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10-08-2018, 06:02 AM
We went through Cache Creek game check yesterday. A couple of notes. One vehicle occupant had to produce a PAL. This was a first. Second note is a regulation change. Below from page 18 of the regs. This was pointed out and checked by the CO.

Species Licence Fees

Species licences are required for the hunting of the following animals and are required in addition to the basic hunting licences. Hunters are required to carry all species licences obtained or held for the current year, including both cancelled and uncancelled, while hunting.

Cancelled were pretty much a given when the tags were in a book, now being separate one could easily leave a cancelled home.

10-08-2018, 06:40 AM
Use your memory and tell yourself, b4 you head out, " Have I got all my tags with me?" Then keep them in the same spot at home. Together.
Jel -- the mind my friend, it's a busy place Hahahaha -- :shock: --

10-08-2018, 06:37 PM
I only showed them my pal, checked the guns, had no deer but a few grouse with a wing on them all but asked about a lake trout I had, caught in the August I left in the cabin freezer I shut the cabin down and was bringing my fish home, the lake I caught it on was closed for lake trout oct 1. Note to self bring fish home when there open lol

10-08-2018, 06:42 PM
There used to be a nice little booklet to keep all tags together?? WTH were they thinking?

10-08-2018, 06:45 PM
You and I have a brain and a mind, we need to talk to ourselves ok? Hahahaha
-- Next time poper you will remember for sure --
Jelly Fish -- > One thing with C.O.s if you want to pass thru fairly quick, ahhh don't ask stoopid questions and don't be a tool <------

10-08-2018, 06:57 PM
There is ALWAYS something you have done wrong. I am serious, no joking. No matter how clean you try to keep your nose, you have most assuredly missed something. I have determined in my mind not to detest CO's anymore. I am putting away $100/year for any given fine that they have for me. I have asked them NOT to give me a warning, as a warning doesn't help. Whatever they "find" was NOT done out of ill intentions. It's easier to just have a "fine fund" ready and then there is no need to get angry. Note to self: don't make a fire. You "may" be using wood that is not allowed to be chopped down, no matter how dang cold it is... (muttering under my breath...) and don't get me started on weasels that chew off the evidence of sex...

10-08-2018, 07:05 PM
Attitude is important, ahhh, lots of ladies becoming C.O.s now so cood change personality a bit.
-- When you pull up to the check, don't burn the C.O. with an icy glare Hahahahaha
Or open the window and start the heavy vocals ---- Like why did you ah
Jello Steen -- keep calm and carry on -- yah gotta go back to the job any vayyyyyy --

10-08-2018, 07:24 PM
Lol ... this makes me laugh. The ridiculous interrogations and controls on law abiding hunters when I'm sure every poacher out there probably knows to avoid the predictable game checks in cache creek and princeton.

Maybe these guys could come up with some more original locations to set up shop in and get the guys who actually poach and get away with it by avoiding cache creek and princeton

10-08-2018, 07:35 PM
The Cache Creek stop, game check has bin going since the 50's or so, way back used to be a Drive-inn there
-- Cache Creek is right at the Junction
Jelly Creek -- Deadman - muley's

10-08-2018, 07:52 PM
I think the carrying cut tags is so damn stupid.
If you want it like that, they should have never changed from the book.
If I shoot a bear in April, butcher and eat it before September why the hell would I even still have that tag !? I know I've tossed the tag for both my spring bears once everything was done.. and I will not be paying $10 to replace them. Looking forward to chatting with a CO

10-08-2018, 07:55 PM
I went through that game check Thursday night at around 930pm. He asked to see my drivers licence and tags, asked where the rifles were and I pointed to them in the back seat, I asked if he would like to see my PAL and he said “nope it’s ok!”, then he told me to have a safe drive home and off I went.

10-08-2018, 08:02 PM
It's great to see them out. I'd like to see them more often personally.
Stay safe boys and girls.

10-08-2018, 08:05 PM
There used to be a nice little booklet to keep all tags together?? WTH were they thinking?

