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09-08-2018, 02:21 PM
This is my recent letter to the BCWF: just let me know if I have any misinformation here people..

Dear BCWF:

I know that the Federation is first and foremost, a wildlife conservation organization, but in my opinion, more needs to be done by the BCWF to stand up for resident hunter rights. Without the resident hunter, I am speculating that the BCWF would not exist.

The recent letter released on the news updates page on the BCWF webpage regarding LEH closures in the Chilcotin, as well as the letter sent to premier John Horgan on Aug 27th regarding the concern of illegal roadblocks being set up by the Tahltan Central Government during the legal hunting season, were good. However, I did not find any press releases by the BCWF standing up for hunters, and giving the actual facts about how resident hunting has not had a detrimental effect on any of the aforementioned wildlife issues, in any of the mainstream news feeds in this province.

So can the BCWF start giving out the actual facts, and start standing up for the actual backbone supporters of the BCWF, or are we going to have to make a new organization that will readily stand up for resident hunters in this province?


, resident hunter

09-08-2018, 02:44 PM
Thank you for your letter and making us forgotten resident hunters not so forgotten. BCWF does a lot for us, but i believe your points our correct and we should see more at a time like this.

09-08-2018, 04:41 PM
I concur. A very important fact

09-08-2018, 05:05 PM
Well put.
I have heard roumors that alot of bcwf members are dropping their memberships because of the partening bcwf has taken with the rainforest or raincoast group whatever their name is. They are a huge anti hunting group. I am worried that the bcwf is just saying what they need to, to try and keep memberships , but not backing or fighting for us as they should be. I haven't yet looked into it as everything comes down to more money out of our pockets, but I heard SCI Canada is speaking out more for us than bcwf has been lately. Something I'm still looking into and if SCI Canada is doing more and voicing more for resident hunters I too will be switching memberships.

Wild one
09-08-2018, 05:23 PM
Well put.
I have heard roumors that alot of bcwf members are dropping their memberships because of the partening bcwf has taken with the rainforest or raincoast group whatever their name is. They are a huge anti hunting group. I am worried that the bcwf is just saying what they need to, to try and keep memberships , but not backing or fighting for us as they should be. I haven't yet looked into it as everything comes down to more money out of our pockets, but I heard SCI Canada is speaking out more for us than bcwf has been lately. Something I'm still looking into and if SCI Canada is doing more and voicing more for resident hunters I too will be switching memberships.

There is also SCI west coast which is a B.C. chapter

I understand the OP trying to reach out to the BCWF but I would say it’s beyond time hunters look for a hunting organization to be their voice and leave the BCWF be a wildlife conservation group

09-08-2018, 05:35 PM
SCI interesting, any members here that can comment on their stance on this particular issue

09-08-2018, 08:27 PM
^^^^i too would love to learn more about SCI Canada, if they have the kahunas to stand up for our rights, then that's who we need to start backing up, and communicate to them that the time is now for them to be vocal on our behalf....if these actions were done by such an organization, myself and many others would have their back, and wouldn't have to worry about creating a new organization...

Thanks for the responses everyone....

09-08-2018, 08:34 PM

im going to look into joining.....

09-08-2018, 09:00 PM
I agree that resident hunters need a strong voice, but so does wildlife. If you guys want to throw your weight behind another organization then that is great! This does not mean you need to cease being a member of the BCWF. I'm a member of multiple organizations. Each one is for slightly different reasons. One should not forsake BCWF because it doesn't stand for everything that you feel is right. It is difficult for one organization to do it all.

Wild one
09-08-2018, 09:10 PM
I agree that resident hunters need a strong voice, but so does wildlife. If you guys want to throw your weight behind another organization then that is great! This does not mean you need to cease being a member of the BCWF. I'm a member of multiple organizations. Each one is for slightly different reasons. One should not forsake BCWF because it doesn't stand for everything that you feel is right. It is difficult for one organization to do it all.

You are correct there is nothing wrong with supporting multiple organizations you believe in

09-09-2018, 08:34 AM
I agree that resident hunters need a strong voice, but so does wildlife. If you guys want to throw your weight behind another organization then that is great! This does not mean you need to cease being a member of the BCWF. I'm a member of multiple organizations. Each one is for slightly different reasons. One should not forsake BCWF because it doesn't stand for everything that you feel is right. It is difficult for one organization to do it all.
Makes sense to me, already a BCWF member but like others have some concerns on their alliance with Raincoast

09-09-2018, 08:43 AM
Alliance ?
So the Fed happened to have the same opinion about a conservation issue as others sitting at a roundtable on the subject
Haters will be haters I guess

09-09-2018, 09:17 AM
I agree that resident hunters need a strong voice, but so does wildlife. If you guys want to throw your weight behind another organization then that is great! This does not mean you need to cease being a member of the BCWF. I'm a member of multiple organizations. Each one is for slightly different reasons. One should not forsake BCWF because it doesn't stand for everything that you feel is right. It is difficult for one organization to do it all.

