View Full Version : Do you scout post season?

Big Chris
12-30-2018, 01:47 PM
How many of you scout for deer post season? In your opinion, what is the best time of year to scout?

12-30-2018, 02:29 PM
If your scouting for early deer season, I'd say pre season is best time to scout....if your scouting for late season, right now is a great time....if it ain't deer/ungulate season I'm hiking and or pred hunting year round anyway (not hunting preds when they're not open obviously), so I'm scouting year round...

Wild one
12-30-2018, 02:44 PM
If your scouting for early deer season, I'd say pre season is best time to scout....if your scouting for late season, right now is a great time....if it ain't deer/ungulate season I'm hiking and or pred hunting year round anyway (not hunting preds when they're not open obviously), so I'm scouting year round...

This about sums it up

For the most part I am scouting all the time. I always have my eyes out for potential areas when driving, fishing, cutting wood or anything else that takes me out side. Then add in maps and google earth at home. After this I go in looking for sign

I put more effort into seeking out good habitat/sign then trying to see actual animals so I don’t get caught up on time of year to scout

12-30-2018, 02:47 PM
Right now is a great time to see where the bucks were a couple months ago. Find the rubs and make note of their locations and then pre-season, scout those locations again.

I haven't done the trail cam thing yet but that's also something I want to try this year as well. At least it will tell me how much human traffic uses the area. If the camera disappears, well then you know it's a good place to keep away from as even your vehicle won't be safe there.

12-30-2018, 06:16 PM
Yup, been in a few times already! Any excuse to get out there is a good one

12-30-2018, 06:22 PM
It is good to get out right now I have seen quite a few bucks in some areas that been curious about.Always trying to fit pieces in the puzzle

12-30-2018, 06:24 PM
Scouting never stops. I run/check cameras 365 days a year. Post-season is the best time to be out there. No foot traffic plus accurate and reliable intel on the inventory.

12-30-2018, 06:33 PM
If the snow is actually here to stay and piles up a bunch more, the post season can be a good time to see what is hanging around. If this winter continues to be a mild, most critters will continue in their late fall patterns of being very low key and nocturnal. Mild winters can prove to be very very poor for post season scouting. The critters can be very spread out and can vary greatly in the elevations they are hanging out in.

12-30-2018, 07:12 PM
I figure I've learned the most scouting when a good jag of snow comes post season. But I scout all through the year, might be combined with running the dog or getting some wood or whatever but always checkin the woods out..

Bugle M In
12-30-2018, 08:07 PM
I should, but don't.
Not because I don't want to, but the hours to travel, costs and logistics just isn't in the cards for me right now.
But, if it was just a short drive etc, you bet your ass I would be up and about.
I think it is a great idea and you can "never learn enough".

12-30-2018, 09:21 PM
I think Dana nailed it ...Dennis

12-31-2018, 05:45 AM
As with other comments, I scout year round. For a number of years, I have spent a considerable amount of time hiking post season in areas where I hunt. I find this information to be invaluable.

12-31-2018, 07:29 AM
I scout 6 months before the opening GOS tells a person whats within the area I have 15 trail cams I put out first week of june they are a big help telling me what's in different areas
trail cams are out there looking watching for me 24,,7..