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Darris doois
11-10-2018, 08:09 PM
anyone know the two young guys driving a new white f350 with a cabin on murray lake..these two prime pos specimens didn't like all the traffic in "thier" area . So they fell a tree across a main road and trail. When i came down there was a 75 yr old guy with just a small hand saw cutting his way. I drove around it and then stopped and cut the rest for him.. you two are whats wrong with this world....

11-10-2018, 08:30 PM
That’s too bad. I don’t like seeing things like that.

11-10-2018, 08:33 PM
Maybe a good thing you dint see it happen, you cood have been in a argument for sure at least?
Jel -- you still helped the old guy out which was good --

11-10-2018, 08:55 PM
Lol their area. Half the lower mainland hunts there.

Darris doois
11-10-2018, 09:20 PM
They are from the lower main land.

11-10-2018, 10:55 PM
How u know where there from? I think people like this should have a chat with the ones that get stuck behind these a** holes n have a hell of a time a time figuring out how to get out.

11-10-2018, 11:20 PM
That's really unfortunate I hope most hunters pack a small chainsaw with them. Hunting etiquette...

Darris doois
11-11-2018, 07:43 AM
I talked to them earlier on that day. Tjey waited for us to go past and fell a tree. Like i said. It didnt bother me i just drove around it. One guy was from poco the other aldergrove...

Darris doois
11-11-2018, 07:45 AM
I had a long talk with myself to not go to thier cabin with all the boys.. ill take the high road.

Wild one
11-11-2018, 08:00 AM
Good to hear you helped the old guy

But coming on here and complaining does not correct theses issues. These guys will do it again in the future because they were not confronted and no repercussions for their actions

People do things like this because most of the public is too scared to say anything to them directly. Not saying you need to break into a fist fight but at least tell them they are being idiots

11-11-2018, 08:43 AM
One thing I see that you did right was taking a walk and thinking about what wood happen if yoou went to the cabin?
-- This was a wise move on your part, do not follow these young guys around or go to the cabin.
- Next time you go there, go there to hunt, not to follow up on these people.

Jels Bells -- > don't get personal with others you don't know, you don't them or their relatives or buddy's either -->
---------------------------------------- we can help the weak and those in need, butt we are not C.O.s and we don't enforce the rules like a C.O. does.

Wild one
11-11-2018, 09:27 AM
One thing I see that you did right was taking a walk and thinking about what wood happen if yoou went to the cabin?
-- This was a wise move on your part, do not follow these young guys around or go to the cabin.
- Next time you go there, go there to hunt, not to follow up on these people.

Jels Bells -- > don't get personal with others you don't know, you don't them or their relatives or buddy's either -->
---------------------------------------- we can help the weak and those in need, butt we are not C.O.s and we don't enforce the rules like a C.O. does.

We are a very different breed when it comes to confronting people lol

I can tell you this as a man who does not hesitate on calling people on their BS 99% of the time things do not escalate beyond words unless you choose to push it there. More times then not worst thing you are going to face is verbal threats you can walk away from

Truth is most you confront are in shock someone actually called them on their BS and are hesitant to escalate the situation because of it

Does not matter if it’s a small town or big city

11-11-2018, 09:34 AM
I worry about me flipping out not them, Hahahaha that's why I woody avoid this type of situ mick kation. Use the brain and think, do I wanna go to the hospital or cop shop over a deer?
-- is a record muley buck worth going to lock - up for? Hahahahahaha
Jelly the Warrior - retired Hahahahaha --

Wild one
11-11-2018, 10:03 AM
I worry about me flipping out not them, Hahahaha that's why I woody avoid this type of situ mick kation. Use the brain and think, do I wanna go to the hospital or cop shop over a deer?
-- is a record muley buck worth going to lock - up for? Hahahahahaha
Jelly the Warrior - retired Hahahahaha --

Its not about the hunt that day it’s about long term correction and bad habits not spreading to others who think they may get away with it is why I step up. Some think about a moment but others think farther into the future

As for not being able to control yourself that’s another issue you need to address. But from your posts on here showing your constant thoughts on how a confrontation could go wrong I doubt it’s as much of an issue as your making it out to be.

