View Full Version : Duck / Goose plucker

12-25-2018, 08:45 PM
He Guys has anybody ever tryed any of the duck /Goose chicken pluckers that are listed on line from the states if do they work as well as the are talking about . I get as many as 10 or more geese to pluck on a good day hunting and it takes a long time to pluck and clean that many geese.. the ones I've seen on line range from 35 $ usd and use a battery drill and more expencive ones use a eletric motor up to a 1 horse and they range up to 180 to 650 USD ..

12-25-2018, 09:53 PM
You are an animal for plucking 10 geese at a time by hand.

THe few commercial pluckers i have seen usually tear the geese and ducks up to much and rip the skin.


12-26-2018, 01:11 PM
have you considered breasting.....I always plucked when we hunted ducks but I would consider breasting now just because of how much better it is for cooking the
meat to perfection instead of dried out shoe leather

12-26-2018, 02:45 PM
I made a sweet plucker. Drill press, some tig welding for the finger cylinder and a shop vac

12-27-2018, 09:22 AM
I made a sweet plucker. Drill press, some tig welding for the finger cylinder and a shop vac

Lets see some pics or better yet a video:smile:

12-27-2018, 11:53 AM
Have a look at the "EASY PLUCK" kit, I'v got one and it works great. It does tear the skin sometimes if the bird has been shot up. If you set it up the way they suggest with the two barrels, it makes fore easy cleanup with a garbage bag in the bottom barrel.

12-27-2018, 02:07 PM
We had three duck pluckers at my hunting club, few notes works best when birds are warm ,not so good wet and heavier feathered (late season) and feathers even with attachments [vacuum] was crazy ended up buying a commercial chicken plucker soo my.02 ...

12-27-2018, 05:35 PM
Are none of you guys married ? HAHA:-D

12-28-2018, 07:35 AM
Are none of you guys married ? HAHA:-D
or have kids...I remember when I was less than 10 spending all afternoon plucking ducks from Dad, uncle and even grand dad..2 bits a duck

12-28-2018, 02:14 PM
Lets see some pics or better yet a video:smile:

I got the fingers online a while back, they are poultry plucking fingers. A little math, an old cheap drill press, a little welding and I have my own plucker.


04-05-2019, 02:49 PM
Check this one out … going to get one for myself... hope the link works