YEA the OLD system with Your Licence and Tags all in one BOOK MADE way to much sense so they changed it out to NO Licence to show and separate LOOSE tags now ! WTF ! :-? :confused: RJ

10-08-2018, 08:05 PM
Lol ... this makes me laugh. The ridiculous interrogations and controls on law abiding hunters when I'm sure every poacher out there probably knows to avoid the predictable game checks in cache creek and princeton.

Maybe these guys could come up with some more original locations to set up shop in and get the guys who actually poach and get away with it by avoiding cache creek and princeton

I'm fairly confident most poaching Is NOT done Sept 10-Dec 10 but it's the only damn time I ever ever see COs besides at boat launches where they can be lazy and sit there ticketing people or they pull up to a popular ice fishing lake and check everyone, again only when it's easy..

10-08-2018, 08:07 PM
The C.O.'s are going to ask you at the check when you pull up, " Did you have any success hunting?" Then you speel off --
-- Follow along and don't get excited, just stay calm, act normal and talk at a medium volume for the place your at.
Jelly Hammer Time -- if we get riled a bit and we are tired, we can say something out of character -- and that is when the special attention arrives --

10-08-2018, 08:11 PM
The C.O.'s are going to ask you at the check when you pull up, " Did you have any success hunting?" Then you speel off --
-- Follow along and don't get excited, just stay calm, act normal and talk at a medium volume for the place your at.
Jelly Hammer Time -- if we get riled a bit and we are tired, we can say something out of character -- and that is when the special attention arrives --

You sure like to spit out instructions. I wonder how many you follow yourself lol.

10-08-2018, 08:14 PM
Ryo your not starting to follow me again with silly posts every thread again, " I thought you quit? "
Jel --I'll get a mod to correct you again! Being knotty again --

10-08-2018, 08:20 PM
I'm glad to see them out there but I think their efforts would have more impact if they were out in the wilderness doing random checks than in a predictable time and location that's easily available.

I myself am admittedly guilty. I despise and detest these atv insurance, regulations money grab bullshit, I refuse to comply... and I don't worry one bit because I have never ever once ever ran into a co in the bush. Not once.
I could break any law under the sun if I were so inclined and get away with it.

Imo, a bigger deterrence isn't a bigger fine for the extremely unlikely chance of being caught... it's more boots on the ground that makes you feel like you'd probably get caught.

I realize these policies are directed from above and due to budget constraints.

10-08-2018, 08:22 PM
Btw, I drove right through today, waved through and I was fully expecting to be stopped, very surprised I wasn't.

10-08-2018, 08:32 PM
Went through Cache Creek today,

buddy asked for my tags, then asked if I had any others. "that's all" I replied.

Asked to see the grouse I had. Were in the camper frig. He followed me into the camper....
Inspected the guns while in the camper.

Didn't ask me for a PAL...
Didn't show him the shotgun in the closet. Oops...

10-08-2018, 08:34 PM
A C.O. doesn't just work in hunting season, ok butt Cache Creek is a must, year after year, after year, after year. Cache Creek Game Check for 80 years in a row.
Room to pull over at that spot for trucks with trailers and quads etc
We used to stop at Cache Creek at that lil store there years ago --
Jelly Cache

10-08-2018, 08:41 PM
I've only ever had good experiences with COs. I also read the tags every year, and check for the colour codes changes...which they note as changes every year. It's not that tough.

10-08-2018, 08:47 PM
if your not breaking the law you have nothing to worry about.Plenty of people are breaking the law. Ignorance of the regulations is not an excuse.

10-08-2018, 08:53 PM
Some people come driving down from up P.G. way and have a shock when they see the Game Check, Whoa!
Caught by surprise! Now pulled over?
Jelly ( Road Block ) STOP! -----------------------> any game? Where's your tags long hair?

