View Full Version : What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

01-04-2019, 04:54 PM
And what gun or bow??

I'll start it off:

Island Blacktail with crossbow - 2.5 feet.

Alberta Pronghorn - 300 Weatherby Mag - 12 yards (cut it in half).

NWT Wolverine - 22 pistol - 4 feet (defensive forehead shot).

Alberta whitetail - 12 gauge - 8 feet (back of the noggin when it jumped).

Warthog - Zimbabwe - 45 Colt 1911 - 6 feet face on.

There have been others, but these ones simply came first to mind...


Wild one
01-04-2019, 05:04 PM
Bow black bear 4yards

shotgun coyote 10 yards

rifle black bear 6 yards

Muzzleloader blacktail 15 yards

01-04-2019, 05:07 PM
Pack rat. .177 air pistol. muzzle two inches from its head in a cabin while Caribou hunting.

01-04-2019, 05:13 PM
Two wolves. One at 25 yards and one at 20 after he stepped closer. That was this year after they had been shot at the day before and we found out later one had been killed a week before we showed up.
Other than that some blacktails inside 50 yards probably some as close as 20 yards.

01-04-2019, 05:15 PM
White tail 24 feet. 270 in like a pencil, out like baseball.

01-04-2019, 05:18 PM
IronNoggin, is there a story behind the wolverine?

01-04-2019, 05:32 PM
Bow 8ft, 46” moose
Bow 20 ft Couger
Bow 12 yards black bear
Bow 8 ft raccoon

01-04-2019, 05:37 PM
First deer I ever shot was 15 feet with 7mm RM with iron sights. I was 16

01-04-2019, 05:48 PM
Elk at +/- 30’ with a 300 gr accubond from a 375H&H! Moosin

01-04-2019, 05:52 PM
about 30 inches

My buddy saw some elk as we were driving to a spot. We stopped and he legged it up a powerline trying to get ahead of them. So I sat on my knees in a clearing beside a small fir in the off chance he spooked them back my way or a straggler came through. No elk came back my way but a little WT fork did. I drew slowly as he approached but he walked right at me. I actually leaned back a bit when I released the arrow because I wasn't sure the arrow would clear the bow before it hit the deer.

01-04-2019, 05:55 PM
Double header on Mule deer about 10 12 ft.

01-04-2019, 05:57 PM
Blacktail- long bow, 6 yards
Blacktail 300 WSM 130gr TTSX at 3500FPS 7 yards
Black bear 45 Colt 10 feet

01-04-2019, 05:58 PM
13 feet uphill on 60 degree slope with 150 grains from the old 30-30. It was a huge bodied 3x3 muley that dressed 220lbs. I had to dodge him as he cartwheeled right at me and piled up in the tree beside where I had shot from. It was a halloween buck, nose to the ground. I didn't realize quite how big he was until I got to the bottom of the ridge and tried to pull him up the other side.

01-04-2019, 06:01 PM
Hmmm beautiful blonde /chocolate black bear..knew where he usually crossed..12 feet...


01-04-2019, 06:30 PM
Few wt and bt with rifle inside ten feet, few bt with shotgun inside ten feet. Buckshot in the face at that distance is quite effective;)

01-04-2019, 06:32 PM
Alaskan 58” moose. Arrowed at 3’ virtually straight UP into the chest. I was standing in the water alongside the river bank. My buddy called him past me using a caribou shoulder blade to bear on the willows. I could have grabbed the bulls front foot as he walked past on the river bank.

BC Grizzly arrowed at 13 yards. After the arrow hit his chest he growled, spun around and in 3 bounds crossed 2 yards from us...2 seconds max. Most exciting moment I’ve ever had bowhunting. Moments later had to spook his sow off that was standing 15 yds away wondering what the heck happened to him...why did he bug off? She left without issue. Had adrenaline in my system for several days after that one!

01-04-2019, 06:44 PM
Coyote with my bare hands.

Black bear at twelve yards.

01-04-2019, 06:50 PM
Bare hands!!??

was it killing your dog/cat?

01-04-2019, 06:50 PM
Coyote with my bare hands.

Yeah I’m gonna need to hear this story!

01-04-2019, 06:53 PM
Not nearly as close/cool as you guys,

just a 2 pt mule deer w/ 30-06 at 15 yards

01-04-2019, 06:55 PM
Yeah I’m gonna need to hear this story! You and me both! :)

01-04-2019, 07:03 PM
Bear @ 3 yards with a rifle. I had previously botched a shot at 20 yards and hit him through the liver. I didn't follow it up because I thought he wasn't going anywhere. Ended up following the blood trail through the timber, then saw it went uphill. Crap! So I start climbing up and was so focused on looking for blood, I didn't see him sitting there on the ledge staring at me until I almost walked into him. He looked at me, then down at caddisgirl, then at me, then caddisgirl again. Seemed pretty calm. Head shot from 3 yards. Glad it wasn't a big cranky bear or I would have got worked over. Not sure if I included that in the 2018 bear write-up or not. I was actually a bit torn up about it for a while... the way things went down and the up close and personal aspect. Also realized I met that bear in 2017 and
passed on it. Ugh... guess I'm still not over it. Reminder to always do better though.

If that does count because it was a second shot, the closest was a bear at 7 yards. Rifle as well.

01-04-2019, 07:06 PM
Bear with a bow.....8 feet

01-04-2019, 07:17 PM
Closest was a big ol' early season muley. I was following fresh hawg tracks in the snow and had him get up out of his bed right at my feet. Only thing in the scope was hair. He was no more that 7 feet from me when I pulled the pin.

Once had a bear so close that he touched my leg with his muzzle when I walked past his den. Rifle was off the shoulder and barrel touching his head in a split second and he just looked at me with sleepy eyes and did 3 circles in his hollow tree and bedded again. I walked away from him and left him to his winter nap.

01-04-2019, 07:20 PM
Ontario black bear with a 12 gauge, 20’ while I was in a sleeping bag..
my buddy outdid me a few years later on another black bear while we were moose hunting... she cam in under the canvas of the tent trailer and was standing on his sleeping bag when he fired his 300WM. (She had been hanging around camp all week so we slept with loaded rifles) ..

mallard duck at about 80’ that hit me in the shoulder after the shot!

01-04-2019, 07:23 PM
Moose at 10 yards, saw his antlers coming through the Christmas tree, soon as he stepped out found the boiler room in my scope and tagged him.

01-04-2019, 07:29 PM
I was slowly walking down an old skidder road blacktail hunting on a classic rainy windy day. As I was about to step around a big blowdown stump , I spooked a nice big 2x2. I froze and gave a quick doe bleat. About 30 seconds later the buck peeked over the stump at point blank .... kaboom .... no trim ��

Frank grimes
01-04-2019, 07:33 PM
Kicked a coyote once. Felt like I broke ribs, he didn’t go that far, whimpered and took off. Don’t think he died though so maybe that doesn’t count.

