View Full Version : tenkara rods for backpack hunting

04-28-2019, 08:42 AM

Has anyone ever tried this style of fly fishing? although not the ideal setup I think a rod that weighs 3.5 ounces would be a great thing to have on a fly in hunt or any sort of backpack style hunt. I would think small trout and grayling would be a blast on one of these.

04-28-2019, 08:53 AM
They have been discussed extensively on a backcountry aviation site I visit. Consensus is they are pretty awesome.

04-28-2019, 09:07 AM
good to know. They are not very expensive so I may have to try one out. something cool to keep in the vehicle as well

Edward Teach
04-28-2019, 10:31 AM
I've got one...I still have yet to try it out.

04-28-2019, 10:33 AM
I have many tenkara rods both from Japan, coarse style rods, as well tenkara rod co rods. I have the grand Teton and I slay carp with it. Even bending the rod down to 20# fish. The smaller rods are excellent for trout I have caught a good number of trout while out bear hunting/ hiking and coming across a small stream that happens to have some small fish in it

excellent purchase in my opinion a must have for any fisherman. You’ll find after fighting lots of fish and developing techniques on fighting them with no reel. When you go back to regular spinning rod or fly rod. You will have gained much better fighting technique in your rod positioning and how you hold it, you would otherwise never have gained this skill had you not been without a reel for a while. It’s quite interesting actually I went all last summer barely picking up a spinning rod and no I just recently started back at it again and fighting the fish is on a whole new level now. Check my Instagram out for carp pics on the tenkara @h_bryk or I have some posts in the fishing section here on carp and tenkara as well

if you buy the rod get at least 2 lines and a spool for each one. A floating and sinking. Flies just use what you have unless you want traditional then you go to kebari style flies.

If your in lml id be happy to show you mine and fish some carp. May be in Penticton this Thursday Friday carping


walks with deer
04-28-2019, 10:49 AM
lol caught some big trout with a stick and dental floss lol

Jordan f.
04-28-2019, 01:13 PM
Been looking into these for days I am exploring up North Van Isle. Would be cool to chuck in your pack!

04-28-2019, 01:19 PM
There’s so many option as far as where to fish. And what species to fish for. If it’s a fish and you, Can get to within 25 feet of it your in the Zone for it to be caught on tenkara. Lines come in varieties from 10’-16’ floating sinking etc for every situation. I usually carry all 6 with a different presentation on all. I’ll also always have a fluoro leader from 1-3’ depending on situation as well.

Could catch a steelhead or most salmon if you fight it well

04-28-2019, 01:25 PM
I bought the one offered by Patagonia a few years ago. I like it. I took it with me on an alpine trip and fought a couple of trouts with it. Lighter than the collapsible rods you can buy at Walmart for $30, but much pricier. I fished on the Sooke river and Cowichan and it was lots of fun catching fish on fast moving water and small pools. This you cannot get from the $30 collapsible rods. Would I recommend it? Yes

04-28-2019, 02:53 PM
Thanks steelpulse. I think I will pick one up. I work in the bush and always go by small streams. Thought about buying a 2 or 3 weight fly rod but I think this is a better route. But far a cheaper route as well.

04-28-2019, 03:18 PM
Also I should add. Pro tip. Buy two extra tip sections. You don’t want to have to wait two weeks and have to order another. For 9 bucks a tip section they fit in the tube you get with the rod. Get them and don’t wait and always have a back up