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View Full Version : A 40"er for My 40th B-Day??

Stone Sheep Steve
09-05-2007, 09:09 AM
Well, as you are all aware the weather in the north the past two weeks was not great. It could have been worse but it certainly could have been better.
With the cold wind howling and the driving rain we figured any sefl-respecting ram would be hiding in the Krummholtz forrests and buckbrush of protected basins. This meant camping on the ridgetops, packing water and exposing ourselves to the harsh elements.

Rams were tough to find and when we finally found them they weren't the caliber we had hoped for. I don't know much about sheephunting but one thing I do know is to never give up. Hunt hard right through until the end and you will have a "successful" hunt . You may not get a ram but you will have a peacefull off season knowing you did your best in country that can't be beat. No regrets.



One thing that made us wonder about a possible tough winter on rams is that we saw the G/O putting a stalk on a ram that we passed over earlier in the morning. When we first saw him we thought he might be legal but not the calibre of ram that the G/O is used to harvesting.


Stone Sheep Steve
09-05-2007, 09:17 AM
Here's a video clip of the young ram. Not mature and certainly not legal but then again we saw that the G/O was only packing a Bushnel Elite Spotter. I think he should have taken some of that big $ from his clients and invest in better optics.

We saw some other rams that warrented a closer look but they were quite what we were after(and may not have even been legal). I got them on video as well but I think the footage would be too dark after uploading.

Moosie clip. Surprized he had stripped his velvet already.

Partner having a little fun

Side show on the trip

After hunting hard, I was at peace with myself knowing I had done my best. I had a good trip.


09-05-2007, 09:18 AM
Nice scenery pics Brent. How about part two!:wink:

Stone Sheep Steve
09-05-2007, 09:26 AM

I was prepared to go home with only pics and memories from our hunt. Afterall, I have had good luck sheephunting and know many people who have worked harder and longer than I have without success.
So, when the 42"er appeared in front of me at the very end of my journey I thought I couldn't accept the gift from the Gods. Those harder working and more deserving have no such thing to stare at in their living rooms. Why should I??
No man really needs one that big. I certainly don't deserve one but what could I do? I couldn't turn it down so I humbly accepted the gift standing mere yards in front of me.

For those of you that doubt the measurements I have included a pic with a tape measure for reference.


09-05-2007, 09:29 AM
wow - great pictures and awesome video - thank you so much for sharing :)

Stone Sheep Steve
09-05-2007, 09:30 AM
Crap!! I uploaded the pics from home this morning so I could post the thread from work but I forgot the two most important pics:|. Sorry for the delay. I'll post them as soon as I get home:oops:.


09-05-2007, 10:48 AM
Crap!! I uploaded the pics from home this morning so I could post the thread from work but I forgot the two most important pics:|. Sorry for the delay. I'll post them as soon as I get home:oops:.


Too bad Gatehouse will BAN you before you get home! Deliberate TEASING is against the rules here SSS! :mad:

13 yards from that bison? I think I better convert to open sights for my draw! :biggrin:

09-05-2007, 10:53 AM
Nice photo's of the trip, looking forward to more. Thanks for sharing. What elevation is that?

09-05-2007, 11:01 AM
Right on, Brent! Looks like you put in your time! (gotta earn the gimme's...) I like your alpine lounge wear! Great pics, as usual! Can't wait to see the money shot... 40... 42... and a 40 to celebrate! Congrats you deserve it! :cool:

I went out for a hike this am. Messed around with a big bull... got him into 15 yards in the thick sh!t, but couldn't see the rack... he got down wind on me and blew outta there. Good fun for the first outing of the season. 2stroke passed on young bull that walked under his stand first day and is back out there... Dean & Mike are headin' out east this weekend for the opener...

09-05-2007, 11:33 AM
Great pics Brent and congrats! Can't wait to see the final chapter.

Awesome looking country!! Do you guys hike in, fly in??

09-05-2007, 11:35 AM
awsome pics sss cant wait to see the ram tonight.

09-05-2007, 11:41 AM
SSS didn't post the ram pics. This is considered shit disturbing, and he will be banned.

Nice knowing you, SSS.:cool:

09-05-2007, 12:03 PM
Simply unacceptable......Off with his head!!!

SSS, I suggest you get someone to break into your house and mail you those photos NOW because the lynch mob is forming and I am about to join them.

09-05-2007, 12:12 PM
Awsome looking country you guys were in but we need More photos!! BAN! BAN! BAN! Get the pitch forks! hehehe.

