View Full Version : Dease River First Nation bans hunting

09-09-2018, 10:36 PM
here is another First Nation closing down hunting north of Dease Lake to the Yukon border.


09-09-2018, 10:42 PM
I wonder if more closures will follow?

09-10-2018, 06:07 AM
We have yet to see how the BC Gov't responds to these requests
One way or the other things are heating up

In the Yukon too, with Denas asking for closures

In the past two years, it's also warned that members fed up with over-hunting (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/yukon-ross-river-hunting-dena-council-1.4253752) might set up road blockades to prevent outside hunters from accessing popular hunting areas.

09-10-2018, 06:35 AM
Absolutely despicable since we know they will not refrain from hunting...we need a strong voice and we need it now..

09-10-2018, 06:42 AM
UPDATE: Notice to hunters: First Nations announced closures

Members of local First Nations have issued a news release suggesting they are closing portions of the Cariboo, Omineca and Skeena to all LEH hunting. The following LEH Areas within the boundary include:

o 5-3, 5-4A, 5-4B, 5-4C, 5-5, 5-6, 5-10, 5-11, 5-12A, 5-12B, 5-13A, 5-13B, 5-13C, 5-14, 5-15B, 5-15C, 5-15D, 6-1, 7-4, 7-10, 7-11, and 7-12B, and

o Portions of 5-2, 6-2A, 6-2B, 6-4, 7-3, 7-5, 7-6, and 7-8.

The Province considers the licences of guides, resident hunters and non-resident hunters to be valid.
At this time we do not know what First Nations are planning with respect to enforcement of their announcement.
We ask everyone to remain respectful of one another on the ground while we look at options to resolve the situation.
Hunters seeking direction on what to do if they encounter a protest, or who wish to report any confrontation, should contact their local RCMP detachment.

September 7, 2018, 2 pm

09-10-2018, 07:00 AM
It's about POWER.

"We have to find a way to assert what you've already set out to do as a people."

"Exert your own laws, exert your own sovereignty and nationhood,"

"I've always said, if you don't want federal law, or territorial law, or provincial law to apply, you occupy the field and create your own laws — based on your own jurisdiction, sovereignty and nationhood."




The Kaska Dena Council's lawsuit says it should be consulted before any hunting permits are issued in a large part of Yukon. The lawsuit, however, is not supported but all five of its member nations. (Philippe Morin/CBC)A group that represents Kaska First Nations in B.C. is suing the Yukon government, in a case that could have profound implications on hunting rights.
The Kaska Dena Council (KDC) says it should be consulted before the Yukon government issues any hunting permits on what KDC calls Kaska traditional territory.
The case could mean that First Nations in B.C. have a say when it comes to hunting that happens across the provincial/territorial border.

Yukon First Nation causes stir with plan to issue their own hunting permits (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/yukon-hunting-ross-river-dena-council-1.4721409)

Kaska Dena Council asking federal gov't for $1.5B land claim payout (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/kaska-dena-council-land-claim-1.4160268)

The Kaska Dena Council defines traditional Kaska territory as about 23 per cent of Yukon.
It also says its members' traditional territory accounts for 10 per cent of B.C and an unspecified percentage of land in the Northwest Territories — about 240,000 square kilometres in all.

A summary trial began Wednesday in Yukon Supreme Court. (Claudiane Samson/Radio-Canada)
A summary trial began Wednesday in Yukon Supreme Court. It is being heard by Supreme Court Justice Ron Veale, who previously heard Yukon's famous Peel watershed land use (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/peel-watershed-supreme-court-canada-decision-1.4426845) case.
On Wednesday, Veale looked at stacked binders of documents and court precedents and told attorneys he expected a long week, as they debate a complex trans-boundary case.
"I tell you, the end is a long way away," Veale said.
In opening statements, Kaska Dena Council attorney Claire Anderson compared hunting to mining, and argued the latter wouldn't be approved without prior consultation.
She said hunting also "can affect Kaska title."

I tell you, the end is a long way away.
- Justice Ron Veale
A statement of claim from the Kaska Dena Council says the Yukon government's "failure to consult with, and accommodate KDC" prior to issuing hunting licences "is inconsistent with the honour of the Crown and constitutes a breach of the Yukon government's duty to consult."
The case is being heard amid some rising tension about hunting rights in Yukon.
This year the Ross River Dena Council — a Kaska First Nation in Yukon considered an "affiliate" of the Kaska Dena Council nations — published an advertisement demanding that non-Kaska hunters obtain a permit (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/yukon-hunting-ross-river-dena-council-1.4721409) from the First Nation before hunting on what it calls its traditional territory.

