View Full Version : will my deer come back?

09-16-2007, 06:49 AM
I was scouting a mountian this weekend and decided to go to an area where I had been before ( only seen tracks and poop before.. never actually seen deer there).
I was hoping to see signs of deer and inspect the conditions of our potential campsite.
So at 07:00, up in the fog and mist I see two deer jump down on the road.. I immediately turned of the diesel engine and got my rifle out. It was too late though, they heard the engine and jumped back from where they came.

tracks were there, but hard to see as its so dry. Couldnt find much poop either. But, last year I was in the same place and saw loads of poop and you'd have to be blind not to see all the tracks.
this spot is within 300 yards of my campsite.

Now, my question is in regards to deer movement:
will they come down during the morning, and head back up at night, or is where I saw them as far down as they will go for now? I was within the top 1/3 of this particular summit... will they continue to use the trail I found, or will they have a series of trails to come down on?
and who eats the huckleberries.. deer or bear? there were lots of huckleberry bushes that had been a food source for something...

So should I return to this spot next week, or have I missed my oportunity?

09-16-2007, 07:20 AM
The deer will probably continue to move back and forth in the same area as long as they didnt feel pressured. I would continue to watch that stretch of road. If pursued generally they will travel in a wide circle to check their back trail. Probably worth a sit at daybreak.

09-16-2007, 07:35 AM
you could still get lucky give them as much distance as you can give it a day or two them wait

09-16-2007, 07:52 AM
Hoochie, the first thing you DON'T do if your in the truck and see animals is "TURN IT OFF" They hear engines all day, every day. Turning if off will very likely spook them.

As far as the the deer, if your hunting local you hunting Black-tail. They tend to be more like whiteys than mulies in my experience. It's very likely that if you hang out near where you saw them you'll find them again sooner or later.

09-16-2007, 08:35 AM
Hoochie, the first thing you DON'T do if your in the truck and see animals is "TURN IT OFF" They hear engines all day, every day. Turning if off will very likely spook them.

dang it!
thats exactley when the buggered off.. right after I turned it off.

thanks guys.

09-16-2007, 08:40 AM
Hey hooch find their trails. when my dad hunted sumas mountain he used to watch the trails , and he got lots of blacktails that way. He almost was run over by a bear. he also used to hunt blue ridge. Used to be lots of deer there.

09-16-2007, 09:23 AM
Hoochie, the first thing you DON'T do if your in the truck and see animals is "TURN IT OFF" They hear engines all day, every day. Turning if off will very likely spook them.

As far as the the deer, if your hunting local you hunting Black-tail. They tend to be more like whiteys than mulies in my experience. It's very likely that if you hang out near where you saw them you'll find them again sooner or later.

i agree with with steeleco, never turn the engine off.If i happen to be hunting with a partner i will slow down enough for him to step out then i will continue up the road and out of site.