01-04-2019, 07:39 PM
A number of blacktails with the bow under ten yards, a few i had to wait for them to move away a bit,could have reached out and touched them.

01-04-2019, 07:48 PM
Inches ,Large mule deer directly above me on the run .Had to pull the muzzle back to make sure i did not bulge the barrel, no aiming just pointed the muzzle .

01-04-2019, 07:51 PM
Rattled/grunt called in a 5pt whitetail and shot him at 5 yards. 280 using 140gr partitions.

Arctic Lake
01-04-2019, 08:17 PM
Moose called in to 25 yards, taken with 30.06 180 grain Hornady Custom Factory Ammo. It was if a freight train had it that bull !
Arctic Lake

01-04-2019, 08:22 PM
Killed a charging grizzly at 13y last year, called a bull elk into 12y and shot it with my crossbow this year.

01-04-2019, 08:38 PM
Wt buck at 4 yards this past season...

01-04-2019, 09:11 PM
i got me a cougar from about 8 inches

k, 7

01-04-2019, 09:14 PM
Called in a bull moose so close with my bow that after he ran away I had blood on my knuckles. Pretty sure the arrow wasn't off the string before hitting him .

01-04-2019, 09:15 PM
My last 3 moose have been under 30 yds.

01-04-2019, 09:49 PM
So why the lack of pics fellas? Honestly???? Why haven't you guys been posting pics? So many untold stories. All of a sudden most of the regular posters have all these crazy hunts they haven't shared before. Come on, let's liven up this place with some pics...and stop keep stories to yourself lol.

Bugle M In
01-04-2019, 10:31 PM
1 Bull Elk, 10 feet. (would have shot at about 20 ft, but pulled the trigger, but had forgotten to put a round in the chamber,
long story, but he was the 3rd of 4 elk that came in, all inside 10 yards.
The other 2 came from the opposite direction, and was trying to set up a friend, so I was a little distracted??!!)

1 Goat, about 15 feet (worst part was. I couldn't tell if I was aiming at the front or rear of the goat...all white!)
Also felt bad, cause the goat probably had never seen a hunter, and he actually walked up to me!.
Still trying to figure that out??, but then he stopped, knew I was there, and just looked down the mountain as to say,
"nice view, huh".
Felt like I was shooting a friend for some reason.
But then I remember I had just hiked 12+ hours, all uphill and thru hell to get up there to hunt...so.....

01-04-2019, 10:48 PM
A young bull moose so close and backdropped by a dark forest I could not find him in the scope so I sighted alongside the barrel and fired. He turned and ran up the hill a short distance where he expired. Shot was at about 25 feet.

01-04-2019, 10:59 PM
So why the lack of pics fellas? Honestly???? Why haven't you guys been posting pics? So many untold stories. All of a sudden most of the regular posters have all these crazy hunts they haven't shared before. Come on, let's liven up this place with some pics...and stop keep stories to yourself lol.

Not sure which thread has more BS in it... this one or the latest and greatest hunting regs changes!

Pics or it didn't happen! 8-)

01-04-2019, 11:08 PM
Not sure which thread has more BS in it... this one or the latest and greatest hunting regs changes!

Pics or it didn't happen! 8-)

What? no stories?? No fly with swatter? Chipmunks? Surely you have some pics of your own, lol.

01-04-2019, 11:30 PM
My two closest were both wolves, two separate hunts. Both inside 20 yards charging into the call.

01-05-2019, 12:10 AM
So why the lack of pics fellas? Honestly???? Why haven't you guys been posting pics? So many untold stories. All of a sudden most of the regular posters have all these crazy hunts they haven't shared before. Come on, let's liven up this place with some pics...and stop keep stories to yourself lol.

Couple 15-20 yard bear shots on my YouTube. 2018 one you see the liver shot. Didn't get the 3 yard follow up head shot on film thank goodness. Not something I want to re-live. 30-06 recoil saved me from seeing what it looked like but caddisgirl said it looked like something out of Hollywood *gag* ... how much proof do you actually want to see from these stories? Want it slow motion too? Close ups aren't my favorite but are pretty common in region 2. 3 yards on a rock ledge blowing out your ear drum, close up double lung / spine shot seeing the front legs dig ruts for a few seconds. Never filmed either and would never post it if I did. I think I have some raw footage of the 3 yard headshot aftermath and shoving it off the cliff but it's staying in the raw unpublished archives. I'm a one-trick pony for sure but blackies at close range is my routine.

01-05-2019, 07:50 AM
For me 7 yards was a WT buck

250 sav
01-05-2019, 09:17 AM
Small bull moose at 12'. Couple of black bears at 2 barrel lengths. Muley buck at 25'.

01-05-2019, 10:06 AM
Elk 5 yds & 8 yds - bow; Mtn goat 10 yds - bow; Stone sheep passed on 4 yds for 20 yd broadside - bow; pronghorn 5 yds - bow; wolf 10 yds - 300 mag; quite a few deer (muleys ad whitetail) under 15 yds - rifle; turkeys real close.

Most of these were back before digital cameras so photos more difficult - sorry pg83.

01-05-2019, 12:19 PM
IronNoggin, is there a story behind the wolverine?

Methinks there is a story behind nearly every one of these posts, and some appear like they would be damn interesting alright!!
Certainly would be nice if many of these tales could find their way to being posted for the enjoyment of all!

I'll start by answering your question: Of course. :lol:

An Inuit Buddy & I had set out for Shingle Point from Aklavik where I picked him up after wandering over from Inuvik.
It is a lengthy run by snow machine, takes pretty much an entire day to accomplish.
Shingle Point is a protected spur / harbor that juts out into the Beaufort Sea from the Yukon North Slope.


During the cold war, one of the Dew Line Stations was established there, adjacent to an existing summer whaling village used by the local Inuvialuit each year (still is). There is quite the collection of cabins there.

Our thought was to use my Buddy's cabin as a launching point to head out onto the ice in search of Polar Bears (he had a tag).
Upon arrival we dug down through the snow to free up the door (snow was pretty much up to the roof line on all the cabins) and drug in an armload of wood to start thawing the place out. Shortly after that I went back out to collect more firewood...