09-05-2007, 12:21 PM
Stop being a dick and post the photos. I haven't been sheep hunting this year.

Stone Sheep Steve
09-05-2007, 12:55 PM
Stop being a dick and post the photos. I haven't been sheep hunting this year.

Butcher-Your a man of few words yet you say a lot:cool:.
Now you know how I felt sitting on the sheep sidelines last year. Pretty painful isn't it? Is the rest of your crew back yet?


09-05-2007, 01:04 PM
Butcher-Your a man of few words yet you say a lot:cool:.
Now you know how I felt sitting on the sheep sidelines last year. Pretty painful isn't it? Is the rest of your crew back yet?


Obviously a lame attempt at hijacking this thread away from the inevitable BAN. Gatehouse's finger is twitchin on the trigger...

09-05-2007, 01:25 PM
Obviously a lame attempt at hijacking this thread away from the inevitable BAN. Gatehouse's finger is twitchin on the trigger...


09-05-2007, 01:34 PM
Somethings starting to smell a little fishy SSS, so far you haven't actually said you shot a 42" Stone Ram, you've said 42" a lot but nothing about a Ram I'm starting to think you shot a Mountain Goat that scores 42".:shock:

You know that old saying "if something seems too good to be true then it usually is", well thats what I'm thinking. Hope you can prove me wrong.

Get er done SSS:smile: finish this story

09-05-2007, 03:48 PM
SSS, in the pic of you glassing you look alot like a guy I see "camped" in front of the liquor store the difference is he's generating more revenue:lol:. To help with you revenue try taking your hat off and setting it up-turned in front of you. Perhaps the G/O would throw a couple $100's in to get rid of you.:lol: Now regarding the 40"er my guess is you went and shot that moose in your video, about a 40"er, cut him in half leaving the hide on so it will slide down the mountain better and you and your partner loaded your gear on each half and tobogganded down the mountain to catch the jet boat home.

On a more serious note, great article and pics.8) You spent some time "on top of the world" that alone is worth the trip. I'm planning a trip up north for what I hope will be an easy moose hunt and have been watching the weather and yes it's been ugly. You endured and got some good pics and we all await to see if the mythic 40"er is really a stone sheep. Also I hope you take the time to tell how you planned and got access to this area as it doesn't look like an easy place to get to. 8)

Stone Sheep Steve
09-05-2007, 06:34 PM
Sorry for the delay guys. My Father-in-law is in town so I have to do some entertaining.

Not to dissappoint.....................I shall continue.

As I said, the 42"er was just yards away...............the clarity of the scene was beyond imaginable. Time stood still.

"I am not worthy!!" I thought but somehow managed to clear my head........and focus my eyes on the beautiful ram before me, so close that it looked like I could reach out and touch him............but I digress.......

Here it is.....as mentioned I would have been more than happy with one near 40" so an extra couple of inches is a huge bonus.

A 42" Sharp LCD HDTV8)!!!!

and for those of you that doubted me................here's another with the tape measure included
If you still don't believe me I can post another pic with the whole tape measure included but it's hard to read from that far back.

I'm extatic!! I can't wait to watch some hunting videos!! All you guys here in Reg 10 please feel free to come on over and bring your DVD's!! 8-)

Hope you all enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


09-05-2007, 06:47 PM

calvin L
09-05-2007, 06:49 PM
I have alot of DVD's and you are going to see the new one's BAN his A$$

09-05-2007, 06:59 PM
Thats funny :biggrin:

09-05-2007, 07:08 PM
You dirtbag!!:biggrin:

Hook, line and sinker.

Boy you are getting old...Happy birthday.

09-05-2007, 07:29 PM
Awesome post...Happy Birthday!

09-05-2007, 07:32 PM
I'll git tha rope!!!! That ram looks familiar,think i held it in my hands,,,:cool:

1/2 slam
09-05-2007, 07:35 PM
Thats not funny you old SOB! :smile::smile:

09-05-2007, 07:55 PM
I have the perfect punishment for SSS. Make him watch 24 straight reruns of the Rosie O'donnell show on that new 42" TV.

09-05-2007, 08:06 PM
That was "AWESOME!!!!".....Laughed my buns off!!!.....Now that, was will put together!!!....Thanks for the suspenceful story!!!


09-05-2007, 08:14 PM
that was a perfect story lol

dang it all

turn 40 and become a bigger brat - typical man lol

OOPS did I use my inside voice outside again


09-05-2007, 08:50 PM
That Was Great

09-05-2007, 09:01 PM
Loved it!

Great pics btw.