10-08-2018, 08:57 PM
Went through the game stop as well. We had a moose split between 2 vehicles. Even though we were travelling together we still caught flack for not having a letter of transport. Sometimes common sense gets left at home when it comes to making the rules.

10-08-2018, 09:08 PM
What's the reasonable ground for a CO to stop you in Cache creek at a road block/game check ?

10-08-2018, 09:10 PM
What's the reasonable ground for a CO to stop you in Cache creek at a road block/game check ?

a muddy vehicle.....

10-08-2018, 09:21 PM
There is ALWAYS something you have done wrong. I am serious, no joking. No matter how clean you try to keep your nose, you have most assuredly missed something. I have determined in my mind not to detest CO's anymore. I am putting away $100/year for any given fine that they have for me. I have asked them NOT to give me a warning, as a warning doesn't help. Whatever they "find" was NOT done out of ill intentions. It's easier to just have a "fine fund" ready and then there is no need to get angry. Note to self: don't make a fire. You "may" be using wood that is not allowed to be chopped down, no matter how dang cold it is... (muttering under my breath...) and don't get me started on weasels that chew off the evidence of sex...

Wow thats a slave mentality if I ever heard one, maybe you should always have lotion on you too so when they ask you to bend over it wont hurt so much

10-08-2018, 09:24 PM
Ryo your not starting to follow me again with silly posts every thread again, " I thought you quit? "
Jel --I'll get a mod to correct you again! Being knotty again --
Thats exactly what you do on every thread, post silly posts?????

10-08-2018, 09:38 PM
a muddy vehicle.....

That wouldn't be enough.

10-08-2018, 09:39 PM
What's the reasonable ground for a CO to stop you in Cache creek at a road block/game check ?

Isnt it a requirement to stop at game checks?

10-08-2018, 09:43 PM
If you have game in your truck or on it etc, you better pull over, Rover! The Hunting starts and ends on Cache Creeks hills -- up n down to the Fraser
Game check checks the game
Jelly ( Head ) Games -- 4 in er ----> Your playin those Head Games @ Ca$h Creeek <-------------- Head Games a 180 Muley typical -- Head Games a 180 Typ

10-08-2018, 10:43 PM
What's the reasonable ground for a CO to stop you in Cache creek at a road block/game check ?

bullet holes in ya old silver ford 150 -89 box..;)

10-09-2018, 12:20 AM
Ryo your not starting to follow me again with silly posts every thread again, " I thought you quit? "
Jel --I'll get a mod to correct you again! Being knotty again --

Pardon me ?

I've never been "corrected" by the mods here, and certainly not because of you. Im sure even they tire of your foolish dribble.

10-09-2018, 06:57 AM
What's the reasonable ground for a CO to stop you in Cache creek at a road block/game check ?
They don’t need a reason. If they ask have you been hunting and you say yes,you qualify for the joy of a check...
This ain’t the states with all the protesters refusing to speak to officers on some lame excuse about rights and 5 th amendment constitution stuff.
We were stopped on Saturday and our two bulls and grouse checked...
The CO actually felt through the sacking on the hind quarter to feel the evidence of sex... Good check and they were impressed when our 87 year old uncle looked at the officer who thought he was just along for the ride and said” I shot the first bull at 250 yards and lots of grouse”.
The young CO was taken aback.
I only had to tune up one CO who had Uncle Doug climbing into the utility trailer to flip the huge front quarters off the hinds... He was a bit embarrassed when I stepped away from my CO interviewing me and asked what was wrong with him that he was making an 87 year old do all the heavy lifting.
Dude he’s old enough to be your great grandfather.
Sheesh,,, young pups these day...

10-09-2018, 07:29 AM
FYI, they are "boots to the ground". Three years in a row they have checked me in a fly-in only area. Three years in a row. Two years by helicopter (4 guys inside it; $$$) and this year by amphibian float/wheeled plane. One year it was no PAL (in the freaking bush; I don't want to lose it out there...), one time it was weasel chewing off the nuts/penis off of a stones, and the next time it was semi-legit where the sheep nuts somehow dissapeared (possibly got snagged loading up in pack; not sure). They are out there, and that is good. Just not sure who they are trying to catch, that's my gripe. We have a clean camp; nobody drinks and zero drugs. True meat first sheep hunters. Still walk away every time feeling like a criminal...