This is it.

I'm a member of the BCWF for hunting, fishing and conservation reasons, the CCFR and CSSA for gun reasons and the CPC for federal political reasons. None of the organizations are perfect and none do everything exactly the way I want it, but I don't stamp my foot and abandon them whenever someone starts some drama about them.

Bugle M In
09-09-2018, 11:53 AM
Alliance ?
So the Fed happened to have the same opinion about a conservation issue as others sitting at a roundtable on the subject
Haters will be haters I guess

Your Right Box,
I understand the BCWF, and it's direction of helping wildlife, and yes, if it aligns with RainCoast, then in my opinion,
that's "fantastic" (as vanderzam would say).
I am confused by some when they see that bcwf/raincoast work together.
To me, it says "WE BOTH AGREE" on the "solution".
That's great folks, if you can get past the alliance.
And, when it has to come to the next issue, there probably "won't be an alliance", cause we all know RainCoast will have a different agenda at times against hunting, and, if you are all to dumb to realize BCWF will not go that direction, that they want hunting here in BC, then I don't know what to say.

As for "our Representation" (nonFN/Residents/GO's), we do need a voice, now!
There is nothing wrong in supporting BCWF, if you ask me.
There is no reason you all cant support both, should that day come.
I never asked that people abandon BCWF.
I had just hoped that we might find some past folks who know how to get organized etc, so that we can get representation.
It is unfortunate, that BCWF cant get "rebranded" somehow????? (but I understand the difficulty)

Anyways, I am never going to kick bcwf and it members, and their hard work.
And it is so very obvious, that there are a "few members here" that all they want to do, is see bcwf membership crash.
Funny thing is, it is no different then many of us wanting to see the GOABC "crash"....hmmm.

That's where I just shake my head, as in the end, we all lose representation, and we keep losing areas to hunt.
All of us.

09-09-2018, 12:10 PM
BCWF is the best for experience with all this stuff, herd it b4 many times and talked with all the important people involved in all groups.
-- know more about this BC province now then ever b4 also , so don't be putting this BCWF down in anyway if you hunt in B.C.
Jel -- learn to have conversation about all these topics, with the players involved, in the whole of B.C. thru the BCWF. Already well ahead in many areas.

09-09-2018, 03:16 PM
This is how I see it. BCWF is unable/ unwilling to get into the political ring both provincially ( grizzly hunt) and federally with the current issues regarding the FN blockades for LEH moose. I am a member of BCWF as well as SCI Westcoast. I will try not to step on any toes. SCI has no political affiliation they are a hunter first group ( it's in the name) always fighting for our right to hunt. We've had a Rep from SCI Canada lobbying in both Victoria and Ottawa trying to protect our rights. They oppose the Grizz ban citing closure was not based on scientific evidence. As a group we believe a major issue contributing to lower numbers of ungulates is the lack of predetor control. At this time I'm not sure what is happening in regards to the illegal blockades for Moose, but I believe they will be on top of it trying to make some headway for us the lowly and almost forgotten resident hunter.

09-09-2018, 07:08 PM
Alliance ?
So the Fed happened to have the same opinion about a conservation issue as others sitting at a roundtable on the subject
Haters will be haters I guess
Alliance yes, hater no

09-09-2018, 08:52 PM
This is how I see it. BCWF is unable/ unwilling to get into the political ring both provincially ( grizzly hunt) and federally with the current issues regarding the FN blockades for LEH moose. I am a member of BCWF as well as SCI Westcoast. I will try not to step on any toes. SCI has no political affiliation they are a hunter first group ( it's in the name) always fighting for our right to hunt. We've had a Rep from SCI Canada lobbying in both Victoria and Ottawa trying to protect our rights. They oppose the Grizz ban citing closure was not based on scientific evidence. As a group we believe a major issue contributing to lower numbers of ungulates is the lack of predetor control. At this time I'm not sure what is happening in regards to the illegal blockades for Moose, but I believe they will be on top of it trying to make some headway for us the lowly and almost forgotten resident hunter.
Good to hear, I will be supporting both SCI westcoast and the BCWF in the future....

09-10-2018, 05:25 AM
I just went SCI’s website to see how to join, and there is zero info and dead links. It’s a joke from what their site shows. I would join right now if they had their chit together. We definitely need a STRONG voice at this time when every FN group is getting involved in shutting down hunting in “their” territory. I was born and raised here in B.C. too, so this is also MY territory!