09-05-2007, 09:24 PM
I kind of showed my wife this and since my 42nd was in Aug and she still has not got me anything, I suggested a 44" for my 42nd. She smiles, roller her eyes and said if I get rid of all my head mounts, then she would think about it. I think it will be a long time before I see a 44".

Great read and Happy Bday

09-05-2007, 09:49 PM
So your wife gets ya a 42 incher for your birthday, and all you can give her in return is about one-tenth of that? Poor girl, I think she's getting SHORT changed! :p

Good story. Hanging out with BCR for a couple of weeks has made you cheekier than usual. I'll be over with some horn porn DVDs one of these days to check that bad boy out!

09-05-2007, 11:31 PM
Ban Him! Ban Him Now!

09-06-2007, 02:53 AM
Aaaahhhh to be on top of the world! Great pics. As fro the 42"er- I'm LMAO8)

09-06-2007, 03:03 AM
Awesome pics ... inspiring! And an incredible sense of humor. Thanks I needed that

09-06-2007, 07:46 AM
Man Brent, here all I could think about was getting to my work computer this morning to see this monster ram and I see this:D. That was really funny though. Happy 40th birthday! Ramshot.

Stone Sheep Steve
09-06-2007, 08:32 AM
Sorry to disappoint, all:lol:!

I had to have a little fun before I get downright depressed working all fall while the rest of you torment me with tales of antlers, horns and meat:cry:.

Maybe a 41" ram next year???

A couple of things.............................

I'm no longer endorsing HH Impertech rain gear. It whicked moisture waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than the first time I used it. Need something new.

I've only been on opening day Stone hunts and, while it's been cold, windy and rainy for those trips, it was not near as cold as this trip. I had almost every piece of clothing on the entire trip. An extra layer, good hood if I go the same time in the future.

While I love my Wilderness Wanderer and the frame design for the way it carries weight , my partner had a Barney pack from Alaska. There is absolutley no comparison in quality and workmanship between the two. The Barney wins hands down!! Had to do a minor repair on my WW during the trip.

Now if I could get a Barney bag and harness on a WW frame, that would be the ultimate pack!!8)

Now start posting up some stories to make me jealous, suckers :smile:!!


09-06-2007, 08:39 AM
Oh wow...lol...your a real comedian SSS. Good times. Maybe you should forget about the rest of the 2007 season and apply for a job at Kelowna's yuk yuks instead. Best of luck.

09-06-2007, 08:43 AM
I'm no longer endorsing HH Impertech rain gear. It whicked moisture waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than the first time I used it. Need something new.

Brent....when speaking of the Impertech what do you mean by it wicked WAAAAAY more moisture? Just curious as I am in the market for some gear that is a bit more durable than the weather gear I wear sailing and boating which is HH.

Nice "story", I have started a boycott of all Okanagan wines in the lower mainland. Pushing everyone to wines from Idaho and Greece.

I mentioned it earlier but do you guys fly or hike in to where you went?

09-06-2007, 09:11 AM
You really are a dick.

09-06-2007, 09:41 AM
[quote=Stone Sheep Steve;181911]

A couple of things.............................

Need something new.

I can come up with a great recommendation for you!

While I love my Wilderness Wanderer and the frame design for the way it carries weight , my partner had a Barney pack from Alaska. There is absolutley no comparison in quality and workmanship between the two. The Barney wins hands down!! Had to do a minor repair on my WW during the trip.

Kudos for Barney's !!! :biggrin: There you go fellas - the Barney is the way to go.

Stone Sheep Steve
09-06-2007, 09:42 AM
When I first got the Impertech, moisture whicked up the inside of the sleeves and up from the bottom of the jacket. It only travelled a couple of inches back when it was new( in 2005). This time it seemed to whick a lot further from all the edges on the jacket and the pants. My partner had a brand new Arc'teryx jacket. Awesome jacket but holy crap, it's expensive!!:-(

I hope people stop buying our wines. Maybe things would slow down and I could squeeze a day or two off during the fall:-). I guy can dream can't he?:roll:

We flew in.

Butcher-I love you too, Honey:wink:.


09-06-2007, 04:45 PM
Brent that was cruel..........may the carma forever haunt you. Butcher you are bang on. (Fullcurl)

09-06-2007, 04:50 PM
When I first got the Impertech, moisture whicked up the inside of the sleeves and up from the bottom of the jacket. It only travelled a couple of inches back when it was new( in 2005). This time it seemed to whick a lot further from all the edges on the jacket and the pants. My partner had a brand new Arc'teryx jacket. Awesome jacket but holy crap, it's expensive!!:-(

arcteryx is worth every penny :)
I wont buy any other brand of shell now. Either 700 bucks for a bomber jacket that will ALWAYS perform, or half that for a jacket that may or may not work how you need it.