10-09-2018, 08:07 AM
They don’t need a reason. If they ask have you been hunting and you say yes,you qualify for the joy of a check...
This ain’t the states with all the protesters refusing to speak to officers on some lame excuse about rights and 5 th amendment constitution stuff.
We were stopped on Saturday and our two bulls and grouse checked...
The CO actually felt through the sacking on the hind quarter to feel the evidence of sex... Good check and they were impressed when our 87 year old uncle looked at the officer who thought he was just along for the ride and said” I shot the first bull at 250 yards and lots of grouse”.
The young CO was taken aback.
I only had to tune up one CO who had Uncle Doug climbing into the utility trailer to flip the huge front quarters off the hinds... He was a bit embarrassed when I stepped away from my CO interviewing me and asked what was wrong with him that he was making an 87 year old do all the heavy lifting.
Dude he’s old enough to be your great grandfather.
Sheesh,,, young pups these day...

They 100% need a reason. In Canada its called the charter of rights. They can pull you over, but if their process isn't kosher then their charges get thrown out in court. Every peace officer in Canada has to have a reason as to why they are stopping you. As an example 99% of the time your stopped by police in your vehicle will be under premiss of investigating you under the motor vehicle act..... suppose you were speeding or didn't indicate turning etc. CO's do this under the wild life act, so your driving on a FSR or exiting a FSR onto a paved roadway. For them thats reasonable ground that you may have been participating in a wild life activity. If your driving with game visible in your truck, like antlers or quarters then there's a good reason sure. If nothing is visible then a CO can't tell you any different to any other member of the public, especially if your simply a resident in Cache creek. Its another story once your stopped, not answering truthfully is obstruction of justice. You don't have to give permission to a search either. Our charter of rights protects us from illegal detention, and that can be constituted by as much as physical position of an officer or officers, heck it can include "intimidating tone". I recall reading a story out of Saskatchewan i think earlier this year where a judge said it wasn't reasonable to pull over a truck because a cooler was visible in the bed. Something along the lines of a cooler has multiple purposes other then carry wild game meat and as such the CO didn't have the right to pull over and conduct a search.... as he's investigating under the wild life act. So maybe I have the story wrong but honestly I am just trying to understand the legal premise of the game check.

Island Idiots
10-09-2018, 08:16 AM
Why does the act of abiding by the aw and reporting to a game check need to be something for a lawyer to deal with? Why can't hunters just stop and get inspected and have an interaction with a CO? There are many benefits for both the hunter and the CO in information exchange.
Lawful hunters and conservationists understand the need to follow and not question the law. Game inspections and CO activity is the means to protect our precious resource and maintain our ability and right to harvest game. CO's should always conduct themselves in a professional manner and holding them to that is more important than arguing their right to inspect your licenses, game etc.
Glad they were out there and hope they catch some serious bad guys. IMO.

10-09-2018, 08:43 AM
Jesus Christ - buy a stapler.

10-09-2018, 08:49 AM
My daughter and I went through on Sunday with her tagged mule deer buck. Absolutely smooth, quick process if you actually read the synopsis and follow the rules. There were at least 3 truckloads of guys with major infractions.
Follow the rules and its no problem.

10-09-2018, 08:52 AM
The Cache Creek Game check used to count the moose, the caribou the deer the bear b4, now they do internet and cell phones etc.

