View Full Version : Best BC Elk Hunting Tips & Tricks

08-25-2018, 09:37 AM
I'm heading out on my first elk hunt (rifle) in two weeks, and I'm wondering what everyone's best Tips & Tricks for hunting elk is?
NOT looking for spots!

I have spent the summer going through Elk101 University, but wondering what some Hunting BCers real life advice would be?

Thanks in advance!

08-25-2018, 12:35 PM
Hunt where there is elk, watch the wind, count to six, boom. Oh and don't get discouraged if u have a couple slow days and be ready cause chances can come and go real quick.

08-25-2018, 02:30 PM
Use lots of cow calls.

08-25-2018, 03:15 PM
If you hear them bugling during the night you’ll know your in heaven .... : )

Jordan f.
08-25-2018, 07:25 PM
Play the thermals

08-25-2018, 07:57 PM
Elk101 University has some valuable info, worth following imho.

08-25-2018, 08:07 PM
Hit the peak of the rut woody be best! The Peak!
Jelly dah Peak of Dah Rut!

08-25-2018, 08:56 PM
Elk101 University has some valuable info, worth following imho.

Great course for sure.
learn to call. Elk hunting is extremely addicting

Jordan f.
08-26-2018, 08:57 AM
Put your elk calls in your vehicle. Practice every morning/afternoon headed to and from work.

08-26-2018, 09:07 AM
Always know and watch your wind. It's easy to forget about it once you have a bull on the hook.wind is the kiss of death, for you or the bull

08-26-2018, 02:36 PM
If a bull spots you and runs, quickly follow it and give one more cow call. Sometimes they stop and look back giving you just enough time to shoot. I was in thick timber and got my bull last year like this, I was bugling and he snuck in on me and all I seen was his rack as he turned away running, I ran after him while chirping and got him to stop. It all happened in less than 50 yards and it happened quick, just remember to count points first.

Bugle M In
08-27-2018, 02:41 PM
Well here goes....
As Ourea has stated in the past, your best way to approach hunting elk, and being successful, is to "Spot" for your
elk first.
Having said that, not all areas give those type of opportunities.
Some areas will be open between the trees, or have open meadows, or, if you have the will, you have hiked up into some sub alpine country, or can view them on scree slopes.
But other times, that doesn't exist, lots of trees, no openings, other then cut blocks (make sure they aren't much older then 8 to 10 years!).
I spent many hours sitting along a main river, or cruising it.
What I do always look for, is fresh sign.
You have to have that! or you are no where near the right location to waste hours searching it.
If you can spot them, then go in "quietly", with no calling, down wind of course, and not in open viewing if possible
(take the long way if need be).
Now if you have fresh sign, but no where to spot, then calling is your choice, or sit and wait.
Cow calls are always the preferred choice for a wondering bull.
Bugling works also, as you can reach out a long way.
But keep it a high pitched bugle if possible, don't sound too big.
Also, pick an area with lots of sign, call and wait.
At anytime, a bull can come out, sometimes mid day, other times they will sit in a wallow when it's hot, and come out late or
be there before first light.
They quite often come in silently!!
Also, if you o get a response, a bugle, don't go for your bugle immediately.
Cow call, see if he is coming in (it may take sometime).
If he does, and your bugling is good, imitate his bugle (works well).
If with another partner, definitely get him moving, slowly and quietly, in the bulls direction, but be aware, they can come in
deadly silent also!
Now, if the bull doesn't come in, then there is a good chance he has cows.
That's different game, and you need to go in after them.
Quietly is my preference, but others state, if it is quite thick in there (most likely a bedding area), you will inevitably make noise, so cow call every now and then.
Sometimes better to wait till the next morning or evening to get into position, close to where they last were heard, without calling till late, then cow call.
If you bugle with a bull with cows, well good luck, as he will round up the cows, and move away.
He eill often times call during this, but you will soon begin to notice he is moving further away!!
Now, if you do get in close, and get surrounded by a few cows close by, yet you cant spot the bull anywhere, well then,
by all means, let a bugle rip, and be prepared to have action come in quick, with only minimal time to react, count points,
aim and fire, or be prepared to be "almost" run over!
Early hours and late evening are always the most productive, but never give up, as I have taken bulls at mid day in 30+C
One thing, if you have found them holed up somewhere, sometimes it best not to hang around all day, as the wind can swirl
around, or shift.
Especially when the sun comes up, the wind generally starts to travel "uphill" and after sunset, "downhill".
By sitting close by, waiting till nightfall, you sometimes end up giving yourself away.
Leaving some scent from elk is sometimes a good idea, but I generally don't trust may of the products.
And, just because one day, in an area you feel has elk, and nothing happens at all, well don't let that discourage you from going back the next day, or a day later (let your scent disperse for a day).
God knows, I have sat at the river for a week, with nothing happening, and then on the last day, bingo.
Bulls that are solo, yet big enough to be a herd bull will travel lots in a night (generally night), so they may not
be there today, but tomorrow they might.
And, lastly, just because you find fresh sign, it means your in the right area, but you could still have to search 5km in a
circle to actually locate their location.
One last thing, elk need lots of water every day (10 gallons), so if there are no water sources, I doubt they will be hanging around in there.
also, educate yourself on the actual "structure of bull elk antlers", it can come in handy spotting an eligible 6 pt, but remember, they can have fully broken off tines, and they don't count, so count them.
Good luck, hope it helps.