09-06-2007, 06:38 PM
You Promise yet he continues Posting on this Rollercoaster Thread that made me Cry.........

Thanks alot SSS.........and Happy Birthday ! U Ba$tard:-x
I only have a 32 HD... :sad:

Awesome Pics...Great Vids, Thanks for the Look :cool:

09-06-2007, 10:19 PM
Thanks for the pictures and videos. Really cool. I must go there one day. Good for you to put in the effort in ugly weather. Oh yeah, happy 40th. Life only gets better.

09-06-2007, 10:53 PM
I found the impertech really good, but then again it was its first year...

I can say the barneys was awesome.
fighting through snow, williow thickets and various other harsh terrain it was great.

Only complaint about it was the gun holder rubbed the hell outta my gunstock (it was actually one of the pins that did the rubbing)...

What can i say, if I expected a ton of wear and tear on my body the least i could expect is toget it on my rifle as well right? :D

Stone Sheep Steve
09-07-2007, 04:58 AM

I found the Impertech worked much better when it was new.

Glad you liked your Barney...................BUT we're all waiting for the rest of the details.

Just don't be a "dick" like me;)!!


09-07-2007, 08:36 AM
My partner had a brand new Arc'teryx jacket. Awesome jacket but holy crap, it's expensive!!:-(

Brent....there is an Arcteryx outlet store about 2 minutes from my office down here. I have never been to check it out, but if you find a model of jacket you are interested in, let me know. I can pop in and see what prices are like.

09-07-2007, 08:38 AM
Arcteryx Theta AR is the one you want.

09-07-2007, 08:42 AM
awwwwwwwww guys come on size doesnt matter - have a 52" in the family room and 42" in the bedroom - it's all in how you use it - I mean mount it - I mean watch it - hehehehehehehe

Nice gift for your birthday - glad u enjoyed every minute of the celebration


09-07-2007, 08:45 AM
Brent -

Ill write a day by day kinda thing this weekend.

In short - I was physically prepared but apparently not enough. I was only able to hike 80% of the hunt - the other two days were spent glassing from valley bottom and fishing. All of our party lost a lot of weight, learned just how tough your gear should be, and learned a ton about sheep hunting. Definatly a worth while trip! No sheep, lots of chances of goat and 'bou... At least we ate loads of greyling!

Sounds like most HBC'ers were skunked in the sheep dept. this season...

What are your plans for the rest of the season? Gunna kill another cranker of a whitetail?:D

Stone Sheep Steve
09-07-2007, 09:38 AM
You didn't want to get a ram your first chance anyhow. It will make your success all that much sweeter when you finally connect. If you want an 8 yr old ram it should only take you another 7 years;-).....remember your ram was only born just this spring (like the old saying.......).

No real plans as work is about to take over my life for the next 2 1/2 months. Still need to get all our firewood for the winter. I'll try to sneak out a few times after work.

I am planning on heading to Sask for my first time for the last week of Nov. I owe it to my buddy to shoot his big whitie he missed last year:-).

We REALLY did need a TV. My old 26" Mitsubishi's tuner was shot and we had to listen to it crack, pop and hiss for hours before it stopped(if it ever stopped). It's been doing that for at least two years but since I'm at the bottom of the Totem pole for watching TV in our house, it was easy to put up with:-).
My wife always plans for some kind of renovation when I'm gone hunting but this year she worked too much. Buying the TV was her outlet. Somehow it was supposed to be for me:roll:.
Now if we had Wild TV, I would somehow squeeze in some airtime.


Stone Sheep Steve
09-07-2007, 09:40 AM
Brent....there is an Arcteryx outlet store about 2 minutes from my office down here. I have never been to check it out, but if you find a model of jacket you are interested in, let me know. I can pop in and see what prices are like.

Thanks MB! I'm gonna have to work a crapload of OT this fall to find that much spare cash!


09-07-2007, 04:04 PM
So how was the Helium EQ with all the rain and moisture???

calvin L
09-08-2007, 07:39 AM
Steve all the cracking and poping & hissing are you sure that just is not your WIFE :biggrin:. Enjoy the tv. Are you able to play sunday My other partner may be bailing ?

