closure.

06-01-2019, 11:19 AM
So why has the panic button been pushed and the whole recreational Salmon industry shut down? Why was it done without at least looking at the facts?

This is simply another example of failing of the current government.
Basically what you are witnessing is expropriation of the resource from two sectors in order to hand that over to their preferred one.
They are desperate to appease the FN's that they have pissed off by dumping their shining star (JWR) and a near complete failure to do anything of substance with the FN portfolio. In that vein, DFO has gone so far as to create an internal "Reconciliation & Planning Board", complete with offices, support staff and their own Director General.

Given that is the true focus of this program, they simply were not about to let a few annoying facts get in the way. So they were swiftly swept under the carpet while the Minister now continues with his lies suggesting "consultation" happened and that all were somehow onside with this bullshit.


Walking Buffalo
06-01-2019, 12:15 PM
A new developing concern is that Grey whales are starving.

Likely because they have reached environmental capacity....

06-01-2019, 12:34 PM
A new developing concern is that Grey whales are starving.

Likely because they have reached environmental capacity....

Much more than likely. Their numbers are the highest ever recorded at this point.
Competition for them obviously sucks.

Another thing the media is failing to mention is that a good number of those found dead were simply very old.
As with any population, the elders do pass on.


06-01-2019, 02:19 PM
The fact that ALL animals are born,live and die( including us) is missed by the naive public who think we have to ‘save’ everything.The public outrage over grizzly hunting resulting in closing the grizzly hunt is a prime example. The vast majority of grizzlies die of old age,starvation disease and accidents, not hunters bullets. The fact that gray whales are washing up dead on our beaches is a sign of a healthy population that has matured ,passed on their genetics and died,and their carcasses now supporting all manner of scavengers ....a dead whale on the beach is a big bonus for bears ,wolves,fox’s ,eagles, and vultures ,the circle of life ,not some tragedy that needs to be ‘studied’ and regulations put in place to prevent ...

06-01-2019, 07:42 PM
The last two post (17 and 18) hit the nail on the head.