Jello Bannanno -- no more counting thee animules -- now we got computers --

10-09-2018, 11:46 AM
Why does the act of abiding by the aw and reporting to a game check need to be something for a lawyer to deal with? Why can't hunters just stop and get inspected and have an interaction with a CO? There are many benefits for both the hunter and the CO in information exchange.
Lawful hunters and conservationists understand the need to follow and not question the law. Game inspections and CO activity is the means to protect our precious resource and maintain our ability and right to harvest game. CO's should always conduct themselves in a professional manner and holding them to that is more important than arguing their right to inspect your licenses, game etc.
Glad they were out there and hope they catch some serious bad guys. IMO.
The problem is never the game check. It's that one co that you run in to that leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth and a feeling that you've been violated. There's one co in particular that I'm waiting to run in to again and when I do im expecting that we're going to be on the side of the road for quite a while while he impounds my truck. I'll resist anything he asks me to do.

10-09-2018, 11:53 AM
Went through Sunday morning with my son's moose and my buck....nice guys, good chat....only problem was trying to get past the guys who don't know how to follow rules!!

10-09-2018, 12:53 PM
They 100% need a reason. In Canada its called the charter of rights. They can pull you over, but if their process isn't kosher then their charges get thrown out in court. Every peace officer in Canada has to have a reason as to why they are stopping you. As an example 99% of the time your stopped by police in your vehicle will be under premiss of investigating you under the motor vehicle act..... suppose you were speeding or didn't indicate turning etc. CO's do this under the wild life act, so your driving on a FSR or exiting a FSR onto a paved roadway. For them thats reasonable ground that you may have been participating in a wild life activity. If your driving with game visible in your truck, like antlers or quarters then there's a good reason sure. If nothing is visible then a CO can't tell you any different to any other member of the public, especially if your simply a resident in Cache creek. Its another story once your stopped, not answering truthfully is obstruction of justice. You don't have to give permission to a search either. Our charter of rights protects us from illegal detention, and that can be constituted by as much as physical position of an officer or officers, heck it can include "intimidating tone". I recall reading a story out of Saskatchewan i think earlier this year where a judge said it wasn't reasonable to pull over a truck because a cooler was visible in the bed. Something along the lines of a cooler has multiple purposes other then carry wild game meat and as such the CO didn't have the right to pull over and conduct a search.... as he's investigating under the wild life act. So maybe I have the story wrong but honestly I am just trying to understand the legal premise of the game check.

Any peace officer can employ any act. So if youre driving, you can be stopped under the motor vehicle act. When they ask if you've been hunting, they can inspect you under the wildlife act. If you say that you haven't been hunting but the officer has a reason to suspect you have, you can still be searched, and you'll be in trouble for lying to them.

10-09-2018, 01:43 PM
Any peace officer can employ any act. So if youre driving, you can be stopped under the motor vehicle act. When they ask if you've been hunting, they can inspect you under the wildlife act. If you say that you haven't been hunting but the officer has a reason to suspect you have, you can still be searched, and you'll be in trouble for lying to them.

sure , but they still need a valid reason as to why they are pulling you over. It can be anything even a concern over vehicle “safety”. but simply a huntch doesn’t stand up in court very well, it’s called due process. Every citizen has a right to it. Yes you have to be truthful when asked questions, you also have the right to say nothing at all. If they search your vehicle without permission or a warrant not sure what judge will accept that. I guess if life worked like that , you know make stuff up you see fit , next time I build a house I’ll get the electrician to sort of do his job, you know cause he meant well. Everyone is accountable including CO’s to their job correctly.
All I’m wondering about is what’s the deal with game checks ? I hate to assume but maybe a judge provides some type of wide warrant for this to occur in a community ?

10-09-2018, 01:50 PM
I know one thing,getting legal advice on a hunting website is much the same as getting legal advice from the table of knowledge at your local coffee shop.

10-09-2018, 02:45 PM
Last year I got a warning ticket from a young and enthusiastic cop for my light bar not having an opaque cover on it.
The other 2 older cops were shaking their head and shrugging their shoulders. All this when they went through all our stuff, tags, 2 deer. and TV crew interview as we had 2 female youth hunters that were successful.

