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08-06-2018, 09:53 PM
So the story goes like this;

This is my fourth year trying to get a black bear without any success.
Most of my attempt on bagging one was short day trips
that were not productive at all. I finally realized that day
trips are pretty much waste of gas for city dwellers like me.
Probably all of you experienced hunters roll their eyes and think
I could have told you so, but it took me a while to realize it so go easy on me.

I heard that Clearwater is a great area to go for bears.
My new plan is to be out in the woods on Aug 31st to get familiar with the area
and be ready to hunt on Sep 1st, I'm thinking about staying for up to three nights
if necessary. I will be alone so I would prefer to be hunting close to the road, it would
be probably not a good idea to shoot the first bear miles away from the car in a rough terrain.

I've never been in the woods in Clearwater area so I pull up the trusty google earth and
quickly realize that there are a lots of logging roads in all directions around Clearwater.

Now to my dilemma, which way am I going? South? North? East? West?...
As customary on all thread where people asking for help;
"I am not looking for your honey hole, I am just looking for advice what area should I focus on". :rolleyes:

Now that we have this out of the way;
Is it even a good idea to head there this early in the season?
Is there a better place/time I should go?

I would be gladly buying the doughnuts and coffee if someone is out for bear at the
same time and would be willing to show me the ropes.

I appreciate any help that puts me closer to that mystical furry creature. :grin:

Thank you.

08-06-2018, 10:06 PM
There’s nothing wrong with day trips. In my opinion, bear hunting is mostly about right place at the right time, and glassing. Both work for cruising around on logging roads for the day (afternoon/evening). If you’re enjoying your time in the bush, then it’s not a waste of gas. My son and I got this one last November. It took a mixture of day trips and 5 day trips before we found one we wanted.





08-06-2018, 10:28 PM
Don't ever let the pressure of punching a tag detract from the enjoyment of the hunt. good times = success.

week long hunts improve your odds as you can focus on what is happening in a given area.

08-06-2018, 10:34 PM
Man it will probably be real hot here during that time. Bears could be hard to come by. On the other hand if you were to get up in the high country and find some berry patches you could have success. I’d offer to show you some spots but I’ll be elk hunting. PM if you want and I’ll try to steer you right.

08-06-2018, 10:39 PM
Boston Bar = Blackbears

08-06-2018, 10:54 PM
Boston Bar = Blackbears

yes this is true, hit the hydro road that parallels the Fraser off of Keefers

08-07-2018, 03:14 AM
Don't ever let the pressure of punching a tag detract from the enjoyment of the hunt. good times = success.

week long hunts improve your odds as you can focus on what is happening in a given area.

X2 on this! Go have fun... spring for bear hunting, if you see a big one in the fall...bonus

08-07-2018, 05:53 AM
There’s nothing wrong with day trips. In my opinion, bear hunting is mostly about right place at the right time, and glassing. Both work for cruising around on logging roads for the day (afternoon/evening). If you’re enjoying your time in the bush, then it’s not a waste of gas. My son and I got this one last November. It took a mixture of day trips and 5 day trips before we found one we wanted.




Nice bear IslandWanderer, thank for sharing. By waste of time I mean it depends where you live,
Driving from Vancouver it takes ~3h to get in the bush and the same time to get back, this makes
for a very long day and not much time to hunt.

Don't ever let the pressure of punching a tag detract from the enjoyment of the hunt. good times = success.

week long hunts improve your odds as you can focus on what is happening in a given area.
I do enjoy every minute I make it outdoors, but after so many years it would be nice to bring
home some meat.

yes this is true, hit the hydro road that parallels the Fraser off of Keefers
Thanks, I will look into that.

Man it will probably be real hot here during that time. Bears could be hard to come by. On the other hand if you were to get up in the high country and find some berry patches you could have success. I’d offer to show you some spots but I’ll be elk hunting. PM if you want and I’ll try to steer you right.
Thank you for the offer Butcher, the heat is something I was worried about as well.

elch jager
08-07-2018, 07:44 AM
PM sent... honey hole disclosed. The locals thank you for your service... kill a bear and keep a clean campsite.

08-07-2018, 08:01 AM
Did someone say bears? *twitches* hmm it's almost bow season. How did that happen?

08-07-2018, 09:52 AM
Pm sent to your inbox

walks with deer
08-07-2018, 09:53 AM

i normally see alot of bears in bow season....giver balls buddy and saskatoon berry patches will still be producing...ummm had saskatoon cheesecake last night.

