View Full Version : Sausage Buck Pics included...

09-20-2007, 07:44 AM
Not a great hunting story...But oh well, here goes...

Wnet for a drive yesterday morning with a buddy, not real intentions of hunting...We were just going from point A to B...

Driving up through some high elevation open cut blocks, saw a bunch of mulie does and fawns....Come around the corner and here are 3 deer standing on the steep cutblock about 150 yards away..>We glass them, ones a buck...Looks like a little 3 point...Drive up further, get within 40 yards, we are on the road, they are straight up hill on the steep block....

Stop get the glasses back on them, little 4 point, not a 3....

Get out of the truck, glass them more, dig the rifle out of th egun case in hte back seat, discuss openly (not whispering) if we are gonna take him or not, find the clip....Load the rifle, lay down on the side of the road to get a decent rest.....By now they have moved to about 60 yards uphill....

Wait afew more minutes til he turns broadside, then drop the hammer on the old 30-30....He jumps runs about 10 yards and stops (Hit him a little bit back (about 1" behind the diaphram)....Wait til he is broadside again and clear of the doe and little 2 point he is with, hit him again, right through the heart......He falls over struggles to get up and starts rolling, and roliing and rolling...Eventually gets hung up on some slash right at the top of the cut bank.....

Give him a quick push and down onto the road he goes....Quick gut gut, into the back of the truck he goes.....Skinned him out in my garage....Dressed out at a whopping 105 lbs at the butcher.....Since the wife hates mule deer meat ( I think its all in her head) he is going to be made into smokies and pepperoni....Should be decent eating.....Since we are under the 4 point or bettoer reg. I was not going to pass this guy up....Early in the season, not signs of being rutted....

Not a trophy but will be better chewing than if I wait til the end of the season looking for a 4 point, cause I am still focusing on elk.....

Not a bad thing I took him out of the gene pool, with that sort of intelligence, I doubt his offspring would be very much smarter and would be easy hunting.....


09-20-2007, 07:57 AM
nice buck way to start

09-20-2007, 08:04 AM
Hard to pass on that easy sausage.

Mr. Dean
09-20-2007, 09:28 AM
STUPID STUPID little Deer.

Another great reason to always be packn' a rifle.

09-20-2007, 10:57 AM
mmmmmmmm..........early season mule deer.......excellent eating.

I think you should cook yer missus up some backstrap from that critter.

09-20-2007, 11:34 AM
Nice and easy one, you will enjoy that meat. My wife feels the same way about deer meat too. Say its elk and she's fine say deer and she just curls up her nose, won't even eat the sausage I got made at rick's last year.

09-20-2007, 12:06 PM
Yeah, it's all in their heads. I'm often caught asking "Hey, what critter are we eating tonight?", as it takes very little in the way of spices or marinades to disguise the taste enough that I can't tell mule deer from whitetail from elk.

Congrats on the 4pt. He'll be yummy, no doubt!

09-20-2007, 05:22 PM
I doubt his offspring would be very much smarter and would be easy hunting....
Well not having any Legs makes them easier to hunt too...........:lol:

Nice Buck 8-)

09-20-2007, 05:25 PM
yeah, he probably could run far!

09-20-2007, 08:25 PM
congrats on a nice buck

09-20-2007, 08:38 PM
i'v never shot a buck . so i would have not even thought twice about shooting that. nice looking buck

09-20-2007, 09:37 PM
BOOM. No if's and's or but's. That is a nice little eating buck. Congrats.

09-20-2007, 11:30 PM
I love culling stupid deer.