In the end you make a choice walk away not saying a word or speak up. Silence you can except that you will deal with these kind of actions again with a large possibility of them escalating. Speak and they may at least think or hesitate next time they get a bright idea

11-11-2018, 10:25 AM
Now a daze you can get in more trouble for what you say then what you actually do, people record your ranting and raving -- you don't even know.
--Save ON Foods in the Nor Shore of Kammy has 38 cameras watching every inch of the store -- Why?
Jel -- because some people stick groceries in their clothes and bags and leave without paying everyday their open ---

11-11-2018, 10:26 AM
If you want to make a non-confrontational statement - you could always cut a few lengths of the tree they dropped and drop them off in his driveway behind his truck. place a note on his windshield saying he forgot to pick up his firewood so you did that for him. :-D

Stay warm.

These peckers are obviously bullies with crap attitudes. Don't get into a face-to-face with them because nothing positive will come of it. Silently messing with their minds is the only way to get through to them. Once they know that someone knows what they did - that will play on them and the'y use their heads next time.

Peckers could have caused a real emergency situation. That older gent could have had a heart attack triggered by the stress of the situation and the hard physical activity of ding the right thing in clearing this obstruction.

I hate hearing of this kind of crap makes me feel ill towards this type of selfish dudes.

11-11-2018, 10:30 AM
When people get elderly over 65 years old or more they feel vulnerable to younger stronger people then themselves.
Jello Mello Marsh Mello --> Start feeling vulnerable to an attack or someone stealing your stuff and your not in shape like my bro Rocko is --- Rock wants to say some
Hey yall it's Rocky de Brocky and I wanna say the best way to deal with a bully is to beat up a bully butt like ah no noooooo
----------rocko flipped gotta go

Wild one
11-11-2018, 11:08 AM
If you want to make a non-confrontational statement - you could always cut a few lengths of the tree they dropped and drop them off in his driveway behind his truck. place a note on his windshield saying he forgot to pick up his firewood so you did that for him. :-D

Stay warm.

These peckers are obviously bullies with crap attitudes. Don't get into a face-to-face with them because nothing positive will come of it. Silently messing with their minds is the only way to get through to them. Once they know that someone knows what they did - that will play on them and the'y use their heads next time.

Peckers could have caused a real emergency situation. That older gent could have had a heart attack triggered by the stress of the situation and the hard physical activity of ding the right thing in clearing this obstruction.

I hate hearing of this kind of crap makes me feel ill towards this type of selfish dudes.

Messing with them works too and sometimes it’s fun lol

If face to face talk worries you might be the route for you. Like I said I have had little issue with face to face talks and so don’t get all the fear. People who do this kind of thing do so because they think they won’t get caught or realize most won’t do or say anything about it. It’s not that disrespectful idiots are crazy people it’s they realize majority of the general public won’t do anything about it so they can get away with it

I am not a giant either so it’s not like I am a 300lb monster when I call them out on their BS and if I get out of the truck weapon stays in it.

Either way do something even if it’s just a note left on their truck telling them they are idiots because doing nothing accomplishes nothing

11-11-2018, 11:15 AM
Hey Wild One -- if you can't back it up on the street don't yank a guys chain especially certain types of guys, I noticed you've been hittin on me a bit and I ahhh nononoooooooo
dis is rocky dah jocky lay off mt brahhhh ok ahhhn
Rocko eh gottta go --
Jelly Belly puddin n pie -- roses r red violets are blue -- eenie meanie mine e moh --

Wild one
11-11-2018, 11:29 AM
Hey Wild One -- if you can't back it up on the street don't yank a guys chain especially certain types of guys, I noticed you've been hittin on me a bit and I ahhh nononoooooooo
dis is rocky dah jocky lay off mt brahhhh ok ahhhn
Rocko eh gottta go --
Jelly Belly puddin n pie -- roses r red violets are blue -- eenie meanie mine e moh --

Meh not worried about it lol

11-11-2018, 12:53 PM
You live in Kammy Double Wammy or down in Abby the dabby? Or Alexis Crick cuz you sound like a guy named Dick I knew in Willy's Pond and beyond -- Hahahah

Jelly the Retired and elderly not the young and wealthy --Hahahahaha rock rahhh no hooooo, like isaid
--Alexis Creek or Willy's Pond and beee yond?

