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View Full Version : A B.C. man was stalked by a cougar for nearly an hour — so he took a video

East Van Ray
09-24-2018, 09:32 AM

A Vancouver Island man recently found himself in the unenviable position of being stalked by a “monster” cougar. However, instead of fleeing, he did what any 21st century wildlife photographer would: pulled out his camera and shot a video.

Adam Bartsch was in the forest north of Campbell River setting up wildlife (https://cottagelife.com/outdoors/these-red-baby-squirrels-need-to-be-hand-fed-their-food/) cameras when he realized he was within close range of the 140-pound cougar — and it was watching him intently. Remaining calm, Bartsch got out his camera and started filming. The resulting video (edited down to five minutes and given a dramatic soundtrack) gives an up-close look at an animal many of us have never come across in the wild.

The Cougar’s expression will be familiar to anyone who has a housecat. It’s clearly very interested in Bartsch, and its body language is more than a little wary.

“There is a monster, monster tom at 20 metres looking at me,” Bartsch is heard to say.
Bartsch, though a hunter, was unarmed. Fortunately, though, as an avid outdoorsman, he knew not to run or turn his back on the animal. He stood his ground, and eventually the cougar retreated into the woods.

Bartsch’s wife, Chantelle Bartsch, who teaches courses on how to deal safely with wildlife (https://cottagelife.com/outdoors/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-canadian-wildlife-rehabilitator/), told CTV News (https://bc.ctvnews.ca/caught-on-camera-b-c-man-s-tense-standoff-with-huge-cougar-1.3829603) that she believes the cat (https://cottagelife.com/outdoors/these-adventure-cats-are-the-ultimate-outdoor-companions/) was probably feeling inquisitive rather than aggressive. “It was [Adam’s] luck for the day that the cat was only out for some stardom, and wasn’t out for his lunch.
She also noted that if any of her students found themselves face to face with a cougar, she wouldn’t necessarily recommend that they make taking videos a priority. Still, she said her husband is experienced with wildlife and she trusted his judgment.

“I’ve known him for over 18 years and we’ve been hunting (https://cottagelife.com/outdoors/hunting-in-cottage-country-how-close-is-too-close/) together for that long,” she said. “Both of us absolutely love wildlife, we respect wildlife.”

Cougar spottings are rare outside of B.C. Over three quarters of Canada’s cougar (https://cottagelife.com/outdoors/video-catches-tough-guy-skunk-chasing-away-a-cougar/) population lives there, with a large portion of those residing on Vancouver Island. However, they can occasionally be found in the prairies, Quebec (https://cottagelife.com/realestate/the-quebec-cottage-market/), and Ontario. If you encounter a cougar, it is advised that you back away slowly and make yourself look as large as possible — oh, and don’t take out your camera unless you’re a wildlife expert.

09-24-2018, 10:48 AM
That is one huge cat.. jesus

09-24-2018, 12:20 PM
Anyone ever watch a housecat stalking a mouse? This person has no idea how close death or being hurt very bad was.

The disturbing part came at the very end. Unknowing people will think they can just say "Go away kitty" and the problem will be over.

09-24-2018, 01:26 PM
Cats creep me out more than anything in the bush.

Never been "stalked" by a cougar as far as I know but it's always in the back of my mind that gun or no gun, with the element of surprise I could be pretty dead before having any time to react. I feel like with a bear I'll always have at least a few seconds, assuming I'm awake.

Several years ago my wife busted a huge (25-35lbs easy) bobcat mid belly crawl heading straight for us while we were sitting back to back on a log. She says "cat coming" (I figured cougar) I stood up, turned around and shouted. It was less than 5 yards away still in a fast belly crawl straight for her like she was lunch. The bobcat ran about 30 yards, booked it up a tree, turned around and gave us an evil stare, then jumped out of the tree and took off. I imagine it was mistaken identity, but I am quite certain that thing has killed a deer or two and thought we were bedding. Not sure what would have happened if she didn't notice it? Never thought a bobcat would be something I'd have to worry about, but that thing was scary. I still remember the power it ran with, thumping along and the clawing when it went up the tree.

Neither of us ever forgot the movement or look on its face. It was like a house cat making a play on a fly or grasshopper... no longer spot and stalk but actually making a move.