When I did so I saw a dark shape about 75 yards distant, headed in from upwind towards the cabins. I realized it was a big wolverine at about the same time he felt something was amiss and stalled out. I made myself look as large as I could, and did my best LOUD Grizz Roar imitation. He bristled, hair up all over his back, and returned the growl perhaps even louder than mine. So I let another go at him. This time he charged forward at blinding speed right effing at me! OH-OH!! :shock:

In those days I had a carry permit, and although I rarely packed any heavy iron, I usually did pack a little 22 automatic.
I knew I had that pistol somewhere under the heavy skidoo suit, and looked down as I madly scrambled to find and cock it.
I managed to do that in one hell of a hurry, looked up, and to my astonishment, the bugger was about ten yards and closing FAST! JheeSuz!! https://www.tnof.ca/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/Shock.gif

I double handed the little pistol, and knowing I would only likely get one shot, waited until he was less than six feet before I fired.
Little bullet hit him just above, and just off to one side of being right between the eyes. Instant brain death.
He tumbled and began a furious Funky Chicken at that, while I back peddled and lined up for another.
My Inuit Buddy, having heard the pistol's bark, emerged from the cabin, 270 in hand, and literally flung me off to one side as he brought his rifle to bear.

My partner kept the rifle on him for 30 seconds or so - just long enough to establish I had the gist of the matter right.
Then he turned grinning at me and said: Man you are damn Lucky! Like getting ahold of the business end of a chainsaw if they ever latch onto you.
It was about then I noticed my hands were shaking uncontrollably...

Never did take any field pictures - that was long before digital came around, and simply never even crossed my mind. Still have his hide, it is a Big One, and given the circumstances, I did not want to part with it. Here's a recent picture with an Excalibur Exomax laying over-top that indicates just how big he really was:


Just a little harrowing that experience...

OK Fellas, I ponied up.
Now let's hear a few of the tales associated with these other close range encounters Please & Thanks!


01-05-2019, 12:57 PM
Methinks there is a story behind nearly every one of these posts, and some appear like they would be damn interesting alright!!
Certainly would be nice if many of these tales could find their way to being posted for the enjoyment of all!

I'll start by answering your question: Of course. :lol:

An Inuit Buddy & I had set out for Shingle Point from Aklavik where I picked him up after wandering over from Inuvik.
It is a lengthy run by snow machine, takes pretty much an entire day to accomplish.
Shingle Point is a protected spur / harbor that juts out into the Beaufort Sea from the Yukon North Slope.


During the cold war, one of the Dew Line Stations was established there, adjacent to an existing summer whaling village used by the local Inuvialuit each year (still is). There is quite the collection of cabins there.

Our thought was to use my Buddy's cabin as a launching point to head out onto the ice in search of Polar Bears (he had a tag).
Upon arrival we dug down through the snow to free up the door (snow was pretty much up to the roof line on all the cabins) and drug in an armload of wood to start thawing the place out. Shortly after that I went back out to collect more firewood...

When I did so I saw a dark shape about 75 yards distant, headed in from upwind towards the cabins. I realized it was a big wolverine at about the same time he felt something was amiss and stalled out. I made myself look as large as I could, and did my best LOUD Grizz Roar imitation. He bristled, hair up all over his back, and returned the growl perhaps even louder than mine. So I let another go at him. This time he charged forward at blinding speed right effing at me! OH-OH!! :shock:

In those days I had a carry permit, and although I rarely packed any heavy iron, I usually did pack a little 22 automatic.
I knew I had that pistol somewhere under the heavy skidoo suit, and looked down as I madly scrambled to find and cock it.
I managed to do that in one hell of a hurry, looked up, and to my astonishment, the bugger was about ten yards and closing FAST! JheeSuz!! https://www.tnof.ca/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/Shock.gif

I double handed the little pistol, and knowing I would only likely get one shot, waited until he was less than six feet before I fired.
Little bullet hit him just above, and just off to one side of being right between the eyes. Instant brain death.
He tumbled and began a furious Funky Chicken at that, while I back peddled and lined up for another.
My Inuit Buddy, having heard the pistol's bark, emerged from the cabin, 270 in hand, and literally flung me off to one side as he brought his rifle to bear.

My partner kept the rifle on him for 30 seconds or so - just long enough to establish I had the gist of the matter right.
Then he turned grinning at me and said: Man you are damn Lucky! Like getting ahold of the business end of a chainsaw if they ever latch onto you.
It was about then I noticed my hands were shaking uncontrollably...

Never did take any field pictures - that was long before digital came around, and simply never even crossed my mind. Still have his hide, it is a Big One, and given the circumstances, I did not want to part with it. Here's a recent picture with an Excalibur Exomax laying over-top that indicates just how big he really was:


Just a little harrowing that experience...

OK Fellas, I ponied up.
Now let's hear a few of the tales associated with these other close range encounters Please & Thanks!


thanks for the great story and hopefully the beginning of many

walks with deer
01-05-2019, 01:02 PM
thats awesome.ironnoggin

01-05-2019, 01:11 PM
Couple 15-20 yard bear shots on my YouTube. 2018 one you see the liver shot. Didn't get the 3 yard follow up head shot on film thank goodness. Not something I want to re-live. 30-06 recoil saved me from seeing what it looked like but caddisgirl said it looked like something out of Hollywood *gag* ... how much proof do you actually want to see from these stories? Want it slow motion too? Close ups aren't my favorite but are pretty common in region 2. 3 yards on a rock ledge blowing out your ear drum, close up double lung / spine shot seeing the front legs dig ruts for a few seconds. Never filmed either and would never post it if I did. I think I have some raw footage of the 3 yard headshot aftermath and shoving it off the cliff but it's staying in the raw unpublished archives. I'm a one-trick pony for sure but blackies at close range is my routine.

Brother don't be offended. I just meant, so many people on here have taken game and not really mentioned it that's all. I don't need pics or videos. I love reading the stories and always give the story teller the benefit of the doubt and assume it happened.

Foxton Gundogs
01-05-2019, 01:23 PM
Black Bear 2-3 feet in a slash burn pile BLR 325WSM

Hunting bear up Nanaimo Lakes. My partner shot a medium size dry sow at about 125 yards. It went down like a poleaxed Steer. We gave it about 20 min then my partner went down to check and yells at me it's gone", we were above a little lake and I told him to go down hill toward the water. I grabbed the 325 hand went down to help him work out the trail. I start to blood trail and my partner yells out "it's here, I can hear it" "well shoot the F-ing thing" I reply. His answer floored me. "I can't I didn't bring my rifle"....https://www.tnof.ca/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/Doh.gif.... Down I go and the bear had been spined far back, crawled into a big slash pile, I could hear it but not see it. The pile was like a huge beaver damn and very tight. I finally found a big log on one side that I could crawl in to access the interior. I get about 10 feet into the pile, I can hear it, I can smell it, but still not see it. As I crawled deeper I see it's head come up beside the log at about 2-3 feet, mouth open and growling. At that point I stuck the 325 in its face and touched of a shot. Thankfully It finished it because there would have been no time or room to work the lever for a second shot. The Pile was so tight we had to skin and break it down inside the pile and bring it out in pieces. Fortunately for the sake of our friendship My partner moved away so no need to "fire" him, lol. This was the incident that inspired the 45-70 double gun "Holy Crap Canon" so 2 shots would be available with no cycling. Them African PHs have it figured for when the $hit hits the fan.

walks with deer
01-05-2019, 01:26 PM
yup caddisguy is a great sharer of experiances...he's been extra sensitive lately...i think he needs to move out of the city.

