View Full Version : October Mule Deer hunt, Region 8 or Region 4?

10-11-2018, 10:03 AM
Islander here, looking to get off the rock for a week or two to explore some new country and hopefully shoot a nice buck.
My girlfriend and I plan to make a road trip out of it, camping and staying at the odd hotel along the way. I’ve never hunted mulies before, but have lots of experience with black tails. Princeton, Keremeos, and Castlegar were area’s we are thinking about checking out.
At this point I’m looking for any advice to help make this trip a successful one. Of course I don’t expect to hear any honey holes, but general area’s worth checking out would be greatly appreciated. Sights to see and places to stop and check out along the way are great too.


Iron Glove
10-11-2018, 10:22 AM
Son, Son-In-Law and I spent the Thanksgiving Weekend in the Princeton / Tulameen area. Son lives in Princeton, we have a cabin in Tulameen.
In various trips including Whipsaw, Lodestone, Slate, Cook, Rabbitt ….. nary a buck was spotted.
A total of 3 grouse were spotted, 2 of which ended up in Son's truck.
Son says that non of his Princeton pals have been successful yet.
Most Thanksgiving Weekends in Tulameen there are deer hanging upside down in many back yards, didn't see any this time.
On the other hand, it was pretty empty, very few hunters around, heard a total of 3 rifle shots all weekend.
Are there bucks out there - of course but we sure didn't have any luck.

10-11-2018, 03:07 PM
Read over Elkhounds latest thread. It was in Reg 8 LOL That said, Reg 4 has no any buck season, reg 8 does till the end of the month!

Iron Glove
10-11-2018, 04:37 PM
Read over Elkhounds latest thread. It was in Reg 8 LOL That said, Reg 4 has no any buck season, reg 8 does till the end of the month!

Yup, Elkhound wins, Iron Glove loses. :cry:
There's a few of his pics of his epic Family hunt that sure look like familiar places. :mrgreen:

10-11-2018, 05:39 PM
i took a 4 point and saw some bucks. Lots of does in reg 8-4

10-11-2018, 08:02 PM
I live in Castlegar..have barely seen a mule deer doe the last several years, nevermind a 4 point. I would definitely suggest sticking in Reg 8 for mulies.

10-11-2018, 09:08 PM
We also took a couple in your backyard Iron Glove
Elkhound and friends hammered it, like 7 bucks
Couple young guys across the street got a bear and 2-2 points, they were apparently together
But we are not seeing the big boys like we used to from years previous.
I try to avoid Thanksgiving out, little busy for my liking.
It gets hit hard during youth, expect the smaller stupid bucks gone early in the season.
November is when the big boys come out to play.

10-11-2018, 10:40 PM
We saw lots of trucks. 5 sat morning in the dark just getting to where we wanted. And most of the weekend when we talked to people most saw nothing.

Right time. Right place. Lots of years scouting to where we wanted to be. Good luck on wherever you choose