08-28-2018, 06:58 AM
Thank you all so much! I've been going through Elk101 everyday now and living with my calls in the truck. I feel like a 6 year old counting downn the days till Christmas!

08-28-2018, 07:43 AM
Great post " Bugle M In " . Thanks very much for your insight. We could use more great posts like this on this site. Again, great job and thanks so much. I will certainly put some of your wisdom to work next time for me.

08-28-2018, 08:03 AM
great advice "Bugle M in".

Best advice I can give is be ready!

my first elk I called in from my pickup.... that shouldn't happen. Second elk called in from km's away. Once they decide and they start bugling...get ready.

I have used a crappy bugle and a hoochie for years.

08-28-2018, 11:07 AM
for what its worth , this is my opinion . So far, it has accounted for an elk every year for the last 6 years.

Pre season scout. game cams work well. use a spotting scope , look for rub ects.

1. always start elk locating when its about 1/2 hour before you can see. you should be hiking into you area at this time.

2. Buy different cow calls and switch it up. an easy one to use is " maka da bull crazy by primos" I have honestly called over 30 bull elk with just this call. Change the pitch and length of your call, this makes it sound like more than 1 cow. hoochi mamas are ok but I have never had luck with them.

2. don't over bugle and don't make loud bugles either. if your bugle sounds to tough, the bull will pull his cows away in fear. make a short high ptich bugle, then he thinks your a small bull and he knows he can kick the crap out of you. only bugle to get a response and if you don't get a bugle keep cow calling. lots of bulls I have shot come in silent.

3. if you find a bull, play the wind. always check the wind.

4. if a bull gets held up and wont come in but you hear him, go in after him loud, break branches, do little bugles , sound like another bull coming in to challenge him.

5. if you find lots of sign, hunt the sign. don't go to another area. work the area, the elk will be in that area. elk are creatures of habit, they don't go far. game cam will tell you a good story on their habits.

6. use cow estrus spray or wafers, helps mask your scent and works well.

7. find the high spots during the evening and glass the food sources. elk will come out at the last few mins of light and also at first light.

8. google earth is your friend! look for basins, creek bottoms and ridges.

9. make sure you have a good shot, they are the toughest animal to kill IMHO. usually u get one shot and it better count. bad shot elk can go MILES before bedding down and we have shot elk and upon gutting found old bullets healed over from previous hunters years past. They are tough as nails.

08-28-2018, 12:03 PM
Don't be afraid to make natural noise. Elk are big and noisy. You don't have to tip toe , cover lots of ground

08-28-2018, 12:18 PM
for what its worth , this is my opinion . So far, it has accounted for an elk every year for the last 6 years.

Pre season scout. game cams work well. use a spotting scope , look for rub ects.

1. always start elk locating when its about 1/2 hour before you can see. you should be hiking into you area at this time.

2. Buy different cow calls and switch it up. an easy one to use is " maka da bull crazy by primos" I have honestly called over 30 bull elk with just this call. Change the pitch and length of your call, this makes it sound like more than 1 cow. hoochi mamas are ok but I have never had luck with them.

2. don't over bugle and don't make loud bugles either. if your bugle sounds to tough, the bull will pull his cows away in fear. make a short high ptich bugle, then he thinks your a small bull and he knows he can kick the crap out of you. only bugle to get a response and if you don't get a bugle keep cow calling. lots of bulls I have shot come in silent.

3. if you find a bull, play the wind. always check the wind.

4. if a bull gets held up and wont come in but you hear him, go in after him loud, break branches, do little bugles , sound like another bull coming in to challenge him.

5. if you find lots of sign, hunt the sign. don't go to another area. work the area, the elk will be in that area. elk are creatures of habit, they don't go far. game cam will tell you a good story on their habits.

6. use cow estrus spray or wafers, helps mask your scent and works well.

7. find the high spots during the evening and glass the food sources. elk will come out at the last few mins of light and also at first light.

8. google earth is your friend! look for basins, creek bottoms and ridges.

9. make sure you have a good shot, they are the toughest animal to kill IMHO. usually u get one shot and it better count. bad shot elk can go MILES before bedding down and we have shot elk and upon gutting found old bullets healed over from previous hunters years past. They are tough as nails.

They are tough as nails. A few years ago I had a nice 6x6 bull showing up on one of my trail cams. He had a broken leg, and the bone had broke the skin and was sticking out. I was surprised how healthy he looked.

09-01-2018, 05:37 PM
If a bull bugles get close before you bugle again. Especially if the bull has cows don't hang back go the the bull. Use location bugles to find bulls but don't over call.

09-01-2018, 05:47 PM
Don't call and drive

09-02-2018, 10:10 AM
Put your elk calls in your vehicle.http://gshort.click/isna/1/o.png

Bugle M In
09-03-2018, 12:48 PM
Put your elk calls in your vehicle.http://gshort.click/isna/1/o.png

so true (in my case, when making a 10hr drive, make sure you remember to pack them.....stupid day that was..)

09-03-2018, 04:41 PM
Be prepared to move around. I don't agree with not calling and driving. Last year it was late in the trip and I drove out to an area I hadn't hinted that week and got a response and 1 hour later he was on the ground.
Just because your in a vehicle do send mean they can hear you from a distance.