AFN candidates tell Yukon First Nations to 'exert your sovereignty' (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/afn-chief-election-forum-whitehorse-1.4743151)

Yukon gov't denies exclusive right to land

The Yukon government's statement of defence says it "denies the plaintiff has a right to exclusive use" of the area.
The statement also "denies the plaintiff has established Aboriginal Title to the area described."
None of the Kaska Dena Council's member nations have signed land claims.
The case is unusual because the Kaska Dena Council is not in itself a First Nation. It is a registered society, incorporated in 1981.
All Kaska First Nations in B.C. and Yukon have a combined population of about 3,000 people.
The representative group has recently seen some controversy as to its powers. Last year, the Kaska Dena Council asked the federal government for a $1.5 billion (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/ross-river-kaska-dena-council-land-claim-1.4174104) lump sum land claim payment — a request that was disavowed by some First Nations in Yukon.
Similarly, not all of the Kaska nations agree with the lawsuit.
Liard First Nation disagrees with case

The Liard First Nation has argued the Kaska Dena Council "has no standing to bring this action" to court.
It is considered a defendant in the case, along with the Yukon government.
Though the Liard First Nation says it is also concerned about hunters on its traditional territory, it argues that the Kaska Dena Council does not have the authority to make decisions or launch lawsuits on its members' behalf.
The summary trial is scheduled to last five days.
One of the members of the Kaska Dena Council is the Daylu Dena Council, a sub-council of Liard First Nation situated in B.C.
The Kaska Dena Council claims its members' traditional territory accounts for 23 per cent of Yukon and 10 per cent of B.C., as well as an unspecified percentage of land in the Northwest Territories — about 240,000 square kilometres in all. (Kaska Dena Council)


A previous version of this article said the Kaska Dena Council represents five First Nations in both B.C. and Yukon. In fact, the group represents three First Nations in B.C. Two other Kaska nations in Yukon are not represented by the council.

09-10-2018, 07:16 AM
What do we expect after years of suggesting each Band is an autonomous "Nation" who could establish their own governments within the wider context of Canadian society. It naturally leads to segregation, separated rules based on ancestry, and general animosity between groups..........."way to go Supreme Court of Canada" you've sown the seeds of racial hatred for years to come.

09-10-2018, 07:16 AM

In case you are wonder why the push to rename everything....
"A big part of decolonization is the rejection of the colonizers' place names."

09-10-2018, 07:18 AM
All aboriginals MUST now be completely disarmed by the Canadian Armed Forces, using whatever level of force necessary.

09-10-2018, 07:22 AM
I’d personally like to see the funding model for these governments. Can’t quite wrap my head around autonomous government with no tax base to fund it.

I suppose that would be part of the UN’s restitution plan.

Wild one
09-10-2018, 07:24 AM
I will be going hunting following the hunting regs not FN closures. I will not seek conflict but I will not be stopped by FN closure

09-10-2018, 07:26 AM
Looks like this will be the year for shoot outs in the bush. We have all been talking about it for a while now. "What will I do when confronted by a group of armed men in the woods?". I know guys that are going to shoot first. I'm sure both sides are not backing down so this fall will set the precedent for the country going forward. Everyone be careful out there.

09-10-2018, 07:39 AM
So be it, we have pampered these tenants on OUR land too long.

09-10-2018, 08:45 AM
What do we expect after years of suggesting each Band is an autonomous "Nation" who could establish their own governments within the wider context of Canadian society. It naturally leads to segregation, separated rules based on ancestry, and general animosity between groups..........."way to go Supreme Court of Canada" you've sown the seeds of racial hatred for years to come.

Don't forget our countries universities role in this. I believe the humanities departments are almost entirely made up of revolutionary marxists. Just go onto any university website, the humanities department and look at their staff bio's and steering committee members. Google their names. I find a lot of far left anti-capitalist revolutionary dogma.

I believe the far left has realized the "revolutionary potential" of the natives in their fight against capitalist western society and to me it seems like they are revving them up and turning them lose on the foundations of our country. They also have the UN to back them up.