10-11-2018, 10:46 PM
Reg 4 hands down

10-12-2018, 07:09 AM
Reg 4 hands downhttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAH4AfgMBEQACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBQYBB//EAD4QAAEEAQIDBAgBCAsAAAAAAAEAAgMEEQUhBhIxE0FRcRQiM mGBkaGxUgcjQmNyk9HhFSRDU1RigpLB0vD/xAAaAQEAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUG/8QALhEAAgEDAwMCBAYDAAAAAAAAAAECAwQREiExBRNBUWEUQlK hFSIyM4HwcZHB/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD3FACAEAIAQAgIeqXRQpvnLeZwwGt8SVq 3lyrai6hlo0nVmooz/pVqyOeSw8Z3w08oXlZ3lxWeXNnVVGnDZI6y9cqODmSukZ3skOf r3K9HqFxQf6sr0ZWVvSqLjBf6bqEN DtItnA4ew9WlentbqFzDXE5lajKlLDJi2jECAEAIAQAgBACAEA IAQAgKjiiEy6PM4dYiJB8Cud1WlrtZe25tWctNZe5S1DzQgheU p8HUnyOvbkK0llFUyJVsHT9ThnBxG9wjlHdg9/wWbp9w6FdPw9mK9NVaTXk24XtDhggBACAEAIAQAgBACAEAIBq1 EJ60sR/TaW/NUqw1wcfUtCWmSZjdLOazQe7ZeFp5Twd2pzkmHosr4MZV6rj0a U AWt5NiBuKLzJTgeero2n6L3tF5pxfsefqLE2h9ZCgIAQAgBACA EAIAQAgBAcPRAY2qBzSlnsmRxb5ZK8K8OrLHqzuvhf4JDtgpfB CKPV5OaIxt6vIaPisMIuUkkZ47LJ6HWj7KCOP8LA35Be9hHTFI 89J5k2OKxUEAIAQAgBACAEAIAQAgK/W7folF/KcSyepH5laPUbnsW7a5eyNi2pdyol4KCszkiAXkqa2OrJ5Yt/snyVpcELkq60HpOv0Y3eyJOc/AE/8LN02CncxTLXEtNCTPQF7M4IIAQAgBACAEAIAQAgBAN2Jo68Lp ZnBrGDJJ7lSpONOLlJ7ImMXJ4XJkp7T9Tt9u4FsTdo2HuHj5le PvLqV3Vz8q4O1SpKhDHkfGyxJYAl/RRPglFeyT0PUa9vBIjf6wHXB2P3U2lfsV4zfCL1Ydyk4m2rWob UQlryNew94K9pSqwqx1QeUcKcJQeJIeWQqCAEAIAQAgBAcymQG UAmaVkMTpJXBrGjLie4KspxhFyk9kTGLk8IyF 7Nq8 2WVWHLGd7j4leSv7 V1LTHaP93Z2aFCNFZfI9GwMbgLVjHCLN5YpWIOOVWCBckijPKc l/gFgkkZoZZGrussl56pdC7xBV6dWpSeYPBM4xksSWS8r6xqkbMT MhlP4sFpXVp9ZuIrEopmlKzot7PA4dav90MH1Vvxqv9CK/BUvVgNcvN3fXhcPcSCpXW6y/VBB2VPxIsNM1iG88xOaYpgM8jjnI9xXVs o07rZbP0NWvbSpb8os10DWBAUWvahK13o1V5Y7q946j3BcHqvU JQfZpPfy/8Ah0LS3jJa5lIyW8z2bc4/1k/dcRXdwuJv/ZvunSfyofZd1NvS28/tAFZV1G7Xzsxu3oP5RD7N2/mKzLzQsd0Axk 9RVvLi4jom9iY0aVJ6orcfjYGDAWOMcBvItWKgoJGLUwhic89w WOUi0VllfXAdEHu3e/ckrEzOSYSA5EVaJrSCFsJmA6pAknChskrbVj0aeGaPZ7JAW4VK E3CrGUecmVw1QcWb0HIBXu1ujzwmV4jjc89GjKrUnog5PwTFan gy7vXe57t3OOSV4qX55OT5Z2ksLCDATShk7hAcDQBsESSDZ1SQ CgkS92AqyeCUVGrzE1ngeCwp5kZ4LBS6drcJYIJX8srNsHvWep