How has the hockey gear shopping been going LOL

09-08-2007, 07:51 AM
I raced back from Kelowna to see this 42" ...sheeeesh..HAPPY BIRTYDAY..YA GOT ME BUT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1lmao


Stone Sheep Steve
09-08-2007, 10:28 AM
So how was the Helium EQ with all the rain and moisture???

It peformed great but then again so did the tent. If the tent had leaked the "EQ" factor would have been challenged. Bag compacts down really small even without a compression bag but had tonnes of loft. Moisture in the air didn't seem to affect it. My partner was jealous:razz:.

Personally, I wouldn't own a down bag without a water resistant coating.

Cal-Wife is suppoed to work tomorrow but she just called and the ward is realll slow. She's gonna try to get tomorrow off. I'll give you a call.

At least I could turn off the old TV:smile:.

At least I could turn "On" the old TV:-(.


09-08-2007, 02:10 PM
i took a synthetic bag on this trip rated to -5, and it was barely enough...

nights went down as low as mabye -5, but even wearing long underwear twas chilly...

for my next sheep hunt i need a new sleepin bag, new hiking boots, and a waterproof tent (i know, iknow, dont ask...)

any recommendations? prices?

09-08-2007, 02:22 PM
Personally, I wouldn't own a down bag without a water resistant coating.


I've used down bags since I was 11 or 12. I always liekd them, since they were less bulky and weighed less than the synthetics I used. I slept under many tarps, and never recall getting my bag *really* wet, unless I slid out of the tarp at night.

However, i've had my share of panic attacks form drips, puddles, leaks etc.

I wonder how a coating liek Scotch Guard woudl work on a uncoated bag?

Stone Sheep Steve
09-08-2007, 02:43 PM
for my next sheep hunt i need a new sleepin bag, new hiking boots, and a waterproof tent (i know, iknow, dont ask...)

any recommendations? prices?

My partner had a Mtn Hardware. I would look no further. I was thoroughly impressed.

The Helium is rated @ -9C. Temps one night must have been pushing -6 or -7C. It was a little chilly but tolerable. Put more clothes on the next night but, of course, temps didn't dip nearly as low.


09-08-2007, 04:18 PM
i took a synthetic bag on this trip rated to -5, and it was barely enough...

nights went down as low as mabye -5, but even wearing long underwear twas chilly...

for my next sheep hunt i need a new sleepin bag, new hiking boots, and a waterproof tent (i know, iknow, dont ask...)

any recommendations? prices?

You will find a ton of different opinions on gear. A lot of different brand names will work great with no problems. It seems like there is lighter/better gear comming out daily. I spend a ton of time looking online at backpacking gear etc. Just when you think you've narrowed something down, a new product hits the shelf. If your not in a super rush I would recommend looking online at things,reading reviews,talking to people and then looking in person at the items you wish to buy.
I have the Lowa sheep hunter boots ($372 tax in,to my door), Sierra Design Orion 3 tent (about $400) and a NF Cat's Meow (about $200).
Those items have worked awesome in the situations i've been in. However I still look about once a week at new gear for future upgrades.... I like buying backpacking stuff..:D

09-09-2007, 06:13 AM
You are a bad person!!!

10-19-2007, 10:53 PM
And I stayed up late, reviewing old posts for some news, and this is what I get ??!! I hope your wood is wet.

10-19-2007, 11:45 PM
gotta love those marmot helium bags. I have a pinnacle which is similar, but older model (ONLY 775 fill) I love it. -10 rating is perfect for all season use. The down lasts forever (synthetic bags break down over time resulting in a loss of loft - although the new synthetics are better). How is the water proofing doin for you? I avoided that because of the price and i sweat lots haha. Since down is good at wicking moisture - but not a good thing for it to do.. i like the thought of the outer material being as breathable as possible.

Check the seams on your sleeping bag! Ive returned 2 bags (both marmot pinnacles) to marmot, both had seams come apart. Same with a gore-tex from marmot, and a few dri clime jackets too. Their warrenty service is awesome though.

Stone Sheep Steve
10-20-2007, 04:40 AM
And I stayed up late, reviewing old posts for some news, and this is what I get ??!! I hope your wood is wet.

Welcome back, Boxhitch!

Hope you sheep hunting was a little more productive than mine:biggrin:.
Did you find any rams like the one on the TV?

Glad your home safe.


10-20-2007, 09:02 AM
Did you find any rams like the one on the TV?

mmm, nnoooo? :wink:

Stone Sheep Steve
10-20-2007, 10:15 AM
Sounds like it's time for another Reg 10 BS session:cool:.


10-20-2007, 07:48 PM
See what happens when a guy has no muley tag! Nothing better to do! ;-)