11-11-2018, 01:06 PM
I mean no disrespect but are you a cannabis user - haha? I was just wondering because for some of your colourful posts I need to find translation dictionary or Thesaurus and just need to know where to find one.

I know you have good information to exchange but some days I can't figure out what you're saying.

Jel keeps us scratching.

I still think you're alright. :-D

11-11-2018, 01:12 PM
Rieber your from Abby so your alright, anyone who lives in Abbotsford is better than alright.

Jelabis -- Rieber - Fraser Valley home -- nah hice place for sure -- Your original and come from Abby -- Abbyrigional -- Whoa - kammy land in the sand

Wild one
11-11-2018, 02:22 PM
You live in Kammy Double Wammy or down in Abby the dabby? Or Alexis Crick cuz you sound like a guy named Dick I knew in Willy's Pond and beyond -- Hahahah

Jelly the Retired and elderly not the young and wealthy --Hahahahaha rock rahhh no hooooo, like isaid
--Alexis Creek or Willy's Pond and beee yond?

I have lived in lots of place but out of your list only Abby and don’t miss it

Nope not the guy you’re thinking but I can admit I have been called Dick a time or two lol

11-11-2018, 05:39 PM
I never blocked a road or wide trail, I've seen one that a guy blocked in MU 3-28 and had a real good trail blocked off that was good for mules.

Dint even talk to the guy, couldn't be bothered, ain't worth it, getting in trouble over some persons pride and being stubborn and adversarial --

Jelly Van Damme -- > sometimes a person needs to avoid contact with others -- it takes two to Tango -- otherwise no Bango! - Roses are Red - Violets are Blue! -

Darris doois
11-12-2018, 02:46 PM
Ya i talked to the dipshits dad. I see where he gets his arrogance from. He was so pissed a few guys from our camp where in the same area that they waited for us to go up, then fell the tree.. id be alittle pissed to but i wouldnt block a main rd or trail. Not so smart to do when you have your business name on your truck... RICHCO EXCAVATION...

11-12-2018, 05:16 PM
I had happen to talk to the so called hunters you speak of, and supposebly they were hunting a dead end road and a Razr had come up behind them, walk around the quads and continue to hunt the same area. By no means do I believe they were trying to trap elderly ppl in the bush. But the forest is large enough where people's hunts don't need to be ruined. Hunting etiquette is key.

Darris doois
11-12-2018, 05:45 PM
I was driving the rzr. I turned around and went else where when i cam apon thier quads half way up the trail . They went right. And two guys from my camp went left. Should they have gone else where, probably. Does that justify what the did.. no.

Wild one
11-12-2018, 06:05 PM
Starting to sound like there is more to this story

more I think about it the more it seems like a these 2 groups deserve to meet lol

11-12-2018, 06:06 PM
Starting to sound like there is more to this story

That's what I was thinking.

11-12-2018, 06:16 PM
Must be a real good hunting spot to get that hard over? Anyone that is that much of an owner of thee spot, must have seen a monster buck in there.

Jel -- Good hunting spots get popular after a while -- some hunters go nuts over certain spots on their gps ---

Darris doois
11-12-2018, 06:16 PM
Nope. We went up a trail for about 1 km. Came up to thier quads. I turned around and so did one quad. 2 guys that were in my rzr said they are going left and that the quad guys went right. Fine i left and said i will be back in three hours to pick up. I drove up to where the squads were and no sign of anyone so again i left. Came back in an hour and quad guys where loading up at the trail head. The 2 from my camp were walking down the trail and said they had crossed paths with them. Should the 2 from my camp turnd and left , probably. Do you fall a tree across the rd. Not in my books. What if the old guy was injured and had to get out. Ive never seen as many people in that erea as there was this weekend.