09-24-2018, 01:32 PM
I'm always confused why people feel the need to publish their occurrences. We have cougar come in and watch us when we sit in treestands. We've had them come in and take deer we've arrowed, within minutes of the arrow being launched. We've had wolves stalk in on our back trail when we are in the stand. We've got pictures and video we share in camp. On more than one occasion arrows have been flung. People love to share 'adventure' and tell stories that grow over time. We keep our stories around a small campfire. For us, that's just life in the bush. Why share it with the city people who don't understand?

East Van Ray
09-24-2018, 02:15 PM
I'm always confused why people feel the need to publish their occurrences. We have cougar come in and watch us when we sit in treestands. We've had them come in and take deer we've arrowed, within minutes of the arrow being launched. We've had wolves stalk in on our back trail when we are in the stand. We've got pictures and video we share in camp. On more than one occasion arrows have been flung. People love to share 'adventure' and tell stories that grow over time. We keep our stories around a small campfire. For us, that's just life in the bush. Why share it with the city people who don't understand?

Respectfully J_T ... it is important that we share these experiences to help those who don't 'understand' the dangers of being out in the bush ... Bush Smarts is just as important as Street Smarts ... sharing experiences may help avoid a potential tragedy ...

REMINDER: Cougars in the bush is just as dangerous as Cougars in the City ... especially those wearing high heels ...

09-24-2018, 07:44 PM
this happened quite some time ago. Winter this year or last. check the records.

09-24-2018, 07:49 PM
This is why I always carry a cougar tag- just in case I bump into one.


09-24-2018, 07:55 PM
That was nothing short of just Amazing.
incredible opportunity to witness, and to video.
Thank you

09-24-2018, 10:42 PM
Chunky Island tom for sure. Any attempt at retreat would likely have triggered attack. Taking video and holding still was very much a strength move and unnerved the cat. If smaller person or any attempt at retreat and completely different outcome. Good video for sure....dont get much better. Dude is likely fellow HBCer..... might even chime in.

09-25-2018, 01:54 AM
this happened quite some time ago. Winter this year or last. check the records.

That's what I thought too.

Pretty sure that footage was from a year or two, maybe 3 old.

After the successful cougar hunts I've seen, 140lbs isn't a big one. Maybe on the island tho.

09-25-2018, 05:16 AM
I think a 2 legged cougar is more dangerous than a four legged cougar:-)

09-25-2018, 07:09 AM
old news.... happened in the Spring, was all over the news


09-25-2018, 07:24 AM
Old or new still cool new footage to me and many others. I watched it again last night with my wife on the big TV. That's one beefy cat. I would have been yelling at it right away. I don't know how the guy managed to film.

09-25-2018, 12:41 PM
Old or new still cool new footage to me and many others. I watched it again last night with my wife on the big TV. That's one beefy cat. I would have been yelling at it right away. I don't know how the guy managed to film.

Exactly. I saw it when it first came out but enjoyed seeing it again now. It's an incredible video. I do love how naive people are though.. "It was just curious" lol um no... That definitely wasn't "curious behavior". One slip up and I think he would have been kitty chow..

Jordan f.
09-25-2018, 01:15 PM
"Cougar spottings are rare outside of B.C."

Lol, come visit Alberta

Walking Buffalo
09-25-2018, 01:25 PM
I've been fortunate to twice watch cougars make a stalk and kill.
Once on a Mulie buck and once on a cow elk.
Their speed and agility is unimaginable....

This video exemplifies what these cats can do when they are intent on killing. :shock:
Snow leopard vs. Ibex.


09-25-2018, 01:54 PM
Photo shopped BS re cat and ibex over 400 ft fall IMHO.

09-25-2018, 03:30 PM
no way that's photoshopped, you can clearly see snow flying and even small rocks rolling during the zoomed in slow motion part.

09-25-2018, 05:08 PM
Agree with Cad. & Dash(post#15,16)

A good reminder when in cat country to look behind every now & then.
Read somewhere that some wear face masks backwards to prevent an attack since they say that the cat in general attacks from behind.

In all these years of hunting,camping & working outdoors only had 2 cat encounters.
One was attracted to Eve's cooking & didn't look dangerous at all. A shotgun blast from the camper above its head from about 30 feet got him running never to be seen again.

2 women were killed by cats this year while in the woods. So be careful!

09-25-2018, 07:13 PM
That footage is insane

09-26-2018, 07:18 PM
Yes it is a old video and as JT says its just life in the bush, and as shown no need to shoot the cat, and the only part were it showed in really interest is after he used his predator call,
so if anything just confussing the cat wondering why a human is sounding like a dying rabbit.