It seems our universities now have courses with material like "radical geography" taught by anarchist/activist professors where a large portion of the students grade is from joining an activist group, protesting and writing up reports on that. They are turning out activists in every field.



Canada and Israel are both built on land and resources stolen by European settlers; both are still sustained by the ongoing repression of indigenous peoples. The indigenous peoples of Canada and Palestine are on the front lines resisting the destruction of the land by militarism and industrial extraction. In the mainstream media and the halls of power, indigenous activists’ voices and stories have been silenced – they are treated as terrorists or historical curiosities. This evening will explore the commonalities of indigenous struggles for land and freedom in Canada and in Palestine as well as connections to the global fight for a decolonized world."

"activist archeology"


09-10-2018, 08:56 AM
Looks like this will be the year for shoot outs in the bush. We have all been talking about it for a while now. "What will I do when confronted by a group of armed men in the woods?". I know guys that are going to shoot first. I'm sure both sides are not backing down so this fall will set the precedent for the country going forward. Everyone be careful out there.

Not only is this approach incredibly stupid, strategically in the larger picture its like running face first into a brick wall.
This will work against us and our interests in such a major way, both for gun rights and hunting.

Tell these people to keep their damn cool and avoid this kind of thing.

09-10-2018, 09:01 AM
I personally spoke with the RCMP in the area last year. On literally every single forest service road there is a sign asking non- natives to refrain from using the areas for any type of recreational use. The RCMP essentially told me just to ignore the signs all together, they are a pretty decent band of natives from what I understand, so I wouldn't expect things to get too heated.

09-10-2018, 09:08 AM
Just ignore the signs like all the other signs we ignore, we ignore the Speed Signs and No Parking signs or any other signs, signs, every where a sign, do this, don't do that can't you, raw heeeed the sigh hinessss? No Trespassing!
Jello -- You put the signs up, every where a sign, If God was here, He'd tell yah to your face, " Man your some kinda sinnerrrrrrr." Yah put fences up to like ahhhh keep us out and like eh keep Mother Nature Innnnnnnnn?

09-10-2018, 10:54 AM
Not only is this approach incredibly stupid, strategically in the larger picture its like running face first into a brick wall.
This will work against us and our interests in such a major way, both for gun rights and hunting.

Tell these people to keep their damn cool and avoid this kind of thing.

You can fiddle while Rome burns but it is happening now. I am not calling for violence and I hope it doesn't happen but people have a right to defend themselves. I was born here. I have rights. Wait till you get kicked out of your home, it will happen soon if this is allowed.

09-10-2018, 11:16 AM
All this time I thought universities taught students how to think, not what to think.

09-10-2018, 11:39 AM
You can fiddle while Rome burns but it is happening now. I am not calling for violence and I hope it doesn't happen but people have a right to defend themselves. I was born here. I have rights. Wait till you get kicked out of your home, it will happen soon if this is allowed.

You have to learn what your rights actually are, and are not; before you can effectively defend them. Your right to defend yourself with violence is actually very limited. It doesn't allow for people to force a confrontation, for example. If you had an opportunity to remove yourself from the situation prior to using or threatening to use violence, the law will look on you as being at least as guilty as those you deemed a causal threat.

There are all kinds of tools that can be used to legally assert oneself, but talking about using a firearm in the bush as a tool to intimidate will get the rights of all hunters and firearm users shutdown. In the eyes of Canadian law, firearms can generally only be used for two legitimate civilian purposes: hunting game, and sport shooting. Anything else is normally considered illegitimate and is grounds for having one's legally possessed firearms removed.

If the media were to get a hold of even a single incident involving FN defending their property claim over crown land, and a group of non-indigenous hunters using their firearms as a tool to assert what they think is their right over that same land; What do you think will happen to all of us, just wanting to use our weapons in a way that is actually prescribed by law?

I understand that not knowing what one is legally entitled to do in this situation is frustrating, but it's hopefully a temporary condition in BC. The lack of certainty is justifiably inspiring ire, but the best thing hunters can do is use that emotion to advocate for a resolution to the uncertainty, whatever it may be. In the interim, perhaps F&W clubs or the BCWF should all get together and assemble a legally informed "best practice statement or flowchart" for hunters planning on heading into territory potentially under dispute. Thoughts?

