View Full Version : PAL waits

02-13-2019, 11:55 AM
Okay man I submitted my PAL application last May they received it on June 1st. I have called multiple times to find out the states checked online and it says in progress. I called today same response it's at the chief firearm officer they are really busy.. I have not received a letter stating I'm missing any information. Has anybody else had to wait this long?

02-13-2019, 12:03 PM
I think a lot of people are getting really fast turn-arounds, especially if the renewal is filed online. You likely won't get any communication about missing information - those applications that are not complete tend to sit on a desk for a long time. A common reason for a delay is when there is no proof of a current gun club membership for a restricted licence application. Another is no payment received.

02-13-2019, 12:22 PM
Non restricted I had to wait 2.5 months for mine

02-13-2019, 12:23 PM
Mine is a long story but I had a similar situation where the wife and I applied at the exact same time for restricted. She got hers and I was waiting months with the same information you are getting...nothing. I escalated and finally found out that there was an issue. Years before my identity was stolen when I was travelling SE Asia and when I returned the guy had gotten a Sask drivers license with all my info but his picture. He did so much crime I was constantly harassed by police for crimes I didn’t commit. Well I found out during my PAL application that there were 11 outstanding charges in Edmonton for multiple DUI’s etc. Long story short I had to drive to Edmonton and turn myself in, luckily they had his finger prints on file which got me off. Then I got a letter from the EDM police and sent it in to complete my PAL application. I hope your situation is simply not dotting an I or crossing a T. Good luck!

02-13-2019, 12:30 PM
... I called today same response it's at the chief firearm officer they are really busy...

Call them back.
Insist on being transferred to the BC Firearms Officer office immediately.
Apologies, but I do not have / cannot find a current number for them (likely intentional methinks), so you will have to go through Miramichi.
Explain your situation to the BC folks.
Then let us know how it went.

They held up my RPAL for over 6 months, without indicating why whatsoever.
Despite repeated calls.
Finally I noted they had put me into an "illegal possession" position, and that the next call would be from my Lawyer.
RPAL issued that same day.

Good Luck,

02-13-2019, 12:45 PM
Just be patient, last time I reapplied it took just under a year for my new pal to arrive. Then I took the course to get my restricted, reapplied, that took four weeks. Go figure.

02-13-2019, 12:52 PM
It's just so frustrating. I took my PAL course which gave me a restricted and non restricted but I only applied to unrestricted. It's more frustrating having my buddy boy my ammo and a now a gun I want to buy for my kids. Plus I have to have him transport my rifles to gun range

02-13-2019, 12:54 PM
Submitted my renewal ONLINE for pal/rpal and received it within 10 business days. No buying/updating new passport photo either, just a selfie with a smartphone. Boom, done.

02-13-2019, 01:44 PM
If it's an RPAL you might have to send them in a proof of belonging to a gun club for your target practice status.

Just had to do that with mine.

02-13-2019, 08:12 PM
After 21 years of doing and redoing I just got my licence again yesterday, they received my double registered application on the third of december, written long hand, picture, but no club info, my mistake, but forgot the transports are included in the licence now, called once waited thirty minutes then they hung up, said they were busy, waited two weeks went through the web, just read the processing blurb, waited two more for more of the same thing, this time phoned at the end of their day and voila, real people, I was told they sent a letter the day before about club membership, i got the fax number and faxed my info and sent the next day, like I stated got it yesterday and dated for 5 years 11 months til january 2025, if I'm still here that will put me in my 78th year, its a bit of a pain but with the almost 6 years of no paper trail for transport I kinda like it, for kanada anyway, if the morons running this place would just leave us alone would be a big help also, good luck on your redo.

02-13-2019, 09:00 PM
Been waiting almost a year. They tell me that BC has a lot of people that have bought guns lately and this results in a lot of applications to review. Believe what you will. Thanks for the tip about the BC firearms officer.

02-13-2019, 09:11 PM
I guess it depends on who you get. I waited a few months, gave them a call and it got approved by the next day.

02-13-2019, 09:13 PM
Sounds like crap to me. My renewal took four weeks. My friends got new PAL cards issued in less time and one of them screwed up his application. They called him to straighten it out.

02-13-2019, 09:59 PM
My buddy just did his rpal just before xmas, received his license a week ago, they didnt even check references for the rpal,
I know as I am one of them, his wife wasnt contacted either...go figure

02-13-2019, 10:12 PM
I just renewed my Resume. I filled out the application online and uploaded the picture on January 12th on January 19th I've had the new one in the mailbox

338 whisper
02-16-2019, 10:11 PM
10 days online

02-18-2019, 03:55 PM
Sounds like it's a real crapshoot as to when people get their PAL. Oh well I'll call the other phone number I was given on my next set of days off

Coach Bob
02-19-2019, 09:41 PM
My PAL application was sent in July, they charged my CC Aug 8, 2018.
This message has been on my profile since Aug:
Current Status: Your application has completed initial processing. It is now in progress. Please check the status again at a later date.

I've called 6 times and was really nice over the phone (more flies with honey then vinegar rite ?)

This is frustrating and don't see it handled anytime soon.

02-19-2019, 09:45 PM
I would phone every day and hassle them. Or as often as you can. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Like it was said earlier, demand to speak with the bc chief firearms officer

02-20-2019, 05:35 AM
5 weeks here