01-05-2019, 02:56 PM
Two elk, two years apart, both at 4 yrds out of a treestand. One to the left and one to the right. Longbow on one, compound on the other.
Cougar at 7 yrds. Recurve.
Blackbear at 18. Recurve.
Mule Deer at 10. Recurve.
Numerous whitetail with a variety of weapons, recurve, longbow, compound. Shortest at 2 yrds. Longest at 22yrds.

01-05-2019, 02:59 PM
2 yards,island black tail....I jumped up on a mossy rock and the buck was bedded down the other side in the salal,he stood up and I shot him

01-05-2019, 03:03 PM
This year coyote, called in with a fawn distress call to 6 feet, taken with my .280 and 140gr nosler head on....thought he was going to jump over the bush I was hiding behind. lol. He didn't run.

01-05-2019, 03:07 PM
0 feet. Wounded black bear that came up from behind a log after me. Rifle barrel in the ear when I fired.

01-05-2019, 03:13 PM
Mule deer buck 15 yards, .30-06
i was walking quickly down a logging road at first light to get to a particular spot I had seen a nice buck the day before. For some reason I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, I think I was looking at some doe tracks on the road as I walked. Wouldn’t you know it, I nearly ran into that doe. I heard her stomp, looked up and she was at 5 yards but because I had the wind advantage she didn’t spook right away. Then I heard another stomp behind me and there was another doe at 10 yards on the hill above me, and a 3 point buck 5 yards further and to the right of her. I had gotten into the middle of a little band of deer. So I picked up my rifle off my shoulder and fed the buck a copper pill.

mikek blacktail
01-05-2019, 03:24 PM
Black bear charging me, not sure if the arrow was past the rest when the broad head hit him.

Vortex hunter
01-05-2019, 03:30 PM
black bear at a tree I was standing 2 feet from it IF even that ... 243 dropped it

01-05-2019, 04:25 PM
6x7 bull elk 13 paces - cow calling
4 point mulie 5 paces - rattling
boar black bear 20 feet - sitting in my deer stand
All in thick bush

01-05-2019, 04:31 PM
Brother don't be offended. I just meant, so many people on here have taken game and not really mentioned it that's all. I don't need pics or videos. I love reading the stories and always give the story teller the benefit of the doubt and assume it happened.

None really taken Mosin. I'm just full of hot air lately and I think a lot of my posts come across as sensitive and b**chy. I think walks with deer nailed the diagnosis and solution LOL

I know what you mean though. It would be cool if these stories were coming up more in season and some more pics would be cool. I am guessing a lot if these stories happen over a lifetime too and perhaps even predate HBC.

Keep em coming guys and gals

01-05-2019, 05:42 PM
Moose - 12 feet with 30-30 win face on shot calling between the lookers
black bear- m1 Garand 6-8 feet and closing 4 quick shots dropped 3 feet away
mule deer- 10 feet off side of trail walked by me 65 lb compound bow
coyote- 15-20 feet 12 ga #4 bird shot

01-05-2019, 06:00 PM
I'm mostly a bush hunter so plenty of red stags under 10m with closest being 1m. A sika stag at 4m while sitting on ground in thick scrub last April was a buzz.
Another big buzz was my guide calling up a 5x5 2yr elk bull that came so close I tried to jab him in the butt with my rifle barrel. Just a foot short.
I'm not sure whether the bull or my guide got the biggest fright.
I used to farm elk and know where they kick. Great fun.

01-05-2019, 07:00 PM
Large bull bison, shot him in the head from 10 yards.

Walking Buffalo
01-05-2019, 08:13 PM
Buffalo Bull and I, walking nose to nose, my left hand holding his right horn, my right hand with a knife in his throat.

01-05-2019, 09:00 PM
A black tail at about 30 feet all I saw is a scope full of fur from the old fixed 4x had to wave it around a bit to confirm it was actually the shoulder I was holding on. Everything else probably 30 yards and up.

01-05-2019, 09:11 PM
ive killed most of my bull moose under 80 yrds ,always spot and stock with wind in my favor,this yrs bull i shot broadside at 40 yrds.I did shoot one bull back in the 90's at about 20 yrds,snuck up behind me to wind me .Lots of black tail under 40 yrs and mule deer,bear as well


01-05-2019, 09:15 PM
Archery cow elk, 8'
couple bull moose around 15-20yds.

01-06-2019, 11:33 AM
Archery bull moose @ 14yards.

01-06-2019, 12:42 PM
Less than 10 yards

01-06-2019, 05:57 PM
Griz at 14'

walks with deer
01-06-2019, 06:56 PM
ps caddis guy no offense intended at all.

01-06-2019, 08:10 PM
First moose I ever shot I called in to a small opening and shot it from about 20 ft. Luckilly it dropped.
270 win
18 yrs old

01-06-2019, 08:12 PM
Shot another bull a few years back from about 30 yards but his cow was 10 yards infront of me.
53" bull
7mm short mag

01-06-2019, 08:40 PM
Where's Pemby's share.
It would be his first!!

Johnny G1
01-06-2019, 10:06 PM
Took out a ground hog @ 6in's in the back of his head when he popped his head up in the hole, fooled him that day, 12yr's old and using dad's 22.

01-06-2019, 10:19 PM
Great thread Nog, way to go.

Dominate Male Wolf with Bow at 11 yds, from a pack of 6 min. that circled me about 20 mins, missed dominate female at 35 yds when she jumped the string
Black bear with Bow at 8 yds
Bull moose with Bow at 11 yds and 18 yds
Blacktail buck with Bow called in to 9 ft
Mountain Goat at 33 ft with Bow
Bull moose at 6 ft with 30-06 180gr Nosler Partition, buddy missed a head shot at 25 ish yards and it ran straight at us, shot at 6 ft and crumpled at our feet
Bull Bison at 9 and 20 yds with 30-06
180gr Nosler Partition
Coyote at 10 yds with 30-06 180 gr partition

01-07-2019, 12:18 PM
Killed a charging grizzly at 13y last year, called a bull elk into 12y and shot it with my crossbow this year.