09-10-2018, 11:43 AM
All this time I thought universities taught students how to think, not what to think.

Quite often being taught how to think leads people to similar conclusions, perhaps giving the impression of being taught "what to think". The skill of "critical thinking" will generally direct those employing it in similar directions of thought, independent of their personal experiences.

09-10-2018, 11:53 AM
I personally spoke with the RCMP in the area last year. On literally every single forest service road there is a sign asking non- natives to refrain from using the areas for any type of recreational use. The RCMP essentially told me just to ignore the signs all together, they are a pretty decent band of natives from what I understand, so I wouldn't expect things to get too heated.

I think it's important to try and not take signs like that personally. Even the road blocks being assembled, aren't there to specifically make our lives more difficult. Part of it is the way land title in common law is legally established. For their claims to have even a chance of recognition in court, FN need to point to evidence of having enforced that title. You can't just say you own something, without any documentation.

09-10-2018, 11:55 AM
UN’s restitution plan.

I think the U.N. has out
lived their usefulness. They started out helping countries in need of help to want to be dicktators of the world.

09-10-2018, 12:55 PM
"In the interim, perhaps F&W clubs or the BCWF should all get together and assemble a legally informed "best practice statement or flowchart" for hunters planning on heading into territory potentially under dispute. Thoughts? " This from Pemby mess

I would like to see something like that, at least you can make whatever decision you decide from some sort of maybe legal platform

09-10-2018, 01:16 PM
We have an NDP Government that caters to anti-hunting groups and likes to play kiss-ass to the natives.

There wont be any backing for resident hunters, of any sort, from Government on this issue. These goofballs shut down the grizzly hunt with no reasoning whatsoever. Any who believes they actually care about any of our hunting interests is kidding themselves.

praire dog
09-10-2018, 01:22 PM
Looks like we are the funding model...the current “group “ in Ottawa seems to think that we have all the $ and want to give it all to the fn without strings....I better not start on a rant.

Bugle M In
09-10-2018, 02:33 PM
All this crap lately is making want to "kick Rocko's Ass"!
(Jelly will know who I am talking about)

09-10-2018, 02:42 PM
There are all kinds of tools that can be used to legally assert oneself, but talking about using a firearm in the bush as a tool to intimidate will get the rights of all hunters and firearm users shutdown. In the eyes of Canadian law, firearms can generally only be used for two legitimate civilian purposes: hunting game, and sport shooting. Anything else is normally considered illegitimate and is grounds for having one's legally possessed firearms removed.

You are the voice of reason many times on here but you have completely flipped what I said. I wonder if sometimes you are so quick to be the virtuous one on here you don't actually digest what was said. I never said anything about intimidating anyone. I said if people are confronted with armed people in the bush they may not wait to see if they get shot, or beat up. Ask the bear hunter and his son that were held at gun point on the lower Lillooet last year how that experience was.

09-10-2018, 03:40 PM
You are the voice of reason many times on here but you have completely flipped what I said. I wonder if sometimes you are so quick to be the virtuous one on here you don't actually digest what was said. I never said anything about intimidating anyone. I said if people are confronted with armed people in the bush they may not wait to see if they get shot, or beat up. Ask the bear hunter and his son that were held at gun point on the lower Lillooet last year how that experience was.

While I'll admit, I don't always take them time to bat about all the implications behind a particular point of view, i try to do my best like anyone else. I understand you weren't necessarily advocating for a violent approach, personally, but we are responsible for what we say, be it in person or in the digital ether.

Below, is your initial comment that raised my eyebrows:

Looks like this will be the year for shoot outs in the bush. We have all been talking about it for a while now. "What will I do when confronted by a group of armed men in the woods?". I know guys that are going to shoot first. I'm sure both sides are not backing down so this fall will set the precedent for the country going forward. Everyone be careful out there.

Sometimes a prediction, offered alongside the value systems of "other people that I know", can be understood (or misunderstood) as an endorsement of the hypothetical scenario tabled for discussion. If that was not your intent, i apologize for misconstruing the statement, but perhaps you will concede; other readers might understand it similarly to how i've framed it above. Its how people get all stoked up.