Bugle M In
10-09-2018, 03:34 PM
The problem is never the game check. It's that one co that you run in to that leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth and a feeling that you've been violated. There's one co in particular that I'm waiting to run in to again and when I do im expecting that we're going to be on the side of the road for quite a while while he impounds my truck. I'll resist anything he asks me to do.

I have a friend who is a CO, and generally for the most part they are good guys, but I have had an experience or 2 with the odd one, who frankly, was not making things better for their reputation.
If you are talking about the one CO who operates up around 70 mile etc, I think I know who you are talking about, and am
hearing some not so good reports on him.
But, don't make the issue worse for yourself if you encounter that CO your talking about, you will just end up losing, and potentially paying out of your pocket for it.
We have all been there at one time or another, just keep your cool, eventually they "move on".

10-09-2018, 03:37 PM
Look it up - not that hard to find (BC Wildlife act). They CAN actually stop you for no reason to ask you questions regarding hunting or fishing activities.
Suggest if you're going to be a dick to a CO in a game check that you make sure all your paperwork is in order because they're going to look at everything and they likely will find something. If you're not trying to hide something then its not a problem, but if their "hunch" is correct then a judge will likely listen to what they have to say.

The deal with Game Checks is they catch guys and educate people at the same time.

Section 095 — Officers empowered to stop vehicles95 (1) An officer may, for the purposes of this Act, stop a motor vehicle, private or chartered aircraft or boat or other vehicle to determine whether or not the occupants of the vehicle have been hunting, trapping or angling, and to obtain information about wildlife or game fish possessed by them.
(2) A person commits an offence under subsection (1) if the person
(a) fails to stop,
(b) fails to identify himself or herself when requested to do so by the officer,
(c) refuses to give information respecting hunting or fishing, or
(d) being the driver or operator of a motor vehicle, in or on which there is wildlife or game fish or an article or device that may be used for hunting, trapping or fishing, fails, refuses or neglects to stop his or her motor vehicle when signalled or requested to stop by an officer who is in his or her uniform of office or displays his or her official badge.

sure , but they still need a valid reason as to why they are pulling you over. It can be anything even a concern over vehicle “safety”. but simply a huntch doesn’t stand up in court very well, it’s called due process. Every citizen has a right to it. Yes you have to be truthful when asked questions, you also have the right to say nothing at all. If they search your vehicle without permission or a warrant not sure what judge will accept that. I guess if life worked like that , you know make stuff up you see fit , next time I build a house I’ll get the electrician to sort of do his job, you know cause he meant well. Everyone is accountable including CO’s to their job correctly.
All I’m wondering about is what’s the deal with game checks ? I hate to assume but maybe a judge provides some type of wide warrant for this to occur in a community ?

10-09-2018, 04:00 PM
It’s like anything in life...there is the OK CO, there is the great CO, and then there can be the CO that is a real pain and maybe graduated bottom of the class.
One thing you may be forgetting is you can challenge your ticket and go to court.I did that a couple of he ears ago.Long story, but short of it is,that I ended up with a suit n’ tie on in Richmond court(I used to where one of those outfits to work any way before I retired recently)and challenged the tickets.CO came to me before court opened and said...”You know you are gonna loose, I will drop the fine a little if you sign off”. I said, “No” I want my turn in front of Judge.
Judge called us last, after all the traffic stuff( by the way everyone that disputed a traffic issue,had fines reduced!- one cop never showed so, wiped off).It was very interesting, Judge was extremely interested how duck hunting was done in Fraser Valley,etc. I brought maps, etc. and he called me up to show him what I said the issues were.It went on for a good half hour and the judege really grilled the CO.In the end the Judge dismissed 2 charges - hunting in prohibited area ( CO argued that I needed to be below high water mark to hunt- I said no & he also said I could not carry a loaded firearm after dark back to my truck because it ment I was still hunting- I said no.)Judge agreed with me on both counts but was way more interested in the poor quality of definitions from CO, poor map designations provided by CO and he was shocked that there are dykes were you can hunt while other folks come to walk...
Judge also was not too happy with how CO treated me,and said so to CO.It was an interesting experience and worth the trouble.