Any story on the bear, sow with cubs, bumped into a bear on kill or just bumped into the bear etc.

01-07-2019, 12:21 PM
Any story on the bear, sow with cubs, bumped into a bear on kill or just bumped into the bear etc.
Yep I’m curious as well! Sounds like a great story

01-07-2019, 12:25 PM
Where's Pemby's share.
It would be his first!!

Ain't that the truth!! https://www.tnof.ca/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/ROFLMAO.gif

Great thread Nog, way to go.

Why Thank You Sir!
Was simply a natural evolution from the longest shot thread, and perhaps more fitting for most.
Some rather interesting encounters you have had over the years btw!!

Be nice if folks would consider elaborating just a little on some of the more interesting ones.
Certainly appears to be a lot of untold tales out there... https://www.tnof.ca/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/wink.gif


01-07-2019, 12:38 PM
Great thread.

No great story to add-- hard to compare a mule deer at 15 yards with a rifle to point blank grizzlies and charging wolverines.

01-07-2019, 01:57 PM
My first black bear was only 6-8 yards and approaching fast. He caught a back eddie or swirl of wind and was booking it away from us - or so he thought.

Sure glad I hit him in the neck and shoulder because there was no aiming and no time for a second shot.

01-07-2019, 04:30 PM
Was simply a natural evolution from the longest shot thread, and perhaps more fitting for most.
Some rather interesting encounters you have had over the years

I thought the same thing reading through the longest shot thread. 70 yards and 40 yard follow up was my furthest (at least that I connected on) Short distance is more common in my neck of the woods.

I'm fresh out of big game close shot stories (got some fun close grouse ones if it comes to that)

I haven't told the 7 yard bear "attempt" in a few years though, so I'll lay it down for anyone who hasn't already read it.

First attempt at bear hunting ever. We just went and sat in a spot I thought was good in the evening on the last day of the season, June 15. Totally casual hunt. We just thought it would be nice to get out for a quick spring hunting experience as we missed hunting.

After sitting for half an hour or so, we hear something ploughing and cracking through the brush/deadfall 20 yards away coming towards us. We're sitting in the middle of a tiny little feeding pocket.

Our adrenaline is jacked through the roof. We have never bear hunted before and we know in only a matter of seconds, we are going to have an up close and personal experience. What am I going to do if it's a sow with cubs? Yell "hey bear" and surprise them in close proximity? I had no idea what was going to happen, just that something was about to happen the only control I had in the situation was a rifle. One rifle between the two of us and I think caddisgirl had some bear spray.

Anyway out walks this boar. I'm sitting on top of this stump and I have him in my cross hairs right away and hoping for a broadside shot. At 7 yards, I had the perfect shot lined up and squeezed the trigger. CLICK. It was the loudest sound I have heard LOL. The bear paused, jumped in the air and did a 180, paused again then bolted same way it came... thump-thump-crash-thump-crash. It went on what seemed like forever. I think he was heading for a different time zone.

We left and came back an hour later for last light, hoping he might have come back but no such luck.

Since it was my first bear hunt and last day of the season, though I had no expectations going in, I sure was obsessed from that point. I wondered if that was a once in a life time deal, having a bear that close... the misfire, and those events coinsiding

The very next spring we learned that neither of those events, nor these events coinciding were a once in a lifetime ordeal. It happened again... another repeat story (featuring close range misfire, bear coming to check out the sound, close range live shot and caddisgirl falling and breaking her nose) I might tell that one again if there is demand. Though that was the last misfire (same box of ammo maybe?) we ever had, the scenario plays out time and time again except we connect, no misfires in the last 5 years thankfully :)

01-07-2019, 06:32 PM
Great thread Nog, way to go.

Dominate Male Wolf with Bow at 11 yds, from a pack of 6 min. that circled me about 20 mins, missed dominate female at 35 yds when she jumped the string
Black bear with Bow at 8 yds
Bull moose with Bow at 11 yds and 18 yds
Blacktail buck with Bow called in to 9 ft
Mountain Goat at 33 ft with Bow
Bull moose at 6 ft with 30-06 180gr Nosler Partition, buddy missed a head shot at 25 ish yards and it ran straight at us, shot at 6 ft and crumpled at our feet
Bull Bison at 9 and 20 yds with 30-06
180gr Nosler Partition
Coyote at 10 yds with 30-06 180 gr partition

there's gotta be a story or three in this collection!

01-07-2019, 10:21 PM
Charging 3x3 Muley. Shot at 15'. Piled up in front of me at 10'.

01-08-2019, 12:08 AM
Driving into town just after sunset and we saw a few mulies. We slowed down and there was a young 4 point right on the berm off the shoulder. He just stood there chewing on a small pine. We got out of the truck and looked at each other. I could hear him chewing the top off the tree. Figured it would never get easier so bang, flop. Meat in the freezer.

Bugle M In
01-08-2019, 10:52 AM
Charging 3x3 Muley. Shot at 15'. Piled up in front of me at 10'.

Had that happen!
So has another hunting partner of mine.
I had helped gut a buck the day before and must of got a lot of the tarsal glands on me from that stinky buck.
Next morning, walking up an old road, stopped to glass across the lake and up the other mountain.
Crunch, crunch, crunch from behind me (took me several seconds to realize something was coming at me!!)
There it is, a 4 pt buck coming straight at me down the hill, trotting, not walking.
Forgot about that deer!!??….that was a 10 yard shot. (plus a few extra ones:mrgreen:_)

Same with my buddy, he had spilled a whole bottle of buck urine in his pants.
Had been glassing a moose in the middle of the cut block.
Again, crunching snow, and looks to his right, and he is almost completely run over by a "really nice" buck.
Hip shot it as it was so close.
Only a few feet, as he had been kneeling right down while glassing.

So weird stuff happens, that's for sure!

01-08-2019, 11:00 AM
Black bear - 20 yds
Moose - 30 yds.
Both rifle.

01-08-2019, 11:25 AM
Have taken a few cougars on, hand-to-hand combat... Got scratched and bit up a little,,,oh wait this one may be for a different thread.

Bugle M In
01-08-2019, 01:24 PM
YEs, how about the "too close to shoot encounters" thread:razz:

01-08-2019, 01:32 PM
yes, how about the "too close to shoot encounters" thread:razz:


01-08-2019, 10:15 PM
Hard to compare a mule deer at 15 yards with a rifle to point blank grizzlies and charging wolverines.

I dunno, I was attacked by a pintail last year and had to defend myself! Luckily I had 3 shots of #4 ready as he came straight at me!!