Qkt1wZGixj1CPIw5YHFldJOZqMfL7Q aZaKOAO1OID2h80zIdsg3derwsJdIB8VeNOpPhFlBIm8N6bZ1m xDqFgclBp525IzKR028F17DpspSU6nCNS6uo04uEeTfjovTHGI upu5aUnvGFpdRlptpGa3WaiM vKHVBACEAgBACEjE7tlhmy8UVN4c7SPFURnRnq jRXLL5pmgta7DVtO4lCOmJZst2aJT2HZj4ErD3p pXUTI HqLm55ZAfdIf4q0Zzfko6rRx/DVB3Xtv3rv4q6nNeSO6zjeF9JYeY1g8/wCck/dQ61T6iO4yTTmGhTiStlsOQHxA q4eXislpe1aFRPOV5RWrRjWjh8m8Y4PY1zdw4Ahe0i8rKOE1h4 IesHFPzcFzuqvFv8AyjYtf3CiC8wdI6pAIAQHMoDhKq2SRp iwyMsSvsDY SgyFXptpsfPA44c1xPmsk48SLNE5tlvMN1jwVwWEFkcvVEyjjk cNgeKZI0CHWR JMkqJW2jJemjqwNL5JHBoA 6y0aUqs1CPLLOShHU D0mBnZQRx5zytDc OAvdRWmKR5xvLyQ9aH9RJ8HArndXWbZ zRsWn7hQhy8tqOngOZTqGAL01k4OdoFGsaQ5wo1DSJLlDZOBqT dULoiTMQuZi9Qdc1AsgcYywes8fZbNOrohusl8ihodkYxelB8g U Ij9IySGaHqmMx6j841HdpP5PuV1IcGjax36jH 6/mnco/R9xrR12janj1tRHwi/mo7lP6fuNRs Da9OKqSIh6awcssjjku948B7l6LpMqE4NwjiS5OTfdxS3e3g0q 7BoDF6LtqskfeW7LXu6Xdoyh6oyUp6JqRkjIvDZZ3MDbpsd6ZJ 0jMlgAdVBZRIh1BrJg1x2d0U6WWcSW2wHdCoK4HBKpIwLDwQoG BqXcISU9WVoszsJHOXZV5J4RkZL7Ucw3VSMFhBKORMmNod7UJk rpESSjlTJKRI4TeZNVsFnsCP1j787LtdEUu9J MGr1DHbRr16c5AFAY/iSs6jOZmj8xIc5/CfBeS6nZOhVc4/pZ2bOsqkdL5RmZ9SDCd/qudGm2b2krbGtsbn1x81njbSZOCpt6s60OSAkuzty7nK2qVth7 kZSLjTbtyGGM6hWngDjhrpIy0O8srBcWrhuuCqlGXDLuKy14y0/VaTWCcDzZveoIwddPt1Qgy rsnFlr6pPak7eS3KDjhqfBk8CY5dUj3dX5v2SpcaD4YJLdYvRD D6E/mACq9iD4miMAeILH Cs/7E Gj9aIx7Frw5FZ4jlljMppmLBLZG5c4eIW3bdOjWlhTRr3FfsrO k9B0fSq lVuygy4uOXvd1cV6S2tqdvHTA49atKtLMietgwggETRRzxOimY 18bhhzXDIIVZRU1pktiU3F5Rk7v5PdKtWO0bPahjO5iY8Y GRstH8NpKWUbq6hVUcMlUuBOHahz/R7Z3eM7i/6HZZ42lKPgxSu60vJe1qVWqMVa8MI/VsDVnUIrhGBzlLlhepV79Z9a3E2WJ43a7/3VROEZx0yWwhOUJao8mB1bgzUdPc6bRpfSof7l5xIPI9D9Fxbn pWd6Z1qPUIy2qbGcm1SWpJ2V6GWCQbcsjS1cmdlOLw0b8ZRksx YpusQv/tAFidvJeCcBFdjfdZyuBw1Q6UlAku4ZmvI6LXawUwWLXx8u4ah jwxuSSHG7WqC2GK4bkbJxFF2LcYY7mI8MLqdJUviU17mve4VB5 N6vXHDBACAEAIAQAgBACAYt1K1yMx268UzD jIwOH1VZRUuUWjKUeHgobPAfDVlxc7TGRn9S90f0aQFhlbUn4M 8busvJGH5PNBa8OjbZZjpicnHzWKVhRksMyK/rIYs8EyxPLqF/De5szc4 IXPq9Gi94SM8OoriUSG/hzWm7CemfN7/wDqtX8Hqeq 5m Opej/AL/IqLhDVbB/PX60Te/s2ucfrhZKfR3n8zRWXUKaWyZptB4eqaK17oXPlnfs WQ7keA8AuxbWlO3X5eTn17mdbnguVtmuCA//9k=