10-09-2018, 04:04 PM
The C.O. wants to know if you have a loaded gun in the vee hic cal --> Maybe forgot about? <-- might save a life if found b4 hitting home --
Jelly Bean -- A loaded gun -- Gun safety is top priority in all hunting groups -- set an example of gun safety for security and health --

10-09-2018, 05:27 PM
The next time I get stopped by a C.O. I'll refuse to answer any questions and tell him or her that "A guy on Huntingbc said I don't have to tell you anything."

10-09-2018, 05:52 PM
Jesus Christ - buy a stapler.

I don't think Jesus is a BC resident hunter

10-09-2018, 05:58 PM
Everyone who hunts up from the coast into Region 3 for mules n moose will pass thru Cache Crick Dick.
-- > Everyone who drives up has heard of the Cache Creek Game Check -- it's famous already -- a piece of hunting structure in BC already established and grounded
Jelly Ca$h _ take out the trash -> it's grounded, now it's pounded! <-

10-09-2018, 06:21 PM
skibum - perhaps best roast ever on here. Unfortunately I doubt many got it.......

10-09-2018, 06:21 PM
I don't think Jesus is a BC resident hunter

jep He is ...hunting a souls..lost sheeps..:shock: etc..

10-09-2018, 06:30 PM
Let's not lose Cache Creek for this Game Check, this is a well known event, by all locals, and visitors --> Game Check <-- coming down from PG and Clearwater -->
The Junction to function, with an unction --
jelly junction

10-09-2018, 06:33 PM
[QUOTE=Jelvis;2040551]Let's not lose Cache

None of us want to lose cash here

10-09-2018, 08:40 PM
Jesus Christ - buy a stapler.

For sure the easiest way to keep them together

10-09-2018, 08:43 PM
I dealt with Micah Kneller at the check stop and my first successful hunt more than 15 minutes from home I made a few honest mistakes which now make more sense to me having gone through this ordeal. Ignorance is not an excuse but I can honestly say I have not read much of the rules when transporting game only because I don’t read much of anything where I can stay awake through the first page. I was expecting to lose everything, but left only with a monetary lesson and a few warnings.
I appreciate the job they do but the feeling you get initially feels like I was a criminal about to be punished at the full extent of the law.

10-09-2018, 09:10 PM
Can't remember a single time that I have had an issue with a game check. For that matter I haven't really ever had any major issues with any CO's conducting random checks on the road, or in camp, knock on wood...... For me reading the synopsis prior to our hunt and knowing it are half the battle, but attitude and common sense also go a long way toward a quick and painless inspection. As for keeping tags together, is it really that much of an issue? Not really..... Sure, the book was a better way to keep things together but the small plastic folder that stays with me at all times works just as well to keep the tags in... Come to think of it, I do believe it's the same folder I kept the previous booklets in....

10-10-2018, 07:47 AM
how many peeps have accidentally cut 2 tags at once with the old books...I did once but luckily I had only cut the month so it was no biggy as I filled the 2nd WT tag a couple of days later

10-10-2018, 07:55 AM
Guys... Buy a hunting wallet. Mine is bright orange and pink and only carries my tags, fishing licenses and permits. So much easier.

Went through the game check on Sunday, no problems except I had some pike in the chiller and none of the local fisheries guys had ever seen those. That took a while.

10-10-2018, 10:07 AM
I have a friend who is a CO, and generally for the most part they are good guys, but I have had an experience or 2 with the odd one, who frankly, was not making things better for their reputation.
If you are talking about the one CO who operates up around 70 mile etc, I think I know who you are talking about, and am
hearing some not so good reports on him.
But, don't make the issue worse for yourself if you encounter that CO your talking about, you will just end up losing, and potentially paying out of your pocket for it.
We have all been there at one time or another, just keep your cool, eventually they "move on".

I believe that CO out of 70 mile house took a transfer to Clearwater......