Wild one
01-08-2019, 10:51 PM
YEs, how about the "too close to shoot encounters" thread:razz:

Or the happened so fast there was not time for a shot moments

Almost been run over by deer, bears and moose where all I could do is go oh sh!t :razz:

01-09-2019, 08:16 AM
Have taken a few cougars on, hand-to-hand combat... Got scratched and bit up a little,,,oh wait this one may be for a different thread.
You'd be lucky to get out of those encounters with your clothes on your back!

01-09-2019, 09:03 AM
YEs, how about the "too close to shoot encounters" thread:razz:

Too close and not enough time go hand in hand.

Had a couple bears bolt close by or catch me unprepared.

1) Was getting changed in my drivers seat with the heat running when I first encountered the bear that would charge at me 4 months later. Saw him in my mirror walk a few yards behind the car.

2) Walking up to a knob we climb up, there was a bear snoozing between the vegetation and rock ledge. Almost stepped on it when it exploded out of there. Not even enough time to get scared let alone shoot it. No idea how we were not run over. We pretty much had it cornered. Probably lucky it didn't rough us up too.

3) Walking up to a lookout spot, turned out to be a bear in our lookout spot. Only a few yards away, maybe 8-10. I thought caddisgirl was going to shoot it. She thought I was going to shoot it. We stood there like idiots as the bear went up on hind legs sniffing at us, then started running up the mountain. I probably could have still got it a few times but it looked small. Ended up shooting it a year later about 1.5km away. It was still pretty small.

4) caddisgirl is up early eating cereal. I hear "#%@ ! A bear" ... I look outside and they are both staring at each other 3 yards away. Not much of a hunting story, as it was in July.

5) Also not a hunt story (summer and provincial park) but I wake up to "hey wake up. This bear followed me back to camp. What should we do?" My answer "follow it instead" lol ... we filmed it for quite some time.

6) Coyote that ran up to em when I was going #2. Completely oblivious that I was there. I had to stomp my feet.

7) Bobcat belly crawled up to us less than 5 yards away while we were sitting on a log. No tag, wouldnt have shot it anyway... just yelled at it

8. Almost stepped on a bobcat walking back to camp at dusk. It roared like a bloody lion then bolted.

9) Half the damn grouse I see and they scare me more than the bears.

Lastly the other misfire story. "Click part 2", a year after the first one. This time the bear didn't bolt. It looked right at me so I ducked down in the grass. Bad idea maybe. It headed right for me. Bear is about to find me and caddisgirl 10 yards away sees the problem. I don't even think she had time to aim. Boom! Bear bolts. She still.must have hit it right? No blood, no fur. We searched the area for hours. Every bit of timber, every patch of devils club. caddisgirl was climbing over some deadfall and broke through, smashed her face on a limb on the way down and broke her nose. We kept going. We could hear clawing at trees off and on but never caught up with it. caddisgirls condition starts going downhill as everything is swelling up. Took her back to camp and I went out looking until dark. Searched the next day as well. Pretty sure it was a miss and I believe (not 100% though) we shot the same one a week later, also a close up shot. caddisgirl still sporting two black eyes. I think I have some pics somewhere but she didn't want me to post. Funny story. When your wife with two black eyes picks you up a case of beer and meets you at a bus stop, you will get some weird looks.

There we have it. Close shots, close encounters. I think I'm out of stories. Gotta wait for some other crazy stuff to happen.

01-09-2019, 09:24 AM
Mule buck @ 3yards with 7mm Mag.

Mule buck @ 5 or 6 yards with crossbow.

01-09-2019, 09:41 AM
Black bear in the head at 1 foot with the .338 WM.

Bugle M In
01-09-2019, 10:42 AM
Or the happened so fast there was not time for a shot moments

Almost been run over by deer, bears and moose where all I could do is go oh sh!t :razz:

Have almost been run over by 2 bull elk.
I surprised a small herd riding the bike in at 1st light.
The cow and calf for some reason didn't bolt at all, just stared at me.
I bugled and the bull responded a little way off, over a hump.
I started to walk up the hump to look over, and just as I got there, over the top comes this bull at full tilt.
He hit the brakes, you could see the whites of his eyes when he realized what I was.
Head goes dow, all 4 legs plow dead straight, and goes into a power slide, right at me.
All I saw then was antlers pointed down towards me, and no time to count (1st year of 6 pt).
And stops just feet away from me, swings his head around and gone like the wind (they are fast!)

2nd bull I got so close, I could have tapped his nose with the barrel of my gun, as he came up from a creek right up quick to the tree well I was standing on the other side, and when he got my scent, literally 3 ft away, saw the whites of his eyes,
the nostrils flare open, and gone.
Can you believe I never got a chance to count all the points yet again

Had a buddy who had a cow elk, who was slowly feeding beside an old road, literally touch noses with him!
No bs, and it was funny to see her reaction.
She just took paused as to go, "hey, wait a second, that doesn't taste right" (he was seated in the bush right beside the road)

Did miss hitting a bear with my 10 speed back in the day coming down a hill at first light and going all out.
Didn't see the bear as my eyes were filled with tears from the cold wind rushing into my eyes.
Last second, hit the brakes, and missed side swiping him by mere inches.
Yes, my heart was pounding, so was the bears.
Amazing how quiet bikes are.
Scared lots of hunters over the years when they are walking the road and I would come "whizzing by" them,
stealthy silent!

01-09-2019, 12:11 PM
Short Range Swing & A Miss...

A few years back I was out hunting an area I knew held a rather good Blacktail Buck.
He was damned smart, and making quite the chess match out of the affair.

One evening just at dusk I was actually on my way out, due to the impending loss of light.
Sneaking quietly down a trail in heavy timer (tunnel) I suddenly saw a large doe cross the trail about 75 yards distance.
She paused before she dumped into the heavy stuff on the far side, and gave a lingering glance back behind her.
I raised my rifle to 3/4 position, and slipped the safety off...

Just as I did so, the Big Boy rolled out onto the path.
Quick glance, yep 4x4 with good brows!
Rifle up, locked in behind the shoulder and let her roar.
Solid smack downrange confirmed the hit.
Good Stuff! :-D

I gave it ten minutes, then went over to where he was when I fired.
Hair & blood - lung blood. He ain't far.
By then the light was failing rapidly, and in my earlier rush to get out there, I had forgotten to toss my headlamp into it's usual pocket. Did not realize that until I reached for it.
Always carry a back-up in the form of a mini mag light, so found that and flicked it on.
The faint glow indicated that a fella should probably check the batteries in his back-up light from time to time... :oops:

Nonetheless, I pushed on, and flailed around in the heavy stuff looking for that buck until the light faded completely, and I could not see my hand in front of my face.
Best Buck I had seen on this Island since moving here at that point, and I was very VERY Stressed!
But with little else to do I abandon the search for the eve, with the full intent of being back on it before light in the am.