08-07-2018, 10:13 AM
Don't over think it. I shoot 2 bears a year just cruising cut blocks. Half the time I don't even have my shoes tied. All you need to do is put in time. Bears are spread out over the whole province. If you want to go to Clearwater then go for it, but you can't really pick a bad spot in BC. Lots of places closer to your home though.

08-07-2018, 12:36 PM
Nice bear IslandWanderer, thank for sharing. By waste of time I mean it depends where you live,
Driving from Vancouver it takes ~3h to get in the bush and the same time to get back...

If it makes you feel any better I’m 2-3 hours from good hunting too. We see most bears in the last few hours of the day, so we usually watch tv and drink coffee all morning before we even hop in the truck.

08-07-2018, 01:35 PM
Don't ever let the pressure of punching a tag detract from the enjoyment of the hunt. good times

Once you squeeze the trigger the work starts until it,s in the freezer. In the fall don't hunt to close to a salmon stream. I like bear meat and salmon but not together. :-)

08-07-2018, 04:21 PM
Hmmm BUTCHER...has given you sage advice..bang on....I will add one thing..USUALLY the last 30 minutes of each day..as its getting dark...BEST time but as tge season gets to fall..the bears can extend that feeding..look for leaves in the valley = water / moisture = fall berries..
Good luck

08-07-2018, 07:15 PM
You know what your problem is? You're out hunting for bears, you need to be out hunting for deer, or elk, or moose, something that is non bear... and then just when you think you are in a great spot to find said deer/elk/moose some bloody bear will be there... Then you'll get your bear...LOL

Seriously though, you don't have to go to Clearwater, but by all means, if going there gives you confidence, then go there! A big part of hunting is having confidence in yourself and in the area, so you continue to push hard, and keep going. I never go "hunting", I go walking in the forest with a gun a lot...........................

As was previously said though, I recommend staying away from any area close to the rivers, you'll see lots of bears, but frankly "fish bears" taste like a$$. You really want one of those alpine "berry bears" they taste so much better. But if tagging out on bear is your priority, then remember salmon are a fan favorite. Glass lots, remember black bears aren't just black, but if you see something that looks like a burnt stump, have a second look, could be a foraging bear. I have had success in flat areas, that have long ago been logged out, with lots of rotting wood, they love turning over the logs/stumps to find bugs etc... If you see these massive rotted logs that look like they have been moved, there is a bear in the area.

When its dry out like now, check creeks, run offs, etc, where the tasty green stuff grows. Bears do enjoy their share of "salad".

And most importantly have fun, explore the province, I actually envy you... You have a great "excuse" to go out and hunt.. Gotta tag that bear!

08-07-2018, 07:50 PM
A big thank you to everyone for all the tips and especially the PMs.
It is a big help and I feel confident that this is going to be the year of the bear ham
and not that of a tag salad.

I hope I will be sharing some nice pics in a few weeks.

Feel free to post more tips for fall bear if you feel like it, I'm sure someone
else is in the same situation as I am and will benefit from it.
It makes me wonder why are there so many spring bear threads but almost
none fall bear questions?

Once again a huge thank you to everyone for the overwhelming responses.

As was previously said though, I recommend staying away from any area close to the rivers, you'll see lots of bears, but frankly "fish bears" taste like a$$. You really want one of those alpine "berry bears" they taste so much better. But if tagging out on bear is your priority, then remember salmon are a fan favorite.
Actually I'm hoping for a nice fat "berry bear" as I'm planing to render the fat out of it. :) I heard bear fat pie crust supposed to be awesome.

08-07-2018, 08:07 PM
Hmmm any bear that is consuming rotting stinking salmon..will also be stinky unpalatable. .lol stay away from fall salmon if table fare is important.
Good luck straight shooting.

08-07-2018, 11:37 PM
early season id be looking for berry patches. another thing i do when scouting areas during hot times of the day when they might not be out, drive the roads and look for scat. if you find a road with lots you rather have several bears or frequent visitors both worth checking further into. Good luck!

Wild one
08-08-2018, 05:20 AM
Everyone mentioned berries which I agree with but once the berries dry up look for rose hips seems to be the next seasonal for bears switch to in many areas

08-11-2018, 09:39 PM
We were about 15’ from the bear we got last year and my son yells: it smells like fish!

Fishy pepperoni....

09-04-2018, 04:39 PM
Thanks everyone there is the summary of the trip;
