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View Full Version : Oct 20th-22nd bull season

09-24-2018, 06:02 PM
Hey folks,

Have been reading some of the threads regarding calling and attracting moose during rut and from what I understand oct 20th is a little past prime rut, so will techniques like hanging scent such as Buck Expert urine (as I read suggested by srupp) and calling still be as effective? Some people are suggesting covering lots of ground and hopefully catching one in the open. Personally I prefer the first way but will hunt however I'm most likely to find a bull. Appreciate any insight, thank you.


Wild one
09-24-2018, 06:18 PM
Looking at the dates I am guessing you’re looking at southern 6. Well if you’re going to road hunt pack as many horse shoes possible the days of reasonable success road hunting here are past. So cover ground theory not recommended. I live here and spend lots of time in the bush

Yes calling is still effective at that time. Prime time for it no but still effective personally I would stick to cow calls. Get away from the roads when you do but that does not mean miles. GET IN THE BUSH

Never used scents so no opinion there

09-24-2018, 06:51 PM
They're worn out and under weight from the rut, so wont be doing much but eating and sleeping. Find areas with dense feed, water, and good cover and if there's fresh sign keep your eyes on the area, it will pay off.

Calling can work if you have a good vantage point, they will rarely answer back but may walk in slowly, more out of curiosity. It never hurts to try.

09-24-2018, 07:52 PM
Exactly, region 6-4 nechako area. Plan is to head as deep into the region as possible hopefully come into some less pressured areas and hike in away from the roads. Appreciate the advice.

09-24-2018, 08:17 PM
Hmm little bit of both..
100% agree get away from the roads.period.
The rut does not start instantly nor does it end instantly .some cows will still be looking for Mr. RIGHT...some will not get pregnant the first go around..second estrus..
Some big bulls will get weary in well doing..just get exhausted..there are smaller younger bulls just waiting in the wings..put me in coach im ready to play...
Oct 20...yup my money is still on the calling..it is hundreds of times more successful than road hoping..2 moving objects may never meet.
It is successful to also go into the woods close to willow..near water..still hunt ..watch the food close by firstthing in AM. Go slowly into the wind..
For my $$$$ oct 20 i would still use the horse urine..BUCK EXPERT and call..

Hmmm if you only get laid once a year..you WILL be there..you cant walk in one week, nor seriously hunt in one month what calling can accomplish.in ONE day..5 kms in each direction..call LOUD..every 15 minutes by your watch.
If it smells like a cow moose AND sounds like a cow moose..must be a cow moose...NO moose thinks..oh that's just a hunter trying to fool me..that thought process doesnt exist...

Srupps friend Steven..lol

Wild one
09-24-2018, 08:58 PM
Exactly, region 6-4 nechako area. Plan is to head as deep into the region as possible hopefully come into some less pressured areas and hike in away from the roads. Appreciate the advice.

First time here I assume. Have you reaserched what happened with fires in 6-04 this year? A lot of places the bush is still closed. This is going to be a huge factor I don’t even have answers to yet. Hard to give much advice till I see the effects of the fire

most here road hunt so easy to beat the pressure big decline in numbers is another story. Honestly heading in as deep as possible is what most hunters do that is where you find the masses. The stupid short roads with limited access are more peaceful especially hiking off them

No BS I like 6-09 and 6-08 better if I hunt near home

And no you can’t shoot the little bull in my yard he is my homie lol

09-24-2018, 09:02 PM
First time here I assume. Have you reaserched what happened with fires in 6-04 this year? A lot of places the bush is still closed. This is going to be a huge factor I don’t even have answers to yet. Hard to give much advice till I see the effects of the fire

most here road hunt so easy to beat the pressure big decline in numbers is another story. Honestly heading in as deep as possible is what most hunters do that is where you find the masses. The stupid short roads with limited access are more peaceful especially hiking off them

No BS I like 6-09 and 6-08 better if I hunt near home

And no you can’t shoot the little bull in my yard he is my homie lol

Most here road hunt...huh?

Wild one
09-24-2018, 09:05 PM
Most here road hunt...huh?

I meant in this area not forum lol

I know you hike I think I still have devils club in my hand from a hike in spot you told me for grizz a long time ago lmao

Wild one
09-24-2018, 09:34 PM
Bctrailblazer Truth of the matter is 3 day moose hunt in this area is a tough go but if you’re hearts set on it I will be nice and throw you a few pockets. Not all will be 6-04 but same area

The moose are not where most think

I am going hunting tomorrow for the day so may not get back to you right away

Shoot me a PM if you want but I respect if you would rather wing it and find your own spots

09-24-2018, 09:57 PM
Thanks for all the awesome input guys. I've been skeptical about this hunt given the time frame and how busy I've heard it gets, but my dads pretty keen to give it a go so were gonna try. Wild one I'll certainly take you up on that thank you, pm incoming.


09-25-2018, 07:13 AM
We have an 80 acre property and a cabin in 6-04, i try not to ever hunt the gos season as it is a gong show with many hunters who seem to piss each other off. I would call the forest service to confirm you can get into certain areas, as has been stated that a lot of the burned areas are closed and they will not let you in the area unless you live or own property there.

09-25-2018, 04:41 PM
yeah that is definitely a busy time of year, Look for feed and water.... they need to recharge before winter

09-25-2018, 10:39 PM
Ok thanks for the advice, hopefully we can roll with the punches.