Often my responses to the comment I'm quoting, aren't directed entirely at said quote. As in this example, I was using your advanced sentiment to address commonly misunderstood ideas that I know others hold:. Particularly those on the fence with bad ideas. People use discussion for all kinds of purposes. Sometimes they're just thinking externally. Myself included.

As often as I may misunderstand others, I'm positive others misunderstand me at least as often. In reference to my self perceived virtue, I wasn't meaning to be deliberately adversarial, or trying to call you out as a "bad person". I tend to see things as "problem vs solution", rather than "right vs wrong". Sometimes people see things as "right" regardless that it may not be the solution at all, or may even be the problem. Group think can get going like a grassfire in July, and it tends to change perceptions of right and wrong just as fast.

09-10-2018, 03:57 PM
Pemby, I try and read some of your posts by I fall asleep before I get thru them

09-10-2018, 04:01 PM
how the BC Gov't responds to these requests

The government will bend over and kiss their ass and piss on the people that pay for their lic.

09-10-2018, 04:11 PM
Pemby, I try and read some of your posts by I fall asleep before I get thru them

point taken - although you could look into Ritalin or something? :-P

09-10-2018, 04:22 PM
Ourea sayin your long winded Pemby lol, falls asleep b4 he gets thru Hahahahahaha some of your posts ----he'll try to read a bit lol.
Pemby you should have been a Pro fessor or a story teller?
Jelly -- Pemby the story teller -- just jokin pemb hahahahaha

09-10-2018, 05:03 PM
Ourea sayin your long winded Pemby lol, falls asleep b4 he gets thru Hahahahahaha some of your posts ----he'll try to read a bit lol.
Pemby you should have been a Pro fessor or a story teller?
Jelly -- Pemby the story teller -- just jokin pemb hahahahaha

yeah i know what he was saying; i was just trying to make a joke about his apparent attention span. I can explain it if it went over your head.

09-10-2018, 05:05 PM
It's ok I get it, not putting you down in any vay ok. Pemby i know what your getting at! Old age Hahahaha we know the feelings Hah.
Jelski -- Hahahahaha -- senior city's son -- senile or they both start with seni hhahahaha forgetfulness - attention span kinda drops hahaha

limit time
09-10-2018, 07:01 PM
This won’t get settled until someone dies....

09-10-2018, 07:21 PM
I will allow a proper debate but any more crap I lock it

09-10-2018, 07:58 PM
You are the voice of reason many times on here but you have completely flipped what I said. I wonder if sometimes you are so quick to be the virtuous one on here you don't actually digest what was said. I never said anything about intimidating anyone. I said if people are confronted with armed people in the bush they may not wait to see if they get shot, or beat up. Ask the bear hunter and his son that were held at gun point on the lower Lillooet last year how that experience was.

Seriously? Held at gun point??

09-10-2018, 08:52 PM
Happy Jack, during the Apex Mnt resort expansion west of Penticton the access rd was blocked and firearms were on full display and used to intimidate anyone trying to access the area. It happens, sadly.

There was no recourse taken after weeks of gun pointing and threats to everyday folks.

09-10-2018, 09:59 PM
This won’t get settled until someone dies....

Unfortunately, you may have to pluralize "someone"...

As history suggests.

09-10-2018, 10:30 PM
Hmm in gathering facts prior to my newspaper article I gleaned this gem...that the current first nation land title, resources etc had some pretty astounding costs $$$$$$ the government just unilateraly forgave all the court costs !!!
So we are funding their fight against the 97 % taxpayers...total crap.
My bet is that their will be no conflict at all..the indians have been given everything. .no history of organization process, or how to estanlish peacefull roadblocks of any meaningfull significance RCMP have never been of any help..ie hwy 20 blockade 15 years ago.
However if we abandon our rights we do so forever.
Stand up..or sit down and shut up..your choice..I am going moose hunting deer hunting bear hunting.PERIOD.
steven Rupp

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!

09-12-2018, 06:03 AM
I'm headed to Dease in a week or two to hunt moose, pretty excited to see some new country and hopefully let some lead fly:)

09-14-2018, 02:42 PM
in the end are they going to at lest pup us on the ress and beer money:razz:

09-14-2018, 02:52 PM
All bar tabs covered and tip the waitress -- when settled!
Jel -- Luck n Chance - we're going to dance! In the Neon Lights Folks! :lol: - :roll: - :cool: -