Darris doois
11-12-2018, 06:19 PM
I sat im many different cuts and left my truck close to the entrance. Almost every time someone still drove into the cuts. What are you gonna do. You cant throw a temper tantrum every time some one doesnt have the same etiquette as you.

Wild one
11-12-2018, 06:23 PM
Yup disrespect was met with disrespect and an old man was a victim caught amongst it

That is the basics of the story

This is the problem these days no respect and entitlement

11-12-2018, 06:25 PM
Darris I hear yah, don't get negative on yourself, you had good intentions and helped an old guy out, I'd say pretty polite.
-- Like your saying, no matter how much you try to do things correctly, always some one doing the opposite.
Jelly Berry - Darris - you don't have to fight anyone over this, your point is well made already by your thread you have some mild concern for an area and other hunters

Darris doois
11-12-2018, 06:33 PM
The tree didnt effect me either. I just drove around it. If it didnt trap the old guy i would have left it. I still left the part blocking the trail. As it is a awesome area.lol

11-12-2018, 06:51 PM
I was driving the rzr. I turned around and went else where when i cam apon thier quads half way up the trail . They went right. And two guys from my camp went left. Should they have gone else where, probably. Does that justify what the did.. no.

Ahhhh another side to the story laurie

11-12-2018, 07:14 PM
we're not going to get into names I'm hoping, it's a story about a hot spot that people want to hunt. It get's crowded on the roads when hunters here about the muleys and whites and the shape their in.

Jelly Canary -- > Like a huge sale on at Wal-Mart -- everyone goes --

11-12-2018, 07:44 PM
I was driving the rzr. I turned around and went else where when i cam apon thier quads half way up the trail . They went right. And two guys from my camp went left. Should they have gone else where, probably. Does that justify what the did.. no.

So you have some etiquette but by the sounds of it your buddies don't. Do they always try and hunt in the same spot as other's. Most people I know when they see a truck or quad or whatever will turn around and go other places . The area you are talking about is a big area. Get over it and move on.

11-12-2018, 08:57 PM
No situation on earth constitutes falling a tree across a FSR, anybody that thinks otherwise and tries to defend such actions regardless of the situation needs their phuking head examined!!! K

11-12-2018, 09:55 PM
Nope. We went up a trail for about 1 km. Came up to thier quads. I turned around and so did one quad. 2 guys that were in my rzr said they are going left and that the quad guys went right. Fine i left and said i will be back in three hours to pick up. I drove up to where the squads were and no sign of anyone so again i left. Came back in an hour and quad guys where loading up at the trail head. The 2 from my camp were walking down the trail and said they had crossed paths with them. Should the 2 from my camp turnd and left , probably. Do you fall a tree across the rd. Not in my books. What if the old guy was injured and had to get out. Ive never seen as many people in that erea as there was this weekend.
Lol sorry but this answers their discomfort, you dropped off two hunters to go around their bikes? I guess we better upgrade our CORE program which might educate hunters. As for trapping anyone in it is a thru road which has several access points if I'm familiar with the area

11-12-2018, 10:19 PM
Trouble is it's the best spot for hunting semi-open mule and whitetail plus black bears and many grouse plus coyotes -- close to Chilliwack and the Valley.
-- grouse by the dozens and deer country like in a Outdoor Top Notch Hunting Magazine every way you turn --
BC has some awesome country for wild life close to major towns and cities -- 3 hour drive outta Vancouver and your in Murray Lake with the deer.
Jel -- Murray and Gillis -- top notch habitat for big deer and bear and grouse -- It's a place hunters dream about and can actually come true --

11-13-2018, 07:53 AM
No situation on earth constitutes falling a tree across a FSR, anybody that thinks otherwise and tries to defend such actions regardless of the situation needs their phuking head examined!!! K

Blocking a road is ridiculous. I headed up the Coq yesterday around 11:00 headed east to where we are whitetail hunting this week, and the sheer number of trucks with quads and SxSs coming down was crazy. People need to figure out how to share areas. Judging by the numbers we saw, you’re going to see other people no matter where you go, especially on a long weekend at the start of the rut.

I’m glad I worked through the weekend so I could come out mid week. There’s not another person around, and that’s how it should be.