Next morning I set off with the headlamp glowing fiercely to light my way.
Got to the spot where he was hit, and sat quietly awaiting a little more light.
At the greying of dawn, I slowly made my away into the thick, searching...
Didn't have to go far.
There was a huge amount of hair, and blood well indicating where he had fallen.
In the dark of the previous eve, i simply went right by him.
He had gone less than 25 feet.

Mixed in with the hair and blood were the tracks of two bears - a sow and 2 year old cub from the looks of it.
Well, they ain't going to eat the horns I thought.
Slipping a 150 grain Partition into the chamber (followed by 3 more stacked below) I slowly set off trailing them.
Easy track job following the marks the drug carcass had made.
Bush was getting thicker, damn near hands and knees stuff.
But by now I was committed (or should have been) and wasn't about to abandon the cause...

Got to a small clearing, and slowed to take a quick breather.
No sooner I did so than the bears began sounding off.
To one side, and close, the jaw popping of a nervous youngster.
Directly ahead, the low ominous GROWL of a rather pissed off mama.
Safety off.
Focused on the growling one.
Stance taken.
And right then all hell broke loose!
The larger bear came barreling through the brush directly at me.
It broke free basically point blank, and I fired from the 3/4 shouldered position, attempting to hit her in the noggin.
To my Horror, I saw her left ear get ripped right off her head. :shock:
Thankfully that was all she wanted of me, and she whirled and disappeared like so much smoke.

Shaking I withdrew.
Returned several times with my Wolf Dogs to try and find that head.
Never did.
Did however discover that I was so rattled when I shot the ear off that I actually cycled the bolt twice.
There in the duff lay the empty, right alongside a loaded round.
Must have double cycled without realizing it. :oops:

Both the bear, and I got somewhat lucky that day.
I have yet to take a Blacktail that would match that one still...


walks with deer
01-09-2019, 12:20 PM
great story...

the one that gets away is the one you always want the most.

01-09-2019, 01:55 PM
Killed a mink with a wooden mallet once. Trapped him in a pair of waders (not mine).

01-09-2019, 06:39 PM
Great stories Nog!

01-09-2019, 07:01 PM
Well this September I shot a bear in the head at 13 feet in my campsite haha 308. Years ago I shot a bear at 8 yards with my crossbow then I hit him in the throat with a another bolt as he charged me. He dropped 8 feet in front of me with my Bowie in one hand and mace in the other. Also shot a bear in the throat with a 12 gauge slug at 15 yards, after hitting it twice good with a 7.62x54. I love hunting bears and always will. Shot a doe on the malahat with buckshot at 5 yards.

01-09-2019, 08:08 PM
Well this September I shot a bear in the head at 13 feet in my campsite haha 308. Years ago I shot a bear at 8 yards with my crossbow then I hit him in the throat with a another bolt as he charged me. He dropped 8 feet in front of me with my Bowie in one hand and mace in the other. Also shot a bear in the throat with a 12 gauge slug at 15 yards, after hitting it twice good with a 7.62x54. I love hunting bears and always will. Shot a doe on the malahat with buckshot at 5 yards.

My goodness you sure pack a lot of weaponry with you when you hunt. You are extremely well prepared.

01-09-2019, 11:20 PM
Inches ,Large mule deer directly above me on the run .Had to pull the muzzle back to make sure i did not bulge the barrel, no aiming just pointed the muzzle .
As in the illustrious words of Ricky Recardo I got some splainin to do
Here is the back ground to this tall tale as some my call it.
It was late November my brother were on a hunt for Mule deer .Got to our camping spot around midnight,piled in the camper had a quick beer turned on the heat and went to bed .I awoke to the sound of my brother trying to get the heater restarted .Ran out of gas some time in the early morning ,DAM IT WAS COLD .Asked him what time it was he muttered 5 am .I got up and switched the propane bottle .Made some coffee ,got geared up and headed out before day break.It was a temperature inversion so foggy as all get up. We were walking on an old grown over road that led to a higher basin that was logged 10 or so years prior.After what seamed like an eternity we came to an opening that was an old landing it was gray first light out but still foggy .I whispered to my brother lets just glass the other side of the valley along the tree line.So we glassed for about 15 minutes an I got ancy and started to walk up the valley a bit and BOOM ! I turned to see my brother still aiming his gun directly below where we were standing .He said I got him ,he' down ! I ran back ,there lay a nice typical 4 point . I guess it was standing behind some xmas tree's at about 20 yards the whole time we were glassing.Helped him dress it drag it up to the landing and he went back to the camper for the game cart .I said I was going to walk up to the top of the basin and see if I could find a buck .As I walked the wind began to blow down the valley in my face.I had gone up the valley about a mile fresh snow and not a track .I glassed the basin for over and hour with that bitter cold wind in my face.Nothing ! I was cold as hell now and shivering like a dog ////. I decide to head back to the truck.I guess walking and with the wind at my back I started to warm up a bit .Then it hit me.On the wind the unmistakable sent of rutting deer .I stopped and man it was strong .So I turned back and walked up the valley in my boot tracks .Stopped at the bottom of the basin and glassed. I could still smell him on the wind.there was a skidder trail that zigzagged up the draw .I started up the trail and got about half way up the basin right smack in the middle and the trial cut the ridge in front of me that was about 4 feet tall .Right at that moment a doe shot out of the timber to my left on the upper part of the basin about 200 yds above me.She ran strait across the basin and right behind her was a large 4 point in hot pursuit .When she got to middle of the basin she made a hard right and followed the ridge top that was the 4 foot road cut in front of me . I had crouched down on the skidder trail a bit .In the mean time the doe went to the right of the ridge top and was coming down the draw strait at me ,and the buck stayed on the top of the ridge .She charged by me to my right at 10 feet and he jumped off of the cut bank directly over my head I raised the gun and followed him with the muzzle and fired as he passed over over me as I hunkered on the road. Piled up right there stone dead.Man my heart was in my throat.He was a large bodied buck heavy mass tall and about 24inches wide but short tines .Stunk to high hell ,but was really good eating . It was a hunt to remember with my brother .This hunt was over 20 years ago and my x wife cut up my hunting pictures or I would have posted them .By the way my brother's buck was his biggest ever.
By the way I got an D in English in high-school so you might be able to tell

01-10-2019, 08:35 AM
The bear in my avatar was shot at 12'. Almost had a wolf at 7 paces with my Blackwidow Recurve but was too excited and forgot to "pick a spot"....low through his belly hair.