10-12-2018, 07:31 AM
Islander here, looking to get off the rock for a week or two to explore some new country and hopefully shoot a nice buck.

At this point I’m looking for any advice to help make this trip a successful one. Of course I don’t expect to hear any honey holes, but general area’s worth checking out would be greatly appreciated.


I’ve always seen a ton of mule deer in the Princeton and Tulameen area, but as others have said, last year a lot of guys got nothing there, and it sounds like that may be the case again this year. There are also tons of deer around in the Rock Creek to Greenwood corridor.

That said, Mike, if you wouldn’t mind some reciprocal info, as my wife and I may head to the island for a look around. Any areas or FSRs in particular that might be worth looking at? We will be probably hunting with a local, but I like to have a bit of say in my own destiny.

10-12-2018, 07:59 AM
Yah region 4 lol

10-12-2018, 08:18 AM
I'm new to Region 8 this year. I spent the summer on my mountain bike looking for spots and have been out quite a few evenings and mornings so far. I've seen cow moose, and a group of 3 muley does but so far I haven't even seen a buck. Since I am new to this region I am trying to figure out if its the spots I am picking or the numbers are low.

10-12-2018, 09:02 AM
Region 8 is empty. Head to Pemberton.

Iron Glove
10-12-2018, 09:48 AM
We also took a couple in your backyard Iron Glove
Elkhound and friends hammered it, like 7 bucks
Couple young guys across the street got a bear and 2-2 points, they were apparently together
But we are not seeing the big boys like we used to from years previous.
I try to avoid Thanksgiving out, little busy for my liking.
It gets hit hard during youth, expect the smaller stupid bucks gone early in the season.
November is when the big boys come out to play.

Yup, I'm sure they are out there, our bad luck, timing, whatever but the number of hunters was way, way down from last Thanksgiving too.
Last Thanksgiving the rental across the road had 4 bucks hanging one day.
Will be back up there later this month and November.
Regardless of success, it's always a good day when you can get out in the woods with your Son, Son In Law and even the Grand Girl. :-D

10-13-2018, 12:06 AM
Yup, I'm sure they are out there, our bad luck, timing, whatever but the number of hunters was way, way down from last Thanksgiving too.
Last Thanksgiving the rental across the road had 4 bucks hanging one day.
Will be back up there later this month and November.
Regardless of success, it's always a good day when you can get out in the woods with your Son, Son In Law and even the Grand Girl. :-Done guy turns a corner 20 minutes into a hunt and shoots a buck, he may likely say bucks are plenty.
you know the area and worked hard, likely a more realistic view of situation.
luck always helps but persistence better bet.
good luck

Iron Glove
10-13-2018, 08:50 AM
one guy turns a corner 20 minutes into a hunt and shoots a buck, he may likely say bucks are plenty.
you know the area and worked hard, likely a more realistic view of situation.
luck always helps but persistence better bet.
good luck

My Princeton Son called last night to chat - he spent a few hours up in an area that he and Son In Law worked hard last weekend.
Lots and lots of signs and a bit in "voila" a buck wanders out. He's lining up a shot when his Lady friend's little lap dog ( he had it with him as it can't be left alone ) starts whining - off goes buck. Resisting shooting the dog, he hikes onward, again coming across a buck. Friggin dog starts whining again, off goes buck.
Dog is still alive but will be left at home, alone now on. :mrgreen:

10-13-2018, 09:35 AM
I’ve always seen a ton of mule deer in the Princeton and Tulameen area, but as others have said, last year a lot of guys got nothing there, and it sounds like that may be the case again this year. There are also tons of deer around in the Rock Creek to Greenwood corridor.

That said, Mike, if you wouldn’t mind some reciprocal info, as my wife and I may head to the island for a look around. Any areas or FSRs in particular that might be worth looking at? We will be probably hunting with a local, but I like to have a bit of say in my own destiny.

Keep in mind that the Rock Creek Greenwood area (8-12 to 8-15) are 4 point for Mule, the rest of 8 is any buck.

10-13-2018, 09:37 AM
All the big deer are in 7a now

IMHO I would hunt reg 3 myself. It’s my fav unit for mule deer