01-10-2019, 12:42 PM
... By the way I got an D in English in high-school so you might be able to tell

Nope, Not Really.
A few breaks (paragraphs) would make it a little easier to read is my only critique. :wink:
Other than that, a heck of a Fine Tale my Friend!

Cheers & Thanks for the share!

Bugle M In
01-10-2019, 01:02 PM
As in the illustrious words of Ricky Recardo I got some splainin to do
Here is the back ground to this tall tale as some my call it.
It was late November my brother were on a hunt for Mule deer .Got to our camping spot around midnight,piled in the camper had a quick beer turned on the heat and went to bed .I awoke to the sound of my brother trying to get the heater restarted .Ran out of gas some time in the early morning ,DAM IT WAS COLD .Asked him what time it was he muttered 5 am .I got up and switched the propane bottle .Made some coffee ,got geared up and headed out before day break.It was a temperature inversion so foggy as all get up. We were walking on an old grown over road that led to a higher basin that was logged 10 or so years prior.After what seamed like an eternity we came to an opening that was an old landing it was gray first light out but still foggy .I whispered to my brother lets just glass the other side of the valley along the tree line.So we glassed for about 15 minutes an I got ancy and started to walk up the valley a bit and BOOM ! I turned to see my brother still aiming his gun directly below where we were standing .He said I got him ,he' down ! I ran back ,there lay a nice typical 4 point . I guess it was standing behind some xmas tree's at about 20 yards the whole time we were glassing.Helped him dress it drag it up to the landing and he went back to the camper for the game cart .I said I was going to walk up to the top of the basin and see if I could find a buck .As I walked the wind began to blow down the valley in my face.I had gone up the valley about a mile fresh snow and not a track .I glassed the basin for over and hour with that bitter cold wind in my face.Nothing ! I was cold as hell now and shivering like a dog ////. I decide to head back to the truck.I guess walking and with the wind at my back I started to warm up a bit .Then it hit me.On the wind the unmistakable sent of rutting deer .I stopped and man it was strong .So I turned back and walked up the valley in my boot tracks .Stopped at the bottom of the basin and glassed. I could still smell him on the wind.there was a skidder trail that zigzagged up the draw .I started up the trail and got about half way up the basin right smack in the middle and the trial cut the ridge in front of me that was about 4 feet tall .Right at that moment a doe shot out of the timber to my left on the upper part of the basin about 200 yds above me.She ran strait across the basin and right behind her was a large 4 point in hot pursuit .When she got to middle of the basin she made a hard right and followed the ridge top that was the 4 foot road cut in front of me . I had crouched down on the skidder trail a bit .In the mean time the doe went to the right of the ridge top and was coming down the draw strait at me ,and the buck stayed on the top of the ridge .She charged by me to my right at 10 feet and he jumped off of the cut bank directly over my head I raised the gun and followed him with the muzzle and fired as he passed over over me as I hunkered on the road. Piled up right there stone dead.Man my heart was in my throat.He was a large bodied buck heavy mass tall and about 24inches wide but short tines .Stunk to high hell ,but was really good eating . It was a hunt to remember with my brother .This hunt was over 20 years ago and my x wife cut up my hunting pictures or I would have posted them .By the way my brother's buck was his biggest ever.
By the way I got an D in English in high-school so you might be able to tell

Nope, never had the luck of a 24" spread buck running right past me.
Some folks are just plain "lucky".
Congrats on taking that one with that kind of memory with it.

01-10-2019, 01:07 PM
GEF, great story! Thanks for sharing.

01-10-2019, 02:19 PM
Late October, N. Alberta hunting a fence line under the guidance of my father. I was 10 years old and hunting with a kid size wooden bow. Spotted a rabbit at 10-15 feet. One and done. Hooked for life. Still have the picture.

01-10-2019, 04:56 PM
Point blank .177 air rifle - dragonfly landed on the muzzle, I was 10. lol

01-12-2019, 02:35 PM
Stone sheep 7 yards gun
The best we could figure is they never seen people before. No camo either

Bugle M In
01-12-2019, 06:39 PM
Stone sheep 7 yards gun
The best we could figure is they never seen people before. No camo either
That's exactly what I figured with my goat.
Just odd, and unbelievable, but true.

01-12-2019, 07:53 PM
Jan 6, 1996, cougar with a three foot section of pipe.

01-12-2019, 08:04 PM
I believe they call that 'old school'

01-12-2019, 08:31 PM
I had to shoot a black bear one time with a shotgun where I had to rotate my shoulder so he wouldn't touch the barrel.

01-13-2019, 01:27 PM
Oh yeah?

Back in 1972, when us west coast trollers could basically keep anything that came
over the rail.... 12 year old me used the trusty (and rusty) 12 gauge to 'convince' the
"big" halibut to come aboard

pretty standard operation, my brother (11) held leader and I leaned over the stern rail and snuggled the
barrel up nice n tight .....boom!

#6's hit target, butt end hits chin

shotgun lives now on bajo reef.......

Those were the days, kids with guns

probably considered child abuse nowadays

Somehow we made it......

01-14-2019, 07:01 PM
Oh yeah?

Back in 1972, when us west coast trollers could basically keep anything that came
over the rail.... 12 year old me used the trusty (and rusty) 12 gauge to 'convince' the
"big" halibut to come aboard

pretty standard operation, my brother (11) held leader and I leaned over the stern rail and snuggled the
barrel up nice n tight .....boom!

#6's hit target, butt end hits chin

shotgun lives now on bajo reef.......

Those were the days, kids with guns

probably considered child abuse nowadays

Somehow we made it......

LOL, you lived and learned, no harm done!

01-15-2019, 03:39 PM
Jan 6, 1996, cougar with a three foot section of pipe.

I thought you were just trying to train him to sit too ...
I recommend Elton John’s investment book ... “ Men Are From Mars , Women Are From Venus, Now Let’s Discuss Uranus” .

01-15-2019, 03:48 PM
Charging Grizzly at 4ft. .338 Winchester Magnum. After all these years I still have flashbacks.


01-15-2019, 10:30 PM
I was riding my quad on the 138 rd in Pink Mountain one cold morning a few years ago. I flushed a voley of grouse and raised my arm catching one in flight with my gloved hand. I eased off the throttle and waited for my buddy who was a couple minutes behind. As he caught up and rode by me, I released the bird in his face . Maybe not recommended but sounded like a good idea at the time! Should have heard him scream !

Bugle M In
01-16-2019, 02:32 PM
Charging Grizzly at 4ft. .338 Winchester Magnum. After all these years I still have flashbacks.

That's just "too close"!! wow.

01-16-2019, 02:49 PM
Not including grouse. 31 yards with my cross bow for my first deer back in 2017!